LTW ORT Simulator (Now integrated in Order Manager)

The LTWO/ORT actor is now part of the Order Manager tool


The LTW ORT Simulator emulates the actor ORT (Order Results Tracker) involved in the Laboratory Testing Workflow (LTW) integration profile. The simulator can be used to simulate the missing partner when testing that profiles :

Integration ProfileActorOption
LTW Order Results Tracker  


The LTW ORT simulator can help testing applications implementing the Order Filler actor.

Release Notes

Change logs for the simulator can be found here


Information about the roadmap of the LTW ORT Simulator project can be found in the jira page.

LTW ORT Simulator - User Manual

Click here to access the LTW ORT Simulator.


This simulator is playing the role of the Order Results Tracker for the profile LTW.

This simulator receives messages from the Order Filler in the context of the transaction LAB-3.

The table below gathers the supported affinity domains, transactions and SUT actor.


Integration ProfileActorAffinity DomainTransactionSystem Under Test


 Order Results Tracker



 Order Filler


What is this simulator able to do ?

This simulator has been developed with the purpose of helping the developers of Order Filler actor to communicate with the ORT actor. 

The ORT simulator can handle messages of type OUL^R22^OUL_R22 and ORU^R01^ORU_R01 and responds with an Acknoledgment (ACK) message.  This transaction detail is illustrated in the sequence diagram below.

The ORT simulator is able to handle error cases and to indicate it in the ACK message.

Finally, this simulator makes available a HL7 validation service for messages (see this documentation page for more details).



Sending a message on the Simulator

Make sure your system is ready for sending messages to the LTW ORT Simulator.

  1. Go to Simulators --> Select the actor ORT.
  2. A sequence Diagram Picture is available to help you to understand the transaction and the role of each actors.
  3. Below this picture, a tab with all messages for the transaction and the actor selected is available. You can find your messages in using the filter fields.
  4. Don't forget to refresh this messages list. To do that, only hit the "Refresh List" buttom.

See the HL7 Messages details

This page allow users to visualize the information contained in the received HL7 messages.

This information is classified by :

  • Patient
  • Specimen
  • Observation Request
  • Common Order

For each elements, it is possible to see the dependency tree related to the others elements. (Use for that this button )

The User can click on each Tree node to view more information about this node. See an example below.