The following graph based on a slide from René Spronk (Ringholm bv), summarizes the CDA Validation options.
René Spronk wrote an excellent white paper on MIF, we recommend its reading in order to better understand the concepts. The definition extracted from that white paper states : "The Model Interchange Format (MIF) is a set of XML formats used to support the storage and exchange of HL7 version 3 artefacts as part of the HL7 Development Framework. It is the pre-publication format of HL7 v3 artefacts used by tooling. It is also the formal definition of the HL7 metamodel. The MIF can be transformed into derived forms such as UML/XMI or OWL."
We use the tool H3ET writen by JivaMedical ( The jar can be downloaded from page Eclipse Instance Editor at the following URL :