This test concerns the Order Filler actor of the LPOCT profile. You will need to validate with EVSClient tool the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages.
As your system implements the Order Filler actor, you will need to test the HL7 messages used in the LAB-32 transaction : "Accepted Observation Set".
Your system must be able to send HL7 message (to the POCDM actor) of type:
- ACK^R33^ACK, for the LAB-32 transaction
To test the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages, go to the EVSCLient tool at this location : EVSClient
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : EVSClient User Manual
In the EVSClient tool, go to the HL7 menu entry and choose "HL7v2" then click on "Message Validation".
Paste your message to validate in the box. (You can hit the "Guess" button to preset the Message Profile OID.)
For example, for the ACK^R33^ACK message :
- Copy the ACK^R33^ACK HL7 message from your system. Paste it in the box in the EVSClient page.
- Select the Message profile OID according to your message. In this example :
- Actor : Department System Scheduler/Order Filler
- Message Type : ACK^R33^ACK
- Once you have selected the Profile OID, press the "Validate" button. If the Validation Result is not "PASSED", it means your HL7 message is not according to the LPOCT Profile of the Laboratory Technical Framework. If the Validation Result is "PASSED", copy the "Permanent link" and paste it in Gazelle as the result of this test. For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD, LPOCT and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain) ?
Do this for all messages and don't forget to copy/paste the "Permanent link" of the validation result to Gazelle.
- The validation status shall be "PASSED" for all messages.
- The message type shall be the right message type, according to IHE.
- The Acknowledgment code of the ACK^R33^ACK messages shall be "AA" (MSA-1).
- Each of the three messages must be validated at least one time and the permanent link must be paste to Gazelle.