User Preferences

User preferences are mainly used the GazelleTest Management application to customize some views according to the user's wishes. The main preferences you may want to update are

  • The number of results (rows) in table
  • Whether or not you want the diagram sequence of a test to be displayed on the Test Instance page. If not, you may save some space in the page, the one will be lighter to load.

User preferences can also be used to communicate some useful pieces of information to monitors and other connectathon participants, such as your photo, the languages you speak...

To configure your own user preferences, you must first log in to Gazelle. Then, on the top right corner of Gazelle, click your username and then select User Preferences (shown below).


This link leads you to your preferences management page. If you never change anything, the page may look something like this.


Preferences on this page:

Change your password

Skype account During the connectathon week, it can be useful to communicate using Skype. Such a field already exists for the system but a monitor for example, who does not own systems may want to "publish" his/her Skype name to speak with other monitors or participants.

Table Label During the connectathon week, you will sit at a table, the one will be localized by everybody thanks to a table label, typically A1, J10... When you sit the first day of the connectathon, fill this value so that other attendees will find you more easily.

Spoken languages The languages you are able to speak.


Hit the Edit button to update those fields. The following panel will be displayed.


When you hit the "plus" icon, a menu is displayed and you can pick up your language(s). If need, hit the "red cross" button in front of a language to remove it from the list. When finish, hit the "finish" button.



When you hit the "add/change photo" button, a panel like the one below is displayed. Clicking on "add" will open your file repository. Select your photo, only PNG and JPG files are allowed. Be careful to do not choose a too large image, all images with a height greater than 150px will be proportionately resized up to 150px (height).

photo upload

Do not forget to save your changes before leaving this page.