
What is IHE Product Registry?

IHE Product Registry is a way to register and search products supporting IHE Profiles with published IHE Integration Statements.

Format of an IHE Integration Statement

Integration Statement accessible on the IHE Product Registry site follow the format defined by the IHE Technical Framework (see this link for a definition). Vendors may add a cover page and any necessary additional information in accordance with their product documentation policies. Vendor can use the form provided by this web site for editing their integration statement.

How to create an account and start with the Product Registry ? 

A tutorial movie shows you how to create an account and start with the Product Registry. movie-off

How to create a system with an Integration Statement and reference it for a user search ? 

A tutorial movie shows you how to create a system with an Integration Statement and reference it for a user search. movie-off

How to search an Integration Statement into the IHE Product Registry ? 

A tutorial movie shows you how to search an Integration Statement into the IHE Product Registry. movie

How to report an issue about the IHE Product Registry ? 

A tutorial movie shows you how to report an issue for the IHE Product Registry. movie

Ask for a new tutorial movie ?

Please write a JIRA feature request and describe your needs.


  1. Technical Framework with the details concerning IHE Integration Profiles and Actors :
  2. IHE :

  3. Gazelle : http//

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the IHE Product Registry 

Please visit our FAQ page