Patient Manager tests

Pre-connectathon testing for systems implementing the PAM (Patient Administration Management) integration profile are perfomed against the Patient Manager simulator available at

Before starting your tests, please set up properly your system and/or give the correct information to the simulator in order to enable it to access your system under test. We also strongly recommend to read the documentation located at

Patient Demographic Suppliers

Read the configuration parameters of the Patient Demographic Consumer part of the simulator and configure your system to send messages to this part of the simulator. You will find this information following the menu: Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Consumer/Configuration and messages. Be careful to select the right character encoding before checking the receiving port. 

The messages you will send to the simulator will also be available on that page.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Demographic Consumers

Register your system under test into the Gazelle simulator following the menu SUT Configurations, then click on "Create a configuration". Select the SUT actor as "PDC" and select the encoding character set expected by your SUT otherwise your system will not be able to decode the messages. Make sure your system is available from the Internet and no firewall prevents Gazelle to access your tool.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Encounter Suppliers

Read the configuration parameters of the Patient Encounter Consumer part of the simulator and configure your system to send messages to this part of the simulator. You will find this information by following the menu: Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Consumer/Configuration and messages. Be carreful to select the right character encoding before checking the receiving port.

The messages you will send to the simulator will also be available on that page.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Encounter Consumers

Register your system under test into the Gazelle simulator following the menu SUT Configurations, then click on "Create a configuration". Select the SUT actor as "PEC" and select the right encoding character set otherwise you may receive messages your system will not be able to decode. Make sure your system is available from the Internet and no firewall prevents Gazelle to access your tool.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

12122: Patient Encounter Management

This test will be performed against the PAMSimulator tool. The goal of this test is to check the capability of your system to send/receive the messages defined within the ITI-31 (Patient Encounter Management) transaction. This test is only dealing with the basic set of trigger events defined for ITI-31, that means Patient admisssion, registration, discharge and the relative cancellation.


You will retrieve the patients the simulator has sent or received under the "All patients" menu; for each patient, the list of relative encounters is available under the tab entitled "Patient's encounters". You may want to use the filter to facilitate your search. If you are using the simulator as a PES, you can log onto the application using the CAS mechanism (use your Gazelle credentials) and easily retrieve the patients you have created within the application by checking the "see only patients created by me" checkbox. If you use the simulator as a PEC, the creator of the patients/encounters received by the simulator is the sending facility_sending application of your system under test.  Once you have found the right patient, click on the magnifying glass you will get the permanent link to this patient; copy and paste it into the comment box of your pre-connectathon test instance. 

Before starting your test, please read the instructions at


This test requires three patients we will name Patient1, Patient2 and Patient3. According the PAM profile, there is no need for the consumer to be aware of these patients before receiving encounter notifications for them.

This test is divided into two parts:

Patient Encounter Supplier

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Encounter Consumer. Go to the Patient Encounter/Management/Patient Encounter Consumer page in order to retrieve the configuration (IP address, port, receiving facility/application) of the simulator.

1. Admit patient

  1. Within your system, create Patient1 and Patient2. Patient class for both patients needs to be "inpatient" (I). If you are not inspired for creating patient demographics, you can use the Demographic Data Server Gazelle application, or, if your system is also a Patient Demographic Consumer, use the PAM Simulator for receiving patients.
  2. For each patient, send a ADT^A01^ADT_A01 message to the simulator in order to admit them as inpatient.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your messages. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test reports into Gazelle Test Management.

2. Register patient

  1. Within your system, create Patient3. Patient class for this patient must be "outpatient" (O). 
  2. Send a ADT^A04^ADT_A01 message to the simulator to register this patient.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

3. Cancel admission

  1. Within your system, cancel the admission of Patient1.
  2. Send a ADT^A11^ADT_A09 message to notify the simulator of the cancellation of admission for Patient1.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 

4. Discharge patient

  1. Within your system, end the encounter of Patient2.
  2. Send a ADT^A03^ADT_A03 message to notify the simulator of the ending of the encounter for Patient2.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledges your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

5. Cancel discharge

  1. Within your system, cancel the discharge of Patient2.
  2. Send a ADT^A13^ADT_A01 message to notify the simulator of the cancellation of discharge for Patient2.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

In order to help the connectathon manager with checking this test, go to "All patients" page and retrieve Patient1, Patient2, Patient3. For each of those patients, copy the permanent link and paste it in Gazelle Test Management.




Patient Enconter Consumer

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Encounter Supplier. You may want to log onto the application to easily retrieve the patients/encounter you will create. Go to the Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier page.

1. Admit patient

In this step, you are going to create Patient1 and Patient2 and to admit them as inpatients.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Admit  inpatient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A01)"
  3. Select the "Generate a patient" option and in the "Patient generation with DDS" panel, select a country and click on the "Generate patient" button.
  4. Fill out the encounter showing up below the patient information, do not forget to choose "Inpatient" as patient class.
  5. Hit the "Send" button at the bottom of the page and check the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system.
  6. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 
  7. Hit the "Perform another test" button and redo steps 1 to 6 for admitting Patient2.
  8. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of admission of those two patients and upload it into Gazelle Test Management.

2. Register patient

In this step, you are expected to create Patient3 and to register them as outpatient.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Register  outpatient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A04)"
  3. Select the "Generate a patient" option and in the "Patient generation with DDS" panel, select a country and click on the "Generate patient" button.
  4. Fill out the encounter showing up below the patient information, do not forget to choose "Outpatient" as patient class.
  5. Hit the "Send" button at the bottom of the page and check the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system.
  6. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 
  7. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of the registration of this patient and upload it into Gazelle

3. Cancel admission

In this step, you are expected to cancel the admission of Patient1.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Admit  inpatient" and the action to perform to "CANCEL (A11)"
  3. Select Patient1 from the list displayed and cancel his/her admission.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of the cancellation of this admission.

4. Discharge patient


In this step, you are expected to discharge Patient2.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Discharge patient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A03)"
  3. Select Patient2 from the list displayed, then, select the encounter to end. Do not forget to fill out the discharge date/time  before clicking on the "Send" button.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof that the patient is discharged.

5. Cancel discharge

In this step, your are expected to cancel the discharge of Patient2

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Discharge  patient" and the action to perform to "CANCEL (A13)"
  3. Select Patient2 from the list displayed and select the encounter to reopen. Cancel the discharge.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof that the encounter has been reopened.

In order to help the connectathon manager with checking this test, go to "All patients" page and retrieve Patient1, Patient2, Patient3. For each of those patients, copy the permanent link and paste it in Gazelle Test Management.


12104: Patient Identification Management

The aim of this pre-connectathon test is to check your system under test is able to receive/send the messages exchanged within the ITI-30 (Patient Identification Management) transaction. Here, we are testing your capability to create a new patient, update his/her demographics and identifiers and, depending of the set of options you support, to merge and/or link patient demographic information.

Both actors (Patient Demographic Consumer and Patient Demographic Supplier) will be asked to test against the PAM Simulator. For each step of this test, you are expected to provide the permanent link to the patient sent or received by the simulator and the permanent link to the test report.

You will retrieve the patients the simulator has sent or received under the "All patients" menu. You may want to use the filter to facilitate your search. If you are using the simulator as a PDS or PES, you can log onto the application using the CAS mechanism (use your Gazelle credentials) and easily retrieve the patients you have created within the application by checking the "see only patients created by me" checkbox. If you use the simulator as a PDC or PEC, the creator of the patients received by the simulator is the sending facility_sending application of your system under test.  Once you have found the right patient, click on the magnifying glass you will get the permanent link to this patient; copy and paste it into the comment box of your pre-connectathon test instance. 

The test report is also available through a permanent link. Go to the "HL7 Messages" page and select the message related to the current step, you will be the link to the test report.

Before starting your test, please read the instructions at

Test definition for Patient Demographic Consumer actor

Test definition for Patient Demographic Supplier actor

Patient Demographic Consumer

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Demographic Supplier. You may want to log onto the application to easily retrieve the patients you will create. You will have to switch among the pages available under the Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Supplier menus.

1. Patient creation

In this step, you are expected to send to your simulator two new patients (ADT^A28^ADT_A05 messages). Go to Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Supplier/Create new Patient. 

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Select "generate a patient" option. 
  3. Within the "Patient Generation with DDS" panel, set the creation criteria of your choice and click the "Generate patient"  button. If you need your patient to have a specific identifier, then click on the "Modify patient data"  button and go to the Patient's identifiers tab and update the identifiers in a way your system under test will accept the patient.
  4. Finally, hit the "Send ADT^A28^ADT_A05" button. 
  5. Make sure the simulator receives an ackwnoledgment from your system and that the patient is properly registered in your system.
  6. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good registration of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Patient creation". This patient will be called Patient1 further.
  7. Hit the "Create another patient"  button and redo steps 2 to 5. The aim of this second run is to create another patient who will be used later for merge or link. You only need to enter into Gazelle Test Management the permanent link to this new patient. This patient will be called Patient2 further.

2. Update patient information

In this step, you are expected to update the first name of Patient1 and send the notification to your system under test. Go to Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Supplier/ Update patient information.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Retrieve patient1 and hit the "update" button in order to edit his/her demographics. Update the first name of this patient and click on the "Send ADT^A31^ADT_A05"  button. 
  3. Make sure the simulator receives and acknowledgment from your system and that the patient is properly updated in your system.
  4. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good update of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Update patient information".

3. Change patient's identifier list

In this step, you are expected to change one of the identifiers of Patient1. Go to Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Suppliser/Change patient identifier list.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu
  2. Retrieve the patient you have just edited and hit the "update patient identifier list" button.
  3. Change one of the identifiers of the patient, for example replace "DDS" by "NW" in the ID part of the identifier (DDS-1234 becomes NW-1234). Click on the "Send ADT^A47^ADT_A30" button.
  4. Make sure the simulator receives and acknowledgment from your system and that the patient identifier is properly updated in your system.
  5. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good update of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Update patient information".

4. Merge patients (if option supported by your SUT)

In this step, you will reuse Patient1 and Patient2 and merge them. Go to Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Supplier/Merge patients.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Retrieve the two patients to merge. 
  3. Drag and drop Patient2 to the first box (Patient with incorrect identifier)
  4. Drag and drop Patient1 to the second box (Target patient) and hit the "Send ADT^A40^ADT_A39"  button.
  5. Make sure the simulator receives and acknowledgment from your system and that the patients are properly merged within your system (Patient1 must remain).
  6. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good merging of the patients. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to Patient2 and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Update patient information".

5. Link patients (if option supported by your SUT)

In this step, you will reuse Patient1 and Patient2 and merge them. If your SUT supports both merge and link options and if you have already performed step4; please create a third patient to replace Patient2 in this test. Go to Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Supplier/Link Unlink patients.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Retrieve the patients to link.
  3. Drag and drop Patient1 to the first box (Patient One)
  4. Drag and drop Patient2 to the second bow (Patient Two) and hit the "Send ADT^A24^ADT_A24" button.
  5. Make sure the simulator receives and acknowledgment from your system and that the patients are properly linked within your system.
  6. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good merging of the patients. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to Patient2 and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Update patient information".


Patient Demographic Supplier

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Demographic Consumer. The creator of the patients you will send to the simulator will be set up from the sending facility and application values contained in the received HL7 messages. The configuration of this part of the simulator is available under Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Consumer/Configuration and messages.

1. Patient creation

  1. Within your system, create two patients. If you are not inspired, you can use the Demographic Data Server application to get demographic data for those patients. First name of the second patient (named Patient2 further, other one will be named Patient1) shall be "Wrong". Note that the simulator accepts patient identifiers from any assigning authority.
  2. Send a ADT^A28^ADT_A05 message to the simulator for each of the patients.
  3. In the simulator, hit the "Refresh List" button, you may see the messages you have sent to the simulator. Open those messages and copy and paste the permanent link to test report into Gazelle Test Management.
  4. Go to the "All patients" page and retrieve the patients you have sent to the simulator. Copy and paste their permanent links into Gazelle Test Management.

2. Update patient information

  1. Within your system, change the first name of Patient1 to "Updated".
  2. Send a ADT^A31^ADT_A05 message to the simulator to notify the update of Patient1.
  3. In the simulator, hit the "Refresh List" button, you may see the message you have sent to the simulator. Open the message and copy and paste the permanent link to test report into Gazelle Test Management.
  4. Go to the "All patients" page and retrieve the patient you have updated. Copy and paste its permanent link into Gazelle Test Management.

3. Change patient's identifier list

  1. Within your system, update the identifier of Patient1 by prefixing the ID by NW.
  2. Send a ADT^A47^ADT_A30 message to the simulator to notify the update of Patient1.
  3. In the simulator, hit the "Refresh List" button, you may see the message you have sent to the simulator. Open the message and copy and paste the permanent link to test report into Gazelle Test Management.
  4. Go to the "All patients" page and retrieve the patient you have updated. Copy and paste its permanent link into Gazelle Test Management.

4. Merge patients (if option supported by your SUT)

  1. Within your system, merge Patient1 and Patient2 in a way that Patient1 remains.
  2. Send a ADT^A40^ADT_A39 message to the simulator to notify the merging of those patients.
  3. In the simulator, hit the "Refresh List" button, you may see the message you have sent to the simulator. Open the message and copy and paste the permanent link to test report into Gazelle Test Management.
  4. Go to "All patients" page and retrieve Patient2. Copy and paste its permanent link into Gazelle Test Management.

5. Link patients (if option supported by your SUT)

  1. Within your system, link Patient with Patient2.
  2. Send a ADT^A24^ADT_A24 message to the simulator to notify the linking of this patients.
  3. In the simulator, hit the "Refresh List" button, you may see the message you have sent to the simulator. Open the message and copy and paste the permanent link to test report into Gazelle Test Management.
  4. Go to "Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Consumer/Received Patient links and check that the link has been properly created.

12123: Inpatient/Outpatient Encounter Management

This test deals with the subset of trigger events defined for the Inpatient/Outpatient Encounter Management option of ITI-31 transaction. As a reminder, here is the list of events your system must support to fulfill the requirements of this option:

  • Pre-admit patient (A05/A38)
  • Transfer patient (A02/A12)
  • Change inpatient to outpatient (A07)
  • Change outpatient to inpatient (A06)

This test is written for both Patient Encounter Supplier and Patient Encounter Consumer, refer to the right section according the actors your system under test supports.

Patient Encounter Supplier

In this test, we check the capability of your system under test to send messages for notifying the PEC actor of new events. You are asked to test against the PAMSimulator. Your first task is to configured your system under test to tell it to send the messages to the PAMSimulator. To do so, retrieve the configuration of the PEC part of the simulator under Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Consumer/Configuration. Do not forgot to select the right character encoding before specifying the port to your system.

1. Initialize test

In this first step, you will feed the PAMSimulator with a new patient and encounter.

  1. Create a new patient and a new encounter (patient class = I) within your system
  2. Send a ADT^A01^ADT_A01 message to admit the patient
  3. Retrieve this patient in the simulator (use the All patients menu) and copy and paste the permanent link to the patient in your pre-connectathon logs.

2. Transfer patient and cancel movement

Once the patient is admitted, we will transfer him/her to a new bed.

  1. Within your system, update the bed (PL-3) in the patient location.
  2. Send a ADT^A02^ADT_A02 message to the simulator to transfer the patient to this new bed.
  3. Check that the simulator acknowledges the message with MSA-1 = AA.
  4. Tell your system under test that you have made a mistake and want to cancel the transfer.
  5. Send a ADT^A12^ADT_A12 message to cancel the transfer.
  6. Check that the simulator acknowledges the message with MSA-1 = AA.
  7. Go to HL7 messages menu of the simulator and retrieve the two messages you have sent to the simulator. Copy the permanent links to the test report and paste them in your pre-connectathon logs.

3. Change inpatient to outpatient

In this step, we will change the patient class to outpatient.

  1. Within your system, change the patient class to outpatient (code = O)
  2. Send a ADT^A07^ADT_A06 message to the simulator to update the patient class
  3. Check that the simulator acknowledges the message with MSA-1 = AA.
  4. Go to HL7 messages menu of the simulator and retrieve the message you have sent to the simulator. Copy the permanent link to the test report and paste it in your pre-connectathon logs.

4. Change outpatient to inpatient

In this step, we will change back the patient class to inpatient

  1. Within your system, put the patient class to inpatient (code = I)
  2. Send a ADT^A06^ADT_A06 message to the simulator to update the patient class
  3. Check that the simulator acknowledges the message with MSA-1 = AA.
  4. Go to HL7 messages menu of the simulator and retrieve the mesage you have sent to the simulator. Copy the permanent link to the test report and paste it in your pre-connectathon logs.

5. Pre-admit the patient for a new encounter and cancel it

This last step is used to check the ability of your system to send a pre-admission notification and its cancellation

  1. Within your system, pre-admit the patient for a new encounter planned on May, 20th 2012 at noon.
  2. Send a ADT^A05^ADT_A05 message to the simulator to notify it of this new encounter
  3. Tell your system under test that you have made a mistake and want to cancel the pre-admission.
  4. Send a ADT^A38^ADT_A38 message to cancel the pre-admission.
  5. Check that the simulator acknowledges the message with MSA-1 = AA.
  6. Go to HL7 messages menu of the simulator and retrieve the two messages you have sent to the simulator. Copy the permanent links to the test report and paste them in your pre-connectathon logs.

Patient Encounter Consumer

In this step, we check the capability of your system under test to act as a Patient Encounter Consumer for the PAM profile, and for the Inpatient/Outpatient Encounter Management option in particular. We want you to demonstrate that your system is able to integrate the notifications received from the PAM Simulator and to correctly acknowledge them.

1. Initialize test

  1. Access the PAMSimulator
  2. You can log in using CAS if you want to be set as the creator of the patients and encounters you will generate.
  3. You may have already registered your system under test within the simulator when performing test #12122.
  4. Go to Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier section of the PAM Simulator
  5. Create a new patient and a new inpatient encounter (class code = I/Inpatient)  for this patient. Patient's location must be the following:
  6. {syntaxhighlighter brush: as3;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }Point of care: Nursing station 1-East Room: Room 10 (1-East) Bed: Aisle Facility: British Hospital{/syntaxhighlighter}
  7. Send a ADT^A01^ADT_A01 message to your system under test (refer to test #12122 for detailed informations)
  8. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the admission of the patient (ensure that the assigned location of the patient is visible)
  9. Retrieve this patient in the simulator (use the All patients menu) and copy and paste the permanent link to the patient in your pre-connectathon logs.

2. Transfer patient to new bed and cancel the movement

In this step, we will transfer the patient to a new bed.

  1. Go to Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier section of the PAM Simulator
  2. From the "category of event" drop-down menu, select Transfer patient
  3. From the "action to perform" drop-down list, select INSERT (A02)
  4. Select the patient you have previously admitted and update his/her new bed. New patient's location must be the following {syntaxhighlighter brush: as3;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }Point of care: Nursing station 1-East Room: Room 10 (1-East) Bed: Middle Facility: British Hospital{/syntaxhighlighter}
  5. Click on the send button and check that your system returns an acknowledgement with MSA-1=AA
  6. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the transfer of the patient (we must see the new location)
  7. Click on "Perform another test"
  8. From the "action to perform" drop-down list, select CANCEL(A12) and select the patient's encounter you are working on
  9. Confirm the movement cancellation to send the ADT^A12^ADT_A12 message to your system under test.
  10. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the cancellation of the transfer (we must see the previous location)
  11. Go to the HL7 messages section of the simulator, retrieve the two previous messages, copy the permanent links to the test report and paste them in your pre-connectathon logs.

3. Change patient class to outpatient

This step is used to change the patient class to outpatient (code = O)

  1. Go back to  Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier section of the PAM Simulator
  2. From the "category if event" drop-down menu, select Change patient class to outpatient
  3. Select the patient/encounter you have previously admitted
  4. Edit the informations about the new outpatient encounter and click on "Send message"
  5. Check that your system returns an acknowledgement with MSA-1=AA
  6. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the modification of the patient class
  7. Go to the HL7 messages section of the simulator, retrieve the message you have just sent, copy the permanent link to the test report and paste it in your pre-connectathon logs.

4. Change patient class to inpatient

This step is used to change the patient class to inpatient (code = I)

  1. Go back to  Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier section of the PAM Simulator
  2. From the "category if event" drop-down menu, select Change patient class to inpatient
  3. Select the patient/encounter you have previously admitted
  4. Edit the informations about the new inpatient encounter and click on "Send message"
  5. Check that your system returns an acknowledgement with MSA-1=AA
  6. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the modification of the patient class
  7. Go to the HL7 messages section of the simulator, retrieve the message you have just sent, copy the permanent link to the test report and paste it in your pre-connectathon logs.

5. Pre-admit patient and cancel the pre-admission

In this step, we test the capability of your system to pre-admit a patient and to cancel this pre-admission.

  1. Go to Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier section of the PAM Simulator
  2. From the "category of event" drop-down menu, select Pre-admit patient
  3. From the "action to perform" drop-down list, select INSERT (A05)
  4. Select the patient you have previously admitted and create a new encounter for him/her.
  5. Click on the "Send message" button and check that your system returns an acknowledgement with MSA-1=AA
  6. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the pre-admission of this patient
  7. Click on "Perform another test"
  8. From the "action to perform" drop-down list, select CANCEL(A38) and select the patient's encounter you are working on
  9. Confirm the movement cancellation to send the ADT^A38^ADT_A38 message to your system under test.
  10. Take a screenshot of your application as a proof of the cancellation of the pre-admission
  11. Go to the HL7 messages section of the simulator, retrieve the two previous messages, copy the permanent links to the test report and paste them in your pre-connectathon logs.



PM_ITI-10-Receive: PIX Update Notification

This tests the ability of your application to receive an ITI-10 PIX update notification message.  This applies only to PIX Consumers that support the PIX Update Notification option.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator sending ITI-10 messages to your system under test.

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Before starting test steps, please configure the tool to send to your appliction using the SUT Configurations menu in the tool.
  2. Go to menu All Patients and, in the drop-down box "Simulated actor", select Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager.  The page then lists the patients known by the PIX Manager.
  3. Choose one of the available patients to use for this test.  You should then manually create that in your system (because this test will send you an update).

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patietn Manager tool to send a PIX update notification to your application. 

  1. Go to menu PIX --> Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager --> Cross-references management
  2. Check the box entitled "Send update notifications"
  3. Select your System under Test in the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the list of domains for which you will receive update notifications.
  5. From the list of all patients, select the patient you have previously entered within your system. (Use the magnifying glass in the Action column)
  6. The "Selected patient" is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  7. Next, Drag and drop an identifier from the list of patients above into the 'Selected patient'. This creates a 'cross-reference' between the two patients.  A message is displayed to inform you that a message was sent to your system.
  8. Make sure the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system and that the patient is properly updated in your system.
  9. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good registration of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Patient creation". 



The screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully processed the received message(s).


This test applies to Patient Demographic Consumers in the PDQ or PDQv3 Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Demographic Supplier responding to these queries.  Note that the test steps are the same no matter the will choose the transaction(s) supported by your Consumer.

  • ITI-21 and ITI 22 - Patient Demograhics (and Visit) Query (HL7v2) 
  • ITI-47 - Patient Demographics Query (HL7v3)

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Go to menu All Patients and, in the drop-down box "Simulated actor", select PDS - Patient Demographic Supplier.  The page then lists the patients known by the PDQ Supplier simulator.
  2. Choose one or more of the available patients to use as the target for your query in  this test.  

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patient Manager as a Patient Demographics Supplier (PDS) Simulator to respond to your PDQ Query.

  1. Access the Patient Manager tool:
  2. Go to menu PDQ-->Patient Demographic Supplier
  3. Next, select HL7v2 Configuration or HL7v3 Configuration
  4. The tool will now display the configuration details you will need to query the PDS Simulator.  Ensure the status of the Simulator is "Running"
  5. Perform your query.
  6. You can use menu HL7 messages to find the query & response captured by the tool.
  7. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of receipt of the query response. Retrieve the permanent link to the transaction instance, and paste that as evidence for this test.
  8. If you support more than one transaction (ITI-21, ITI-22, ITI-47), you should repeat these steps for all you support.


The permanent link captures the message exchange. The screen shot demonstrates that you have successfully processed the received query response(s).


This test applies to Patient Demographics Suppliers in the PDQ or PDQv3 Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Demographic Consumer to initiate these queries.  Note that the test steps are the same no matter the will choose the transaction(s) supported by your Supplier.

  • ITI-21 and ITI 22 - Patient Demograhics (and Visit) Query (HL7v2) 
  • ITI-47 - Patient Demographics Query (HL7v3)

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Before starting test steps, please configure the tool to query your Patient Demographics Supplier appliction using the SUT Configurations menu in the tool to enter your configuration parameters.

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patient Manager as a Patient Demographic Consumer (PDC) Simulator to initiate a PDQ Query to your Supplier.

  1. Access the Patient Manager tool:
  2. Go to menu PDQ-->Patient Demographic Consumer
  3. Next, select ITI-21/ITI-22, or ITI-47.
  4. In the 'System under test' drop down list, select the entry for your PDQ Consumer
  5. Next, enter 'Demographic information' to build a query that will match patient(s) in your Patient Demographic Supplier database.   When you are ready to initiate the query, select the 'Send message' button.
  6. You can use menu HL7 messages to find the query & response captured by the tool.
  7. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of receipt of the query response. Retrieve the permanent link to the transaction instance, and paste that as evidence for this test.
  8. If you support more than one transaction (ITI-21, ITI-22, ITI-47), you should repeat these steps for all you support.


The permanent link captures the message exchange. The screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully processed the received message(s).


This test applies to initiators of the [ITI-78] Patient Demographics Query for Mobile transaction:  Patient Demographics Consumers in the PDQm or PMIR Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Demographic Supplier to  response to PDQm queries.  

Test step up

The list of patients available on the supplier side are available under the Patients menu. Select "simulated actor" = "PDS" to see which one can be returned in a PDQm query response.

The endpoint to contact is available under menu PDQ* > Patient Demographics Supplier> FHIR configuration.


Verify the conformance of each query issued by your system (blue play icon in the "query" column) and copy the permanent link to the message in your pre-connectathon test in Gazelle Test Management (available from the magnifying glass icon). 

The messages received by the simulator are available under HL7 Messages. To restrict the search, either access the page using the "history" icon on the FHIR Configuration page, either sent the following filters in the search criteria panel:

  • Simulated actor = PDS - Patient Demographic Supplier
  • Transaction = ITI-78 - Mobile Patient Demographics Query

Steps to execute

Not all the following test cases might be of relevance for your system under test. The purpose of this test is to make sure you correctly implement the portions of the specifications which are of interest for your system (based on the use cases it supports).

Query for a patient pick list

For this first step, we assume that the operator wants to retrieve a list of patients based on some demographics traits. You might want to repeat this step with various combinations of parameters among the following ones to see how the supplier understand your query:

  • given and/or family: Partial or complete (exact) patient name (you might have the ability to provide the various given names of the patient)
  • identifier: One or more Patient identifiers
  • birthdate: Date of birth or age range (your system might allow you to input the exact birth date or a date interval)
  • telecom: One or more contact points (phone number, email etc)
  • address (or address-city, address-country, address-postalcode, address-state): Partial or complete address
  • gender: The gender of the patient
  • active: Whether you want to fetch inactive patients as well - By default the simulator will only send back active records if not otherwise requested in the query
  • _id: Patient resource's id - The simulator uses the UUID field displayed in the GUI as resource's ID
  • mathersMaidenName: Mother's maiden name if your system supports the Pediatric Demographics Option.

For each query, your system should at least display the number of retrieved entries and some of the demographic traits for each entry in the list.

Note that queries with no search parameter will return no entry at all.

Response encoding

If your system supports both JSON and XML encoding, repeat at least once of the previous query with the second encoding so that you can verify that your system correctly set the requested encoded. You might use the HTTP header or the _format query parameter.

Retrieve patient

In addition to the query feature, your system shall support the retrieve patient feature. Choose one patient out of the list and directly retrieve the associated resource by performing the retrieve operation.


No Match

Send a new query to your system under test, make sure the query parameters do not match any patient in the tool. Your system is expected to inform the final user that no match has been found.

Query for patient with identifiers in other domains

You must execute the steps below if your system is able to constrain the domains from which patient identifiers are returned from the Patient Demographics Supplier. 

Query with no domain

If you can turn off the domain restriction in your system. First, choose a combination of parameters that will return at least one patient with identifiers in several domains. Under the Connectathon > Patient Demographics menu, you will find the patients that will be pre-loaded by suppliers during the Connectathon; they are also known by the Patient Demographics Supplier implemented in the tool. Each patient has an identifier in at least four domains.

Your system shall receive the patient(s) with identifiers in the IHEBLUE, IHEFACILITY, IHEREF and IHEGREEN domains at least.

Query with a known domain

Reuse the same query parameters as for the previous test but restrict the domain to the IHEBLUE (urn:oid: domain.

If your query is correctly formatted, the returned patient(s) should only have identifiers with system = urn:oid:

Query with more than one domain

If your system supports more than one domain, repeat the operation above: constraint the identification domain to IHEBLUE and IHERED (urn:oid:urn:oid:

Once again, if your query is correctly formatted, the returned patient(s) should only have identifiers with system urn:oid: and urn:oid:

Query for an unknown domain

Reuse the same query parameters once again and restrict the domain to urn:oid: This domain is unknown from the Patient Demographics Supplier.

If your query is correctly formatted, you should receive HTTP 404 error code with an OperationOutcome resource in which the unknown domain is precised. You might or might not give feedback on such error to the final user. No entry shall be displayed to the user (none will be returned by the Patient Demographics Supplier).


Execute this step if your system supports the paging mechanism, meaning that it can add the _count parameter to the query. In this step we assume that the user is able to set the number of records to fetch at one time. If your system does not provide this ability (default quantity, or quantity to choose from a list), simply adapt the test data below.

Set search parameters in a way that they will select at least 3 entries (usually given=rob is a good candidate) and ask for only two records at a time. If your query is correctly formatted, the received Bundle should contain only 2 entries and 

  • A link to the next results (2 or less);
  • A total number of results higher to 2.

Ask for the next batch of results. You should be able to see at least one more patient.


This test applies to responders to the [ITI-78] Patient Demographics Query for Moblie transaction:   Patient Demographics Suppliers in the PDQm Profile or Patient Identity Registry in the PMIR Profiles

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Demographic Consumer to initiate these queries.  

Test set up

There is no prerequisite in terms of data to be load into your system. As such, choose relevant values for the various parameters based on the patient demographics known by your system under test so that matches are returned.

First of all, register your system under test within the tool as a FHIR Responder under SUT Configurations > FHIR Responders. Make sure to select IHE => ITI-78 (PDQm Consumer) in the list of usages.

Access the Patient Demographics Consumer for PDQm in Patient Manager from menu PDQ* > Patient Demographics Consumer > [ITI-78] Patient Demographics Query FHIR.


Verify the conformance of each response issued by your system (blue play icon in the "response" column) and copy the permanent link to the message in your pre-connectathon test in Gazelle Test Management (available from the magnifying glass icon).  Also verify that the response format expected in the query matches the response format (XML vs JSON) returned by your system. 

Steps to execute

Capability Statement

Upload the capability statement of your system (showing at least the PDQm Supplier features) in the pre-connectathon test in Gazelle Test Management.

Query for a patient pick list

For this first step, we assume that the consumer actor wants to retrieve a list of patients based on some demographics traits. You might want to repeat this step with various combinations of parameters among the following ones to test the behavior of your system:

  • Partial or complete patient name (given and/or family)
  • One or more Patient identifiers
  • Date of birth or age range
  • One or more contact points (phone number, email etc)
  • Partial or complete address
  • Gender
  • Whether you want to fetch inactive patients as well

Note that for parameters of type string, "exact" modifier will be added to the query if the wildcard is not used in the field (when valued). If you want to search of patients with a given starting with Ro, enter Ro* in the form.

If your system supports the Pediatric Demographics Option, you might also want to make sure that your system supports the mothersMaidenName search extension.

For this step, you are asked not to modify the default parameters in the "Additional information" section of the page.

Once you have flll out the form, push the "Send message" button. If matches are returned by your system, they will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

After you have retrieved a first batch of patients. You should also be able to use the resource ID search parameter (_id). You can find the value to use in the response returned by your system in

Response encoding

Your system under test shall be able to support at least both JSON and XML encodings. Previous step has been executed using "XML" as format to be returned. Return the step above at least one but select Response format = json before sending the message to your system.

Retrieve patient

Access the detail of the response content and for one of the entries, access the URL displayed in field entry.fullUrl.value. You should retrieve the content of the Patient resource.

No Match

Send a new query to your system under test, make sure the query parameters do not match any patient in your database. Your system is expected to send back a Bundle resource with = 0.

Query for patient with identifiers in other domains

In this step, we focus on the domain restriction feature. We assume that your system manages at least one domain for patient identification.

Query with no domain

First, choose a combination of parameters that will return at least one patient. If your system supports multiple identifier domains, make sure the returned patients will show at least identifiers from two different domains. DO NOT restrict the search to a particular domain. We are interested in knowing what are the identifiers known for this patient.

Query with a known domain

Repeat the search below but in the "Additional information" section, add the identifier of one of the domains for which the returned patient has a PID assigned. Click on "Add domain to list" for the tool to take the value into account.

Your system is expected to return the patients that are a PID assigned to this domain, only one PID shall appear for each of them.

Query with more than one domain

If your system supports more than one domain, repeat the operation above to add a second domain in the list of domains that are returned.

Once again, your system is expected to return the patients with PID in the mentioned domains. No other PID shall be returned.

Query for an unknown domain

Repeat the test but first clean up the list of domains to return and add ""  instead (this domain might not be known by your system, otherwise choose another value).

No entry shall be returned. Refer to section / Case 4 for details on the expected response (Code HTTP 404 with OperationOutcome or HTTP 200 with no content).


The Patient Demographics Supplier shall represent the incremental responses as specified in FHIR Paging. 

Empty the query form and enter parameters that will allow your system to match more than two patients. 

In the "Additional information" section, check the box for option "Limit number of responses" and set the limit value to "1".

Click on "Send message", the tool shall display the single entry that is returned by your system and the following message "More results are available on supplier side". As for the other steps, copy the link to this message in Gazelle Test Management.

Click on "Get next results".

In the "Returned patients" section, the number of pages increases. A single patient is displayed.


This test applies to Patient Identity Consumers who initiate queries in the PIX, PIXv3, PIXm, or PMIR Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager (PIX Manager) responding to these queries.  Note that the test steps are the same no matter the will choose the transaction(s) supported by your Consumer.

  • ITI-9- PIX Query (HL7v2) 
  • ITI-45 - PIX Query (HL7v3)
  • ITI-83 - PIXm Query (HL7 FHIR®©)

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Go to menu All Patients and, in the drop-down box "Simulated actor", select PAT_IDENTITY_X_REF_MANAGER.  The page then lists the patients known by the PIX Manager simulator.
  2. Choose one or more of the available patients to use as the target for your query in  this test.  

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patient Manager as a PIX Manager Simulator to respond to your PIX Query.

  1. Access the Patient Manager tool:
  2. Go to menu PIX-->Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager
  3. Next, select HL7v2 Configuration, HL7v3 Configuration, or FHIR Configuration
  4. The tool will now display the configuration details you will need to query the PIX Manager Simulator.  Ensure the status of the Simulator is "Running"
  5. Perform your query.
  6. You can use menu HL7 messages to find the query & response captured by the tool.
  7. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of receipt of the query response. Retrieve the permanent link to the transaction instance, and paste that as evidence for this test.
  8. If you support more than one transaction (ITI-9, ITI-45, ITI-83), you should repeat these steps for all you support.


The permanent link captures the message exchange. The screen shot demonstrates that you have successfully processed the received query response(s).


This test applies to Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Managers (PIX Managers) in the PIX, PIXv3, PIXm, or PMIR Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a PIX Consumer to initiate these queries.  Note that the test steps are the same no matter the will choose the transaction(s) supported by your Supplier.

  • ITI-9 - PIX Query (HL7v2) 
  • ITI-45 - PIX Query (HL7v3)
  • ITI-83 - PIXm Query (HL7 FHIR®©)

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Before starting test steps, please configure the tool to query your PIX Manager application using the SUT Configurations menu in the tool to enter your configuration parameters.

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patient Manager as a PIX Consumer Simulator to initiate a PIX Query to your PIX Manager

  1. Access the Patient Manager tool:
  2. Go to menu PIX-->Patient Identity Consumer
  3. Next, select ITI-9, or ITI-45, or ITI-83
  4. In the 'System under test' drop down list, select the entry for your PIX Manager
  5. Next, enter values for the Query parameters (eg for Patient ID and assigning authority) to build a query that will match patient(s) in your PIX Manager database.   When you are ready to initiate the query, select the 'Send message' button.
  6. You can use menu HL7 messages to find the query & response captured by the tool.
  7. Retrieve the permanent link to the transaction instance, and paste that as evidence for this test.
  8. If you support more than one transaction (ITI-9, ITI-45, ITI-83), you should repeat these steps for all you support.


The permanent link captures the message exchange. 

PM_RAD-1_RAD-12-Receive: Register new patient and update

This tests the ability of your application to receive RAD-1 and RAD-12 patient registration and update messages.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator sending messages to your system under test.

Tools documentation is located at

Before starting your tests, please configure the tool to send to your appliction using the SUT Configurations menu in the tool.

Test Steps

1. Patient creation

In this step, you are expected to send a new patient to your application .

  1. Go to menu ADT-->[RAD-1] Patient Registration
  2. Select your System under Test in the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Category of Event and Action to perform to initiate an AO1, A04 or A00
  4. Select the "generate patient" option. 
  5. Within the "Patient Generation with DDS" panel, set the creation criteria of your choice and click the "Generate patient"  button. If you need your patient to have a specific identifier, then click on the "Modify patient data"  button and go to the Patient's identifiers tab and update the identifiers in a way your system under test will accept the patient.
  6. Finally, hit the "Send" button. 
  7. Make sure the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system and that the patient is properly registered in your system.
  8. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good registration of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Patient creation". 

2. Update patient information

In this step, you are expected to update the first name of the new and send the notification to your system under test.

  1. Go to menu ADT-->[RAD-12] Patient Update
  2. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Category of event to be Update Patient Information
  4. Select the patient you just created 
  5. Change the patient's first name.  Then hit the Send  button
  6. Make sure the simulator receives and acknowledgment from your system and that the patient is properly updated in your system.
  7. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of the good update of the patient. Retrieve the permanent link to the test report and to the patient and copy them in Gazelle Test Management with a comment "Update patient information".


The screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully handled the received ADT messages.


This test applies to the XCPD Initiating Gateway actot that supports the Deferred Response Opiton.  See ITI TF-1: 27.2.2 and ITI TF-2b:

This test is performed with the Gazelle Patient Manager simulator: 

See also the User Manual for testing XCPD with the Patient Manager here.


The instructions for this test are detailed in the User Manual for the Patient Manager tool, so they are not repeated here. See:


After you perform the test, the Patient Manager tool will produce a Test Report.  Copy the Permanent Link to to Test Report, then paste that link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.



The basline requirements of the XCPD profile do not require the actors to also implement XUA; however, this test enables you to test your XCPD Initiating Gateway actor that also support XUA X-Service User

This test is performed with the Gazelle Patient Manager simulator: 

See also the User Manual for testing XCPD with the Patient Manager here.


The instructions for this test are detailed in the User Manual for the Patient Manager tool, so they are not repeated here. See the instructions for XUA over XCPD for the X-Service User here:


After you perform the test, find your result in the Patient Manager tool under menu XUA >  X-Service User logs.  Copy. the URL for your result and paste it into Gazelle Test Management as the result for this test.


This test applies to the XCPD Responding Gateway actot that supports the Deferred Response Opiton.  See ITI TF-1: 27.2.2 and ITI TF-2b:

This test is performed with the Gazelle Patient Manager simulator: 

See also the User Manual for testing XCPD with the Patient Manager here.


The instructions for this test are detailed in the User Manual for the Patient Manager tool, so they are not repeated here. See:


After you perform the test, the Patient Manager tool will produce a Test Report.  Copy the Permanent Link to to Test Report, then paste that link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.



The baseline requirements of the XCPD profile do not require the actors to also implement XUA; however, this test enables you to test your XCPD Responding Gateway actor that also support XUA X-Service Provider

This test is performed with the Gazelle Patient Manager simulator: 

See also the User Manual for testing XCPD with the Patient Manager here.


The instructions for this test are detailed in the User Manual for the Patient Manager tool, so they are not repeated here. See the instructions for XUA over XCPD for the X-Service Provider here:


After you perform the test, find your result in the Patient Manager tool under menu XUA >  X-Service Provider logs.  Copy. the URL for your result and paste it into Gazelle Test Management as the result for this test.