This test concerns only the Analyzer Manager actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-27 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
Please be reminded that if you are logged in your configurations will be private, otherwise it will be public.
In this test, the LAW Simulator plays the role of the "Analyzer". It is used to query the SUT (System Under Test) for an AWOS related to the specimen.
The SUT implements the Analyzer Manager (Analyzer Manager acts as a responder in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to the test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in Gazelle as the result of this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?