Within the scope of the IHE mission, IHE-Europe will hold the annual Connectathon at BernExpo in Bern from May 21st to 25th, 2012. The IHE Connectathon is a 5-day event which main purpose is testing the interoperability and connectivity of health-care IT systems. This traditional event draws participation from across Europe, with more than 90 companies and 300 engineers participating. Also scheduled are a number of "parallel events", with daily round-tables and seminars on specific health-care topics.
For the 3nd time in Europe, Gazelle tool will be used for registration. Your 2010 and 2011, usernames and login are still working on this instance of Gazelle.
Please use the "lost password" button in case you have forgotten your password. If you need any assistance please contact us at INRIA (eric.poiseau@inria.fr)
Delivery by transporter is accepted only on Friday, 18 May 2012 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and during the CAT opening hours (Central European Time).
Delivery address
Door 1.1
Mingerstrasse 6
CH-3014 Bern
The calendar of the connectathon side event can be found there : http://cat2012.org/html/02_01_side_event.html
During the connectathon working hours will be the following :
![]() |
Register to the IHE Europe 2012 Connectathon mailing list |
E-mail : |
Visit group |
Not aware of any demonstration planning yet.
Please visit : http://cat2012.org/
Please visit : http://cat2012.org/
see the policies and guidelines
This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.
Connectathon testing has three specific goals:
Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.
IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.
Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.
Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2012 European Connectathon are:
The 2012 European Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held at the BernExpo congress center in Bern, Switzerland. We would like to welcome monitors on the connectathon floor at 9am on Monday May 21st. After you check in and get your monitor packet, we will meet with the monitor group at 10:30am for a 20-minute welcome/announcement session. You will find your table, get comfortable & connect to the network. The testing starts at 11am. If you cannot arrive by 10:30am, don't worry, we will have people to help you get settled later than that. The testing schedule is:
TODO : Table Assignments
TODO : Connectathon floor plan
TODO : Network information
Monitor assignement can be found into Gazelle Test Management: click on Admin -> Manage Monitors
Find your name
If you fill like you need to change the assignement contact Eric Poiseau or Anne-Gaëlle Bergé
Time / Duration
Req'd for new monitors Returing monitors are welcome |
Monitor Training |
April 3rd 2-4pm April 4th 4-6pm |
**optional** educational material for monitors | IHE 2011 Educational Webinar Series IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during 2011. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. |
varies |
New monitors |
IHE Terminology (link to streaming video) |
0:40 |
New monitors | Connectathon Terminology: Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors) |
0:11 |
All monitors |
How to use the gazelle tool (helpful instructions in Word format) |
Contact these folks during the week if you have questions or problems. Support for specific tools is in the next section.
Connectathon Management (testing process questions, dropping profiles, gen'l support...) | Eric Poiseau or Lynn Felhofer |
Network Support | IHE Suisse Staff |
Logistics (badges, lunch, fees, hotel...) | Connectathon sponsor staff | welcome desk |
Lab Domain tests | Nicolas Lefevre or François Macary |
Cardiology Domain | Lynn Felhofer | |
ITI Domain tests | Lynn Felhofer | |
PCC Domain tests | ||
PCD Domain tests | ||
Radiology Domain tests | Lynn Felhofer |
To prepare for the January connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1"
for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's
Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1
contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a
diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical
details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do
not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial
Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated
into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.
If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "IHE Terminology" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.
IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical
Framework page of ihe.net. We have created this index to help you find
each profile: Summary of IHE Technical Requirements
We have put together this FAQ page with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.
For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact office@ihe-europe.net
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assigment, contact Eric Poiseau.
Testing of Cross-Community profile (XCA, XCA-I and XCPD) is directly organized by monitors during connectathon week. Unlike most connectathon tests, you will not choose your own partners. If you are doing cross-community testing, a monitor will visit you on Monday or Tuesday to explain the planning. In the meantime, you can review this document to review the planning document for cross-community tests: http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/File:XCA_connectathon_test_planning-Bern.doc
This page applies to vendors testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and XCA, XCA-I, XCPD.
If you're testing these profiles, please review this page during May.
In Bern, we will have 3 XDS Affinity Domains. Each of these domains is associated with its own Patient ID assigning authority. For ease of reference we call these the Red domain (, the Green domain (, and the Blue domain ( We also have a 'local' Patient ID assigning authority (
If you have questions about multiple affinity domain testing at the connecthon, ask Lynn Felhofer.