The CSM Simulator allows the users of the simulator to send Code Sets to CSC actors. The CSM simulator provides some sample Code Sets (at least one for each message type that can be used to feed client Code Set Consumer. In this case, the CSM Simulator acts as an initiator and the CSC SUT as a responder.
To communicate with your system under test, the simulator needs your system's endpoint configuration. The CSC actor acts as a Go to the LCSD Simulator: How to get started part of this tutorial for further details.
A tab with all messages for the transaction and the actor selected is available at the bottom. You can find your messages in using the filter fields.
You can display the codes send in each HL7 messages. To do that, just hit the buton in the action column. A new window will appear to display all codes contained in the selected HL7 message and send by the CSM actor.
For further details about this functionnality of the LCSD Simulator, go to the HL7 messages validation page.