The purpose of this test is checking that the Order Placer is able to integrate messages received from the Order Filler in the context of the LAB-2 (creation of new orders) and LAB-1 (cancellation and status updates) transactions. We will also check that the acknowledgements are properly built.
Before beginning this test, do not forgot to check that the configuration (IP address, port, application/facility names) of your system under test is enter within the simulator.
Your Order Placer is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so. The Order Manager must also know this patient/encounter, to share the patient between the PAMSimulator and the Order Manager tools, read the tutorial available here. If you have already performed the test #30001, you can use the same patient.
We strongly recommend to read the tutorial available here.
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to accept the creation of orders by the laboratory (ORC-1 = "SN") and to assign placer order numbers to these orders. The acknowledgement message (ORL of the corresponding message structure, with ORC-1="NA") must carry the placer order number (ORC-2).
As a receiver in this test, your Order Placer shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform this step three times.
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to intefration te cancellation of orders by the laboratory (ORC-1="OC") and to acknowledge it (ORL of the corresponding message structure, with ORC-1 = "OK")
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to integrate a change of status of an order (OBR-25 must change of calue, this must be visible in your application screenshot), notified by the Order Filler (ORC-1="SC") and to acknowledge it (ORL of the corresponding message structure, witch ORC-1 = "OK")