[ARCHIVES] Past connectathons

  Archives of past connectathons

NA Connectathon 2019 Resources

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the IHE North American Connectathon 2019.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration is open in the Gazelle Test Management System Sep 10 - Oct 12, 2018.

Important for 2019!!

Contract submission and payment are due at the close of registration. That means you have to generate the contract and make payment by October 12, 2018. If you have questions, please contact the IHE USA sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Connectathon Test Management


Participation Checklist

Detailed Connectathon Schedule


IHE Technical Frameworks, Consolidated CDA

Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info ...


Technical Resources

Targeted Resources

Training Material / Webex Presentations

Communication (email addresses, email lists)






For Monitors:





NA Connectathon 2019 New Supplements

New Supplements

The following table contains new supplements that are published for the first time. We include only those supplements that have been published after January 2018.  

We purposely omit supplements that have been re-published.


DomainAcronymSupplement / Profile




IT Infrastructure


Asynchronous AS4 Option

IT Infrastructure


Restricted Metadata Update

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine



Patient Care Coordination


CDA Document Summary Section

Patient Care Coordination


Dynamic Care Plan

Patient Care Coordination


Family Planning Version 2

Patient Care Coordination


Paramedicine Care Summary

Patient Care Devices






Quality, Research, Public Health


Quality Outcome Reporting for EMS 



Encounter Based Imaging Workflow



Web-based Image Access

NA Connectathon 2019 Application and Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due December 21, 2018.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Steve Moore (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

There is a a new Gazelle in town. The training for this has changed.

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland:  NetworkDescription-NA2019.pdf

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle (http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle (http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na)
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.


NA Connectathon 2019 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

Table of Contents


Connectathon Week Resources

  >>Schedule for the week:

Monday Jan 21

  • 11:00-11:30 - Arrive at Cleveland Convention Center, pick up your badge at the registration desk
  • 11:30 - Monitor welcome meeting in Room 26A
  • noon - Lunch!
  • 1:00 - 1:30 - Find your table, get hooked to the network
  • 1:30 - 5:30 - Test verification begins

Tueday Jan 22

Wed & Thur Jan 23, 24

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session

Friday Jan 25


The link to Gazelle on-site & off-site is the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na

See Steve (P28), Cédric (N28), or Lynn (P27) about any Gazelle problems, password resets, etc

  >>Seating chart:

-- Seating assignments - Note that vendor able locations are visible in test instance in gazelle to help you locate test partners in the room

  >> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

        Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

  >>Network Info:

  • Network support staff on-site -- at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room.
  • Connectathon Network Description for testing participants
  • Wireless network for monitors:
    • SSID: Monitors
    • Password: cleveland 19 

  >>Test tools 

(1) For TOOLS CONNECTATION LOCATION & CONFIGURATION:  See https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/na-connectathon-2019-week-resources#Tool   Note: The link sends you to the Participants' page so that we all have consistent configuration information.  Most monitors will want to bookmark that link.



Contact Us:

  >>Ask questions. Get help on-site:

  • Logistics (expenses, travel...):  Sarah Bell at the Registration Desk or Help Desk
  • Network problems:  Network support staff (at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room) 
  • Gazelle help:  Lynn Felhofer (P27)
  • Questions on Patient Care Devices PCD tests:  Paul Sherman (E27)
  • Questions on CDA, RFD tests:  Steve Moore (P28)
  • Questions on all other tests:  Lynn Felhofer (P27)
  • Tool help:  ...varies by tool.  See links in the section above.

    >> Email Support

Technical Preparation Resources:

>> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We organize IHE profiles with common characteristics or technologies into "clusters", and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  During the Connectathon, you will have an opportunity, if you wish, to work in areas outside of your primary assignment. In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are two tabs in the spreadsheet:

    • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote your time evaluating tests in that cluster.  Some monitors are asked to split time between two clusters.   During Connectathon week monitors will have the opportunity to evaluate tests in another area based on your interest or on our need for help in a certain area.
    • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.  The yellow rows also point to available preparation material.

>> Technical Specifications: 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.   IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.

If you have time prior to the Connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

We also test HL7 Consolidated CDA® Release 2.1.  Those specifications are here.


>> Monitor training material

While we provide material to enable monitors to do some preparation prior to the Connectathon, we understand the demands of your day job, and we have no requirement for you to do advance prep.

That said, this section contains links to available training material that falls into 4 categories.  

  • The January 8 Connectathon Monitor webinar -- if you have time for only one prep item, this is the one to choose.
  • General training topics -- probably of more interest to first-time monitors
  • Cluster-specific training material -- these trainings are organized according to the 'clusters' of profiles you are assigned to.
  • Connectathon tools overview & training material -- outline of tools, how they're used, and available training


Connectathon overview for all monitors: 

Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Gazelle walk-through
- Q & A

Streaming Recording  | Download recording (.mp4)


64 min

General training: (primary audience is new monitors)

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

40 min

Connectathon Terminology
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

11 min

Using gazelle to review Connectathon test definitions

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

8 min

IHE 2018 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations; duration varies
Cluster-specific trainings:

Please refer to the Monitor Assignments

Then, find the Cluster-Profiles tab.   

For each cluster of profiles, you will find links to available Preparation Material, including recordings and slide presentations.

multiple presentations; duration varies


>> The following table summarizes tools deployed during Connectathon, how they're used, and available training material: 

Gazelle Proxy
Provider Organization IHE Europe Development
Summary “man in the middle”… captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation. (not applicable to TLS message exchange)
Use in Many...applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
PCD Tools  
Provider Organization NIST
Summary Validates one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
Used in  PCD cluster:  monitors verify messages exchanged in peer-to-peer tests
Training provided on-site
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)
Provider Organization IHE Europe Development
Summary Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS. Simulates an Audit Record Repository. Validates audit records. TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options. Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA. SAML assertion provider for XUA.
Used in  SEC cluster:  monitors verify ATNA questionnaires, validate audit records, and check TLS connections.
XDS Toolkit
Provider Organization NIST, + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
Summary Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, XDS, XDS-I, XCA and related profiles. New functionality supporting MHD profile.
Used in clusters XC*, XDS, XDS-I, Mobile clusters.  Specific tests instruct monitors to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Training provided on-site
Gazelle EVSClient
Provider Organization IHE Europe Development, with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Summary Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Used in  CDA:  monitors validate CDA documents and RAD/CARD monitors validate DICOM objects (via the Gazelle Samples page).  Plus other validators are used (see Summary above).
Training User Manual
Gazelle Patient Manager
Provider Organization IHE Europe Development
Summary Simulator for actors in Patient ID mgmt profiles: PIX*, PDQ*, PAM. Source of "Connectathon test patients".
Use  Simulators are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Training User Manual
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools
Provider Organization NIST
Summary Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.
Used in clusters Monitors may use the tools for message validation in the PatID cluster and for VRDR.
HAPI Servers
Provider Organization HAPI servers deployed at Connectathon by Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Summary: Validation of FHIR Resources. Vendors participants will store some Resources here. Hosts test data for some FHIR-based IHE profiles.

Participants will store some Resources here.  Hosts test data for some FHIR-based IHE profiles.

Used in clusters Mobile:  monitors validate FHIR resources.
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee)
Provider Organization dcm4che.org
Summary Used as a commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.
Used in  RAD, CARD clusters, primarily by participants.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that vendors have stored their objects here, but will not use other features.
Gazelle Order Manager
Provider Organization IHE Europe Development
Summary Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange
Used in clusters Simulators are used by participants in RAD, CARD, and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality Worklist SCP.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Order Manager.  


Overall timeline for Connectathon Monitors:


Refer to this Connectathon Monitor Travel Guide for guidance on all travel-related tasks!

Nov 15

-- Complete Monitor Travel Survey.  
-- If you will book flights to Cleveland, activate your account in Concur Travel. 

Nov 30 Book flights (if applicable).  Refer to the Connectathon Monitor Travel Guide. Monitors must arrange airfare through Concur Travel.
Dec 1 Register for your Monitor badge.  You will receive an invitation from Cvent via email with registration link.
Dec 1 Request advance per diem.  Send per diem form to sbell@himss.org.

(Alternatively, submit post-event per diem form by Feb 9, 2019.)

Jan 8, 10-11 am CST

Attend the Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities 
- Connectathon process for monitors 
- Gazelle walk-through 
- Q & A

Recording link | Slides


See details above.


Feb 9 If you did not request advance per diem by Dec 1 then send your post-event  per diem form to sbell@himss.org.



This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Our Connectathon FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


PDF icon CAT19_Monitor_Travel_Guide.pdf630 KB

NA Connectathon 2023

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the IHE Global Connectathon 2023.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!

The remainder of this information is for historical reference and will be updated soon.


If you have questions, please contact the IHE USA sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Connectathon Test Management


Participation Checklist

Detailed NA Connectathon Schedule


IHE Technical Frameworks, Consolidated CDA

Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info ...


Technical Resources

Training Material / Webex Presentations

Communication (email addresses, email lists)








Global Connectathon 2022 New Supplements

New Supplements

The following table contains new supplements that are published for the first time. We include only those supplements that have been published after January 2022.  

We purposely omit supplements that have been re-published.


DomainAcronymSupplement / Profile

Radiation Oncology


Deformable Registration in Radiation Oncology (DRRO)



Interactive Multimedia Report 





Global Connectathon Atlanta 2022 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Sep 12, 2022  8:00 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Sep 12, 2022  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Sep 12, 2022  8:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Sep 13, 2022  8:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Sep 14, 2022  8:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Sep 15, 2022  8:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Sep 16, 2022  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor. There is a curfew time TBD.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 8am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the ZoHo List and Rocket Chat.

Seating Assignments

Seating Assignments (PDF)

Seating Assignments (Google Sheet) There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg T1. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before testing. This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.

Network Info

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  provided on site

Gazelle Test Management

Gazelle on-site: https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8:00-10am is for system set-up and testing.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Samantha Neiheisel at table M28.
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk BB3

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - BB1

Tool help - see section below

Dr. Phil - BB2

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
        • If I do not know, I will find someone who does.
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • e.g. "I need to reset my password"
      • Monitor support
      • ITI FHIR Profile Support

Steve Moore - W7

      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors.
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in QRPH or PCC"

Lynn Felhofer - W6

      • ITI (Not FHIR) and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in RAD or ITI"

Anne-Gaëlle / Malo Toudic - Rocket.chat

      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support. Remote in Rocket.chat

John Rhoads - R6

      • DEV tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in PCD"

Assigned partners and assigned patients

For Document Sharing (XD*, XC*, MHD) profiles and ATNA, Connectathon Managers make some assignments to help manage testing.  First-time participants can read an overview of multiple affinity domains at Connectathons here. This section only applies to test systems in those profiles.

See Lynn Felhofer with any questions about these assignments.

Tools - configuration, location & support


Gazelle Test Management


Support Malo
Summary Overall test management during Connectathon.  
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Proxy


Proxy is accessible at

Support  Malo
Summary Captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation.  Applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/gss
Support Malo

Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS.

Simulates an Audit Record Repository (syslog collector).

Validates syslog audit records.

TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options.

Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA.

SAML assertion provider for XUA.

Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle EVSClient
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient
Support Malo
Summary Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe), with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Gazelle Patient Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/PatientManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle
Summary Simulators for actors in PAM, PDQ*, PIX* are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle Order Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/OrderManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle

Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange.

Simulators are used by participants in RAD and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes at Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality worklist SCP

Provider organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

PCD Tools  
Configuration http://pcdtool:8080/pcdtool
Support John
Summary Used in PCD profile testing to validate one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
Configuration https://ttpedge.sitenv.org/ttp/#/validators/ccdar2
Support Steve Moore
Summary Used to test C-CDA documents. Not for general CDA testing.
Provider Organization NIST
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools
Summary Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.

on-line tool documentation

Provider organization


CDA Validation Tools
Support Steve

For PCC, QRPH, and C-CDA testing


IHE CDA Testing Procedure Overview

XDS Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   IP:  http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://tools.iheusa.org/xdstools/



Summary Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, eg XC*, XDS.  Specific tests contain instructions to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Provider Organization NIST
XDS-I Tools
Configuration http://tools.iheusa.org/xds-imaging/
Support Steve
Summary For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations
Provider Organization NIST, + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
FHIR Read-Write Server (HAPI)

Connectathon Floor IP:

Web GUI: http://fhir-read-write.ihe-us-test.net:8080/fhir

Server base URL (R4): http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseR4  

Server base URL (STU3):  http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseDstu3

Support Steve

(1) Hosts the Connectathon patients as FHIR Patient Resources. These Patient Resources will be referenced by other Resources that are created/exchanged in peer-to-peer tests .  i.e. you will not reference a copy of this resource that resides on your server or that of your test partner. 

(2) Hosts FHIR Resources that are test data for various IHE Profiles, e.g., mCDS, QEDm, MHD-SDC.

(3) Participants can upload & validate FHIR Resources created by their systems. 

-- -- Instructions are in Connectathon test '*_Resource_Check* for several profiles.

(4) Participants that are FHIR clients will upload a FHIR CapabilityStatement for their test system onto this server, making them available to all participants and monitors.  Instructions are in test '01_DoThis1st_CapabilityStatement'

Provider Organization

HAPI Server deployed at Connectathon by Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

FHIR Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor: IP:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://tools.iheusa.org:9743/home




MHD profile testing

Documentation  Overview training recording
Provider Organization  NIST
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee)

GUI front-end: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net/

login/password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: central-archive.ihe-europe.net  /  11112

IP addr / port:   /  11112


QIDO-RS: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

WADO-RS: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

Support Steve (K31)
Summary Used as a commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that participants have stored their objects here.
Provider organization  dcm4che.org
Mitre Canary

 GUI front-end: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:18080

Note: This is correct. We are running the canary tool on the same host as the Central Archive.

Support Steve

Used to test VRDR/FHIR

Provider organization


Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/gazelle-sts?wsdl
Support Malo

SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

Provider Organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

Index to IHE Test Tools:  https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/IHE_Test_Tool_Information

IHE USA NA Connectathon Austin 2023 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

NOTE: Some information may be historical reference to 2022 if not updated yet

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Mar 6, 2023  9:00 am -  5:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Mar 6, 2023  9:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Mar 6, 2023  9:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Mar 7, 2023  9:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Mar 8, 2023  9:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Mar 9, 2023  9:00 am -  5:00 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Mar 10, 2023  9:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor. There is a curfew time TBD.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 8am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the ZoHo List and Rocket Chat.

Seating Assignments

Seating Assignments (PDF)

Seating Assignments (Google Sheet) There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg T1. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before testing. This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.

Network Info

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  provided on site

Gazelle Test Management

Gazelle on-site: https://gazelle.iheusa.org

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: https://gazelle.iheusa.org

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8:00-10am is for system set-up and testing.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Samantha Neiheisel at table M28.
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help located at the entrance:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff 

Tool help - see section below

Dr. Phil

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
        • If I do not know, I will find someone who does.
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • e.g. "I need to reset my password"
      • Monitor support
      • ITI Profile Support

Steve Moore - B4

      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors.
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in QRPH or PCC"

Anne-Gaëlle / Malo Toudic - A5

      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support. Remote in Rocket.chat

John Rhoads - F5

      • DEV tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in PCD"

Assigned partners and assigned patients

For Document Sharing (XD*, XC*, MHD) profiles and ATNA, Connectathon Managers make some assignments to help manage testing.  First-time participants can read an overview of multiple affinity domains at Connectathons here. This section only applies to test systems in those profiles.

See Lynn Felhofer with any questions about these assignments.

Tools - configuration, location & support:


Tool Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14kRClO2T-aEQDgFWBp-RnfdlKCjsBdI4XVPv0TGH8y4/edit#gid=1157320744


Gazelle Test Management


Support Malo
Summary Overall test management during Connectathon.  
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Proxy


Proxy is accessible at 

Support  Malo
Summary Captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation.  Applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/gss
Support Malo

Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS.

Simulates an Audit Record Repository (syslog collector).

Validates syslog audit records.

TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options.

Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA.

SAML assertion provider for XUA.

Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle EVSClient
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient
Support Malo
Summary Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe), with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Gazelle Patient Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/PatientManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle
Summary Simulators for actors in PAM, PDQ*, PIX* are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle Order Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/OrderManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle

Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange.

Simulators are used by participants in RAD and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes at Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality worklist SCP

Provider organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

PCD Tools  
Configuration http://pcdtool:8080/pcdtool
Support John
Summary Used in PCD profile testing to validate one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
Configuration https://ttpedge.sitenv.org/ttp/#/validators/ccdar2
Support Steve Moore
Summary Used to test C-CDA documents. Not for general CDA testing.
Provider Organization NIST
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools
Summary Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.

on-line tool documentation

Provider organization


CDA Validation Tools
Support Steve

For PCC, QRPH, and C-CDA testing


IHE CDA Testing Procedure Overview

XDS Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   IP:  http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://tools.iheusa.org/xdstools/



Summary Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, eg XC*, XDS.  Specific tests contain instructions to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Provider Organization NIST
XDS-I Tools
Configuration http://tools.iheusa.org/xds-imaging/
Support Steve
Summary For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations
Provider Organization NIST, + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
FHIR Read-Write Server (HAPI)

Connectathon Floor IP:

Web GUI: http://fhir-read-write.ihe-us-test.net:8080/fhir

Server base URL (R4): http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseR4  

Server base URL (STU3):  http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseDstu3

Support Steve

(1) Hosts the Connectathon patients as FHIR Patient Resources. These Patient Resources will be referenced by other Resources that are created/exchanged in peer-to-peer tests .  i.e. you will not reference a copy of this resource that resides on your server or that of your test partner. 

(2) Hosts FHIR Resources that are test data for various IHE Profiles, e.g., mCDS, QEDm, MHD-SDC.

(3) Participants can upload & validate FHIR Resources created by their systems. 

-- -- Instructions are in Connectathon test '*_Resource_Check* for several profiles.

(4) Participants that are FHIR clients will upload a FHIR CapabilityStatement for their test system onto this server, making them available to all participants and monitors.  Instructions are in test '01_DoThis1st_CapabilityStatement'

Provider Organization

HAPI Server deployed at Connectathon by Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

FHIR Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor: IP:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://tools.iheusa.org:9743/home




MHD profile testing

Documentation  Overview training recording
Provider Organization  NIST
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee)

GUI front-end: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net/

login/password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: central-archive.ihe-europe.net  /  11112

IP addr / port:   /  11112


QIDO-RS: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

WADO-RS: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

Support Steve (K31)
Summary Used as a commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that participants have stored their objects here.
Provider organization  dcm4che.org
Mitre Canary

 GUI front-end: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:18080

Note: This is correct. We are running the canary tool on the same host as the Central Archive.

Support Steve

Used to test VRDR/FHIR

Provider organization


Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/gazelle-sts?wsdl
Support Malo

SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

Provider Organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

Index to IHE Test Tools:  https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/IHE_Test_Tool_Information

NA CAT 2023 Connectathon DNS


  1. We use a fake domain name (ihe-europe.net) for our Joint Connectathon. Particpant systems are assigned more or more host names (e.g., acme2) and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for that host would be acme2.ihe-europe.net
  2. The Gazelle Test Management System ("Gazelle") is hosted at https:https://gazelle.iheusa.org
  3. Some other tools such as the Gazelle Security Suite are hosted at gazelle.ihe.net.
  4. The server gazelle.ihe.net also hosts other content such as documentation.
  5. Prior to the connectathon, these two systems live outside of the Connectathon test room and have public IP addresses:
    1. https://gazelle.iheusa.org
    2. gazelle.ihe.net
  6. During the event:
    1. The full server https://gazelle.iheusa.org.
    2. The tooling part of gazelle.ihe.net is linked at the bottom of https://gazelle.iheusa.org and lives on the private network.
    3. Other content (documentation) remains on the original gazelle.ihe.net
  7. The Gazelle Test Management software records URL's that link to items inside the https://gazelle.ihe.net system or inside the gazelle.ihe.net system. The software works best if you use the fully qualified domain name in the URL rather than trying to use an IP address or just "gazelle"
  8. In previous years, we have seen evidence that DNS "stuff" from offsite locations such as your hotel might be cached in your system and interfere with your work in the testing area. We have advice below on how to manage that.

What Does This Mean for You?

Manual Network Configuration (i.e., Fixed IP Address)

  1. Make sure you set the Search Domain to: ihe-europe.net.
    1. That means if someone tells you their hostname is acme2 and you try to connect to acme2, your underlying system software should try a DNS lookup on acme2.ihe-europe.net and things should just work.
  2. For DNS servers, use only the server we supply:
    1. If you use a different DNS server, you will not be able to resolve IP addresses for your partner systems.
    2. You will also get redirected to the public IP address of some of the resources listed above, and that will cause a (large) mess.

What Else Should You Do?

  1. When you return to your hotel room and decide you need to do more work, you can still connect to gazelle.ihe.net. Your hotel DNS should give you the public IP address of those systems at home, and you will be redirected.
    1. When you are in the Convention Center and you use the public IP address for either of those resources, your connection goes out the firewal to the server at home and then gets redirected back through the firewall. The round trip traffic just puts more load on the network for no benefit.
  2. Resist the temptation to enter a fixed IP address when you browse to Gazelle Test Management or to the other tools at gazelle.ihe.net.

What If?

  • You might have a link to documentation that starts with https://gazelle.ihe.net. That should still work inside the Convention Center through redirects. If you have problems getting to such documentation, use this prefix: https://gazelle.ihe-europe.net. That URL points to the IHE Europe server back in Rennes and should not have any redirect issues.
    • Do not use this link for anything other than documentation.
    • Do not use this link for any tools

IHE Europe 2018 Connectathon in The Hague

the hague

Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from IHE Europe available at the following URL: http://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration will open in gazelle on Dec 1st 2017 to January, 15th 2018.

Some years ago, Dave Franken shared good tips with us about how to prepare to be successful in Luxembourg, read him here.


 Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EU Connectathon 2018 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the April Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to The Netherlands. From January until April, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. March through mid-April participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the EU Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.


Profiles to be tested

Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.

Access the list

IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
XDS/XDS-I ATNA Tues-Wed partner assignments On Tues & Wed of Connectathon week, we assign some test partners for infrastructure actors in XDS, XDS-I and ATNA (Audit Record Repositories and Doc Registries & Repositories)
Cross-Community testing 

Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and cross-community profiles XC* (eg XCA, XCPD, etc)

Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics (TBC) IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connectathon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the EU Connectathon 2015 main page

EU Connectathon 2018 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE Europe manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Den Haag, NL (See this link for further details)
April 16-20, 2018

Opening hours: 

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Friday : 8:30am - noon

Testing hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - noon


All participants are required to attend until noon on Friday ! Even though you are fine with your tests, some partners may still need your assistance to finish up their tests.

Detailed Connectathon Schedule

This schedule will help you stay on track from January through April!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.


Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Policies & Guidelines IHE Europe publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE European Connectathon 2018.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

EU Connectathon 2018 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our wonderful volunteer monitors.

  1. Monitor recruitment
  2. Monitor Email list
  3. Logistics: Travel, Expenses, Non-Disclosure & Confict of Interest forms 
  4. WHERE & WHEN? Schedule, Gazelle, Table Assignments
  5. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
  6. HOW? Training Material
  7. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
  8. Our FAQ for vendor participants
  9. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
  10. Contact us

Monitor recruitment

The application period for being a monitor at The Hague is now closed.

Monitor Email list

All monitors shall join the Google group dedicated to monitors. No personal email will be sent. Google group


Please carefully review the following material:

If you have questions about travel or other logistics, Anne-Gaëlle Bergé  is happy to help.

WHEN & WHERE? Schedule, Gazelle & Table Assignments

The 2018 European Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held in The Hague.

Table Assignments

show where monitors & tests systems will be located in April.

  • Spreadsheet with table assignments: To be published
  • PDF of table layout at the Connectathon: To be published

HOW? Training Material

We expect additional profile- and tool-specific training to be available here.

Date-Time / Duration
Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A





Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Gazelle walk-through
We have two resources for you.

- Webex training on how monitors use gazelle & the proxy during connectathon week to work with participants and verify tests. 
New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)


**optional** educational material for monitors

IHE 2017 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

IT Infrastructure domain training material
These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific. They are geared to an audience which is familiar with healthcare interoperability problems in general but is not familiar with the way IHE addresses problems or the specific profiles provided by ITI. You may find topics of interest to you in your "day job".

multiple presentations available; duration varies
  Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Our FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact TBD
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Anne-Gaëlle Bergé.

PDF icon Connectathon_Monitor_Training_2018.pdf345.86 KB

IHE Europe 2019 Connectathon in Rennes (France)

Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from IHE Europe available at the following URL: https://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration will open in gazelle on Nov 30th 2018 to January, 26th 2019.

Some years ago, Dave Franken shared good tips with us about how to prepare to be successful in Luxembourg, read him here.


 Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EU Connectathon 2019 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the April Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to The Netherlands. From January until April, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. March through mid-April participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the EU Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group. Please provide your company name when subscribing, your request might not be accepted otherwise.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.
Profiles to be tested

Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.

Access the list

IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
XDS/XDS-I ATNA Tues-Wed partner assignments On Tues & Wed of Connectathon week, we assign some test partners for infrastructure actors in XDS, XDS-I and ATNA (Audit Record Repositories and Doc Registries & Repositories)
Cross-Community testing 

Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and cross-community profiles XC* (eg XCA, XCPD, etc)

Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics (TBC) IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connectathon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the EU Connectathon 2015 main page

[DEPRECATED] ATNA Testing for Connectathons & digital certificates

ATNA is a widely tested profile.  This page contains guidelines that address frequently asked questions about testing expectations.


It has been REPLACED by THIS PAGE for 2020 Connectathons.

Important updates to ATNA in the ITI Technical Framework

The ITI Technical Committee worked on updates to add 3 new options to the ATNA Secure Node & Secure Application actors.  The options affect the [ITI-19] Authenticate Node transaction.  As of September 2018, these options are now approved and testable at 2019 Connectathons:

  • 'FQDN Validation of Server Certificate' option
  • 'BCP195 TLS Secure Connection - All TLS Versions' option
  • 'BCP195 TLS Secure Connection - TLS 1.2 Floor' option

Please read:  CP-ITI-1145 - "Three new options related to [ITI-19] Authenticate Node".

==> Why add enhanced cybersecurity to your product?

IHE is strongly encouraging all vendors to implement and test these new options at 2019 Connectathons.  Click here to learn more!   

Security (TLS) Policy for 2019 IHE NA and EU Connectathons

These new options introduce variability in the Connectathon testing environment that did not exist in previous Connectathons.  Depending on whether or not a Connectathon test system supports these options, it may be able to support TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and/or TLS 1.2, and one or more of several ciphers.  On the Connectathon test floor, different systems with a mix of TLS versions and ciphers would be a barrier to connectivity. 

So, in order to ensure interoperability between systems testing over TLS, the Connectathon technical managers have selected a TLS version and cipher to use for peer-to-peer tests over TLS.  (This is analagous to a hospital mandating similar requirements at a given deployment.)

*** For 2019 IHE NA and EU Connectathons, peer-to-peer testing over TLS (without the new ATNA options) shall be done using:

  • TLS 1.2
  • cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
    • (Note that we intentionally chose a 'less secure' cipher for 2019 and anticipate choosing one of the recommended ciphers from BCP195 for future IHE Connectathons.)
  • A digital certificate, issued by the Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) tool.  New certs are needed for 2019 Connectathons.  See the next section.
  • Note that this policy is compatible with the baseline ATNA requirements in [ITI-19] Authenticate Node, in particular referenced standard RFC 7525.

*** For the 2019 IHE NA and EU Connectathons, we will use the Gazelle Security Suite tool to test the new ATNA options:

  • client behavior for a Secure Node/Application supporting the 'FQDN Validation of Server Certificate' option
  • the ability of a Secure Node/Application to negotiate down from TLS 1.2 to 1.1 to 1.0 as required by the 'BCP195 TLS Secure Connection -- All TLS Versions' option
  • the ability of a Secure Node/Application to require that transactions occur with TLS 1.2 and one of the required ciphers in the 'BCP195 TLS Secure Connection -- TLS 1.2 Floor' option

(i.e. testing of the options will not be peer-to-peer)

Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) Tool for ATNA testing:

Tool-based testing of TLS (node authentication) and of the format and transport of your audit messages is consolidated in one tool - the Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)

  • Link to the tool: http://gazelle.ihe.net/gss.  
  • Instructions for use of the tool are contained in ATNA test descriptions - here.
  • Recorded training on the Gazelle Security Suite - here

==> GSS: Digital Certificates for IHE Connectathons

The Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) tool is the SINGLE PROVIDER OF DIGITIAL CERTIFICATES for both NA and EU Connectathons.   As of November 27, 2018, the GSS tool is updated to provide digital certificates for 2019 IHE Connectathons.

To obtain a digital certificate from the GSS tool for pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing, follow the instructions in pre-Connectathon test 11100.

Some facts about the new digital certificates:

  1. If you have a digital certificate from a Connectathon in 2018 or earlier, it will not work for 2019 Connectathons.
  2. If you generated your digital certificate in GSS before Nov 27, 2018, you must generate a new one.
  3. Your new digital certificate:
    1. is from a new Certificate Authority (CA) with a stronger key - 2048 length (before Nov 2018, the CA created certificates with 1024 key length).  You must add the certificate for the new CA in your trust store.
    2. will contain the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your test system.   When you use GSS to request the certificate, the tool will prompt you for this value.  The FQDN value(s) will be in the subjectAltName entry of your digital certificate.  (You may need to provide more than one FQDN when you generate your certificate, eg if you will use your system to test TLS connections outside of the Connectathon network, such as with the NIST XDS Tools in your local test lab.)
  4. Pre-Connectathon test 11100 contains detailed instructions for generating your certificate, including how to get the fully-qualified domain for your test system on the Connectathon network.
  5. Item (3.b.) means that each system testing TLS transactions during Connectathon week will have a digital certificate that is compatible with the new FQDN validation option in ATNA.  Thus, TLS connections with test partners will work whether the client is performing FQDN validation, or not.  This is intentional.

Note that the certificates are only for testing purposes and cannot be used outside of the IHE Connectathon context.

==> GSS: ATNA Questionnaire

Systems testing ATNA are required to complete the ATNA Questionnaire in the GSS tool, ideally during pre-Connectathon testing.  Embedded in the questionnaire are Audit Record tests and TLS tests customized for the profiles & actors you will test at Connectathon.

  • Follow instructions in pre-Connectathon test 11106.
  • Note: You must use TLS 1.2 and the new digital certificates when performing TLS tests in the questionnaire.

==> GSS: ATNA Logging Tests

Read the Technical Framework; you are responsible for all requirements in Record Audit Event [ITI-20] transaction. We will not repeat the requirements here.


WHICH SCHEMA???:  The ITI Technical Framework defines the Record Audit Event [ITI-20] transaction, and specifies use of the DICOM schema for audit messages.  

We expect implementations to be compliant, and we have tested audit messages using the DICOM schema at IHE Connectathons since 2016.

  • The GSS tool will only provide validation against the DICOM schema. If you fail that test, it is our signal to you that your audit messages are not compliant with the latest DICOM schema.  See pre-Connectathon test 11116.
  • We expect peer-to-peer testing at the Connectathon to occur using messages compliant with the DICOM schema.
  • Some might be interested in this email exchange on the IT Tech Cmte email list.

SENDING AUDIT MESSAGES:   You can send your audit records to the GSS tool simulating an Audit Record Repository  See pre-connectathon test 11117.

Questions about ATNA Testing?

Contact Lynn Felhofer, Technical Project Manager for the IT Infrastructure domain.

PDF icon IHE_and_Cybersecurity.pdf158.21 KB
PDF icon CP-ITI-1145-01-ballot49.pdf183.71 KB

EU Connectathon 2019 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE Europe manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Rennes, FR (See this link for further details)
April 8-12, 2019

Opening hours: 

  • Monday 8:00am - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 8:30am - noon

Testing hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - noon


All participants are required to attend until noon on Friday ! Even though you are fine with your tests, some partners may still need your assistance to finish up their tests.

Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Policies & Guidelines IHE Europe publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE European Connectathon 2019.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

Connectathon 2019 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our wonderful volunteer monitors.

  1. Monitor recruitment
  2. Monitor Email list
  3. Logistics: Travel, Expenses, Non-Disclosure & Confict of Interest forms 
  4. WHERE & WHEN? Schedule, Gazelle, Table Assignments
  5. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
  6. HOW? Training Material
  7. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
  8. Our FAQ for vendor participants
  9. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
  10. Contact us

Monitor recruitment

The recruitment period for the 2019 connectathon in Rennes is now open. Submit your application through the form available at https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/monitor-recruitment-form-rennes-fr-2019. You are required to be logged in to access this page; if you do not have an account on Gazelle website (different than the one for Gazelle applications), please email to Hilary Ramanantsalama and Anne-Gaëlle Bergé to get an access. 

Monitor Email list

When the recruitment period is over and the manage team has selected the monitors, all monitors will be invited to join the Google group dedicated to monitors. No personal email will be sent.


Please carefully review the following material:

If you have questions about travel or other logistics, Hilary Ramanantsalama and Anne-Gaëlle Bergé are happy to help.

WHEN & WHERE? Schedule, Gazelle & Table Assignments

The 2019 European Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held in Rennes.

Table Assignments

show where monitors & tests systems will be located in April.

  • Spreadsheet with table assignments: To be published
  • PDF of table layout at the Connectathon: To be published

HOW? Training Material

We expect additional profile- and tool-specific training to be available here.

Date-Time / Duration
Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A





Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Gazelle walk-through
We have two resources for you.

- Webex training on how monitors use gazelle & the proxy during connectathon week to work with participants and verify tests. 
New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)


**optional** educational material for monitors

IHE 2017 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

IT Infrastructure domain training material
These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific. They are geared to an audience which is familiar with healthcare interoperability problems in general but is not familiar with the way IHE addresses problems or the specific profiles provided by ITI. You may find topics of interest to you in your "day job".

multiple presentations available; duration varies
  Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Our FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact TBD
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Hilary Ramanantsalama and Anne-Gaëlle Bergé.

PDF icon Connectathon_Monitor_Training_2018.pdf345.86 KB

Monitor Recruitment Form Rennes, FR 2019

2019-01-30 Update: application period is closed. The team is processing the results; the list of monitors will be available soon.


Please use this form to express your interest in participating at the IHE Europe 2019 Connectathon as a Monitor. Filling this form is part of our recruitment process and does not mean that you will be able to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on the registration of systems (amount of systems, tested profiles and so on).

Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent test result evaluators during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors shall be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Technical Project Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

Monitors presence is expected during the entire connectathon event: April, 8th (noon) to April, 12th 2019 (noon).


The information entered in the form are only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Hilary and Anne-Gaëlle; they will be happy to help.

NA Connectathon 2018 Resources

The contents of this page apply to a past Connectathon. 

For details on the NA 2019 IHE Connectathon, see https://gazelle.ihe.net/cat/NA2019

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the North American Connectathon 2018.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration is open in gazelle Sep 6 - Oct 6, 2017.

Important for 2018!!

Contract submission and payment are due at the close of registration. That means you have to generate the contract and make payment by October 6, 2017. If you have questions, please contact the IHE USA sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Connectathon Test Management


Participation Checklist

 Participant Checklist


IHE Technical Frameworks, Consolidated CDA

Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info ...


Technical Resources

Targeted Resources

Training Material / Webex Presentations

Communication (email addresses, email lists)






For Monitors:





NA Connectathon 2018 Application and Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due December 22, 2017.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Steve Moore (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

There is a a new Gazelle in town. The training for this has changed.

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland:  NetworkDescription2018.pdf

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle (http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle (http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na)
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.


NA Connectathon 2018 Monitor Resources

The contents of this page apply to a past Connectathon. 

For details on the NA 2019 IHE Connectathon, see:

---> https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/na-connectathon-2019-monitor-resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

Table of Contents


Connectathon Week Resources

  >>Schedule for the week:

Monday Jan 15

  • 11:00-11:30 - Arrive at Cleveland Convention Center, pick up your badge at the registration desk
  • 11:00 - Monitor welcome meeting in Room 21
  • noon - Lunch!
  • 1:00 - 1:30 - Find your table, get hooked to the network
  • 1:30 - 5:30 - Test verification begins

Tueday Jan 16

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session
  • 6:30 - 9:30 - Social event at Dante's Inferno

Wed & Thur Jan 17, 18

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session

Friday Jan 19


The link to Gazelle on-site & off-site is the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na

See Lynn (P27), Eric (P26), or Steve (P28) about any gazelle problems, password resets, etc

  >>Seating chart:

-- Seating assignments - Table locations are visible in test instance in gazelle to help you locate test partners in the room

  >> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

        Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

  >>Network Info:

  • Network support staff on-site -- go to table C31.
  • Connectathon Network Description for testing participants:  NetworkDescriptionNA2018.pdf
  • Wireless network for monitors:
    • SSID: Monitors
    • Password: <ask Lynn for this>

  >>Ask questions. Get help:

  • Logistics (expenses, travel...):  Jeremiah Myers at the Registration Desk or Help Desk
  • Network problems:  Network support staff (C31) 
  • Gazelle help:  Lynn Felhofer (P27)
  • Questions on Patient Care Devices PCD tests:  Paul Sherman (F21)
  • Questions on CDA, RFD tests:  Steve Moore (P28)
  • Questions on all other tests:  Lynn Felhofer (P27)
  • Tool help:  ...varies by tool.  See link in the next section.

  >>Test tools - locations & support:

See https://gazelle.ihe-europe.net/content/na-connectathon-2018-week-resources#Tools

We point you to the Participants' page so that we all have consistent information.

Contact Us:

Please contact Jeremiah or Lynn for support.  We will use the Connectathon monitor google group to make announcements to the monitor team.

Technical Preparation Resources:

>> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We organize IHE profiles with common characteristics or technologies into "clusters", and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  During the Connectathon, you will have an opportunity, if you wish, to work in areas outside of your primary assignment. In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are two tabs in the spreadsheet:

    • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote your time evaluating tests in that cluster.  Some monitors are asked to split time between two clusters.   During Connectathon week monitors will have the opportunity to evaluate tests in another area based on your interest or on our need for help in a certain area.
    • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.  The yellow rows also point to available preparation material.

>> Technical Specifications: 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.   IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.

If you have time prior to the Connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

We also test HL7 Consolidated CDA® Release 2.1.  Those specifications are here.


>> Monitor training material

While we provide material to enable monitors to do some preparation prior to the Connectathon, we understand the demands of your day job, and we have to requirements for you to do advance prep.

That said, the table below contains links to available training material that falls into 3 categories.  (More will be added before January.

  • The January 9 Connectathon Monitor webinar -- if you have time for only one prep item, this is the one to choose.
  • General training topics -- probably of more interest to first-time monitors
  • Cluster-specific training material -- these trainings are organized according to the 'clusters' of profiles you are assigned to.


Connectathon overview for all monitors: 

Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Gazelle walk-through
- Q & A

Recording linkSlides

60 min

General training: (primary audience is new monitors)

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

40 min

Connectathon Terminology
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

11 min

Using gazelle to review Connectathon test definitions

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

8 min

Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it.

We collect participants' material on this Training Page.


IHE 2017 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations; duration varies
Training for Connectathon tools:
See links in this note sent to the monitor email list.
Cluster-specific trainings:

CDA Cluster Training

   Overview of CDA Testing Procedure


ITI-ETC (ITI Other) Profile Overview

  Recording link | slides

7 min

Media Cluster Profile Overview  

  Recording link (2017) | slides

18 min

Mobile Cluster Profile Overview 

  Recording link (2018) | slides
39 min

PatID Cluster Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

7 min

RAD Visual Cluster Profile Overview



RAD-Web Cluster Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

20 min

RAD-WF (Radiology Workflow) Cluster Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

34 min

RFD (Retrieve Form for Data Capture) Cluster Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

30 min

Security Cluster Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

  Using the Gazelle Security Suite Tool for ATNA verification -- Recording | slides

  Participant ATNA Resource Web Page

  Secure Retrieve (SeR) Profile test scenario -- slides

32 min

20 min


SR Cluster Profile Overview



XC* (Cross Community Cluster) Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

43 min

XDS (Document Sharing Cluster) Profile Overview

  Recording link (2017) | slides

Tool training -- there is a new version of XDS Tools this year; Bill will tutor on-site in Cleveland.

34 min

XDS-I Cluster Profile Overview



XDW Cluster Profile Overview




Timeline for Connectathon Monitors:


Refer to this Connectathon Monitor Travel Guide for guidance on all travel-related tasks!

Nov 17

-- Complete Monitor Travel Survey.  
-- If you will book flights to Cleveland, activate your account in Concur Travel. 

Dec 1 Book flights (if applicable).  Refer to the Connectathon Monitor Travel Guide. Monitors must arrange airfare through Concur Travel.
Dec 1 Register for your Monitor badge.  You will receive an invitation from Cvent via email with registration link.
Dec 1 Request advance per diem.  Send per diem form to jmyers@himss.org.

(Alternatively, submit post-event per diem form by Feb 9, 2018.)

Jan 9, 10-11 am CST

Attend the Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities 
- Connectathon process for monitors 
- Gazelle walk-through 
- Q & A

Recording link | Slides

Mon Jan 15, 11:00-11:30 am Monitors arrive at the Cleveland Convention Center and pick up badges at registration desk.
11:30 am
Monitor welcome/orientation meeting. 
Meeting Room 23 on the Exhibit Floor level, adjacent to the Registration/Check-in.
Monday noon - 1:00 pm Lunch -- get to know your monitor colleagues.  Participants will be having lunch, too.
Monday 1:00 - 1:30 pm Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. 
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Connectathon testing session.  Monitors start work on test verification.

AFTER HOURS ACCESS: There is no expectation that volunteer monitors will support vendor participants outside of the daily testing sessions.  Monitors and participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

-- mornings starting at 7:30 am
-- evenings until 11pm Mon-Thurs.  No re-entry is permitted after 9pm.  Everyone must leave the test floor at 11pm.

Tue, Wed, Thurs
9 am-5:30 pm
Connectathon testing sessions / test verification.

Tues Jan 16

6:30-9:30 pm

Social Event for Connectathon participants and monitors at Dante's Inferno.
Fri Jan 19 
8 am-noon

Final Connectathon testing session.

Connectathon ends promptly at noon.


Feb 9 If you did not request advance per diem by Dec 1 then send your post-event  per diem form to jmyers@himss.org.



This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Our Connectathon FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


PDF icon CAT18_Monitor_Travel_Guide.pdf424.24 KB

NA Connectathon 2018 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

The contents of this page apply to a past Connectathon. 

For details on the NA 2019 IHE Connectathon, see https://gazelle.ihe.net/cat/NA2019

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 15, 2018  8:00 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 15, 2018  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 15, 2018 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 16, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 17, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 18, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 19, 2018  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before the end of the calendar year (2017). This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.
-- Connectathon floor plan

Network Info

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2018
    • Password:  cleveland18
    • Security type:  TBD

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  cleveland18
  • Security type:  TBD


Gazelle on-site: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 7:30-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Dawn Schwartz at table N22
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (C31)

Tool help - see section below

Steve Moore - (P28)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA/HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • "I need to reset my password"
        • "I need to drop a profile/actor"

Lynn Felhofer - (P27)

      • ITI and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading
      • Monitor support

Eric Poiseau - (P26)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support.

 Paul Sherman - (F21)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Assigned partners for some profiles

Tools - locations & support

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool errata - as we find issues with tools, we will document them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oNVe8_L7_ll20bCrG--lqlVeIab0cMTEMl8qADhprtk/pubhtml

Integral Tools

The tools listed in the first table below are considered an integral part of Connectathon testing. These tools are referenced in Connectathon tests and are part of the test procedure.

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

Gazelle Itself

Test Management


Eric (P26)

Gazelle Security Suite

- Home of ATNA Questionnaires

- TLS client / server simulator

- ATNA Audit message validator

- Syslog collector (ARR simulator)


Abderrazek (P25)

CDA Validation (several)

PCC, QRPH and C-CDA Testing

IHE CDA Overview of Testing Procedure

Steve (P28)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end: http://central-archive.ihe-us-test.net:18080/dcm4chee-web3/

password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: central-archive.ihe-us-test.net /  11112

IP addr / port: /  11112


Steve (P28)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


Eric (P26)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)


Eric (P26)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator



Eric (P26) 

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


Eric (P26)

XDW validator


Abderrazek (P25)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)


Abderrazek (P25)

Gazelle Order Manager

Is the DSS/OF for CARD & RAD profiles:

--DICOM Modality Worklist SCP for RAD & CARD modalities

--RAD-13 sender for RAD & CARD Image Managers

Watch this short "how to" video


Anne-Gaëlle (P25) 

Gazelle Patient Manager

Source of pre-load Patients

Patient Demographics Supplier and Patient Encounter Supplier in the PAM Profile


Anne-Gaëlle (P25) 

FHIR Read-Only Server

- Hosts FHIR Resources used as datasets for some profiles

http://fhir-read:8080/hapi-fhir-ro  (web GUI)

http://fhir-read:8080/hapi-fhir-ro/baseDstu3 (server base)

Steve (P28)

FHIR Read-Write Server

- Resource validation
- Participants can store resources here

http://fhir-write:8080/hapi-fhir-rw (web GUI)

http://fhir-write:8080/hapi-fhir-rw/baseDstu3 (server base)

Steve (P28)

NIST HL7 v2.x

For HL7 v2.x PIX/PDQ

For QRPH VRDR HL7 messages



Rob (P22)

PCD Tools

PCD Message Validation


John Garguilo (E22)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing


Abderrazek (P25)

XDS Tools 

 XD* profile testing

 - Endpoints for the XDS Public Registry - Red, Green, and Blue - are on: http://nist1:9080/

- XDS toolkit: TBD

- XDS Registry Dashboard: from the toolkit home page, select Connectathon Tools --> Dashboard

 Bill (M28)

XDS Toolkit 2018

XD* test support
XCA test support
MHD test support



XDS-I Tools 2018

For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations.

Uses the NIST XDS Toolkit directly


Steve (P28)

Backup or Experimental Tools

The tools listed in the table below are considered as backups or possibly experimental.

Backup: Tool is available if someone needs to review/resolve an issue by using one of our tools. These are not part of the defined testing protocol.

Experimental: A tool is in development. We may ask you for your help in running a few tests to examine the behavior of our testing software.

Tool Status Used for Location / Config info Support


NA Connectathon 2018 New Supplements

New Supplements

The following table contains new supplements that are published for the first time. We include only those supplements that have been published after January 2017.  

We purposely omit supplements that have been re-published.


DomainAcronymSupplement / Profile




IT Infrastructure


Remove Metadata and Documents

IT Infrastructure


Non-patient File Sharing

IT Infrastructure


Mobile Document Data Element Extraction

IT Infrastructure


Mobile Care Services Discovery

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine



Patient Care Coordination


360x Closed Loop Referral

Patient Care Coordination


Dynamic Care Team Management

Patient Care Coordination


Routine Interfacility Patient Transport

Patient Care Coordination


Query Existing Data for Mobile

Patient Care Coordination


Point-of-Care Medical Device Tracking

Patient Care Devices






Quality, Research, Public Health


Mobifile Retrieve Form for Data Capture 



Cross-Enterprise Remote Read Workflow Definition



Management of Acquisition Protocols



Standardized Operational Log of Events

NA Connectathon 2020 Resources

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the IHE North American Connectathon, Jan 21-24, 2020 in Cleveland.  

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration was open in Gazelle Test Management from Sep 12 - Oct 25, 2019.  Infomation for some items below will be added as we get closer to January.

If you have questions, please contact the IHE NA Connectathon sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Test Management

IHE manages Connectathon system registration and testing in our on-line system called "Gazelle Test Management":  https://gazelle.iheusa.org/gazelle-na

Testing Tools

Tools for Connectathon week are Available Here:  NA CAT20 Testing Tools

Schedule and Logistics

Specifications to be tested

Technical resources for all

Technical resources for targeted profiles

Training Material / Webex Presentations


Contact us!

Connectathon System Registration

System registration is now closed.  Here are links to registration resources:

-- Pre-Registration Advice
-- How to Register in Gazelle and Generate a Contract
-- Thorough vs Supportive Testing Explained




For Monitors:

NA Connectathon 2020 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 20, 2020  8:00 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 20, 2020  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 20, 2020 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 21, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 22, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 23, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 24, 2020  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor. There is a curfew time TBD.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before the end of the calendar year (2018). This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.

Network Info

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2020
    • Password:  cleveland20

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  provided on site

Gazelle Test Management

Gazelle on-site: https://gazelle.iheusa.org/gazelle-na

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: https://gazelle.iheusa.org/gazelle-na

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8:00-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Samantha Neiheisel at table M28.
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (Separate table, just inside the balllroom)

Tool help - see section below

Dr. Phil - (C31)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
        • If I do not know, I will find someone who does.
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • e.g. "I need to reset my password"
      • Monitor support

Steve Moore - (K31)

      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors.
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in QRPH or PCC"

Lynn Felhofer - (L28)

      • ITI and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in RAD or ITI"

Anne-Gaëlle / Malo Toudic - (C28)

      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support.

Paul Sherman - (H28)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in PCD"

Assigned partners and assigned patients

For Document Sharing (XD*, XC*, MHD) profiles and ATNA, Connectathon Managers make some assignments to help manage testing.  First-time participants can read an overview of multiple affinity domains at Connectathons here. This section only applies to test systems in those profiles.

See Lynn Felhofer (L28) with any questions about these assignments.

Tools - configuration, location & support


Gazelle Test Management


Support Malo (C28)
Summary Overall test management during Connectathon.  
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Proxy


Proxy is accessible at

Support  Malo (C28)
Summary Captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation.  Applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/gss
Support Malo (C28) 

Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS.

Simulates an Audit Record Repository (syslog collector).

Validates syslog audit records.

TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options.

Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA.

SAML assertion provider for XUA.

Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle EVSClient
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient
Support Malo (C28)
Summary Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe), with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Gazelle Patient Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/PatientManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle (C28)
Summary Simulators for actors in PAM, PDQ*, PIX* are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle Order Manager
Configuration  https://gazelle.ihe.net/OrderManager
Support Anne-Gaëlle (C28)

Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange.

Simulators are used by participants in RAD and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes at Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality worklist SCP

Provider organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

PCD Tools  
Configuration http://pcdtool:8080/pcdtool
Support John (E7)
Summary Used in PCD profile testing to validate one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
Configuration https://ttpedge.sitenv.org/ttp/#/validators/ccdar2
Support Steve Moore(K31)
Summary Used to test C-CDA documents. Not for general CDA testing.
Provider Organization NIST
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools
Support Jungyub (M26)
Summary Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.

on-line tool documentation

Provider organization


CDA Validation Tools
Support Steve (K31)

For PCC, QRPH, and C-CDA testing


IHE CDA Testing Procedure Overview

XDS Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://github.com/usnistgov/asbestos/wiki/CAT-Home


Bill (J31)

Sunil (J32)

Summary Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, eg XC*, XDS.  Specific tests contain instructions to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Provider Organization NIST
XDS-I Tools
Configuration http://xds-imaging-tools:8080/toolkit
Support Steve (K31)
Summary For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations
Provider Organization NIST, + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
FHIR Read-Write Server (HAPI)

Web GUI: http://fhir-read-write.ihe-us-test.net:8080/fhir

Server base URL (R4): http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseR4  

Server base URL (STU3):  http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseDstu3

Support Steve (K31)

(1) Hosts the Connectathon patients as FHIR Patient Resources. These Patient Resources will be referenced by other Resources that are created/exchanged in peer-to-peer tests .  i.e. you will not reference a copy of this resource that resides on your server or that of your test partner. 

(2) Hosts FHIR Resources that are test data for various IHE Profiles, e.g., mCDS, QEDm, MHD-SDC.

(3) Participants can upload & validate FHIR Resources created by their systems. 

-- -- Instructions are in Connectathon test '*_Resource_Check* for several profiles.

(4) Participants that are FHIR clients will upload a FHIR CapabilityStatement for their test system onto this server, making them available to all participants and monitors.  Instructions are in test '01_DoThis1st_CapabilityStatement'

Provider Organization

HAPI Server deployed at Connectathon by Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

FHIR Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside: https://github.com/usnistgov/asbestos/wiki/CAT-Home


Bill (J31)

Sunil (J32)


MHD profile testing

Documentation  Overview training recording
Provider Organization  NIST
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee)

GUI front-end: http://central-archive:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2

login/password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: central-archive.ihe-us-test.net  /  11112

IP addr / port:  /  11112


QIDO-RS: http://central-archive.ihe-us-test.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

WADO-RS: http://central-archive.ihe-us-test.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

Support Steve (K31)
Summary Used as a commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that participants have stored their objects here.
Provider organization  dcm4che.org
Mitre Canary

 GUI front-end: http://central-archive:18080

Note: This is correct. We are running the canary tool on the same host as the Central Archive.

Support Steve (K31)

Used to test VRDR/FHIR

Provider organization


Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/sts
Support Malo (C28)

SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

Provider Organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

Index to IHE Test Tools:  https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/IHE_Test_Tool_Information

Connectathon DNS


  1. We use a fake domain name (ihe-europe.net) for our Joint Connectathon. Particpant systems are assigned more or more host names (e.g., acme2) and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for that host would be acme2.ihe-europe.net
  2. The Gazelle Test Management System ("Gazelle") is hosted at https:https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam
  3. Some other tools such as the Gazelle Security Suite are hosted at gazelle.ihe.net.
  4. The server gazelle.ihe.net also hosts other content such as documentation.
  5. Prior to the connectathon, these two systems live outside of the Connectathon test room and have public IP addresses:
    1. https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam
    2. gazelle.ihe.net
  6. During the event:
    1. The full server https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam lives in Montreux on the private network used for testing.
    2. The tooling part of gazelle.ihe.net is linked at the bottom of https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM/home.seam and lives on the private network.
    3. Other content (documentation) remains on the original gazelle.ihe.net
  7. The Gazelle Test Management software records URL's that link to items inside the https://gazelle.ihe.net system or inside the gazelle.ihe.net system. The software works best if you use the fully qualified domain name in the URL rather than trying to use an IP address or just "gazelle"
  8. In previous years, we have seen evidence that DNS "stuff" from offsite locations such as your hotel might be cached in your system and interfere with your work in the testing area. We have advice below on how to manage that.

What Does This Mean for You?

Manual Network Configuration (i.e., Fixed IP Address)

  1. Make sure you set the Search Domain to: ihe-europe.net.
    1. That means if someone tells you their hostname is acme2 and you try to connect to acme2, your underlying system software should try a DNS lookup on acme2.ihe-europe.net and things should just work.
  2. For DNS servers, use only the server we supply:
    1. If you use a different DNS server, you will not be able to resolve IP addresses for your partner systems.
    2. You will also get redirected to the public IP address of some of the resources listed above, and that will cause a (large) mess.

What Else Should You Do?

  1. When you return to your hotel room and decide you need to do more work, you can still connect to gazelle.ihe.net. Your hotel DNS should give you the public IP address of those systems at home, and you will be redirected.
    1. When you are in the Convention Center and you use the public IP address for either of those resources, your connection goes out the firewal to the server at home and then gets redirected back through the firewall. The round trip traffic just puts more load on the network for no benefit.
  2. Resist the temptation to enter a fixed IP address when you browse to Gazelle Test Management or to the other tools at gazelle.ihe.net.

What If?

  • You might have a link to documentation that starts with https://gazelle.ihe.net. That should still work inside the Convention Center through redirects. If you have problems getting to such documentation, use this prefix: https://gazelle.ihe-europe.net. That URL points to the IHE Europe server back in Rennes and should not have any redirect issues.
    • Do not use this link for anything other than documentation.
    • Do not use this link for any tools

NA Connectathon 2020 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

Table of Contents


Connectathon Week Resources

  >>Schedule for the week:

Monday Jan 20

  • 11:00-11:30 - Arrive at Cleveland Convention Center, pick up your badge at the registration desk
  • 11:30 - Monitor welcome meeting in Room 26A
  • noon - Lunch!
  • 1:00 - 1:30 - Find your table, get hooked to the network
  • 1:30 - 5:30 - Test verification begins

Tueday Jan 21

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session
  • 6:30 - 9:30 - Social event

Wed & Thur Jan 22, 23

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session

Friday Jan 24


The link to Gazelle on-site & off-site is the same: http://gazelle.iheusa.org

See Anne-Gaëlle or Malo (C28), Steve (K31), or Dr. Phil (C31) about any Gazelle problems, password resets, etc

  >>Seating chart:

-- Click Here

  >> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

        Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

  >>Network Info:

  • Network support staff on-site -- at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room.
  • Connectathon Network Description for testing participants
  • Wireless network for monitors:
    • SSID: NA2020
    • Password: cleveland20 

  >>Test tools 

For TOOLS CONNECTATHON LOCATION & CONFIGURATION:  See https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/na-connectathon-2020-week-resources#Tools   Note: The link sends you to the Participants' page so that we all have consistent configuration information.  Most monitors will want to bookmark that link.


Contact Us:

  >>Ask questions. Get help on-site:

  • Logistics (expenses, travel...):  Sarah Bell at the Registration Desk or Help Desk
  • Network problems:  Network support staff (at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room) 
  • Gazelle help:  Dr. Phil (C31)
  • Questions on Patient Care Devices PCD tests:  Paul Sherman (E28)
  • Questions on CDA, RFD tests:  Steve Moore (K31)
  • Questions on Radiology and IT Infrastructure tests:  Lynn Felhofer (L28)
  • Tool help:  ...varies by tool.  See links in the section above.

    >> Email Support

Technical Preparation Resources:

>> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We organize IHE profiles with common characteristics or technologies into "clusters", and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  During the Connectathon, you will have an opportunity, if you wish, to work in areas outside of your primary assignment. In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are two tabs in the spreadsheet:

    • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote your time evaluating tests in that cluster.  Some monitors are asked to split time between two clusters.   During Connectathon week monitors will have the opportunity to evaluate tests in another area based on your interest or on our need for help in a certain area.
    • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.  The yellow rows also point to available preparation material.

>> Technical Specifications: 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.   IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.

If you have time prior to the Connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

We also test HL7 Consolidated CDA® Release 2.1.  Those specifications are here.


>> Monitor training material

While we provide material to enable monitors to do some preparation prior to the Connectathon, we understand the demands of your day job, and we have no requirement for you to do advance prep.

That said, this section contains links to available training material that falls into 4 categories.  

  • The January 8 Connectathon Monitor webinar -- if you have time for only one prep item, this is the one to choose.
  • General training topics -- probably of more interest to first-time monitors
  • Cluster-specific training material -- these trainings are organized according to the 'clusters' of profiles you are assigned to. 
Connectathon overview for all monitors: 

Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Gazelle walk-through
- Q & A

Streaming Recording  


approx 60 min

General training: (primary audience is new monitors)

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

40 min

Connectathon Terminology
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

11 min

Using gazelle to review Connectathon test definitions

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

8 min

IHE 2019 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations; duration varies
Cluster-specific trainings:

Please refer to the Monitor Assignments

Then, find the Cluster-Profiles tab.   

For each cluster of profiles, you will find links to available Preparation Material, including recordings and slide presentations.

multiple presentations; duration varies





This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: https://youtu.be/6SrkvyB1EPs

Our Connectathon FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


NA Connectathon 2017 Resources


This page is now out-of-date.  If you are looking for information about the January 2018 Connectathon, click here.


IHE USA welcomes your participation in the North American Connectathon 2017.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration is open in gazelle Sep 12 - Oct 7, 2016.

Important for 2017!!

Contract submission and payment are due at the close of registration. That means you have to generate the contract and make payment by October 7, 2016. This is a different policy from previous years. If you have questions, please contact the IHE USA sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Connectathon Test Management


Participation Checklist

 Participant Checklist


IHE Technical Frameworks, Consolidated CDA

Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info ...


Technical Resources

Targeted Resources

Training Material / Webex Presentations

Communication (email addresses, email lists)






For Monitors:





NA Connectathon 2017 Contact Information


Contact Information

Connectathon Technical Project Manager (Steve Moore)

Use the email address at the right for any kind of Connectathon technical support question.

Your email will be entered into a Jira tracking system


IHE USA Connectathon Management and Logistics


Domain Technical Project Managers (by Last Name)

Contact a Domain Technical Project Manager if your question is specific to a profile in a particular domain.


Paul Dow

+ Cardiology


Lynn Felhofer

+ IT Infrastructure

+ Quality, Research and Public Health

+ Radiology


Steve Moore

+ Patient Care Coordination

+ Consolidated CDA testing


Eric Poiseau

+ Anatomic Pathology

+ Laboratory

+ Pharmacy


Paul Sherman

+ Patient Care Devices









NA Connectathon 2019 Contact Information


Contact Information

Connectathon Technical Project Manager (Steve Moore)

Use the email address at the right for any kind of Connectathon technical support question.

Your email will be entered into a Jira tracking system


IHE USA Connectathon Management and Logistics


Domain Technical Project Managers (by Last Name)

Contact a Domain Technical Project Manager if your question is specific to a profile in a particular domain.


Paul Dow

+ Cardiology


Lynn Felhofer

+ IT Infrastructure

+ Quality, Research and Public Health

+ Radiology


Steve Moore

+ Patient Care Coordination

+ Consolidated CDA testing


Eric Poiseau

+ Anatomic Pathology

+ Laboratory

+ Pharmacy


Paul Sherman

+ Patient Care Devices









NA Connectathon 2017 Application and Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due Jan 6, 2017.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Lynn Felhofer (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

There is a a new Gazelle in town. The training for this has changed.

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland:  NetworkDescription2017.pdf

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.


NA Connectathon 2017 New Supplements

New Supplements

The following table contains new supplements that are published for the first time. We include only those supplements that have been published after January 2016.  

We purposely omit supplements that have been re-published.




IT Infrastructure

Advanced Patient Privacy Consents (APPC)

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Patient Care Coordination

Bed Management (BED)

Patient Care Coordination

Cross-Enterprise Cardiovascular Heart Team Workflow Definition (XCHT-WD)

Patient Care Coordination

Dynamic Care Plan (DCP)

Patient Care Devices




Quality, Research, Public Health



Radiation Exposure Monitoring for Nuclear Medicine (REM-NM)

NA Connectathon 2017 Week Resources

Deprecated: For Reference Only

This is a resource page for an event that is complete. Please do not assume any information on this page is current.

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 23, 2017  7:30 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 23, 2017  7:30 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 23, 2017 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 24, 2017  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 25, 2017  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 26, 2017  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 27, 2017  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Teset Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

      • mornings starting at 7:30 am
      • evenings until 11pm Mon-Thurs.   No re-entry is permitted after 9pm.  All Participants must leave the test floor at 11pm.

There is no support from volunteer monitors or technical management outside of the daily Testing Sessions; during after-hours, they will be preparing for the next day.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments (No Longer Current)

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
-- Connectathon floor plan

Network Info (No Longer Current)

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2017
    • Password:  cleveland17
    • Security type:  TBD

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  cleveland17
  • Security type:  TBD


Gazelle on-site: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam

Guidance for Monday's session (No Longer Current)

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 7:30-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  XDM and PDI media to monitor George or Raj at table K24 
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help: (No Longer Current)

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (C18)

Tool help - see next section

Steve Moore - (K28)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
      • PCC and C-CDA/HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor"
      • Gazelle help

Eric Poiseau - (K27)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Lynn Felhofer - (K25)

      • ITI, QRPH, and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading
      • Monitor support

Paul Sherman - (L18)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Assigned partners for some profiles

Tools - locations & support (No Longer Current)

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool errata - as we find issues with tools, we will document them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oNVe8_L7_ll20bCrG--lqlVeIab0cMTEMl8qADhprtk/pubhtml

Integral Tools

The tools listed in the first table below are considered an integral part of Connectathon testing. These tools are referenced in Connectathon tests and are part of the test procedure.

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

Gazelle Itself

Test Management


Eric (K27)

Gazelle Security Suite

- Home of ATNA Questionnaires

- TLS client / server simulator

- ATNA Audit message validator

- Syslog collector (ARR simulator)


Cedric (K26)

CDA Validation (several)

PCC, QRPH and C-CDA Testing

IHE CDA Overview of Testing Procedure

Steve (K28)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end: http://central-archive.ihe-us-test.net:8080/dcm4chee-web3/

password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: /  11112


Steve (K28)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


Eric (K27)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)


Eric (K27)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator



Eric (K27) 

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


Eric (K27)

XDW validator



Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)


Eric (K27)

Gazelle Order Manager

Is the DSS/OF for CARD & RAD profiles:

--DICOM Modality Worklist SCP for RAD & CARD modalities

--RAD-13 sender for RAD & CARD Image Managers

Watch this short "how to" video


Cedric (K26) 

Gazelle Patient Manager

Is the Patient Demographics Supplier and Patient Encounter Supplier in the PAM Profilfe


Cedric (K26)

NIST HL7 v2.x

For QRPH VRDR HL7 messages


Rob S (M28)

Patient Generation and Sharing

--Preload patients for PIX/PDQ/XDS...

--HL7v2 and V3 Patient ID Feed

--Choose a patient to initiate creation of a RAD/CARD modality worklist in Order Manager

Gazelle Test Management:  menu  Connectathon-->Patient Generation and Sharing

 Lynn (L25)

PCD Tools

PCD Message Validation


John (L17)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing


Cedric (K26)

XDS Tools 

 XD* profile testing

 - Endpoints for the XDS Public Registry - Red, Green, and Blue - are on: http://nist1:9080/

- XDS toolkit: TBD

- XDS Registry Dashboard: from the toolkit home page, select Connectathon Tools --> Dashboard

 Bill (J28)

XDS Toolkit 2017



Bill (J28)

XDS-I Tools 2017

For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations.

Uses the NIST XDS Toolkit directly


Steve (K28)

Backup or Experimental Tools

The tools listed in the table below are considered as backups or possibly experimental.

Backup: Tool is available if someone needs to review/resolve an issue by using one of our tools. These are not part of the defined testing protocol.

Experimental: A tool is in development. We may ask you for your help in running a few tests to examine the behavior of our testing software.

Tool Status Used for Location / Config info Support
Gazelle EVS / HPD validator Backup     x ()
Gazelle EVS / DSUB validator Backup     xxx()
Gazelle EVS / WADO validator (XDS-I.b) Backup     xxx()
Gazelle XDStar Client Backup     ()
RFD Simulator Experimental RFD based profiles http://rfd-test-tools Ralph (J22)
XCA Tools Experimental XCA testing Beta testing: Conformity Assessment Bill (J28)


NA Connectathon 2017 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.


Note this page is now out-of-date.  NA2018 Connectathon info is here

Table of Contents


Connectathon Week Resources

>>Schedule for the week:

Mon Jan 23, 11:00-11:30 am Monitors arrive at the Cleveland Convention Center and pick up badges at registration desk outside the Grand Ballroom.
11:30 am
Monitor welcome/orientation meeting.
Meeting Room 21 on the Exhibit Floor level, adjacent to the Registration/Check-in.
Monday noon - 1:00 pm Lunch -- get to know your monitor colleagues.  Participants will be having lunch, too.
Monday 1:00 - 1:30 pm Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. 
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Connectathon testing session.  Monitors start work on test verification.

AFTER HOURS ACCESS: Monitors and participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

-- mornings starting at 7:30 am
-- evenings until 11pm Mon-Thurs.  

No re-entry is permitted after 9pm.  Everyone must leave the test floor at 11pm.

There is no support from volunteer monitors or technical management outside of the daily Testing Sessions; during after-hours, they will be preparing for the next day.

Tue, Wed, Thurs
9 am-5:30 pm
Connectathon testing sessions / test verification.
Tues 6:30-9:30 pm Social Event for Connectathon participants and monitors at Punch Bowl Social in The Flats of Downtown Cleveland.
Fri Jan 27
8 am-noon

Final Connectathon testing session.

Connectathon ends promptly at noon.


Feb 10 If you did not request advance per diem by Dec 5, then send your post-event  per diem form to jmyers@himss.org.



Off-site & on-site (same as before the Connectathon): http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam

>> Profile assignments:

Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We organize IHE profiles into "clusters" with common characteristics, and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are three tabs in the spreadsheet:

        • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote your time evaluating tests in that cluster.  Some monitors are asked to split time between two clusters.   During Connectathon week monitors will have the opportunity to evaluate tests in another area based on your interest or on our need for help in a certain area.
        • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.  The yellow rows also point to available preparation material.

>>Seating assignments:

>>Network Info:

          • Network support staff (C18)
          • Wireless / General
            • SSID: NA2017
            • Password: cleveland17
            • Security type: TBA
          • Wireless / General
            • SSID: PCD
            • Password: cleveland17
            • Security type: TBA
          • Connectathon Network Description - this is the description of the Connectathon testing network.  Target audience for this document is testing participants.  FYI-only for Monitors.

>>Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

          • logistics, hotel, expenses...

Network staff - (C18)

Tool help - see next section

Lynn Felhofer - (K25)

          • ITI, QRPH, and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading
          • Monitor support
          • Gazelle support

Steve Moore - (K28)

          • PCC and C-CDA/HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading

Eric Poiseau - (K27)

          • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
          • Gazelle support

Paul Sherman - (L18)

          • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

>> Test tools - locations & support:

See:  https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/na-connectathon-2017-week-resources#Tools

(we document the tool list in one place -- on the vendor's information page)

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining


Timeline for Connectathon Monitors:

Nov 17 Complete Monitor Travel Survey.  See Jeremiah's email for details.
Dec 2 Complete and return Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest forms.  Send to jmyers@himss.org.
Dec 5 Book airfare (if applicable).  Refer to the Monitor Travel Guide. Monitors must arrange through Innovative Travel.
Dec 5 Register for your Monitor badge.  You will receive an invitation via email with registration link.
Dec 5 Request advance per diem.  Send per diem form to jmyers@himss.org.

(Alternatively, submit post-event per diem form by Feb 10, 2017.)

Jan 11, 10-11am CST

Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Gazelle walk-through
- Q & A

Link to recording | slides

Mon Jan 16, 3:00 CST

Media Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording  (18 min)

Mon Jan 16, 4:00 CST

Mobile Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording  (47 min)

Tue Jan 17, 10:00 CST

RFD Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording (30 min)

Tue Jan 17, noon CST

Security Cluster Profile Overview

Link to recording (32 min)

Tue Jan 17, 4:00 CST

XDS Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording  (34 min)

Wed Jan 18, 10:00 CST

XC* Cross-Community Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording  (43 min)

Wed Jan 18, 1:00 CST

RAD-WF Radiology Workflow Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording (34 min)

Wed Jan 18, 3:00 CST

RAD-Web Cluster Profile Overview

 Link to recording (20 min)

Sun, Jan 22, 2:05 CST

Packers vs. Falcons --  NCF Championship Game

Mon Jan 23, 11:00-11:30 am Monitors arrive at the Cleveland Convention Center and pick up badges at registration desk.
11:30 am
Monitor welcome/orientation meeting.
Meeting Room 21 on the Exhibit Floor level, adjacent to the Registration/Check-in.
Monday noon - 1:00 pm Lunch -- get to know your monitor colleagues.  Participants will be having lunch, too.
Monday 1:00 - 1:30 pm Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. 
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Connectathon testing session.  Monitors start work on test verification.
Tue, Wed, Thurs
9 am-5:30 pm
Connectathon testing sessions / test verification.
Tues 6:30-9:30 pm Social Event for Connectathon participants and monitors at Punch Bowl Social in The Flats of Downtown Cleveland.
Fri Jan 27
8 am-noon

Final Connectathon testing session.

Connectathon ends promptly at noon.


Feb 10 If you did not request advance per diem by Dec 5, then send your post-event  per diem form to jmyers@himss.org.


Technical Preparation Resources:

>> Link to gazelle:


    • Gazelle is the tool we use to manage test execution and verification for the IHE Connectathon.

>> IHE Technical Framework Documentation: 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.   IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement. 

If you have time prior to the Connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.


Monitor Preparation & Training Material:

>> Cluster-specific preparation: 

The Monitor Assignments Spreadsheet contains cluster-specific preparation & training material.  See the Cluster-Proiflies tab. Each cluster contains links to the availlable preparation material for monitors.

>> Other Training Material: 


Date-Time / Duration
New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors

Connectathon Terminology: 
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

All monitors

Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

All monitors

Connectathon monitor - process overview 
 - Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

Gazelle walk-through 
- How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. 

recording | slides

Jan 11, 2017

10am CST





All monitors

Some profile 'clusters' have additional training material prepared by IHE Technical Project Managers.  This content will become available from now into Jan 2017.  Find it on the Cluster-Profiles tab of the monitor assignments google spreadsheet.


Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it.

We collect participants' material on this Training Page.


IHE 2016 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations available; duration varies


Our FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs


Contact Us: 

NA Connectathon 2021 Resources

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the IHE North American Connectathon, March 1-5, 2021 in the Cloud.  

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration will open in Gazelle Test Management in December 2020.  Infomation for some items below will be added as we get closer to January.  Below is content from the previous NA CAT2020

If you have questions, please contact the IHE NA Connectathon sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Schedule and Logistics

Gazelle Test Management

IHE manages Connectathon system registration and testing in our on-line system called "Gazelle Test Management":  https://gazelle.iheusa.org/gazelle-na

Connectathon System Registration

System registration: Register Now!

-- Pre-Registration Advice
-- How to Register in Gazelle and Generate a Contract
-- Thorough vs Supportive Testing Explained

Specifications to be tested

Testing Tools

  NA CAT21 Testing Tools

Technical resources for all

Technical resources for targeted profiles

Training Material / Webex Presentations


Contact us!




For Monitors:

NA Connectathon 2021 Application and Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs


Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname. This will be the full qualified domain name.  You will also incldue your static IP address.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Philip DePalo (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

There is a a new Gazelle in town. The training for this has changed.

IHE Services has provided this guide to assist with the online process for setting up your congifurations:

The information below is geared towards a Face to Face Connectathon:

 IP Addresses

  1. You must follow the guide above to edit and enter your own IP and domain name.
  2. You will then download the hosts file to whitelist other participants in your firewall.
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle (http://gazelle.iheusa.org)
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file

Connectivity Testing

You may use this IHE Services guide to perform connectivity testing: Connectivity Testing


Thank you for your patience during this new process.  Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.


NA Connectathon 2021 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Mar 1, 2021  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Mar 1, 2021 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Mar 2, 2021  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Mar 3, 2021  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Mar 4, 2021  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 4
Fri, Mar 5, 2021  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


Daily 'need to know' announcements

Follow Slack #connectathon-announcements channel for all event related notes.

Network Info

Gazelle Test Management

Gazelle Test Management: https://gazelle.iheusa.org/gazelle-na

Slack User Guide

Please review the following user guide for information on how to work within the slack workspace.  You must be a registered participant to join the slack workspace.  You can register here: Participant Registration

Slack User Guide

Test Execution Guide

Please reivew the following test execution guide. This will be the method used to have your tests monitored and completed.

Test Execution Guide

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8:00-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

Tool help - see section below

Dr. Phil -

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
        • If I do not know, I will find someone who does.
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • e.g. "I need to reset my password"
      • Monitor support

Steve Moore -

      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors.
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in QRPH or PCC"

Lynn Felhofer -  On Slack: IHE.Lynn.Felhofer

      • ITI and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in RAD or ITI"

Paul Sherman & Michael Kirwan -

      • DEV tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in DEV"

Assigned partners and assigned patients

For Document Sharing (XD*, XC*, MHD) profiles and ATNA, Connectathon Managers make some assignments to help manage testing.  First-time participants can read an overview of multiple affinity domains at Connectathons here. This section only applies to test systems in those profiles.

    • Document sharing / multiple affinity domain testing (red/green/blue assignments):  click here
    • Document Source Patient Assignments and the XDS, XDS, XDS-I, ATNA: Tue-Wed-Assigned-Partners click here
    • Schedule for XC* testing on Tues Wed Thu (several tabs; read the 'Instructions' tab first): click here

See Lynn Felhofer with any questions about these assignments.

Tools - configuration, location & support


Gazelle Test Management Ready for NA2021?  Yes.


Support On Slack: #tool-gazelle-test-management
Used for
Overall test management during Connectathon.  
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Proxy Ready for NA2021?   Yes.


IP address:

Support On Slack: # tool-gazelle-proxy
Used for
Captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation.  Applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) Ready for NA2021? Yes.


IP address:

Support On Slack: # tool-gazelle-security-suite
User for

Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS.

Simulates an Audit Record Repository (syslog collector).

Validates syslog audit records.

TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options.

Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA.

SAML assertion provider for XUA.

Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle EVSClient Ready for NA2021? Yes.
Configuration https://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient
Support On Slack: # gazelle-evs-client
Used for
Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe), with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Gazelle Patient Manager Ready for NA2021?  Yes.


IP address:

Support On Slack: # tool-gazelle-patient-manager
Used for
Simulators for actors in PAM, PDQ*, PIX* are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle Order Manager Ready for NA2021?  Yes.


IP address:

Support On Slack: # tool-gazelle-order-manager
Used for

Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange.

Simulators are used by participants in RAD and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes at Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality worklist SCP

Provider organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

PCD Tools   Ready for NA2021?  YES!
Configuration http://tools.iheusa.org/pcdtool/
Support On Slack: #tool-pcd-tool
Used for
Used in PCD profile testing to validate one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
US ONC ETT for C-CDA     Ready for NA2021?
Configuration https://ttpedge.sitenv.org/ttp/#/validators/ccdar2
Support On Slack:
Summary Used to test C-CDA documents. Not for general CDA testing.
Provider Organization NIST
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools Ready for NA2021? 
Support On Slack:
Used for
Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.

on-line tool documentation

Provider organization


CDA Validation Tools Ready for NA2021? 
Support On Slack:
Used for

For PCC, QRPH, and C-CDA testing


IHE CDA Testing Procedure Overview

XDS Toolkit Ready for NA2021?   Yes


>> During Connectathon week: 

>> From outside: https://github.com/usnistgov/asbestos/wiki/CAT-Home


On Slack: # tool-xds-toolkit

Used for
Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, eg XC*, XDS.  Specific tests contain instructions to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Provider Organization NIST
XDS-I Tools Ready for NA2021?   Yes
Configuration http://tools.iheusa.org/xds-imaging
Support On Slack: #tool-xds-imaging
Used for
For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations
Provider Organization NIST + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
FHIR Read-Write Server (HAPI) Ready for NA2021?  Yes

GUI front end: http://cat-nist-tools.ihe-europe.net:6080/hapi-fhir-rw/

FHIR base URL: http://cat-nist-tools.ihe-europe.net:6080/hapi-fhir-rw/baseR4

Support  On Slack:  # fhir-readwrite-server
Used for

(1) Participants can upload & validate FHIR Resources created by their systems. 

-- -- Instructions are in Connectathon test '*_Resource_Check* for several profiles.

(2) Participants that are FHIR clients will upload a FHIR CapabilityStatement for their test system onto this server, making them available to all participants and monitors.  Instructions are in test '01_DoThis1st_CapabilityStatement'

Provider Organization


FHIR Toolkit (aka "Asbestos") Ready for NA2021? Yes


Support On Slack: # tool-fhir-toolkit
Used for

MHD profile testing


Release notes

Connectathon FAQ

Recorded training (from 2020, but still applicable, and a chance to see Bill again :-) )

Provider Organization  NIST
MITRE Inferno Ready for NA2021? Yes


Support On Slack: # tool-mitre-inferno
Used for

FHIR Testing, there are no Connectathon specific tests

Provider Organization MITRE
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee) Ready for NA2021?  Yes.

Note:  this is updated for NA2021

GUI front-end: https://central-archive.ihe-europe.net/dcm4chee-arc/ui2

login/password: user/user 

IP addr / port:  /  11112


QIDO-RS: http://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

WADO-RS: http://central-archive.ihe-europe.net:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/CENTRAL/rs

Support On Slack:   # tool-dicom-central-archive
Used for A commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that participants have stored their objects here.
Provider organization  dcm4che.org
Index to IHE Test Tools:  https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/IHE_Test_Tool_Information

NA Connectathon 2016 Resources


IHE USA welcomes your participation in the North American Connectathon 2016.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration is open in gazelle Sep 14 - Oct 9, 2015.

New for 2016!!

Contract submission and payment are due at the close of registration. That means you have to generate the contract and make payment by October 9, 2015. This is a different policy from previous years. If you have questions, please contact the IHE USA sponsors: connectathon@ihe.net


For Participants

Gazelle Connectathon Test Management


Participation Checklist

 Participant Checklist


IHE Technical Frameworks, Consolidated CDA

Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info ...


Technical Resources

Targeted Resources

Training Material / Webex Presentations

Communication (email addresses, email lists)






For Monitors:





NA Connectathon 2016 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE USA sponsors the North American Connectathon and manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE USA staff at connectathon@ihe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Cleveland Convention Center & HIMSS Innovation Center -- Cleveland, Ohio
January 25-29, 2016

Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the NA Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Detailed Connectathon schedule This schedule will help you stay on track from October through January!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.
Contracts, Fees, Payment Four steps to register for the Connectathon.
Policies & Guidelines IHE USA publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE North American Connectathon 2016.
Connectathon badges Order badges for your staff that will attend the Connectathon.  Order early; badge prices increase after November 21.
Hotel info http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources.aspx#hotelandtravel
Shipping & extra electrical service Service kit for Cleveland Convention Center
Seating assignments Seating assignments (TBA)- There are two tabs in this spreadsheet.
  • First tab: each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28.
  • Second tab: seating assignments sorted by Organization.

Connectathon floor plan (TBA)
NA Connectathon Conference 2016 January 27, 2016 - a one-day educational & networking event at the HIMSS Innovation Center.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2016 main page

NA Connectathon 2016 Contact Information


Contact Information

Connectathon Technical Project Manager (Steve Moore)

Use the email address at the right for any kind of Connectathon technical support question.

Your email will be entered into a Jira tracking system


IHE USA Connectathon Management and Logistics


Domain Technical Project Managers (by Last Name)

Contact a Domain Technical Project Manager if your question is specific to a profile in a particular domain.


Paul Dow

+ Cardiology


Lynn Felhofer

+ IT Infrastructure

+ Quality, Research and Public Health

+ Radiology


Steve Moore

+ Patient Care Coordination

+ Consolidated CDA testing


Eric Poiseau

+ Anatomic Pathology

+ Laboratory

+ Pharmacy


Paul Sherman

+ Patient Care Devices









NA Connectathon 2016 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

Table of Contents:

On-Site Logistics

Connectathon Schedule:

Mon Jan 25, 8:30-9:00am Monitors arrive at the Cleveland Convention Center.  
9:00 am

Meeting Room 21 on the Exhibit Floor level, adjacent to the Registration/Check-in:

Badge & monitor packet pick-up. Monitor welcome/orientation meeting.

If you cannot arrive by 9am, don't worry; you can get your badge at the main Connectathon registration desk when you arrive.

Monday 9:30am Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. The Connectathon managers will then turn their attention to welcoming vendor participants until testing starts at 10am.
10 am - 5:30 pm
Connectathon testing begins promptly at 10am

Tue Jan 26
Wed Jan 27
Thu Jan 28


Connectathon testing session

FYI: Off-Hours Access

+ Participants in the Connectathon will have support from staff (technical managers and volunteer monitors) during regular testing session hours.
+ The Connectathon testing floor is staffed by hotel security 24/7. 
+ The Connectathon floor will be open at 7am Tues through Friday. Entry/re-entry will be allowed until 9pm each evening. No re-entry after 9pm. If you happen to be working very late, you will be asked to leave the Connectathon floor at 11pm.

Fri Jan 29


Final Connectathon testing session.

Connectathon ends promptly at noon.



Network Info

  • Wireless / General
    • SSID:  NA2016
    • Password: cleveland16
    • Security type:  TBD
  • NetworkDescriptionNA2016.pdf - this is the description of the Connectathon testing network.  Target audience for this document is testing participants.  FYI-only for Monitors.

Seating assignments:

Ask Questions.  Get Help:

Monitor Logistics support -

  • IHE USA staff - Help Desk
  • Network staff - (J31)

Monitor Technical Support -

  • Steve Moore - (K28)
    • PCC & Consolidated CDA tests
  • Paul Sherman - (F35)
    • PCD tests
  • Eric Poiseau - (L27)
    • LAB & PHARM tests
    • Gazelle support
  • Lynn Felhofer - (H28)
    • ITI, RAD, and QRPH tests, requirements & grading
    • Gazelle support
  • Tool help

Tools - locations & support

See this Tools Information (we maintain this in one place -- on the vendor's information page)

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Profile assignments 

PROFILE ASSIGNMENTS:  Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We group IHE profiles into "clusters" with common characteristics, and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are two tabs in the spreadsheet:

  • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote all of your time evaluating tests in that cluster.
  • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.

IHE Technical Framework Documentation 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.  Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement. 

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Training Material

Date-Time / Duration
New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors

Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

All monitors

Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

All monitors

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

Gazelle walk-through
- How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. 

recording | slides

Jan 13, 2016

10am CST





All monitors

Some profile 'clusters' have additional training material prepared by IHE Technical Project Managers.  This content will become available througout Jan 2016.  Find it on the Cluster-Profiles tab of the monitor assignments google spreadsheet.


Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it.

We collect participants' material on this Training Page.


IHE 2015 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations available; duration varies



Pre-Connectathon Logistics  

Wed Nov 11

Monitors submit Travel Survey, Non-Disclosure Form and Conflict of Interest Forms to Nick.

Fri Nov 120

Monitor Travel Guide is available here.

Fri Nov 20

Monitor profile assignments are here.

Wed Dec 18

Deadlines from the Monitor Travel Guide:

- Monitors book flight to Cleveland through HIMSS Travel Agency (if applicable)
- Monitors register for Connectathon badge and obtain Social Event Ticket 
- Monitors submit Advance Per Diem form (if applicable) 


General monitor preparation -->  If you have time, read the Vol 1 chapter for the profiles you have been assigned to.


General monitor preparation --> If you have time, review some of the Connectathon tests for your profiles.

Wed Jan 13

10am CST

Monitor Training Webinar 

- Click this link to first register and then attend

- Event Number: 928 306 265    Password:  Meeting1

This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend.

Mon Jan 25 -
Fri Jan 29

Connectathon!  Daily schedule is detailed below.

Mon Feb 15

Monitors submit Post-Event Per Diem form (if applicable) 

Our FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs


Contact Info 

PDF icon Monitor_Travel_Guide.pdf242.43 KB
PDF icon Per_Diem_Request_Form.pdf73.81 KB

NA Connectathon 2016 New Supplements

New Supplements

The following table contains new supplements that are published for the first time. We include only those supplements that have been published after January 2015.  

We purposely omit supplements that have been re-published.



Registry Content Submission - Electrophysiology (RCS-EP)

IT Infrastructure

Cross-Community Document Reliable Interchange (XCDR) 

IT Infrastructure

Mobile Alert Communication Management (mACM)

IT Infrastructure

Patient Identifier Cross-reference for Modile (PIXm) 

IT Infrastructure

Add RESTful Query to ATNA (update to ATNA profile)

IT Infrastructure

Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow Extension to Cross-Community Environment (XDW for XCA & XCDR)

Patient Care Coordination

Clinical Mapping (CMAP)

Patient Care Coordination

Data Access Framework (DAF)

Patient Care Coordination

Guideline Appropriate Ordering (GAO)

Patient Care Coordination

Remote Patient Monitoring

Quality, Research, Public Health

Aggregate Data Exchange (ADX)

Quality, Research, Public Health

Data Element Exchange (DEX)


Clinical Decision Support - Order Appropriateness Tracking (CDS-OAT)


Web-based Image Capture (WIC)





Connectathon 2016 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 25, 2016  7:30 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 25, 2016  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 25, 2016 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 26, 2016  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 27, 2016  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 28, 2016  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 29, 2016  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Teset Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

      • mornings starting at 8am on Monday, and at 7am on Tues-Fri
      • evenings until 11pm Mon-Thurs.   No re-entry is permitted after 9pm.  All Participants must leave the test floor at 11pm.

There is no support from volunteer monitors or technical management outside of the daily Testing Sessions; during after-hours, will be preparing for the next day.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
-- Connectathon floor plan

Network Info

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2016
    • Password:  cleveland16
    • Security type:  TBD

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  cleveland16
  • Security type:  TBD

Printer (table )


    • IP Address: TBD
    • Model:  TBD
    • Driver:  TBD 


Gazelle on-site:

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  XDM and PDI media to monitor Penny at table H24 
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (J31)

Tool help - see next section

Steve Moore - (K28)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
      • PCC and C-CDA/HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor"
      • Gazelle help

Eric Poiseau - (L28)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Lynn Felhofer - (H28)

      • ITI, QRPH, and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading
      • Monitor support

Paul Sherman - (F35)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Assigned partners for some profiles

Tools - locations & support

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool errata - as we find issues with tools, we will document them here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14flrFx47V3OKwzHIhH8TU3DEg09ks9l51041_D0SQNk/pub

Integral Tools

The tools listed in the first table below are considered an integral part of Connectathon testing. These tools are referenced in Connectathon tests and are part of the test procedure.

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

Gazelle Itself

Test Management

Eric (L28)

Gazelle Security Suite

TLS client / server simulator


 Eric (L28)

CDA Validation (several)

PCC, QRPH and C-CDA Testing

IHE CDA Overview of Testing Procedure

Steve (K28)

Clunie DICOM Tools

DICOM validation

See configuration in gazelle for OTHER_IHEUSA_Clunie_DICOM_2016

David C (L23)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end:

password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: /  11112


Steve (K28)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


Eric (L28)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)


Eric (L28)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator



Eric (L28) 

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


Eric (L28)

XDW validator


Abderrazek (L27)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)

Eric (L28)

NIST HL7 v2.x

For 2 QRPH messages


Rob S (H32)

Patient Generation

Patient Generation and Sharing

Gazelle menu: Connectathon -> Connectathon -> Patient Generation & Sharing

Abderrazek (L27)

PCD Tools

PCD Message Validation


John (F37)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing


Abderrazek (L27)

XDS Tools 

 XD* profile testing

 - Endpoints for the XDS Public Registry - Red, Green, and Blue - are on: http://nist1:9080/

- XDS toolkit: TBD

- XDS Registry Dashboard: from the toolkit home page, select Connectathon Tools --> Dashboard

 Bill (K27)

XDS Toolkit 2016

Bill (K27)

Backup or Experimental Tools

The tools listed in the table below are considered as backups or possibly experimental.

Tool Status Used for Location / Config info Support

Clunie DICOM Tools


DICOM Object Validation

See configuration in gazelle for OTHER_IHEUSA_Clunie_DICOM_2016

David C (L23)
Gazelle EVS / HPD validator Backup     Abderrazek (L27)
Gazelle EVS / DSUB validator Backup     Abderrazek (L27)
Gazelle EVS / WADO validator (XDS-I.b) Backup     Abderrazek (L27)
Gazelle XDStar Client Backup   http://vm-tools-na-2016/XDStarClient Abderrazek (L27)
HPD Provider Directory Test Tool Backup HPD Federation Option http://sitenv.org None
Order Manager Simulator Backup

Send HL7v2 orders


http://vm-tools-na-2016/OrderManager Anne-Gaëlle (L27)
Patient Manager Backup PAM, Patient Management http://vm-tools-na-2016/PatientManager Anne-Gaëlle (L27)
RFD Simulator Experimental RFD based profiles Ralph (J26)
XCA Tools Experimental XCA testing Beta testing: Conformity Assessment Bill (K27)
XCPD Experimental   Beta testing: Conformity Assessment  
XDS-I.b Conformity Assessment Experimental XDS-I.b testing Best testing: Conformity Assessment  Steve (K28)


NA Connectathon 2015 Resources

This is an archive page maintained for reference.

For information about the current IHE North American Connectathon, please visit the home page of this site.



IHE USA welcomes your participation in the North American Connectathon 2015.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration was open in gazelle from Aug 25 - Oct 3, 2014.

 Jan 2015 Connectathon Week Resources

One-stop-shopping for technical references used to support Connectathon testing.

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Technical Preparation Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

NA Connectathon 2015 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the January Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Cleveland. From November until January, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. December through mid-January participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the January connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the NA Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.
Detailed Connectathon timeline Calendar of deadlines from October through January!
Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Connectathon week resources Reference page for Connectathon participants 
Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested in nine IHE domains, plus Consolidated CDA.  Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   Here is a link to each domain's Change Proposals that have been incorporated into updates published in 2014:

Cardiology:  no CPs processed in 2014
IT Infrastructure
---- CPs:  ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2014/CPs/3_FinalText/
---- TI Supplements moved to Final Text:  XCPD, On-Demand Documents
---- no updated TF in 2014; next release in 2015
---- completed CPs:http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Laboratory_Technical_Committee#Completed_and_assigned_CPs  
---- CPs: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Radiology/TF_Maintenance/5_Done%20Incorporating/
---- TI Supplements moved to Final Text:  IOCM

Health Story Consolidation, C-CDA, Release 1.1

C-CDA implementation guide for participants testing HIMSS Health Story Project C-CDA documents as a Creator or Consumer.

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
Cross-Community testing  Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, XCA, XCA-I and XCPD
Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics IHE USA staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

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NA Connectathon 2015 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE USA sponsors the North American Connectathon and manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE USA staff at connectathon@ihe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Cleveland Convention Center & HIMSS Innovation Center -- Cleveland, Ohio
January 26-30, 2015

Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the NA Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Detailed Connectathon schedule This schedule will help you stay on track from October through January!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.
Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Contracts, Fees, Payment Four steps to register for the Connectathon.
Policies & Guidelines IHE USA publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE North American Connectathon 2015.
Connectathon badges Order badges for your staff that will attend the Connectathon.  Order early; badge prices increase after November 21.
Hotel info http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources.aspx#hotelandtravel
Shipping & extra electrical service Service kit for Cleveland Convention Center
Seating assignments -- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
-- Connectathon floor plan
NA Connectathon Conference 2015 January 28, 2015 - a one-day educational & networking event at the HIMSS Innovation Center.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

Office spreadsheet icon CAT15-tablelayout_20150123.xls86 KB

NA Connectathon 2015 Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due Jan 9.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Lynn Felhofer (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

This is the same process as 2013 and 2014 connectathons, with minor enhancements to the gazelle user interface:

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland:  NetworkDescription2015.pdf

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

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PDF icon NetworkDescriptionNA2015.pdf196.24 KB

NA Connectathon 2016 Application and Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due Jan 8.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Lynn Felhofer (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

This is the same process as 2013 and 2014 connectathons, with minor enhancements to the gazelle user interface:

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland:  NetworkDescription2016.pdf

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.


PDF icon NetworkDescription-NA2016.pdf371.66 KB

NA Connectathon 2015 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 7:30am-5:00pm EST - On-site check-in / badge pickup

Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 8:00am-10:00am - Connectathon test system set-up

Mon Jan 26, 2015 - 10:00am-5:30pm - Connectathon Test Session 1

Tue Jan 27, 2015 - 9:00am-5:30pm - Connectathon Test Session 2

Wed Jan 28, 2015 - 9:00am-5:30pm - Connectathon Test Session 3

Thu Jan 29, 2015 - 9:00am-5:30pm - Connectathon Test Session 4

Fri Jan 30, 2015 - 8:00am - noon - Connectathon Test Session 5 - testing ends promptly at noon

After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

      • mornings starting at 8am on Monday, and at 7am on Tues-Fri
      • evenings until 11pm Mon-Thurs.   No re-entry is permitted after 9pm.  All Participants must leave the test floor at 11pm.

There is no support from volunteer monitors or technical management outside of the daily Testing Sessions; during after-hours, will be preparing for the next day.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
-- Connectathon floor plan

Network Info

      • Please note this extract from this document: New for 2015 -- The network group is not providing small switches at the ends of the sectors. If you are at the end tables of a sector (11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28 …), you will have to bring a long cable to reach the switch. Each table is 6 feet; you could be 4 tables away from the switch. You could be as far as …… 24 feet, or 8 meters from the switch.


    • SSID:  NA2015
    • Password:  cleveland15
    • Security type:  WPA-MIXED/AES

Printer (table J28)


    • Model:  MFC 9970 CDW
    • Driver:  Brother MFC-9830CDW 


Gazelle on-site:

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same: http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  XDM media (to table G38), PDI media (to table K28)
      • It is good practice to had a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk - Row A

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (J31-J33)

Tool help - see next section

Lynn Felhofer - (M28)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
      • ITI, RAD, CARD tests, test requirements & grading
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor"
      • Gazelle help

Eric Poiseau - (M27)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Steve Moore - (H31)

      • PCC, QRPH and HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading
      • Problems with monitors

Paul Sherman - (J21)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Assigned partners for some profiles

Tools - locations & support

Tools listed below are used to support testing during Connectathon week.

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool errata - as we find issues with tools, we will document them here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14flrFx47V3OKwzHIhH8TU3DEg09ks9l51041_D0SQNk/pub

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

ATNA - Syslog sender / collector / msg browser

Send, receive, validate audit msgs

Syslog Msg Browser:

Syslog collector ports:  there are several ports for UDP and TCP.  Please see the approved configurations in gazelle for test system:


Ralph (K37)

ATNA - TLS Tools

TLS client / server simulator


CDA validation






Andrew (H34)

C-CDA validation - Lantana Group

C-CDA HealthStory docs


Steve (H31)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end:

password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: /  11112


Steve (H31)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


Eric (M27)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)


Eric (M27)

DSUB validator


Abderrazek (G36)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator



Eric (M27) 

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


Eric (M27)

WADO validator (XDS-I.b)


Abderrazek (G36) 

XDW validator


Abderrazek (G36)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)

Eric (M27)

Gazelle XDStarClient



Eric (M27) 

HPD tools

HPD validator


Abderrazek (G36) 

HPD Provider Directory Test Tool - Federation option testing


Abderrazek (G36) or Eric (M27)  

Order Manager simulator

Send HL7v2 orders

Abderrazek (G36) or Eric (M27) 

Patient Generation & Sharing simulator

Send HL7v2/v3 Patient Registration messages

Gazelle menu:  Connectathon--> Connectathon--> Patient Generation & Sharing

Abderrazek (G36) or Eric (M27)

PIX/PDQ tools

Validate HL7v2/v3 PIX/PDQ msgs


Rob (J36)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

See Massi from Tiani Spirit at table D14


XDS Tools 

 XD* profile testing

 - Endpoints for the XDS Public Registry - Red, Green, and Blue - are on: http://nist1:9080/

- XDS toolkit:

- XDS Registry Dashboard: from the toolkit home page, select Connectathon Tools --> Dashboard

 Bill (G31)

NA Connectathon 2015 Weekly Reminders

What should I be working on this week??

After Connectathon registration closes in October until we're all together in January, the IHE support staff will send you instructions to guide your technical and logistical preparation. All announcements are sent on the NA Connectathon google group.  For easy reference, we gather a summary of weekly reminders on this page.


Week of Oct 6:

A1: Attend the Oct 8 webinar "Connectathon Preparation Steps" to learn about test tools, pre-Connectathon tests & other technical preparation resources.  You can view the recording and slides on the Training page.


Week of Oct 13:

A1: Review the overall Connectathon schedule.  Mark your calendar with important dates.

Week of Oct 20:

A1: Ensure that you are using up-to-date Technical Framework documentation.  Access the latest versions of IHE profiles from http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Frameworks/ and C-CDA specs from http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=258.  Don't make the mistake of using last year's document sitting on your hard drive that may be missing Change Proposals incorporated in 2014.

A2: Review the list of profiles to be tested in January, those 'dropped' and those with lower registration.  Adjust your development plans accordingly.  In gazelle, we have removed 'dropped' profiles from your system registration.  This is so you won't see tests for profiles that we will not test in January.

A3: Take a look at your potential test partners in January.  See gazelle under menu Registration--Registration Overview.  Then "Profile Coverage."  (Remember that it is not a valid connectathon test if you choose a partner from your own company.)

Week of Oct 27:

A1: For those testing ATNA actors, review the ATNA requirements & Digital Certificates testing resources information.  Generate the digital certificate for your test system.  The same certificate will be used for pre-Connectathon & Connectation testing.

A2: Make a plan for who will attend the Connectathon.
-- IHE USA publishes information about obtaining staff badges and hotel reservations on their Connectathon Participant Resource page. Make a plan to purchase your badges by Nov 21 to get the best rate; prices increase significantly after this date.

Week of Nov 3:

A1: Review your list of pre-Connectathon tests.  Find the tools you need.  Make a plan to complete the tests by January 9 (or earlier).
-- Your pre-Connectathon test list is in gazelle under menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing
Find the tools you need and the associated documentation using IHE's Test Tools Information page
- Review available tool webinars & help pages on the Training page.

A2: If you are testing an actor in the XDS, XDR, XDM, XCA, or MPQ profiles, you will be using the NIST XDS Public Registry and/or XDS toolkit for pre-Connectathon testing & during Connectathon.  
-- If you use the tools, you should subscribe to the ihe-xds-implementors email group.  It is a forum for developers and the source of news/updates on the XDS tools.
-- Review Bill's Oct 29 notes to that group about changes to the tools for this testing season.
-- If you are new to the tools, review the webinar available on the Training page.

Week of Nov 10:

A1: Continue working through your pre-Connectathon tests.

A2: If your system is a Content Creator of CDA documents, or you produce DICOM objects, you will be asked to provide a 'sample' of your content prior to the Connectathon.  This allows your test partners who 'consume' to access your samples and test with them in advance of the Connectathon.  Instructions for sample-sharing in gazelle are documented here.  Content Creators for Health Story Project documents, and for PCC and QRPH profiles will receive guidance in December for sample sharing.

A3:  Reminder: System fees are due Nov 17.  Early-bird badge pricing ends Nov 21.  Buy badges now to save $$$.

Week of Nov 17:

A1: Nov 17 - System fees payment due to IHE USA.

      Nov 21 - Connectathon badge pre-registration deadline.  Prices increase at 12:00am ET.

A2: Continue working through your pre-Connectathon tests.

Week of Nov 24: 

A1: Continue your preparation by working through your list of pre-Connectathon tests and uploading results into gazelle.

A2: This is also a good time for you to re-examine the scope of what you registered to test in January.  If you discover that you will not be able to complete your implementation of a profile/actor, please contact me so that I can drop that actor from your list.  This helps us to adjust our testing plans.  Remember, if you’re registered for a profile/actor in gazelle, the Connectathon technical managers and your test partners are counting on you to test it in January.

 If you are based in the US, we hope that you enjoy some well-earned time off this week with friends and family.

Week of Dec 1:

A1: Your most important task in Nov/Dec is to continue working through your pre-Connectathon "Tests to do" list in gazelle.  Test logs are due Jan 9 (but there are holidays and vacation days between now and then!).  Your customized list of tests is in gazelle under menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing.  Test tools and instructions are available on the Tools page.

A2:  Provide input to Connectathon table assignments:   (1) If you will bring oversized computer equipment, send Lynn a note before Dec 19.  (2) If you are bringing extra staff to the Connectathon (more than the traditional "2 per test system", purchase badges for them before Dec 19 to ensure that they will be seated at a table adjacent to your test system.  If you purcase your badge after Dec 19, your extra staff will be seated in the overflow tables.

Week of Dec 8:

A1: We have populated gazelle with default configuration parameters for your test system.  By January 9, you must review, update, and approve these so that they reflect the actual configuration of the test system you will bring to the Connectathon in January.  See details, including 'how to' training, on the Network & Configuration page.

A2 Gazelle offers a mechanism for uploading a CDA document (web browser upload, not XDS) and sharing that document with Consumer test partners. That mechanism should now be properly configured in gazelle for the CDA documents produced by Content Creators and Form Receiver/CDA Exporters. See gazelle menu Connectathon—>Connectathon—>List of samples.

For IHE profiles (not C-CDA), you should see a new Pre-Connectathon test today that creators to upload samples and consumers to download the samples and review them. This is a suggestion to prepare for the Connectathon and not a requirement. If you are a C-CDA user, you can also upload and share CDA documents. You will not find a Pre-Connectathon test to prod you. You can still use the sample sharing area of Gazelle

A3:  If you're interested in testing with partners over the internet prior to the connectathon, attend the webex on Dec 10 at 9:30am CST.  Find details on the training page.

Week of Dec 15:

A1: By default, each test system registered in gazelle is assigned to one table with chairs for 2 staff members on the Connectathon tests floor in Cleveland.  If you are bringing additional staff and want them to be seated in tables adjacent to your test system, you must purchase their badge by end-of-day on Dec 19.  Lynn will be doing table assignments on Dec 22. 

A2:  Remember, both your pre-Connectathon test logs and your approved configurations must be completed in gazelle by Jan 9.

Weeks of Dec 22 & 29:

 It's time for an end-of-year hiatus from technical preparation. So, enjoy some down-time...

Week of Jan 5: 

Review January preparation details set in the Jan 5 email to the na_connectathon email list.

Week of Jan 12:

A1: Attend the Connectathon week training webex - Jan 14, 10am CST:  webex link.

- Connectathon Process Overview -- highly recommended for first-time participants

- Using gazelle at the Connectathon -- recommended for all participants, includes important information about using the gazelle proxy

A2: Begin entering your test partners' configuration detailas into your test system.  How-to information is on the Network & Configuration page.

A3: Complete Profile-specific Preparation.

Week of Jan 19: 

A1: Review the "10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros"

See you next week!

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

NA Connectathon 2015 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

  1. Monitor Email list
  2. Logistics: Travel, Expenses, Non-Disclosure & Confict of Interest forms 
  3. WHERE & WHEN? Schedule, Gazelle, Table Assignments
  4. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
  5. HOW? Training Material
  6. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
  7. Ask Questions.  Get Help.
  8. Tools at Connectathon
  9. Our FAQ for vendor participants
  10. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
  11. Contact us

Monitor Email list

We use this google group to communicate with monitors: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ihe-na-2015-connectathon-monitors


Please carefully review the following material:

If you have questions about travel or other logistics, Derek Czaplewski is happy to help.

WHEN & WHERE? Schedule, Gazelle & Table Assignments

The 2015 North American Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held at the Cleveland Convention Center

  • Monday January 26, 8:30-9:00am: Monitors should check in at the Cleveland Convention Center and get your monitor packet and badge. If you cannot arrive by 9am, don't worry; you can get your badge at the main Connectathon registration desk.
  • Monday 9am: The Connectathon managers will meet with the monitor group for a 20-minute welcome/announcement session at TBD meeting room
  • Monday 9:30am: Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. The Connectathon managers will then turn their attention to welcoming vendor participants until testing starts at 10am.
  • Monday 10am - 5:30pm: Connectathon testing begins promptly at 10am
  • Tuesday, January 27
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Wednesday, January 28
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Thursday, January 29
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Friday, January 30
    + 8am - noon Final Connectathon testing session
    Connectathon ends promptly at noon. No showcase testing follows; all participants are done!

Off-hours access:
+ Participants in the Connectathon will have support from staff (technical managers and volunteer monitors) during the Testing Session hours above.
+ The Connectathon testing floor is staffed by hotel security 24/7.
+ The Connectathon floor will be open at 7am Tues through Friday. Entry/re-entry will be allowed until 9pm each evening. No re-entry after 9pm. If you happen to be working very late, you will be asked to leave the Connectathon floor at 11pm.


Table Assignments show where monitors & tests systems will be located in January.

  • Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
  • Connectathon floor plan

WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments

  • Monitor assignments as of 2014.12.12:  excel 
  • Steve made this
  • Please contact Steve Moore if there is a problem with your assignment.

HOW? Training Material


Date-Time / Duration
All monitors

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

Gazelle walk-through
- How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. 

recording | slides

Monitor training Exercises:  Gazelle hands-on exercises

Jan 16, 2015





Monitors (except XDS, XCA, Security)

Gazelle proxy - Using the gazelle proxy for non-TLS message capture, forward, and validation

.mp4  and these Notes on proxy use 

also, this proxy help page

New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors

Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)


All monitors

Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

CDA monitors

CDA profile verification details:

-- Overview of CDA document testing procedure

-- Validation of CDA documents

Use the next as reference; do not read cover to cover

-- PCC_CDA_Document_Tests.xls

-- Health_Story_C-CDA.xls

-- PCC_CDA_Create_Document_Tests.pdf

-- PCC_CDA_Consume_Document_Tests.pdf

-- Health_Story_C-CDA_Create_Document_Tests.pdf

 -- Health_Story_C-CDA_Consume_Document_Tests.pdf

read the docs

XDS monitors

Overview of the XDS profile - for Connectathon monitors (Majurski)   recording | .mp4 

Using the NIST XDS tools - for Connectathon monitors (Majurski)   recording | .mp4  |  slides





Security monitors

-- ATNA testing overview (.mp4 | slides)

-- ATNA, BPPC, XUA, DEN, DSG tests (slides)

-- SeR testing scenario (slides)

ITI domain monitors

.mp4 recordings below provide an overview of the Connectathon tests in these profile "clusters":

-- XDS cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XDS.b, XDR, MPQ, DSUB, NAV)
-- PIXPDQ cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- PIX, PIXv3, PDQ, PDQv3, PDQm, PAM
-- ITI-DOCS cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XDM, XDS-SD
-- ITI-ETC cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- SVS, HPD, CSD, RID
-- XC cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XCA, XCPD, XCA-I, XCF

-- XDW (.mp4 | slides)

RAD domain monitors

.mp4 recordings below provide an overview of the Connectathon tests in these profile "clusters":

-- SWF cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- SWF.b, IOCM, MAWF
-- Visual cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- MAMMO, DBT, SMI, NMI, PERF, DIFF, IID, CPI
-- RAD-Export cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- PDI, TCE 
-- SR cluster (.mp4 | slides) --  ED, REM, KIN, SINR, MRRT
-- XDS-I (.mp4 | slides
**optional** educational material for monitors

IHE 2014 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations available; duration varies
  Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Our FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk - Row A

      • Monitor logistics support

Network staff - (J31-J33)

Tool help - see next section

Steve Moore - (H31)

      • Monitor Technical Support
      • PCC, QRPH and HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading

Paul Sherman - (J21)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Eric Poiseau - (M27)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Lynn Felhofer - (M28)

      • ITI, RAD, CARD tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Tools - locations & support

Tools listed below are used to support testing during Connectathon week.

Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

ATNA - Syslog sender / collector / msg browser

Send, receive, validate audit msgs


Ralph (K37)

ATNA - TLS Tools

TLS client / server simulator



CDA validation






Andrew (H34)

C-CDA validation - Lantana Group

C-CDA HealthStory docs


Steve (H31)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end: 

IP addr / port:


Steve (H31)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


Eric (M27)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)


Eric (M27)

DSUB validator


Abderrazek (G36)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator




PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


Eric (M27)

WADO validator (XDS-I.b)


Abderrazek (G36) 

XDW validator


Abderrazek (G36)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)


Eric (M27)

Gazelle XDStarClient



Eric (M27) 

HPD tools

HPD validator


Abderrazek (G36) 

HPD Provider Directory Test Tool - Federation option testing



Order Manager simulator

Send HL7v2 orders



Patient Generation & Sharing simulator

Send HL7v2/v3 Patient Registration messages

Gazelle menu:  Connectathon--> Connectathon--> Patient Generation & Sharing


PCD tools

PCD profile testing


John (J25)

PIX/PDQ tools

Validate HL7v2/v3 PIX/PDQ msgs


Rob (J36)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

under development


XDS Tools

 XD* profile testing


 Bill (G31)


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact Derek Czaplewski (dczaplewski@himss.org)
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Steve Moore.

IHE Europe 2017 Connectathon in Venice

Venise 2017 

Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from IHE Europe available at the following URL: http://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration will open in gazelle on Dec 1st 2016 to January, 15th 2017.

Some years ago, Dave Franken shared good tips with us about how to prepare to be successful in Luxembourg, read him here.


 Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EU Connectathon 2017 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the April Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Germany. From January until April, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. March through mid-April participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the EU Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.


Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration. UPDATED on 2017/02/21
IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
XDS/XDS-I ATNA Tues-Wed partner assignments On Tues & Wed of Connectathon week, we assign some test partners for infrastructure actors in XDS, XDS-I and ATNA (Audit Record Repositories and Doc Registries & Repositories)
Cross-Community testing 

Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and cross-community profiles XC* (eg XCA, XCPD, etc)

Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics (TBC) IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connectathon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the EU Connectathon 2015 main page

EU Connectathon 2017 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE Europe manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Venice (See this link for further details)
April 3-7, 2017

Opening hours: 

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Friday : 8:30am - noon

Testing hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - noon


All participants are required to attend until noon on Friday ! Even though you are fine with your tests, some partners may still need your assistance to finish up their tests.

Detailed Connectathon Schedule

This schedule will help you stay on track from January through April!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.


Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Policies & Guidelines IHE Europe publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE European Connectathon 2017.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

Policies and Guidelines for the IHE-Europe Connectathon 2017



This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.



Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

  1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

  2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
  3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)

IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.


Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2017 European Connectathon are:

  1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested and number of registered participants.
    1. System fee is X Euros per system. 
    2. Participant fee is X Euros per representative for the entire event
  2. There is no domain fee.
  3. Registration of one system entitles you to a table (one table per system)
  4. Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
  5. Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 27th)
  6. Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
  7. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Italy VAT at X%  which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
  8. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
  9. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
  10. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than February 27th 2017. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 27th 2017 or purchase order has not been provided. IHE Europe reserves the right to refuse participation in the IHE Connectathon event if Payment of Participation Fees has not been received on the IHE-Europe Bank Account before the actual start of the event.
  11. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

IHE Europe 2016 Connectathon in Bochum


Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from IHE Europe available at the following URL: http://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration will open in gazelle on Dec 1st 2015 to January, 15th 2016.

Last year, Dave Franken shared good tips with us about how to prepare to be successful in Luxembourg, read him here.


 Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EU Connectathon 2016 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the April Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Germany. From January until April, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. March through mid-April participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the EU Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.
Detailed Connectathon timeline (TBC)

Calendar of deadlines from January through April!

Weekly reminders (TBC) What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
XDS/XDS-I ATNA Tues-Wed partner assignments On Tues & Wed of Connectathon week, we assign some test partners for infrastructure actors in XDS, XDS-I and ATNA (Audit Record Repositories and Doc Registries & Repositories)
Cross-Community testing 

Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and cross-community profiles XC* (eg XCA, XCPD, etc)

Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics (TBC) IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connectathon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the EU Connectathon 2015 main page

Office spreadsheet icon tue-wed-XDSandATNA-partners.xls68 KB

EU Connectathon 2016 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE Europe manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Bochum (See this link for further details)
April 11-15th, 2016

Opening hours: 

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Friday : 8:30am - noon

Testing hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - noon


All participants are required to attend until noon on Friday ! Even though you are fine with your tests, some partners may still need your assistance to finish up their tests.

Detailed Connectathon Schedule

This schedule will help you stay on track from January through April!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.

Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Policies & Guidelines IHE Europe publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE European Connectathon 2016.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

IHE Europe 2015 Connectathon (Luxembourg City)


Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from IHE Europe available at the following URL: http://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration is open in gazelle from Dec 1st 2014 to January 15th  23rd 2015.

Dave Franken shared good tips with us about how to prepare to be successful in Luxembourg, read him here.


 Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EU Connectathon 2015 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the April Connectathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Luxemburg. From January until April, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. March through mid-April participants share configuration information with test partners, perform internet testing for some profiles, pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the connnectathon. The links below contain details for your Connectathon preparation activities.

Email list for Connectathon announcements 
All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the EU Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.
Detailed Connectathon timeline

Calendar of deadlines from January through April!

Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
IHE Technical Frameworks

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final Text Technical Frameworks & Trial Implementation Supplements are published on ihe.net.

Some are interested in knowing the specifics of the updates since last year.  Each domain's Technical Committee processes Change Proposals that are then incorporated into Technical Frameworks annually.   Here is a link to each domain's Change Proposals that have been incorporated into updates published in 2014:

Cardiology:  no CPs processed in 2014
IT Infrastructure
---- CPs:  ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2014/CPs/3_FinalText/
---- TI Supplements moved to Final Text:  XCPD, On-Demand Documents
---- no updated TF in 2014; next release in 2015
---- completed CPs:http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Laboratory_Technical_Committee#Completed_and_assigned_CPs  
---- CPs: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Radiology/TF_Maintenance/5_Done%20Incorporating/
---- TI Supplements moved to Final Text:  IOCM

Tool resources Find an index to IHE test tools, a mapping of tools to profiles, tool documentation, test cases, and tool training material.
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate.
Training resources Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes
Profile-specific preparation In order to make you more efficient at the Connectathon, for some profiles we encourage you to do this preparation in advance.
Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
XDS/XDS-I ATNA Tues-Wed partner assignments On Tues & Wed of Connectathon week, we assign some test partners for infrastructure actors in XDS, XDS-I and ATNA (Audit Record Repositories and Doc Registries & Repositories)
Cross-Community testing 

Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, XCA, XCA-I and XCPD

The XC* testing schedule used during connectathon week: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18cgWnWi_5HcnVrDG0ygJdihRUnf3DLRPTAz7fbLB-JQ/edit?usp=sharing

Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
Connectathon logistics IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the EU Connectathon 2015 main page

Office spreadsheet icon tue-wed-XDSandATNA-partners.xls68 KB

EU Connectathon 2015 Schedule & Logistics

  IHE Europe manages the schedule and logistics for the event.  Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

Connectathon location & dates

Luxexpo (See this link for further details)
April 20-24th, 2015

Opening hours: 

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Friday : 8:30am - noon

Testing hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday : 9:00am - noon


All participants are required to attend until noon on Friday ! Even though you are fine with your tests, some partners may still need your assistance to finish up their tests.

Detailed Connectathon Schedule

This schedule will help you stay on track from January through April!  We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps.

Email list for Connectathon announcements All participants in the EU Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to EU_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.comPlease note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group.
Connectathon Technical Resources Find details about technical preparation for connectathon:  tools, network, training, and much more.
Policies & Guidelines IHE Europe publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE European Connectathon 2015.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

EU Connectathon 2015 Network Info

  Prepare your system to test at the Connectathon.  Find configuration, IP address, OIDs and other network information here.

Configuration for Connectathon test systems / OIDs

An important Connectathon preparation task for December is to share configuration parameters for your test system (ports, URLs...).

Configuration entry is a two-step process prior to the Connectathon.  We want you to spend your time at the Connectathon working on interoperability issues and not asking your neighbor, "What is the URL of your Repository?"

  1. Starting in December, we collect your system's configuration parameters in gazelle.  Due Jan 9.
  2. Then, you retrieve your partners' parameters from gazelle and enter them into your system.  Finish this task before arriving at the Connectathon.

Gazelle assigns you default parameters based on the profiles & actors you signed up to test.  Your task is to update those to actual parameter for your test system and marked them 'Approved'.  This is done in gazelle under menu Configuration-->System Configuration.

Hostnames: Each test system in gazelle is given a hostname.  You can allocate additional hostnames for your systems if you need them.  IP addresses will be assigned to hostnames shortly before the Connectathon.

The gazelle proxy:  The config/ports for the gazelle proxy are shown on the gazelle configuration page in red font.  There is separate training provided about use of the gazelle proxy.

Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, homeCommunityIDs, others...).  These are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration-->OIDs for current session.

Any questions about configuration parameters should be sent to Lynn Felhofer (...after you have viewed the training ;-) )

Training on gazelle configuration entry

This is the same process as 2013 and 2014 connectathons, with minor enhancements to the gazelle user interface:

Connectathon Network Description

The connectathon network is the backbone for our interoperability testing.  Please read this before arriving in Cleveland: <available here in December>

 IP Addresses

  1. In January, fixed IP addresses will be assigned for all hostnames you configured as part of your configuration work in Dec/Jan (hosts, ports, URLs, ...).
  2. You can see your IP addresses using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> (Company) : Systems Configuration
    -- Select a system
    -- The hosts and IP addresses associated with that system will display at the top
  3. You can see all IP addresses (all systems, including yours, using Gazelle:
    -- Configurations -> Network Configuration Overview
    -- Lower left: Download hosts file


  Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

   Go Back! to the NA Connectathon 2015 main page

EU Connectathon 2015 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our wonderful volunteer monitors.

  1. Monitor recruitment
  2. Monitor Email list
  3. Logistics: Travel, Expenses, Non-Disclosure & Confict of Interest forms 
  4. WHERE & WHEN? Schedule, Gazelle, Table Assignments
  5. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
  6. HOW? Training Material
  7. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
  8. Our FAQ for vendor participants
  9. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
  10. Contact us

Monitor recruitment

Any person who would apply for being a monitor at the 2015 European connectathon shall fill out the Monitor Recruitment Form. If you do not have yet an account on Gazelle website, please contact Anne-Gaêlle Bergé, she will create one for you. We receive application still January, 30th.

Monitor Email list

A Google group will be created once we have hired the monitors. If you are part of the team you will be personally invite.


Please carefully review the following material:

To be provided at a later time

If you have questions about travel or other logistics, Anne-Gaëlle Bergé  is happy to help.

WHEN & WHERE? Schedule, Gazelle & Table Assignments

The 2015 European Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held at Luxexpo.

  • Monday April 20, time to be defined: Monitors should check in at the Luxexpo exhibition and congress center and get your monitor packet and badge. If you cannot arrive by 9am, don't worry; you can get your badge at a later time.
  • Monday 9:30am: Welcome message to everybody
  • Monday 10am: The Connectathon managers will meet with the monitor group for a 20-minute welcome/announcement session at TBD meeting room
  • Monday 10:30am: Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. The Connectathon managers will then turn their attention to welcoming vendor participants until testing starts at 10am.
  • Monday 10am - 5:30pm: Connectathon testing begins promptly at 10am
  • Tuesday, April 21
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Wednesday, April 22
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Thursday, April 23
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Friday, April 24
    + 8am - noon Final Connectathon testing session
    Connectathon ends promptly at noon, no more access to Gazelle available. All participants are done!
  • Opening and testing hours will be confirmed at a later time.

Off-hours access:
+ Participants in the Connectathon will have support from staff (technical managers and volunteer monitors) during the Testing Session hours above.
+ The Connectathon floor will be open at TBD Tues through Friday. Entry/re-entry will be allowed until TBD each day. No re-entry after TBD. If you happen to be working very late, you will be asked to leave the Connectathon floor at TBD.


Table Assignments show where monitors & tests systems will be located in April.

  • Spreadsheet with table assignments: To be published
  • PDF of table layout at the Connectathon: To be published

WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments


HOW? Training Material

We expect additional profile- and tool-specific training to be available here.

Date-Time / Duration
Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A





Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Gazelle walk-through
We have two resources for you.

- Webex training on how monitors use gazelle & the proxy during connectathon week to work with participants and verify tests. 
New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)


**optional** educational material for monitors

IHE 2014 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

IT Infrastructure domain training material
These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific. They are geared to an audience which is familiar with healthcare interoperability problems in general but is not familiar with the way IHE addresses problems or the specific profiles provided by ITI. You may find topics of interest to you in your "day job".

multiple presentations available; duration varies
  Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

Our FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact TBD
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Anne-Gaëlle Bergé.

Policies and Guidelines for the IHE-Europe Connectathon 2015



This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.


  • Technical Manager
  • Administrative Manager 
    • Ulrike Mayerhofer-Sebera  (Invoice, Contract)


Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

  1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

  2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
  3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)

IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.


Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2015 European Connectathon are:

  1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested. Participation Fee is 4620 Euros per system. This includes 2 company/organisation representatives at the connectathon.
  2. There is no domain fee.
  3. Registration of  additional company/organisation representatives if possible at the flat rate of 683 Euros for the entire event.
  4. Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
  5. Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 27th)
  6. Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
  7. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Luxembourg VAT at 17%  which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
  8. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
  9. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
  10. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than February 27th 2015. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 27th 2015 or purchase order has not been provided. IHE Europe reserves the right to refuse participation in the IHE Connectathon event if Payment of Participation Fees has not been received on the IHE-Europe Bank Account before the actual start of the event.
  11. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

IHE Europe 2014 Connectathon (Vienna)

Organised in cooperation with IHE Austria, the IHE Europe Connectathon will be held at the Austria Center in Vienna from April 7 to 11, 2014.

IHE Europe Connectathon provides a unique opportunity for vendors to test the interoperability of their  products in a structured environment with peer vendors. Participants test against multiple vendors using real world clinical  scenarios following IHE Integration Profiles specifications.

The annual IHE Connectathon affords all companies, large and small, the opportunity to test their own products, across a variety of domains including Radiology, Cardiology, Pathology, Patient Care Devices, Patient Care Coordination, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Dental and crucially IT Infrastructure, along with those of their peer vendors.

The last two years have seen national, regional and hospital tender procedures demand current independent demonstrations of IHE profile implementation competence by vendors and an increasing number of buyers are turning to the IHE Product Registry (http://product-registry.ihe.net) and Connectathon results pages (http://connectathon-results.ihe.net) which list Connectathon results, as part of their decision making process.

Also visit http://connectathon2014.ihe-europe.net

Key Benefits

  • Subject your products to interoperability competency testing.
  • Prove the conformance of your products to IHE profiles.
  • Ensure your products continue to meet the expanding base of IHE profiles .
  • Join industry leaders during VIP tours of the Connectathon floor.
  • Share experiences with over 350 industry leading professionals.
  • Learn from CAT monitors knowledge and expertise.


Registration opens on December 1, 2013 and closes on January 17th 24th, 2014

The Gazelle Test Management application is used for registration. To register to the Connectathon and get technical information, please go on the dedicated Gazelle page here. Documentation about the registration process is available here


  • December 1st : Registration opens 
  • January 17th 24th : 
    • Registration closes
    • Deadline for connectathon participants registration (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
  • January 17th-February 7th : 
    • Invoices are send to participating companies 
  • February 20th : Deadline for connectathon fees payment (extended due to late information about VAT)
  • XXXXXX : 
    • 10am-12pm : Webinar for connectathon Participants  (Register, Presentation, Video)
    • 2pm-4pm: Webinar for connectathon Participants (Register , Presentation, Video)
  • February14th : 2-4pm : Webinar for Pre-Connectathon Internet Testing (RegisterPresentation, Video (Part 1 & Part 2 )
  • February 28th : Deadline for requesting supportive/thorough testing
  • March 16th : 
  • March 28th : 
    • Webinar use of the proxy during the connectathon (Video)
  • April 1st
    • Deadline for pre-connectathon log return
    • Deadline for sharing connectathon configurations
    • Deadline for sample sharing
  • April 7th-11th : Connectathon
  • June 1st : Publication of Connectathon Results

Shipping Address

Below we provide the delivery information for packages intended for the CAT.


Parcels for the CAT can be addressed to the following address:


IML – Messe Logistik GmbH

Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1

A-1220 Wien

Für: Connectathon v. 7.- 11 April 2014


Aussteller: please fill out your name

Please note: 

  1. The cost must be payed by the respective company.
  2. Shipments can only be accepted, after a complete “Voraviso”  and the Contract for Payment (see the document below) have been sent to and received by IML – Messe Logistik GmbH.
  3. „Voraviso” means: you have to announce your package at IML with an e-mail to office@iml-vienna.at before sending it.

Infomation about the costs:

IML calculate the costs for a package in size of max. 60 x 60 x 60 cm, 50 kg:

  • Acceptance 55 €
  • Delivery 55 €
  • Documentation 10 €
  • Commission 4% of the invoice amount
  • VAT 20%

But these cost are not fixed -  they depend on size and weight of your parcel. See the following file for more details about the costs. 

CAT Calendar

The calendar of the connectathon side event can be found there : TBD

During the connectathon working hours will be the following :

  • From Monday until Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Mailing List

Register to the IHE Europe 2014 Connectathon mailing list
E-mail : ihe-europe-2014-connectathon@googlegroups.com
Visit group


Not aware of any demonstration planning yet.

Traveling Information 

See that page

Hotel Information

See that page.


See Policies and Guidelines 2014

Policies and Guidelines

see the policies and guidelines

IHE Europe 2013 Connectathon (Istanbul)

PDF icon internet_testing.pdf269.94 KB

Welcome to the IHE Connectathon 2013

The 13th annual IHE-Europe Connectathon will take place from 15th to 19th April 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Within the scope of the IHE mission, IHE-Europe will hold the annual Connectathon in Istanbul from April 15th to 19th, 2013. The IHE Connectathon is a 5-day event which main purpose is testing the interoperability and connectivity of health-care IT systems. This traditional event draws participation from across Europe, with more than 90 companies and 300 engineers participating. Also scheduled are a number of "parallel events", with daily round-tables and seminars on specific health-care topics.


For the 4th time in Europe, Gazelle tool will be used for registration. Your 2010-2012, usernames and login are still working on this instance of Gazelle.

Please use the "lost password" button in case you have forgotten your password. If you need any assistance please contact us at gazelle-support@ihe-europe.net


Registration closed on January 15th 2013, still accepting late registration...



  • November 1st : Registration opens
  • November 30th: Registration Q&A Webinar (Register) 
  • December 7th : Registration Q&A Webinar (Register)
  • December 14th : Registration Q&A Webinar (Register)
  • January 15th 
    • Registration closes
    • Deadline for connectathon participants registration (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
  • January 15th-22nd :
    • Still accepting late registrations (contact Eric Poiseau) 
    • Invoices are send to participating companies 
  • January 24th  : 10am-12pm : Webinar for connectathon Participants  (Register, Presentation, Video)
  • January 24th  : 2pm-4pm: Webinar for connectathon Participants (Register , Presentation, Video)
  • January 31st : Deadline for connectathon fees payment
  • February 28th : Deadline for requesting supportive/thorough testing
  • March 14th : 2-4pm : Webinar for Pre-Connectathon Internet Testing (Register, Presentation, Video (Part 1 & Part 2 )
  • April 1st :
    • Deadline for registering extra participants (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
    • Deadline for pre-connectathon log return
    • Deadline for sharing connectathon configurations
    • Deadline for sample sharing
  • April 10th : Webinar  (Video)
  • April 15th-19th : Connectathon
  • June 1st : Publication of Connectathon Results

Shipping Address


Due to limited space and security on the venue we can’t store any items before the actual event. Beside there might be a problem in the customs so it is better that vendors who need to ship materials use the Etix Travel office address and also my Nedim YILMAZ name to send their equipment. We will delivery all on 14 April 2013 to the venue.

So please address you shippments to : 

Etiks Turizm, Organizasyon ve Pazarlama Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.

Nedim YILMAZ / IHE Connectathon

Adress :Bagdat Caddesi, Mucahit Sokak No:11 / 6 34740 Suadiye - Istanbul / Turkiye
T  +90 216 360 5933  F   +90 216 360 7551 +90 532 291 5775


CAT Calendar

The calendar of the connectathon side event can be found there : TBD

During the connectathon working hours will be the following :

  • From Monday until Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Mailing List


Google Groupes
Register to the IHE Europe 2013 Connectathon mailing list
E-mail :
Visit group



Not aware of any demonstration planning yet.

Traveling Information

see CAT2013.ORG

Hotel Information

see CAT2013.ORG


see the policies and guidelines

Policies and Guidelines 2013



This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.



Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

  1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

  2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
  3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)

IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.




Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2013 European Connectathon are:

  1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested. Participation Fee is 4200 Euros per system. This includes 2 company/organisation representatives at the connectathon.
  2. There is no domain fee.
  3. Registration of  additional company/organisation representatives if possible at the flat rate of 600 Euros for the entire event.
  4. Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
  5. Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 29th)
  6. Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
  7. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Belgium VAT at 21%  which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
  8. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
  9. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
  10. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than January 31st 2012. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 5th 2012 or purchase order has not been provided.
  11. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

Policies and Guidelines for the IHE-Europe Connectathon 2014



This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.


  • Technical Manager
  • Administrative Manager 
    • Ulrike Mayerhofer-Sebera  (Invoice, Contract)


Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

  1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

  2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
  3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)

IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.


Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2014 European Connectathon are:

  1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested. Participation Fee is 4400 Euros per system. This includes 2 company/organisation representatives at the connectathon.
  2. There is no domain fee.
  3. Registration of  additional company/organisation representatives if possible at the flat rate of 650 Euros for the entire event.
  4. Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
  5. Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 29th)
  6. Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
  7. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Belgium VAT at 21%  which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
  8. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
  9. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
  10. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than January 31st 2014. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 5th 2014 or purchase order has not been provided. IHE Europe reserves the right to refuse participation in the IHE Connectathon event if Payment of Participation Fees has not been received on the IHE-Europe Bank Account before the actual start of the event.
  11. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

Multiple Affinity Domain in Istanbul

Multiple Affinity Domain testing at the Istanbul Connectathon

XCA / XCA-I / XCPD Istanbul Testing Schedule

Testing of Cross-Community profile (XCA, XCA-I and XCPD) is directly organized by monitors during connectathon week. Unlike most connectathon tests, you will not choose your own partners. If you are doing cross-community testing, a monitor will visit you on Monday or Tuesday to explain the planning. 

Explanation of Red/Blue/Green domains

This page applies to vendors testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and XCA, XCA-I, XCPD.

If you're testing these profiles, please review this page during May.

In Istanbul, we will have 3 XDS Affinity Domains. Each of these domains is associated with its own Patient ID assigning authority. For ease of reference we call these the Red domain (, the Green domain (, and the Blue domain ( We also have a 'local' Patient ID assigning authority (

  1. Multiple-affinity-domains.ppt : This presentation gives you an overview of the 3-affinity-domain testing. Please review it prior to arriving in Istanbul!!

  2. We have a tool for creating a patient with a Patient ID in the Red, Green or Blue assigning authority and sending it via HL7v2 or v3 to your test system: Gazelle patient generation & sharing allows you create & sending a single patient via HL7v2 & v3. It is also capable of resending an HL7 feed and batch sending of multiple patients.

  3. http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/File:Three-domain-assigning-authority.xls : XDS.b Registries and XCA, XCPD & XCA-I Gateways are assigned to one of the 3 affinity domains for the entire connectathon week.
    • Registries accept a patient identity feed, and register documents, with patient IDs in their assigned domain (ie with their designated Patient ID assigning authority)
    • Likewise, Gateway actors represent communities with documents in their one assigned domain.
    • PIX Managers, and some PDQ Suppliers, can operate across domains.
    • These assignments are in the table below and also in the excel spreadsheet linked in this item.

If you have questions about multiple affinity domain testing at the connecthon, ask Lynn Felhofer.

IHE Europe 2012 Connectathon (Bern)

Bern Connectathon 2012

Welcome to the IHE Connectathon 2012

Download Brochure

The 12th annual IHE-Europe Connectathon will take place from 21st to 25th May 2012 in Bern, Switzerland.

Within the scope of the IHE mission, IHE-Europe will hold the annual Connectathon at BernExpo in Bern from May 21st to 25th, 2012. The IHE Connectathon is a 5-day event which main purpose is testing the interoperability and connectivity of health-care IT systems. This traditional event draws participation from across Europe, with more than 90 companies and 300 engineers participating. Also scheduled are a number of "parallel events", with daily round-tables and seminars on specific health-care topics.


For the 3nd time in Europe, Gazelle tool will be used for registration. Your 2010 and 2011, usernames and login are still working on this instance of Gazelle.

Please use the "lost password" button in case you have forgotten your password. If you need any assistance please contact us at INRIA (eric.poiseau@inria.fr) 


Register now



  • November 1st : Registration opens
  • January 15th 22nd
    • Registration closes
    • Deadline for connectathon participants registration (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
  • January 31st February 29th : Deadline for connectathon fees payment
  • February 3rd  : 10am-12pm : Webinar for connectathon Participants  (Register, add to calendar, pptx,  video)
  • February 8th  : 4pm-6pm: Webinar for connectathon Participants (Register, add to calendar, pptx, video)
  • February 10th : Deadline for registration to the epSOS profiles.
  • February 28th : Deadline for requesting supportive/thorough testing
  • March 18th : The number of blocked hotel rooms will be reduced. Please book your hotel before March 18, 2012 !
  • April 15th : Start handling customs information for Switzerland (Carnet ATA)
  • April 30th : Deadline for registering extra participants (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
  • May 1st : 
    • Deadline for pre-connectathon log return
    • Deadline for sharing connectathon configurations
    • Deadline for sample sharing
  • May 21-25th : Connectathon in Bern
  • June 15th : Publication of Connectathon Results

Shipping Address

Delivery by transporter is accepted only on Friday, 18 May 2012 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and during the CAT opening hours (Central European Time).

Delivery address
 Door 1.1
 Mingerstrasse 6
 CH-3014 Bern

CAT Calendar

The calendar of the connectathon side event can be found there : http://cat2012.org/html/02_01_side_event.html

During the connectathon working hours will be the following :

  • From Monday until Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Mailing List


Google Groupes
Register to the IHE Europe 2012 Connectathon mailing list
E-mail :
Visit group



Not aware of any demonstration planning yet.

Traveling Information

Please visit : http://cat2012.org/

Hotel Information

Please visit : http://cat2012.org/


see the policies and guidelines

What should I be working on this week?

Week of April 30th 2012

  • Review Multiple Affinity Domain assignement
  • Attend or view recording of the webex that will take place on Friday (TLS, Proxy, OrderManager) : See announcement on ihe-europe-2012 google group
  • Make sure every participants to connectathon is recorded in the page : See Gazelle Test Management : Registration -> Testing Session Participants. Person with no badge will not be able to enter the room. Person with no badge will not be able to have lunch !
    • We will invoice the extra participants later on.
  • In Gazelle Test Management please start and complete the no peer test that can be done ahead of the connectathon so that we can start verifying and validating them.
    • BIR / ID : Still some slots for verifying the test ahead of the connectathon (note that this single test (BIR_Image Display requires at least 4 hours for the verification).
    • MOD, RC, EC, CONTENT_CREATOR:  Please run the tests that asks you to create samples and enter them in Gazelle Test Management so that we can verify them.

Week of April 23rd 2012

  • Modalities : we invite all of you to review the two following files and to check that in our list of codes we have codes that match your modality type (MR, CT, MG...). This will ensure that the Order Fillers and Order Placers will have procedures that match your system capabilities ready for Bern.
  • BIR/ID : This week and next week we are performing webex sessions for evaluation of the test. Make sure that you have registered in the doodle for your systems (so far only one of your registered)
  • OID Assignement : Many systems need OIDs as part of their configuration (Patient ID Sources, XDS Source & Repositories, others...). This year, these are assigned in gazelle under menu Configuration/OIDs for Current Session.

Week of April 9th 2012

  • XDW : there is CP that will take into effect for the Bern CAT on that profile. The validation tool was updated accordingly. Please make sure to take it into account and revalidate your document already submitted in Gazelle for both Pre-CAT and CAT testing. Google Group on XDW is at : http://groups.google.com/group/ihe-xdw-implementors?hl=en
  • No Peer Test : many of the no peer test for the connectathon ask you to provide some samples. Please start providing them in the sample section of Gazelle. You can then start the test instance, indicate the permanent link into the test instance and we will start to validate your sample. This will save YOU and US a lot of time in Bern.
  • Proxy : We will use a proxy in Bern to capture the messages exchanged during testing. The use of the proxy is not required but strongly encouraged. Gabriel wrote a documentation of the tools that you will have in Bern, please read it : http://gazelle.ihe.net/content/proxy
  • Order Manager : Connectathon veterans might remember a tool called the RisMALL. In Bern we will use a tool call the "Order Manager" that replaces the RISMALL and allows test participants to create and manage orders for the profiles in the LAB and RAD domain. A documentation of that tool is available. Please read it  : http://gazelle.ihe.net/content/order-manager
  • We are planning webinars at the end of april and early may to exchange on this tools:
    • Gazelle usage during the Connectathon (1h) May 2nd at 10am CET
    • Proxy usage (1/2h) : May 3rd at 10am CET
    • Security tools usage (1/2h): May 3rd at 11am CET
    • Order Manager usage (1h): May 4th at 10am CET

Week of April 2nd 2012

  • Start working on your CARNET ATA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATA_Carnet)
  • Start returning samples needed for your systems and if you need to render samples provided by your partner please render them and provide snapshot where needed.
    • We want to perform as much conformance testing of your samples before the connectathon starts. The idea to save monitor time and do all the conformance testing remotly. This will give you a chance to fix the problem that will be found in your samples, before the event.
    • So please visit the page Connectathon->List of Samples and return the samples requested and render the samples available providing a snapshot of the rendering by your application. This will inform your peer that you have done it.
    • Visit the page Connectathon -> Connectathon and review the list of "No Peer" test needed for your systems. Some of these test ask you to provide a sample, when you have done it, provide the permanent link to the sample in the test instance, mark the test as completed. This will trigger an event,  telling us that we need to verify your test.
    • Test marked as verified before Bern, will save all of us a lot of valuable time there.
    • Samples example : ATNA Questionnaire, Sample Images, Sample CDA Documents,...
  • Continue registration of your participants to the event (15 companies have still not registered any participants yet). See the procedure here.
    • Please note that now adding extra participants will not give you extra tables (unless another organization drops participation and I have extra tables !)
  • Continue pre-CAT test log return (see details below)
  • Continue review of your configuration parameter (see details below)

Week of March 26th 2012

  • IMPORTANT/URGENT : Last chance to get extra tables at the Bern connectathon by registering participants (individuals) to the connectathon.
    • you have till Friday March 30th at 5 pm to register the participants following the procedure described here
    • each registered system includes  2 participants
    • each extra 2 registered participants at 600 Euros you will get an extra table (see mail sent to google group for more details).
  • Systems configuration have been initialized in Gazelle Test Management. So each of your systems have now configurations. Please review the configurations that have been assigned to you and edit them according to your needs. We have not yet assigned the OIDs. Will try to do it this week.
  • Systems implement BIR/ID : I have contacted you individually per email. Please respond to that email about your status on testing. We need to setup conference calls to evaluate the test remotely and ahead of Bern.
  • Continue working through your pre-Connectathon "Tests to do" list in gazelle. Test logs are due May 1st.

Week of March 19th 2012

  • Continue working through your pre-Connectathon "Tests to do" list in gazelle. Test logs are due May 1st.
  • I have finnished processing Supportive testing requests and registration changes request. Please check that your request have been processed and bug me if not.
  • Access the digital certificates for TLS testing (ATNA profile). See the mail of Gabriel with the instructions

Week of March 5th 2012

  • Continue working through your pre-Connectathon "Tests to do" list in gazelle. Test logs are due May 1st.
  • Book hotel room for connectathon: See link here.

Week of February 27th 2012

  • Get started on your pre-Connectathon tests. Upload successful results into gazelle.
  • This is the last week to submit a request for Supportive testing. Please read details here.
  • This is the last week for asking registration changes. Adding/Removing actors.

Policies and Guidelines

Bern Flyer


This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.



Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

  1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

  2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
  3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)

IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.




Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of company/organisation representatives participating to the event. Fees for the IHE 2012 European Connectathon are:

  1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested. Participation Fee is 4200 Euros per system. This includes 2 company/organisation representatives at the connectathon.
  2. There is no domain fee.
  3. Registration of  additional company/organisation representatives if possible at the flat rate of 600 Euros for the entire event.
  4. Registration of each 2 additional representatives entitles you to an extra table on site.
  5. Registration of representatives need to be done at system registration time (before February 29th)
  6. Registration of representatives after the deadline of January 15th will be possible at an higher rate.
  7. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Belgium VAT at 21%  which can be reclaimed by your company.No VAT will be charge if you provide you Intra community VAT number and are a EU company
  8. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
  9. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
  10. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than January 31st 2012. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 5th 2012 or purchase order has not been provided.
  11. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

Monitor Ressources

WHEN & WHERE? Logistics, Timeline & Table Assignments

The 2012 European  Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held at the BernExpo congress center in Bern, Switzerland. We would like to welcome monitors on the connectathon floor at 9am on Monday May 21st. After you check in and get your monitor packet, we will meet with the monitor group at 10:30am for a 20-minute welcome/announcement session. You will find your table, get comfortable & connect to the network.  The testing starts at 11am. If you cannot arrive by 10:30am, don't worry, we will have people to help you get settled later than that. The testing schedule is:

  • Monday 8:30-11am: Vendor arrival & setup
  • Monday 11-5pm: Connectathon testing begins
  • Tuesday thru Thursday 9am - 5pm: Connectathon testing continues
  • Friday noon : Connectathon testing ends

TODO : Table Assignments

TODO : Connectathon floor plan

TODO : Network information


WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments

Monitor assignement can be found into Gazelle Test Management: click on Admin -> Manage Monitors

Find your name

  • click on the magnifying glass to access the list of test assigned to you (do not worry there might be more than one monitor assigned to each test).
  • click on the printer icon to generate a pdf with the description of all the tests assigned to you.

If you fill like you need to change the assignement contact Eric Poiseau or Anne-Gaëlle Bergé

HOW? Training Material

Time / Duration
Req'd for new monitors

Returing monitors are welcome

Monitor Training
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

recording of the session : april 3rd  / april 4th

April 3rd 2-4pm

April 4th 4-6pm

**optional** educational material for monitors IHE 2011 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during 2011. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc.
New monitors

IHE Terminology (link to streaming video)
or, use this link to download the recording

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

New monitors Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)
All monitors

How to use the gazelle tool (helpful instructions in Word format)
- Logging in to gazelle
- Using the monitor worklist
- Reviewing tests; changing test status
- Using the gazelle mobile app to verify tests



Manager Support

Contact these folks during the week if you have questions or problems. Support for specific tools is in the next section.

Connectathon Management (testing process questions, dropping profiles, gen'l support...) Eric Poiseau or Lynn Felhofer 

Network Support IHE Suisse Staff

Logistics (badges, lunch, fees, hotel...) Connectathon sponsor staff welcome desk
Lab Domain tests Nicolas Lefevre or François Macary

Cardiology Domain  Lynn Felhofer
ITI Domain tests Lynn Felhofer
PCC Domain tests

PCD Domain tests

Radiology Domain tests Lynn Felhofer


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the January connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "IHE Terminology" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net. We have created this index to help you find each profile: Summary of IHE Technical Requirements

FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ page with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact office@ihe-europe.net
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assigment, contact Eric Poiseau.

Multiple Affinity Domain

Multiple Affinity Domain testing at the Bern Connectathon

XCA / XCA-I / XCPD Bern Testing Schedule

Testing of Cross-Community profile (XCA, XCA-I and XCPD) is directly organized by monitors during connectathon week. Unlike most connectathon tests, you will not choose your own partners. If you are doing cross-community testing, a monitor will visit you on Monday or Tuesday to explain the planning. In the meantime, you can review this document to review the planning document for cross-community tests: http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/File:XCA_connectathon_test_planning-Bern.doc

Explanation of Red/Blue/Green domains

This page applies to vendors testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and XCA, XCA-I, XCPD.

If you're testing these profiles, please review this page during May.

In Bern, we will have 3 XDS Affinity Domains. Each of these domains is associated with its own Patient ID assigning authority. For ease of reference we call these the Red domain (, the Green domain (, and the Blue domain ( We also have a 'local' Patient ID assigning authority (

  1. Multiple-affinity-domains.ppt : This presentation gives you an overview of the 3-affinity-domain testing. Please review it prior to arriving in Bern!!

  2. We have a tool for creating a patient with a Patient ID in the Red, Green or Blue assigning authority and sending it via HL7v2 or v3 to your test system: Gazelle patient generation & sharing allows you create & sending a single patient via HL7v2 & v3. It is also capable of resending an HL7 feed and batch sending of multiple patients.

  3. Three-domain-assigning-authority-Bern.xls : XDS.b Registries and XCA, XCPD & XCA-I Gateways are assigned to one of the 3 affinity domains for the entire connectathon week.
    • Registries accept a patient identity feed, and register documents, with patient IDs in their assigned domain (ie with their designated Patient ID assigning authority)
    • Likewise, Gateway actors represent communities with documents in their one assigned domain.
    • PIX Managers, and some PDQ Suppliers, can operate across domains.
    • These assignments are in the table below and also in the excel spreadsheet linked in this item.

If you have questions about multiple affinity domain testing at the connecthon, ask Lynn Felhofer.

Current Connectathons

  Links to information about upcoming Connectathons world-wide:


IHE Change Proposals


IHE Change Proposals (CPs) are individual Microsoft Word documents that describe in detail the text changes required of an existing IHE document (Technical Framework, Trial Implementation Supplement) to correct an outright error, clarify an issue or perhaps add new functionality to an existing profile, actor or transaction. Each IHE domain manages the inbound proposals, completes the CP documents to include the appropriate deletions and additions to existing documents, publishes the CP documents and incorporates those changes into the existing Final Text or Trial Implementation supplements.


Final Text and Trial Implementation supplements are published annually (schedule depends on the domain), while Change Proposal documents can be published at any time during the year. For purposes of Connectathon testing, Connectathon participants are responsible for the updates documented in the Change Proposal documents when the Change Proposal documents are published. This allows participants at the Connectathon events to use the latest updates to existing IHE profiles.


One caveat to the paragraph above is that there does need to be a realistic cutoff date for the publication of Change Proposals. A Connectathon participant cannot be expected to modify a Connectathon system to meet a Change Proposal that is published by a committee one week prior to the Connectathon.


Change Proposal Cutoff Date

Participants in January Connectathons in North America will be responsible for CP documents published by committees on or before November the prior year.

Participants in the April Connectathons in Europe are responsible for CP documents published on or before January prior to the event.

See the table below for links to Change Proposal documents.


In the rare case that the Technical Project Manager for a domain determines that a specific Change Proposal is critical for successful testing of an IHE Integraton Profile or Trial Implementation Supplement, that Technical Project Manager will track that Change Proposal and communicate directly with the Connectathon participants regarding that issue. This is indeed a rare event. There are times that issues are found during the pre-Connectathon testing, and the Technical Project Manager for that domain will work with the appropriate Technical Committee to evaluate the issue and document a path to address the issue.


List of Resources

IHE is working on a unified process for managing Change Proposals, but that documentation process is still under development. The table below lists the domains that are offered for testing for NA and EU Connectathons. The second column in the table below indicates the domains that have links to their Change Proposal documents on IHE's main Technical Frameworks page: http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Frameworks.



Link on TF Page

Link to Change Proposal Summary
Anatomic Pathology    
Cardiology   ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Cardio/TF_Maintenance
IT Infrastructure Y

ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet
-- The 'Approved CPs' tab lists CPs that have passed ballot and will be incorporated into the next Technical Framework publications
-- the 'Open CPs' tab contains CPs assigned for future work

Patient Care Coordination   https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/PCC_Change_Proposals
Patient Care Devices    http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_CP_grid
Pharmacy      not yet available
Quality, Research, Public Health   QRPH CP Tracking Spreadsheet 
Radiology Y

Radiology CP Tracking Spreadsheet
-- 'Final Text' CPs have been approved but not yet incorporated
-- 'Incorporated' CP are now in the RAD TF and TI supplements



IHE Europe 2011 Connectathon (Pisa)

Welcome to the IHE Connectathon 2011

Download Brochure

The 11th annual IHE-Europe Connectathon will take place from 11th to 15th April 2011 in Pisa, Italy.

Within the scope of the IHE mission, IHE-Europe will hold the annual Connectathon at the Stazione Leopolda in Pisa from April 11 to 15, 2011. The IHE Connectathon is a 5-day event which main purpose is testing the interoperability and connectivity of health-care IT systems. This traditional event draws participation from across Europe, with more than 90 companies and 200 engineers participating. Also scheduled are a number of "parallel events", with daily round-tables and seminars on specific health-care topics.

Destination Pisa

Pisa is a city full of history, both artistic, cultural and scientific. Although Pisa is known worldwide for its Leaning Tower (the bell tower of the city's cathedral), the city of over 87,500 residents contains more than 20 other 


For the 2nd time in Europe, Gazelle tool will be used for registration. Your 2010, usernames and login are still working on this instance of Gazelle.

Please use the "lost password" button in case you have forgotten your password. If you need any assistance please contact us at INRIA (eric.poiseau@inria.fr) 

Register now 


  • November 9th : Registration opens
  • January 10th 14th : Registration closes
  • January 31st : Deadline for connectathon fees payment
  • February 3rd 10-12 : Webinar for connectathon Participants (register | video | ppt)
  • February 8th  16-18: Webinar for connectathon Participants (register | video | ppt)
  • March 15th 25th: Deadline for pre-connectathon log return
  • March 23rd : Deadline for connectathon participants registration (Gazelle -> Registration -> Connectathon Participants)
  • March 30th : Deadline for sharing connectathon configurations
  • March 30th : Deadline for registering extra participants
  • March 30th : Deadline for sample sharing
  • April 11-15th : Connectathon in Pisa
  • May 1st : Publication of Connectathon Results

Shipping Address

The day of delivery is set for April 8, 10AM - 4PM.

During this period of  time someone from IHE-Italy  will be present to ensure that all go smoothly.

The parcels should be addressed to:

Piazza Guerrazzi

For bulky packages (more than a cubic meter) that  need special
delivery please contact Lapo or Roberto at IHE Italy

CAT Calendar


Mailing List

Google Groupes
Register to the IHE Europe 2011 Connectathon mailing list
E-mail :
Visit group


The following demonstrations are planned for 2011

Traveling Information

To be provided at a later time

Hotel Information

Hotel information for Pisa Connectathon was put together by IHE Italy


see the policies and guidelines

    Policies and Guidelines


    This document provides policies and guidelines for organizations participating in testing at the IHE European Connectathon ("Participants") designed to help ensure successful testing.



    Connectathon testing has three specific goals:

    1. Testing Participant implementations of actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks

    2. Testing and providing feedback on actors and profiles defined in the IHE Technical Frameworks
    3. Preparing for any IHE demonstrations in which Participants may also be involved.

    Participants are expected to support all three goals as appropriate, to work in a cooperative manner and to show respect for both their peers and the IHE testing process.


    Online Testing Management System (Gazelle)


    IHE uses an online testing management system, dubbed "Gazelle," to aid in organizing, conducting and recording the testing process. Prospective Participants begin the registration process by entering information in Gazelle about their organization and the systems they wish to test.

    Participants are provided with secure access to their account in Gazelle. Throughout the testing process, they use it to access testing requirements and plans for their systems, to find and communicate with prospective testing partners, to track the successful completion of their testing activities and to receive other communications from the Sponsors and the Connectathon Management Team. Gazelle is also used by IHE Europe and the Connectathon Management Team to record and publish the results of testing. Participants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with Gazelle and to check it regularly throughout the testing process for announcements and other information.


    Connectathon registration fees are based on the number of systems a Participant registers and the number of IHE Domains (eg, Cardiology, IT Infrastructure, Patient Care Coordination, Patient Care Devices, Radiology, ["Domains"]) in which those systems are registered to test. Fees for the IHE 2011 European Connectathon are:


    1. Participation fees are proportional to the number of systems being tested and the number of IHE domains (see below) in which these systems participate. Participation Fee is 2900 Euros for the first system, 3000 Euros for the following ones, for IHE or epSOS connectathon.
    2. A domain fee of EUR 1000 will be charged per domain. epSOS domain will be charged EUR 2000.
    3. The second domain in the following list - IT-Infrastructure, Pharmacy, Cardiology, Pathology - is free of charge.
    4. All prices (in Euros) are subject to Belgium VAT which can be reclaimed by your company :
      •  The number of company/organisation representatives at the connectathon is restricted to 2 persons per system. Additional participants will be registered during the Connectathon and charged / invoiced 70 Euros per day per participant. On site registration will be charged EUR 100 per day. 
      • The technical manager has the right to assign additional domains free of charge to actors after the registration in order to enable correct testing of profiles and if this does not result in additional preparation for the participant in question.
    5. "If the performance of the Agreement by either Party or any obligation hereunder is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of a Force Majeure, the Party whose performance is so affected, upon giving prompt notice in writing within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such Force Majeure to the other party and shall act to mitigate the damages caused by such Force Majeure, if possible. If a Force Majeure occurs, no Party shall be responsible for any damages, increased costs, or losses that the other Party may sustain by reason of such failure or delay in performance. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such Force Majeure event, provided however, that the Party so affected shall take all reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall resume performance of its obligations hereunder with dispatch whenever such causes are removed.Should these events of circumstances continue for more than three (3) months, each Party may lawfully and by registered letter terminate the Agreement, without any compensation to the other Party being due. "
    6. Domains: an IHE Domain is a specific clinical or operational area of healthcare characterized by particular information technology needs and use cases. Each IHE Domain has its own committee structure and produces its own domain-specific Technical Framework. A participant applying to test Actors/Integration Profiles defined in the Technical Framework for a given IHE Domain will be considered to participate in that domain. The epSOS project as a specific domain produces its own specifications available on epSOS website: www.epsos.eu
    7. Participation fees are non-refundable four (4) weeks after the end of the registration(a recovery of 50% of due fee can be submitted before the end of this period). The period of retraction is one (1) week. Participation fees will be invoiced following the registration.
    8. Participation fees or purchase order are due by no later than January 31st 2011. An extra Late Payment Fee (12%) will be charged when payment has not been received on the IHE-Bank Account on February 5th 2011 or purchase order has not been provided.
    9. The IHE Review Committee, reserves the right to refuse participation to systems containing combinations of Actors it deems to be inappropriate or not reflective of practical systems architecture. The IHE Review Committee will make this determination in consultation with the Project Management Team. Participants may be asked to revise their applications to limit the number and type of IHE Actors included in a single system.

    Non disclosure Agreement

    The following text is the content of the NDA section of the contract signed by participants to the Pisa Connectathon


    The Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise ("IHE") initiative has the goal of stimulating integration of information and imaging systems used in the delivery of healthcare. IHE develops guidelines and supports a testing process and other activities to encourage the implementation of standards to enable communication among such systems.

    1. In order to encourage the exchange of information among participants necessary to the testing process (including the Connectathon testing event to be held April 12-16, 2010) it is important that both the Sponsors and each Participant be protected against improper disclosure of technical or commercial information by any other Participant. Furthermore, the Connectathon process requires participants to resolve as expediently as possible and in a spirit of cooperation any software bugs and interoperability issues that arise during the testing process. The Participant thus agrees to keep confidential and forbear from using for any commercial purposes any information obtained from other participants in the course of the testing process. The Participant further agrees to respect all other Participants and their systems and equipment.The undersigned Participant shall not be obligated to keep information secret and in confidence if it can show that such information:
      • Appears in printed publications distributed by the Sponsors in the public domain; 
      • was public knowledge at the time of its receipt; 
      • became public knowledge after its receipt without breach of this agreement by the undersigned Participant; 
      • was rightfully disclosed to the Participant by a third party without an obligation of confidentiality;
      • is provably independently developed by the undersigned Participant's personnel without access to the confidential information; 
      • is required to be disclosed pursuant to a legal, judicial or administrative proceeding or by law; or 
      • is approved for release by the prior written authorization of all other organizations in question.
    2. The Sponsors agree to take reasonable steps to provide a work atmosphere conducive to a successful testing process, including discouraging the improper disclosure and use of information by Participants. In consideration of being permitted by the Sponsors to participate in the IHE testing process, the undersigned Participant agrees to hold the Sponsors harmless from any judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees incurred by them in connection with the defense of any lawsuit or other claim which involves conduct of the undersigned Participant constituting a breach of the nondisclosure and nonuse obligations described in the preceding paragraphs. 
    3. Supporting information and documents developed by the Sponsors for use within the IHE testing process, including but not limited to specifications, test data and marketing materials are the copyrighted property of IHE and its Sponsors. In the spirit of collaboration and in keeping with copyright law, no Participant may lay claim to the information created for the IHE testing and demonstration process without written consent from the Sponsors. After software, technical information or documentation is formally released into the public domain by the Sponsors in order to further the purposes of the IHE initiative, the foregoing restrictions on disclosure or use will no longer apply to any software and/or technical information or documentation that is so released.
    4. For the purposes of sharing information with their membership and the public and promoting the IHE initiative, the Sponsors intend to acquire and reproduce representative images of systems being tested by Participants at the Connectathon. Any such images acquired may potentially be used in printed publications, Web pages and multimedia presentations promoting the IHE initiative. Such images will not be used by the Sponsors for any other purpose.
    5. The undersigned Participant, in consideration of being permitted by IHE Europe to participate in the IHE initiative, hereby grants IHE Europe the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, re-use, display, distribute, transmit, publish, re-publish, copy, or otherwise exploit, either in whole or in part, either digitally, in print, or in any other medium now or hereafter known, photograph taken of its personnel and equipment, or in which its personnel and equipment may be included; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. The undersigned understands and agrees that the Sponsors may or may not, as they choose, use the Participant's name in conjunction with the photographs taken.
    6. The Participant also hereby releases and discharges IHE Europe and their agents, representatives, and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photographs, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, and improper disclosure of commercial information.
    7. Finally, the undersigned Participant acknowledges and agrees that certain software and related technical information and documentation which will eventually be released into the public domain by IHE in connection with the implementation of the IHE initiative (the "IHE Software") will be made available on an "as is" basis and that neither IHE Europe nor any other Participant will make the warranty about the IHE Software, its performance, its merchantability or fitness for any particular use, its freedom from any computer diseases, or its conformity to any specification and that all risk as to the quality and performance of the IHE Software will be with the users of the IHE Software.

    epSOS CDA Evaluation Form - Pisa 2011

    The purpose of this form is to evaluate the processed epSOS CDA documents.

    IHE Eye Care Connectathon 2017 Resources

      The American Academy of Ophthalmology sponsors the IHE Eye Care domain.

      IHE Eye Care Profiles for Connectathon testing

    We are offering these profiles for testing at the IHE Eye Care Connectathon, October 23-25, 2017:

    (1) Unified Eye Care Workflow (U-EYECARE)  The specification spans three documents, plus the underlying JOIA standard:

    -- Eye Care Technical Framework Volume 1, Rev 4.0, June 2016 - profile description, actor rqmts & use cases
    -- Eye Care Technical Framework Volume 2, Rev 4.0, June 2016 - detailed transaction specifications
    -- Refractive Measurements Trial Implementation Supplement, June, 14, 2016 - new in U-EYECARE in 2016; based upon JOIA 1.5 Release
    -- JOIA Std 1.5 - Common Specification for Output data of Ophthalmic Examination Equipment 

    (2) Eye Care Summary Record (EC-Summary)

    -- Eye Care Summary Trial Implementation Supplement - Aug 2017 version
    --  -- it is temporarily made available here; it is pending publication on ihe.net
    --  -- this version contains Word mark-up (for now) showing deltas from last year

    (3) General Eye Evaluation (GEE) 

    -- GEE Trial Implementation Supplement, Rev 2.2, December 2016


    Connectathon Dates & Location

    October 23-25, 2017 (detailed timeline below)

    RSNA Headquarters -- Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

    Your support staff

    Lynn Felhofer - Gazelle questions/support; pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing; technical & logistical support; profile questions

    Don van Syckle - demonstration planning; profile questions

    Flora Lum, M.D. - contracts, payment, AAO annual meeting, domain inquiries

    Eye Care Connectathon email list

    iheeyecareconnectathon is the google email group we use to communicate with Connectathon participants regarding preparation steps from August through October.

    To join the group, send an email to Lynn.  She will add you to the list serv.


    The combined fee for the Connectathon and showcase is $15,000 per vendor.  Payment and contract is due to Flora on Nov 11.

    Hotel details

    The Marriott Residence Inn - Oak Brook is a 2-minute walk from the RSNA building.

    Book your hotel room at the Residence Inn - click HERE by Sept 22 for the group rate

    Equipment shipping

    Details are here


    Detailed Schedule - Eye Care Connectathon 2017

    July 27

    WHAT'S NEW?  To view an overview of the profiles in IHE Eye Care, we highly recommend that you watch a recording of the July 27 Eye Care webinar as part of IHE's annual webinar series.

    Aug 4 - 25 Connectathon system registration is open through August 25 here:  http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/

    Aug 17

    Connectathon kick-off webinar -- required for all Connectathon participants: Eye Care domain profile overview, review of Connectathon preparation & connectathon week testing, introduction to the 'gazelle' test management and conformance test tools, Q & A.  

    -- Download and view the recording

    - Watch on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/KypoKCfBFbQ

    -- Review the slides

    Aug-Sep  Registration contract distributed to Connectathon participants.  Send paper contract with payment to Flora; due Nov 11
    Sep  Required pre-connectathon tests published.  Find the tools you will need for your testing.  Helpful links in the Testing Resources section below.   Pre-connectathon test results are due Oct 13.
    Sep 22 If applicable, upload a DICOM and/or HL7 conformance statement for your product into gazelle.  Use menu Registration-->Manage systems, and upload it onto the 'System summary' tab for your test system.
    Sep 22 Deadline for participant registration (who will attend the connectathon); complete in Gazelle under menu: Registration-->Testing Session Participants.
    Sep 22 Deadline to reserve your hotel room in order to get the group rate at the Oak Brook Marriott (very short walk to the Connectathon).  Click HERE to make a reservation.
    Sep 29 Deadline for submitting sample DICOM objects, HL7 messages or CDA documents (representative of what systems will produce) into gazelle (and the AAO ftp site for DICOM files).

    Oct 9 - 11

    Participants input their system's configuration into gazelle, eg AE titles, port numbers, HL7 configurations...
    Oct 13
    Pre-Connectathon test results are due in gazelle. 
    Oct 13 IP addresses are assigned to host names.

    Connectathon week!

    Oct 23-25

    Mon - 8:30-10am - Prepare to test: connect to the network, set up system & finish configurations  

    Mon - 10am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Tues - 9am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Wed - 9am-noon - Wrap-up of last connectathont tests; transition to showcase demonstration practice.        

    Wed - 1pm-3pm - Finish demonstration preparation.

    Nov 11-14 Academy Meeting - Interoperability Showcase Demonstration - New Orleans, Louisiana
    Nov 11
    Contract and payment due.


    Testing Resources

    Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.

    Note 1: If you are a returning participant, your old username/password still works!

    Note 2: Be sure to select the IHE Eye Care **2017** testing session.

    Who are my test partners?

    In gazelle, you can see what your fellow Connectathon participants -- your test partners -- have registered to test.  Choose gazelle menu Registration-->Registration overview.  You will see a table with all profiles/actors/options selected by each company/product.  At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "export as Excel file".  

    NOTE:  This information will not be complete until after registration closes on Aug 25.

    <link pending>  Details on pre-Connectathon test requirements, tools, and documentation for this year.
    Sample images & documents

    Participants' DICOM images, GEE, and EC-Summary samples are uploaded here: ftp://ftp.aao.org/IHE_Eye_Care_Connectathon_2017/Pre-Connectathon-Samples/ (contact Lynn for username/password)

    Eye Care code tables

    Modality, Order Placer, and Order Filler systems must pre-load their systems wtih order/procedure codes for the connectathon & demonstration.  (Same as those used since 2013.) If your modality needs a code added, please contact Lynn.

    (stored on ftp://ftp.aao.org/IHE_Eye_Care_Connectathon_2017/  -- contact Lynn for username/password)

    Connectathon network description

    This document describes the network environment during Connectathon week:  http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/EyeCare_Connectathon_Network_Information.pdf

    Connectathon test review

    This document contains a mapping between U-EYECARE actors, transaction & option and the Connectathon tests that exercise them.  

    After reviewing this, you should review the individual tests in gazelle.  You can find them on your main connectathon page in gazelle under menu "Connectathon". There is also help for the Training section below.

    10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in IHE Connectathons around the globe for many years.
    Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.


    Training Resources & Webinars

    IHE Annual Webinar Series - Eye Care Domain Update

    WHAT'S NEW?  To view an overview of the profiles in IHE Eye Care, we highly recommend that you watch a recording of the July 27 Eye Care webinar as part of IHE's annual webinar series available here.

    Eye Care Connectathon Kick-off webinar

    Connectathon kick-off webinar -- Aug 17, 2017

    Eye Care domain profile review, review of Connectathon preparation & connectathon week testing, introduction to the 'gazelle' test management and conformance test tools, Q & A.  

    -- Download and view the recording

    - Watch on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/KypoKCfBFbQ

    -- Review the slides

    Gazelle - How to complete registration.  There are several steps:
    1. User accounts: company & contact info: managing gazelle user accounts (logins) & company/organization details; entering contact information (**Same process as last year, if you participated in any Connectathons since 2012, your information is carried forward)
    2. System registration: entering system(s), profiles, actors, and options you want to test
    3. Participant registration: register staff who will attend

    How to videos:

    - Creating User Accounts, Organizations & Contacts (.mp4)

    - Completing System Registration (.mp4)

    Gazelle - How to enter and share your configuration parameters

    - entering DICOM & HL7v2 parameters for your test system

    - finding & exporting your test partners' configurations


    - .mp4 | help page


    Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

    How to use gazelle to read test instructions for IHE profiles you have registered to test 

    help page.mp4   

    Gazelle Order Manager

    Overview presentation - slides 

    How to use Order Manager to create Modality Worklist -  recording 



    Useful IHE Resources
    IHE Technical Frameworks Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive).
    Connectathon Results Database IHE publishes the profile/actor pairs that each company successfully tests during connectathon week.  Connectathon results are not reported on individual products or product versions.  IHE maintains this database of results from past connectathons. 
    IHE Product Registry Developers of commercial and open source healthcare IT systems can publish IHE Integration Statements to indicate their systems' conformance with specifications in IHE Technical Frameworks. 

    IHE Eye Care Connectathon 2016 Resources

      The American Academy of Ophthalmology sponsors the IHE Eye Care domain.

    This page was applicable to the October 2016 IHE Eye Care Connectathon and is now out-of-date.

    For 2017 Connectathon details, please see: https://gazelle.ihe.net/content/ihe-eye-care-connectathon-2017-resources

      IHE Eye Care Profiles for Connectathon testing

    We are offering these profiles for testing at the October 2016 connectathon:

    (1) Unified Eye Care Workflow (U-EYECARE)  The specification spans three documents, plus the underlying JOIA standard:

    -- Eye Care Technical Framework Volume 1, Rev 4.0, June 2016 - profile description, actor rqmts & use cases
    -- Eye Care Technical Framework Volume 2, Rev 4.0, June 2016 - detailed transaction specifications
    -- Refractive Measurements Trial Implementation Supplement, June, 29, 2016 - new in U-EYECARE for 2016, as modified by a Change Proposal, based upon JOIA 1.5 Release
    -- JOIA Std 1.5 - Common Specification for Output data of Ophthalmic Examination Equipment 

    (2) Eye Care Summary Record (EC-Summary)

    -- EC-Summary Trial Implementation Supplement, July 2015

    (3) General Eye Evaluation (GEE) 

    -- GEE Trial Implementation Supplement, v8, includes CP, from Don on Aug 9


    CHANGE PROPOSALS:  Implementers from last year's connectathon should review Change Proposals (CPs that were approved and applied to the 2016 version of Eye Care domain profiles.  Please refer to this Spreadsheet of Eye Care CPs.  You will find a list of approved CPs and a link to each CP.


    Connectathon Dates & Location

    October 10-13, 2016 (detailed timeline below)

    RSNA Headquarters -- Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

    Your support staff

    Lynn Felhofer - pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing; technical & logistical support; profile questions

    Don van Syckle - demonstration planning; profile questions

    Flora Lum, M.D. - contracts, payment, AAO annual meeting, domain inquiries

    Eye Care Connectathon email list

    iheeyecareconnectathon is the google email group we use to communicate with Connectathon participants regarding preparation steps from August through October.

    To join the group, send an email to Lynn.  She will add you to the list serv.

    Hotel details

    The Marriott Residence Inn - Oak Brook is a 2-minute walk from the RSNA building.

    Book your hotel room at the Residence Inn - click here by Sept 23 for the group rate

    Equipment shipping

    EyeCare_Connectathon_2016_Shipping_Information.pdf -- read this if you need to ship equipment to the Connectathon


    Detailed Schedule - Eye Care Connectathon 2016

    July 13

    WHAT'S NEW?  To view an overview of what's new in IHE Eye Care, we highly recommend that you watch a recording of the July 13 Eye Care webinar as part of IHE's annual webinar series.

    Aug 1

    11am EDT

    Connectathon kick-off webinar -- required for all Connectathon participants: Eye Care domain profile review, review of Connectathon preparation & connectathon week testing, introduction to the 'gazelle' test management and conformance test tools, Q & A.  

    Links to: Recording (.wmv format) or Recording (.mp4 format) and Slides 

    Aug 1 - 19 Connectathon system registration is open.  Use gazelle.
    Aug  Registration contract distributed to Connectathon participants.  Send paper contract with payment to Flora; due Oct 15
    Sep  Required pre-connectathon tests published.  Find the tools you will need for your testing.  Helpful links in the Testing Resources section below.   Pre-connectathon test results are due Sep 30.
    Sep 9 If applicable, upload a DICOM and/or HL7 conformance statement for your product into gazelle.  Use menu Registration-->Manage systems, and upload it onto the 'System summary' tab for your test system.
    Sep 23 Deadline to reserve your hotel room in order to get the group rate.  Click here to make a reservation.
    Sep 23 Deadline for participant registration (who will attend the connectathon); complete in gazelle Registration-->Testing Session Participants.
    Sep 23 Deadline for submitting sample DICOM objects, HL7 messages or CDA documents (representative of what systems will produce) into gazelle (and the AAO ftp site for DICOM files).

    Sep 19-23

    Participants input their system's configuration into gazelle, eg AE titles, port numbers, HL7 configurations...
    Sep 27
    IP addresses are assigned to host names. 
    Sep 30 Pre-Connectathon test results are due in gazelle.

    Connectathon week!

    Oct 10-13

    Mon - 8:30-10am - Prepare to test: connect to the network, set up system & finish configurations  

    Mon - 10am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Tues - 9am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Wed - 9am-noon - Connectathon testing         

    Wed - 1pm-5pm - Demonstration testing starts; wrap-up of last connectathont tests

    Thu - 9am-noon - Demo testing continues. All participants must stay until the connectathon closes at noon.

    Oct 15-18 Academy Meeting - Interoperability Showcase Demonstration, McCormick Center, Chicago
    Oct 15
    Contract and payment due.


    Testing Resources

    Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.

    Note 1: If you are a returning participant, your old username/password still works!

    Note 2: Be sure to select the IHE Eye Care **2016** testing session.

    Who are my test partners?

    In gazelle, you can see what your fellow Connectathon participants -- your test partners -- have registered to test.  Choose gazelle menu Registration-->Registration overview.  You will see a table with all profiles/actors/options selected by each company/product.  At the bottom of the page, there is a link to "export as Excel file".

    Lynn also created this PDF which overlays test partners onto the actor/transaction diagrams:  Connectathon_Registration_Visual-20161006.pdf

    Pre-Connectathon tests & tools for Eye Care Details on pre-Connectathon test requirements, tools, and documentation for this year.
    Sample images & documents

    Participants' DICOM images, GEE, and EC-Summary samples are uploaded here: ftp://ftp.aao.org/IHE_Eye_Care_Connectathon_2016/Pre-Connectathon-Samples/

    (username/password is ihe/ihe)

    Eye Care code tables

    Modality, Order Placer, and Order Filler systems must pre-load their systems wtih order/procedure codes for the connectathon & demonstration.  (Same as those used since 2013.) If your modality needs a code added, please contact Lynn.

    (stored on ftp://ftp.aao.org/IHE_Eye_Care_Connectathon_2016/  username/password is ihe/ihe)

    Connectathon network description

    EyeCare_Connectathon_2016_Network_Information.pdf -- This document describes the network environment during Connectathon week.

    Connectathon test review

    This document contains a mapping between U-EYECARE actors, transaction & option and the Connectathon tests that exercise them.  

    After reviewing this, you should review the individual tests in gazelle.  You can find them on your main connectathon page in gazelle under menu "Connectathon". There is also help for the Training section below.

    10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in IHE Connectathons around the globe for many years.
    Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.


    Training Resources & Webinars
    Eye Care Connectathon Kick-off webinar

    Connectathon kick-off webinar -- Aug 1

    Eye Care domain profile review, review of Connectathon preparation & connectathon week testing, introduction to the 'gazelle' test management and conformance test tools, Q & A.  

    Links to: Recording (.wmv format) or Recording (.mp4 format) and Slides 

    Gazelle - How to complete registration.  There are several steps:
    1. User accounts: company & contact info: managing gazelle user accounts (logins) & company/organization details; entering contact information (**Same process as last year, if you participated in Connectathons from 2012-15, your information is carried forward)
    2. System registration: entering system(s), profiles, actors, and options you want to test
    3. Participant registration: register staff who will attend
    help pages

    Gazelle - How to enter and share your configuration parameters

    - entering DICOM & HL7v2 parameters for your test system

    - finding & exporting your test partners' configurations


    - recording | .mp4

    - .mp4 | help page


    Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

    How to use gazelle to read test instructions for IHE profiles you have registered to test 

    help page.mp4   

    Gazelle Order Manager

    Overview presentation - .ppt (May 2012)

    How to use Order Manager to create Modality Worklist  .mp4 (Jan 2013)


    Art Decor

    Content Creators can validate GEE & EC-Summary documents using schematron generated by the Art Decor tool.  See instructions in pre-Connectathon test EVS_CDA_Validation.


    Useful IHE Resources
    IHE Technical Frameworks Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive).
    Connectathon Results Database IHE publishes the profile/actor pairs that each company successfully tests during connectathon week.  Connectathon results are not reported on individual products or product versions.  IHE maintains this database of results from past connectathons. 
    IHE Product Registry Developers of commercial and open source healthcare IT systems can publish IHE Integration Statements to indicate their systems' conformance with specifications in IHE Technical Frameworks. 

    IHE Eye Care Connectathon 2014 Resources

      The American Academy of Ophthalmology sponsors the IHE Eye Care domain.

    New & updated EYECARE Profiles in 2014!

    C-EYECARE profile

    The new Core Eye Care Workflow profile was finished by the Technical Committee on Aug 19 and is now published on IHE's website.  We are offering this profile for testing at the October 2014 connectathon!

    GEE profile

    The General Eye Evaluation profiles is updated in 2014 to Consolidated CDA.  It was released by the Technical Committee on Sep 5 and is now published on IHE's website. We are offering this profile for testing at the October 2014 connectathon!


    Connectathon Dates & Location

    October 13-16, 2014 (detailed timeline below)

    RSNA Headquarters -- Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

    Your support staff

    Lynn Felhofer - pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing; technical & logistical support; profile questions

    Don van Syckle - demonstration planning; profile questions

    Flora Lum, M.D. - contracts, payment, AAO annual meeting, domain inquiries

    Eye Care Connectathon email list

    iheeyecareconnectathon google group

    To join the group, send an email to iheeyecareconnectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.com

    Connectathon contract Sample contract for your review
    Hotel details

    The Marriott Residence Inn - Oak Brook is a 2-minute walk from the RSNA building.

    Click here to make a reservation in the Connectathon room block.

    Equipment shipping

    Here are instructions for those shipping equipement to the RSNA headquarters.

    For the AAO Showcase, are asked to ship equipment to their own booth and move it over to the showcase area after 3:30pm on Friday.


    Detailed Schedule - Eye Care 2014 Connectathon

    Aug 7

    Connectathon kick-off webinar -- required for all Connectathon participants- review Connectathon preparation & connectathon week testing- introduction to the 'gazelle' test management and conformance test tools- Q & A.   Recording and slides are here.
    Aug 7-28 Connectathon system registration is open.  Use gazelle.
    Aug 7 Registration contract distributed to Connectathon participants.  Send paper contract with payment to Flora; due Nov 21.
    Sep 3 Required pre-connectathon tests published.  Find the tools you will need for your testing.  Helpful links in the Testing Resources section below.   Pre-connectathon test results are due Oct 3.
    Sep 10 Target for accessing pre-Connectathon test tools.
    Sep 19 Deadline for participant registration (who will attend the connectathon); complete in gazelle Registration-->Participant Registration.
    Sep 19 Deadline for submitting sample DICOM objects or CDA documents (representative of what systems will product) into gazelle and the AAO ftp site.
    Sep 22 Demonstration scenarios published. Code tables published.

    Sep 29-Oct 3

    Participants input their system's configuration into gazelle, eg AE titles, port numbers, HL7 configurations
    Oct 3
    Connectathon network configuration published.  IP addresses are assigned to host names. 
    Oct 3 All pre-Connectathon test results are due in gazelle.
    Oct 7 Connectathon manager's review of pre-Connectathon test results is complete.  Any participants considered at risk will be contacted.

    Connectathon week!

    Oct 13-16

    Mon - 8:30-10am - Prepare to test: connect to the network, set up system & finish configurations  

    Mon - 10am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Tues - 9am-5pm - Connectathon testing

    Wed - 9am-noon - Connectathon testing         

    Wed - 1pm-5pm - Demonstration testing starts; wrap-up of last connectathont tests

    Thu - 9am-2pm - Demo testing continues. All participants must stay until the connectathon closes at 2pm.

    Oct 18-21 Academy Meeting - Showcase Interoperability Demonstration, Chicago
    Nov 21 Contract and payment due.


    Testing Resources

    Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing.

    Note 1: If you are a returning participant, your old username/password still works!

    Note 2: Be sure to select the IHE Eye Care **2014** testing session.

    Profiles offered for testing:

    These profiles will be tested at the October connectathon:
    -- Advanced Eye Care Workflow (A-EYECARE)
    -- Basic Eye Care Workflow (B-EYECARE)
    -- Core Eye Care Workflow (C-EYECARE) *** New!***
    -- General Eye Evaluation (GEE) *** Updated to C-CDA ***

    These profiles did ot have enough partners to enable testing:
    -- Eye Care Appointment Scheduling (ECAS)
    -- Charge Posting (CHG)
    -- Eye Care Evidence Documents (ECED)
    -- Eye Care Displayable Reports (ECDR)

    Your test partners This powerpoint is based on the profile/actor registration in gazelle.  It shows your test partners overlaid onto the actor/transaction diagram for each profile to be tested.
    Thorough/Supportive testing explained This page describes the difference between Thorough and Supportive connectathon testing 
    Pre-Connectathon tests & tools for Eye Care Details on pre-Connectathon test requirements, tools, and documentation
    Index to all IHE test tools Pointers to all domains' tools and their documentation
    Sample images & documents DICOM images and GEE document samples are uploaded here: ftp://ftp.aao.org/IHE_Eye_Care_Connectathon_2014/Pre-Connectathon-Samples/
    Eye Care code tables Modality, Order Placer, and Order Filler systems must pre-load their systems wtih order/procedure codes for the connectathon & demonstration.  (Sames as those used in 2013.) If your modality needs a code added, please contact Lynn.
    Connectathon Network Description This document describes the network environment during Connectathon week.
    Connectathon test review Your connectathon preparation should include reviewing tests you will have to run during Connectathon week.  Here's how.
    10 Connectathon tips from the pros This page shares tips from vendors that have participated in the Connectathon for many years.
    Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.


    Training Resources & Webinars
    Eye Care Connectathon Kick-off webinar

    Aug 7

    slides | recording (on AAO website; use ihe/ihe for username/passwd) 

    Gazelle - How to complete registration.  There are several steps:
    1. User accounts: company * contact info: managing gazelle user accounts (logins) & company/organization details; entering contact information (**Same process as last year, if you participated in EU or NA connectathons from 2012-14, your information is carried forward; you can skip this recording**)
    2. System registration: entering system(s), profiles, actors, and options you want to test
    3. Participant registration: register staff who will attend (Note: NA Connectathons do not use gazelle for staff badge registration)
    (Be sure to complete your registration by sending your contract & fees to Flora by Nov 21.)
    1. .mp4 | slides

    2. .mp4 | slides

    3. help page

    Gazelle - How to enter and share your configuration parameters

    - entering DICOM & HL7v2 parameters for your test system

    - finding & exporting your test partners' configurations

    help page 

    - recording | .mp4

    - .mp4 

    Gazelle proxy

    recording (October 2013)

    Notes on proxy use 

    also, this proxy help page


    Useful IHE Resources
    IHE Technical Frameworks Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive).
    Connectathon Results Database IHE publishes the profile/actor pairs that each company successfully tests during connectathon week.  Connectathon results are not reported on individual products or product versions.  IHE maintains this database of results from past connectathons. 
    IHE Product Registry Developers of commercial and open source healthcare IT systems can publish IHE Integration Statements to indicate their systems' conformance with specifications in IHE Technical Frameworks. 

    2023 IHE Connectathon in Rennes (France)

    Connectathon participants technical registration and resources. 

    Registration is closed; contact technical.manager@ihe-europe.net to sign-up for the event.


    Join the IHE Community in Zoho to receive the latest news about the event.

      Rennes skyline


    For general information about the connectathon and the connectathon week (in particular the related events), visit IHE Europe connectathon dedicated website.


    Not yet part of the IHE Community in Zoho, register here.

    All the documentation listed below is also accessible from Gazelle Test Management at https://gazelle.ihe.net/gazelle.

    Some of the links below redirect to Moodle. Those resources are accessible as a guest.

    2023 IHE Connectathon in Rennes - Webinars

    A serie of webinars is organised by IHE-Europe. Make sure to register to secure your seat.

    The IHE IPS Profile

    24 April - 4:00PM CEST

    • Target: all
    • Agenda:
      • Insight in the global development of IPS and implementation in Canada
      • How do we test the IPS profile at the IHE Connectathon
    • Register here


    What's new in IHE IT-Infrastructure ?

    27 March - 4:00PM CEST

    • Target: all
    • Agenda:
      • Introduction of the IT-Infrastructure domain: what does it cover in terms of business cases (high level)
      • What is new since September ?
      • What will happen until the Summer (and in scope for the Connectathon in September)
      • Focus on hot profiles
      • Q&A session
    • Register here

    What's new in IHE Radiology?

    29 March, 3:30PM CEST

    • Target: all
    • Agenda:
      • Introduction of the Radiology domain: what does it cover in terms of business cases (high level)
      • What is new since September ?
      • What will happen until the Summer (and in scope for the Connectathon in September)
      • Focus on WIA, WIC, and AIR profiles (AI in Radiology is the focus of the Connectathon this year)
      • Q&A session
    • Register here.

    What's new in IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine ?

    30 March, 2:30-4PM CEST

    • Target: all
    • Agenda:
      • Introduction of the PaLM domain: what does it cover in terms of business cases (high level)
      • What is new since September ?
      • What will happen until the Summer (and in scope for the Connectathon in September)
      • Focus on a few profiles (to be determined)
      • Q&A session
    • Register here

    Call for monitor webinar

    3 April, 2:30PM CEST

    • Target: anyone interested to volunteer as a monitor and eligible as such.
    • Agenda: 
      • Objective of the IHE Connectathon
      • Benefit of volunteering as a monitor
      • Missions of the monitor team
      • How to prepare
    • Register here.

    NB. IHE-Europe follows a recruitment process for the monitors. Participating in the monitor webinar does not imply that you will be part of the team in 2023.

    Call for participation webinar

    • Target: Product owners / Decision makers
    • Agenda: 
      • The value for companies to participate in the IHE Connectathon
      • The various areas of interoperability that are identified as the main focus for 2023 for which IHE Profiles are going to receive special attention.
      • The process and schedule to register for the Connectathon
      • The ways to prepare for the Connectathon to maximise value for the companies and their tested systems.
      • What to expect and tips to perform efficient testing during the Connectathon week
      • The resources made available by IHE-Europe and the contacts to get dedicated support.   
    • Recording available here (sign in as a guest).

    Ask me Anything about my past participation(s) to the IHE Connectathon

    • Target: Technical / Product owners / Decision makers
    • Speakers:
      • Thorsten Conrad (VISUS): IHE Connectathon participants for 10+ years
      • Derek Huguchi (Agfa Healthcare): Discovered the IHE Connectathon for the first time in Montreux (2022)
      • More to come 
    • Topics:
      • Ask them anything about the value of the IHE Connectathon, how they prepared to get ready, tips, and so on.
    • Recording available here (sign in as a guest).




    Agenda (2023)

    2023 IHE-Europe Connectathon in Rennes: Monitor Recruitment Form

    A "Call for monitors" webinar was organised on 3 April. If you were not able to make it, here are the recording and slides.


    Thank you for your interest in becoming a monitor at the European Connectathon Rennes 2023. We kindly ask you to fill in this form as part of our recruitement process. However filling the form does not mean that you will be automatically allowed to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on IHE-Europe monitor recruitment process and criteria (see below).

    Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent evaluators of the tests results during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors should be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

    Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Connectathon Technical Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

    Note that France welcomes the IHE-Europe Connectathon in Rennes.

    Monitors availability is expected during the entire connectathon event:  from 25th (10AM) to 29th September (Noon) 2023 in Rennes, France.

    Monitor selection critieria:

    • The candidate must not work for a company that is participating (or has participated) in an IHE Connectathon as a supplier.
    • Field and level of expertise in the "testable profiles"
    • Number of companies from the monitors' origin country
      • We try to maintain a constant ratio between the number of companies and the number of monitors from a given country.
    • No more than 3 persons from the same company to allow the dissemination of IHE​
    • The monitor must have no conflict of interest and must accept the NDA.
    • The method of financing travel and accommodation will also be taken into account. IHE-Europe may refuse to pay for air tickets for travel outside Europe.
    • To enable the dissemination of IHE, new monitors are more than welcome, they could represent between 15 and 20% of the team.

    The information entered in the form is only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

    You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Wei Jing TEY; she will be happy to help.


    EXPANDathon - Lisbon, December 2015

    Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from EXPAND available at the following URL: http://www.expandproject.eu/expand-final-event-lisbon-ehealth-week/

    This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed EXPANDathon event! 

    Registration is already opened in gazelle to November, 15th 2015. Registration link : http://gazelle.ihe.net/EU-CAT/home.seam

    Thank you to join the google group Thank you to join the group expandathon-2015 for more details.




    Technical Resources

    Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

     Schedule and Logistics

    Schedule, deadlines, training ...

     Weekly reminders

    What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

     Monitor Resources

    Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

     Training Resources

    Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

    Tools overview

    Tools used during EXPANDathon testing session (and pre testing)

     Contact Us!

    Get help when you need it.


    EXPANDathon 2015 Monitor Resources


    Training Material :

    Date-Time / Duration
    All monitors

    Monitor - process overview
    - Monitor responsibilities
    - Connectathon process for monitors
    - Q&A

    Gazelle walk-through
    - How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. slides

    Monitor training Exercises:  Gazelle hands-on exercises





    New monitors

    Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

    This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

    (Streaming link) (.mp4)

    New monitors

    Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

    (Streaming link) (.mp4)


    All monitors

    Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

    How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

    Security monitors

    -- ATNA testing overview (.mp4 | slides)

    -- ATNA, BPPC, XUA, DEN, DSG tests (slides)







    EXPANDathon 2015 Network Info

    EXPANDathon 2015 Schedule & Logistics

      Pointers to scheduling details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

    EXPANDathon location & dates

    Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from EXPAND available at the following URL: http://www.expandproject.eu/expand-final-event-lisbon-ehealth-week/

    Important dates :

    Event Begining End Training Session
    Registration 01/11/2015 15/11/2015 02/11/2015
    Pre-Test 16/11/2015 04/12/2015 16/11/2015
    EXPANDathon 09/12/2015 11/12/2015 04/12/2015


    The training session are :

    •  Registration training : the 02/11/2015 at 03 pm : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/j.php?MTID=m09ccf5042f24b80e42e76648834ff707
    • Pre-Test training : the 16/11/2015
    • EXPANDathon preparation training : the 04/12/2015
    First training infos JOIN WEBEX MEETING
    Meeting number: 707 044 085
    Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015

    0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
    +44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
    Access code: 707 044 085

    Global call-in numbers:
    First Training materials

    Registration presentation :  http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/EXPANDathon-Registration.pdf

    Documentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER1-BAS-EXPAND-EXPAND-1_00.pdf

    Link to recorded presentation :

    • for streaming : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/ldr.php?RCID=383e6f95cbfbde98e0e43dd0a243c67f
    • for download : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/lsr.php?RCID=9f7ed5008ef0d80e12ebd8c96d165bf8
    Second training info

    16/11/2015 - 3 pm - pre-EXPANDathon testing

    Meeting number: 709 813 582
    Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015

    0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
    +44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
    Access code: 709 813 582

    Second Training materials

    Slides presentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/pre-EXPANDathon-1116-updated.pdf

    documentation related to pre-EXPANDathon testing : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER4-BAS-IHE-PRE_EXPAND-0_01.pdf

    Links to the record of the training session : http://gazelle.ihe.net/epSOS/pre-EXPANDathon.ogv

    Third training info

    Date : December4 th at 3 pm
    Link to webex : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/j.php?MTID=me01cf12006ff56ea38b4d84208e36bb6
    Meeting number: 704 021 657
    Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015
    Subject : EXPANDathon testing session preparation

    Third training materials

    Slides presentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/EXPANDathon-preparation.pdf

    documentation related to pre-EXPANDathon testing : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER4-BAS-IHE-EXPAND-GAZELLE-USERGUIDE-0_01.pdf

    Links to the record of the training session : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/ldr.php?RCID=3fb03829d91d7c543d6963a4543081ba

    Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

    EXPANDathon 2015 Technical Resources

    Getting ready for participation in the EXPANDathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Lisbon. During the second half of November, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. Begining of December, participants pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the EXPANDathon. The links below contain details for your EXPANDathon preparation activities.

    Email for contact
    If you need help or question, you can contact the testing session manager of the EXPANDathon session, or the technical manager of IHE-Europe.
    Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Testing & EXPANDathon testing.
    Detailed EXPANDathon timeline

    Please see the detailed calandar

    Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
    Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
    EXPAND Specifications

    Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final EXPAND specifications are : 

    D3 A 3_epSOS_EED_Design-v1.1.docx
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Algorithms-and-Key-Length_v1.0-2.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_AuditTrail-v1.2.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_BPPC-v1.1.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCA_Binding-v1.0.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCPD_Binding-v1.0.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XDR_Binding-v1.1.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Messaging_Binding-v1.0.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_SAML_Binding-v1.1.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_TSL_Binding-v1 0.doc
    D3 A 7_epSOS_EED-X.509-Profiles_v1.0.doc
    D3.C.1 - Proof of Concept Testing Strategy v1.5.docx
    D3.C.2 - epSOS Phase 2 Test Infrastructure with All Tools_v3.docx
    Tool resources  
    ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate. It is recommended that the NCP provide their own digital certificates !
    Training resources

    Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes.

    In addition to these materials, three training session are prepared :

    - one for registration

    - one for pre-CAT testing preparation

    - one for EXPANDathon preparation

    Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
    Connectathon logistics IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
    Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

       Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

    EXPANDathon 2015 Tools overview


    Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

    Tool Used for Location / Config info

    Gazelle Tests Management

    Manage the testing session


    epSOS Documentation

    Documentation of tools

    Documentation of Pre-CAT tests


    ATNA - TLS Tools

    Generation of certifications

    Validation of certifications


    CDA validation

    PS, eP, eD, MRO, HCER validation


    XDS Validation

    XDS metadata validation


    Gazelle EVS Client

    Home page


    CDA validation


    SAML Validation

    XCPD Validation http://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient/hl7v3/validator.seam?extension=epSOS

    PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


    XDS Validation


    Certificate Validation


    AuditMessages Validation


    Gazelle XDStarClient

    Pre-CAT testing to simulate XDR initators, XCA initiators, and XCPD initiators


    XDS Tools

     Pre-CAT testing, to simulate XDR responder and XCA responder




    XCPD responder

    Pre-CAT testing to simulate XCPD responder



    EXPANDathon 2015 Weekly Reminders

    What should I be working on this week??

    AfterEXPANDathon  registration closes in November 15, until we're all together in December 9th, the IHE-Europe support staff will here to guide your technical and logistical preparation. For easy reference, we gather a summary of weekly reminders on this page.


    Week of Nov 01:

    - Attend the Nov 02 webinar "EXPANDathon Registration Steps" to learn about registration of systems and participant.

    - register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

    Week of Nov 08:

    - register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

    Week of Nov 15:

    - Attend the Nov 16 webinar "EXPANDathon Pre-Testing", to learn about test tools, pre-Connectathon tests & other technical preparation resources.

    - Execute Pre-CAT tests

    Week of Noc 22: - Execute Pre-CAT tests
    Week of Nov 29:

    - Execute Pre-CAT tests

    - Attend the Dec 04 webinar "EXPANDathon Preparation", to learn about tests execution, tools used during the EXPANDathon testing session, samples management, etc.

    Week of Dec 04:

    - Review your Network configuration (OIDs, ports, configurations)

    - Participation in the EXPANDathon testing session from 09/12 to 11/12

    IHE Connectathon* 2022

    Connectathon participants technical registration and resources. 


    This page is under construction, material is not up-to-date. Join the IHE Community in Zoho to receive the latest news about the event.


    IHE Connectathon 2022

    For general information about the connectathon and the connectathon week (in particular the related events), visit IHE Europe connectathon and IHE USA dedicated website.


    For yet part of the IHE Community in Zoho, register here.

    All the documentation listed below is also accessible from Gazelle Test Management at https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM.

    • New in Gazelle! Learn more about the changes being brought to Gazelle Test Management.
    • Registration process: How to fulfill your registration to attend the IHE Connectathon this year.
    • Agenda: All the important milestones
    • Training material: Resources to go smoothly through the IHE Connectathon process. WIP, access the old training center here.

    IHE-Europe Connectathon 2022 in Montreux: Monitor Recruitment Form

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a monitor at the European Connectathon Montreux 2022. We kindly ask you to fill in this form as part of our recruitement process. However filling the form does not mean that you will be automatically allowed to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on IHE-Europe monitor recruitment process and criteria, available upon requests.

    Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent evaluators of the tests results during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors shall be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

    Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Connectathon Technical Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

    Note that Switzerland welcomes the IHE-Europe Connectathon in Montreux.

    Monitors availability is expected during the entire connectathon event:  from 12 (10AM) to 16 September (Noon) 2022 in Montreux, Switzerland.

    The information entered in the form is only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

    You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Souleymane THIAM; he will be happy to help.


    This is the schedule for the upcoming IHE Connectathon* 2022 taking place in Montreux and in Atlanta. When an event is specifc to IHE-Europe or IHE USA, the location is mentioned in the title.

    IHE-Europe attendees' specific resources

    This page gathers information that are specific to the attendees in Montreux. For the resources common to all the participants of the Joint IHE Connectathon* 2022, refer to Gazelle Test Management home page at https://gazelle.ihe.net/TM

     Montreux floor layout

    Access 2m2c

    Montreux floor layout


    Parcel shipment

    social event

    Social event 


     Coffee breaks

    Educational Coffee breaks




    Parcel shipment

    In case you need to ship equipments to the Connectathon venue in September, below are the instructions.

    Parcels shall show the following details:

    IHE Connectathon

    12-16 September

    + name of the contact person and table number (see in Gazelle TM).

     Delivery address:

    Montreux Music &Convention Centre (2m2c)

    Av. Claude Nobs 5

    1820 Montreux


    Parcels are accepted from Monday to Friday between 08.00 and 18.00.  Deliveries will not be accepted earlier than 8 days before the event (that is to say 4th September).

    For packages over 20 kg, transport and storage costs may be charged further. All expenses,such as shipping costs, VAT, any customs clearance or other costs will be charged to the sender.

    If the goods are ordered by the exhibitor and delivered directly to 2m2c, the invoice address must be exclusively in the name of the exhibitor and a copy must be enclosed with the delivery. Any delivery involving costs will be refused by 2m2c.

    Social event

    All monitors and participants are invite to the social event organised by IHE Suisse at 2m2c on Thursday evening. Come and enjoy good food and live music. Details will be provided in due time.

    Educational Coffee breaks

    eHealthSuisse organising short presentations twice a day. Location will be communicated later on.

    Coffee breaks are hold from Monday afternoon to Thursday afternoon. Morning sessions are from 8:45AM to 9:00AM and afternoon sessions from 5:05PM to 5:20PM. Schedule and topics are available in the IHE Connectathon agenda. Sessions will be recorded and distributed.

    IHE European Connectathon ONLINE 2021 - CLOSED

    Connectathon participants technical registration and resources. 



    CAT in Brussels

    For the list of tools and the material for the Connectathon week, it's here.

    For general information about the connectathon and the connectathon week (in particular the related events), visit IHE Europe connectathon dedicated website.

    What can I access from that page ?


    Milestones and timeline


    Create an account and/or

    register to test at the connectathon


    Access the "First time participant ever" form

     cheat sheet

    Cheat sheets



     Training resources

    Training resources

     CAT FAQ

    Your monthly planning


    Gazelle user guides


    Report issues/questions by emailing


    Register connectathon participants

    testable profiles

    Testable profiles

    Google group


    Resources for monitors

    testing tips

    Test tools and testing tips


    Live environment


    Icons made by Freepik and Vektors Market from www.flaticon.com

    European Connectathon 2021 ONLINE - Monitor Resources (edition in progress)

    This page is under construction, some information must not be accurate

    Welcome! We gather resources here for our wonderful volunteer monitors.

    1. Monitor recruitment
    2. Monitor Email list
    3. WHERE & WHEN?
    4. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
    5. HOW? Training Material
    6. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
    7. Our FAQ for vendor participants
    8. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
    9. Contact us

    Monitor recruitment

    The application period for being a monitor at the European Connectathon 2021 ONLINE is now opened.

    Check out the application form here!

    Monitor Email list

    All monitors shall join the Google group dedicated to monitors. No personal email will be sent. The link to the Google Group will be provided once the selection of the monitors will be done.

    WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments

    To be added once the monitor team have been selected.

    WHEN & WHERE? 

    The European Connectathon 2021 will be held online.


    HOW? Training Material

    We expect additional profile- and tool-specific training to be available here.

    Date-Time / Duration
    Req'd for new monitors

    Returing monitors are welcome

    Connectathon monitor - process overview
    - Monitor responsibilities
    - Connectathon process for monitors
    - Q&A





    Req'd for new monitors

    Returing monitors are welcome

    Gazelle walk-through
    We have two resources for you.

    - Webex training on how monitors use gazelle & the proxy during connectathon week to work with participants and verify tests. 
    New monitors

    Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

    This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

    (Streaming link) (.mp4)

    New monitors Connectathon Terminology:
    Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)


    **optional** educational material for monitors

    IHE 2017 Educational Webinar Series
    IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

    IT Infrastructure domain training material
    These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific. They are geared to an audience which is familiar with healthcare interoperability problems in general but is not familiar with the way IHE addresses problems or the specific profiles provided by ITI. You may find topics of interest to you in your "day job".

    multiple presentations available; duration varies
      Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


    IHE Technical Framework Documentation

    To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

    If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

    IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of ihe.net.

    Our FAQ for vendor participants

    We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.


    This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=6SrkvyB1EPs

    Contact Us

    For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Anne-Gaëlle Bergé.

    PDF icon Connectathon_Monitor_Training_2018.pdf345.86 KB

    European Connectathon ONLINE 2021: Monitor Recruitment Form

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a monitor at the European Connectathon ONLINE 2021. We kindly ask you to fill in this form as part of our recruitement process. However filling the form does not mean that you will be automatically allowed to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on the registration of systems (amount of systems, tested profiles and so on).

    Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent evaluators of the tests results during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors shall be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

    Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Connectathon Technical Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

    Note that the European Connectathon will be online. Monitors availability is expected during the entire connectathon online event: June, 14th to June, 18th 2021.

    The European Connectathon organizing committee is currently studying the possibility to bring together the monitors at Rennes' Connectathon Operation Center during the event, for monitors that would be interested to come to Rennes, and if the sanitary situation allows to do so in safe conditions.

    The information entered in the form is only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

    You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Alain; he will be happy to help.

    Connectathon 2021 - Agenda

    Milestones and timeline

    Resources for monitors

    Training resources

    Find general trainings here


    Registration webinar

    Feburary, 25th 2021


    Preparatory webinar

    April, 13th 2021







    SUT Configurations in Gazelle


    2020 version




    Connectivity Tests Kick-off


    May, 26th 2021




    Connectathon Week Process


    2020 version


    Your monthly planning up to June 14th

    February to do list par Anne-Gaëlle Bergé

    IHE European Connectathon Online 2020

    Connectathon participants technical registration and resources. 



    CAT in Brussels

    For general information about the connectathon and the connectathon week (related events, accomodation) is available on IHE Europe connectathon dedicated website.


    Milestones and timeline


    Create an account and/or

    register to test at the connectathon


    Access the "First time participant ever" form

     cheat sheet

    Participants cheat sheet

     Resources for connectathon

    Resources for monitors

     Training resources

    Training resources


    Google group


    Gazelle user guides


    Report issues/questions by emailing


    Register connectathon participants

    testable profiles

    Testable profiles


    Connectathon FAQ

    Floor layout

    Connectathon floor layout

    testing tips

    Test tools and testing tips


    Parcel shipment

    Icons made by Freepik and Vektors Market from www.flaticon.com

    Index to the Connectathon tools: https://gazelle.ihe.net/connectathon.html

    Parcel shipment

    In case you need to ship parcels (server racks, devices) to the connectathon venue. Autoworld is willing to receive and store parcels from October, 23rd. To get it back to your office, they shall be collected by November, 13th the latest.



    Parc du cinquantenaire 11

    1000 Brussels


    Do not forget to mention your company name and "IHE Europe Connectathon" so that Autoworld understands the purpose of the delivery.


    Invitation letter

    May you need a visa to enter Belgium, IHE-Europe can provide you with an invitation letter. Simply fill-in this form and send it back to office[at]ihe-europe.net. Invite letter will only be provided to participants from companies which have already send back their contract.

    Monitor Recruitment Form Brussels 2020

    Please use this form to express your interest in participating at the IHE Europe 2020 Connectathon as a Monitor. Filling this form is part of our recruitment process and does not mean that you will be able to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on the registration of systems (amount of systems, tested profiles and so on).

    Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent test result evaluators during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors shall be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

    Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Technical Project Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

    Monitors presence is expected during the entire connectathon event: March, 23rd (noon) to March, 27th 2019 (noon).


    The information entered in the form are only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

    You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Hilary; she will be happy to help.

    Monitor Recruitment Form EUCAT Online Brussels 2020

    Please use this form to express your interest in participating at the IHE Europe 2020 Connectathon as a Monitor. Filling this form is part of our recruitment process and does not mean that you will be able to join the team. Applications are reviewed and accepted based on the registration of systems (amount of systems, tested profiles and so on).

    Monitors are members of the community who serve as independent test result evaluators during the IHE Connectathon. Monitors examine tests in real time or examine evidence after the test. Connectathon Monitors shall be recommended by their IHE National initiative, if one exists in their country of residence.  Monitors from countries without an IHE National Initiative may apply directly.

    Monitors agree to perform their duties under the supervision of the Technical Project Manager and operate in a collaborative manner as part of the Testing Team

    Note that the EUCAT will be online. Monitors availability is expected during the entire connectathon online event: November, 2nd to November, 6th 2020.


    The information entered in the form are only used by the Connectathon Management Team and will be kept in our records up to one year after the connectathon ends. Data will be deleted earlier upon writing request.

    You need an account to fill out this form. If you do not have one yet, contact Hilary; she will be happy to help.

    Dating process

    Participant cheat sheet

    Need help to complete your contract ? Read here

    Tips to complete your contract

    First your contract is available from Registration > Financial Summary. If red lines are displayed at the bottom of this page, that means that Gazelle is missing pieces of information from you.


    1. Whether you need a Purchase Order to be added to the invoice IHE-Europe will send you, you can add it from Registration > Manage organization information > Billing address section
    2. You can also add your VAT details from this same place ( Registration > Manage organization information > Billing address section )
    3. The mailing address is missing for the organization: We need to know about the mailing address of your company, add it from Registration > Manage organization information. This is done in several steps. If there is no address defined at all or if you need to add a new one, first click on "Click here to add a new address", you save your form and then you click the "Select" button for this address to become your mailing address. It works the same way to add a billing address. A common error, is to not complete this second step.
    4. Either 
    * Missing Address for Financial Contacts.
    * Missing Technical Contacts.
    * Missing Marketing Contacts.
    is displayed, you shall add one or several contacts and set what are their scopes. Add a contact from Registration > Manage contacts. Then click on 'Add a contact'. Creating a contact does not create a Gazelle account for that person.
    5. Add event participants to be invoiced right now for the correct number of participants (otherwise, separated invoices will be sent). Go to Registration > Testing Session Participants. You can add either someone who has a Gazelle account within your company (Import from users), either someone from your list of contacts (Import from contacts).
    6. Make sure all the dependencies of your systems are met in terms of IHE dependencies among actors (if that is not the case, edit the Actor/Profile list of your system and click on "Add missing dependencies" (orange button).


    If you are still questions or issues, you are welcome to write to technical.manager@ihe-europe.net to get support.

    Test tools and testing tips

    List of test tools

    Tool resources


    ATNA testing & digital certificates


    Be prepared


     Thorought vs Supportive

    With the support of Gazelle Test Management, the connectathon management team offers you to perform limited testing if you are a returning participant. See why, how and what are the conditions here.

     Document Sharing testing - Several affinity domains

    Explanation of multiple affinity domain Connectathon tests for participants testing XDS.b, XDS-I.b, PDQ/PDQv3, PIX/PIXv3, and cross-community profiles XC* (eg XCA, XCPD, etc). Details



    Training resources - 2020

    Find general trainings here


    Registration webinar (Slide updated with new dates)

    Dec, 10th 2019


    Post-Registration webinar

    Jan, 30th 2019



    SUT Configurations in Gazelle

    Test Management

    & Use of Gazelle Proxy




    SUT Configurations in Gazelle


    Oct, 16th 2020




    Perform Connectivity Tests


    Oct, 23rd 2020




    Connectathon Week Process


    Oct, 28th 2020