This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.
- Technical Manager
- Administrative Manager
Connectathon testing has three specific goals:
Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
- Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
- Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.
Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.
Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)
IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.
Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.
Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2012 European Connectathon are:
- Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested. Participation Fee is 4200 Euros per system. This includes 2 company/organisation representatives at the connectathon.
- There is no domain fee.
- Registration of additional company/organisation representatives if possible at the flat rate of 600 Euros for the entire event.
- Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
- Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 29th)
- Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
- All prices (in Euros) are subject to Belgium VAT at 21% which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
- "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
- Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
- Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than January 31st 2012. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 5th 2012 or purchase order has not been provided.
- The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.