[Deprecated] Patient Manager - Installation & Configuration

Warning: This documentation is out-dated, newest version of the documentation is available at https://gazelle.ihe.net/gazelle-documentation


The PatientManager project was firstly named PAMSimulator since it was only dedicated to the testing of the actors defined in the Patient Administration Management (PAM) integration profile. Later we need to implement the PIX and PDQ actors and decided to have all the tools concerning the management of patient demographics, identifiers and encounters in a same place and the PAMSimulator became the PatientManager. However, the maven project has not been renamed and is still named PAMSimulator.

Sources & binaries

To get the name of the latest release, visit the PAM project in JIRA and consult the "Change log" section.

If you intent to you the CAS service provided by Gazelle at https://gazelle.ihe.net or if you choose to not use the CAS, you can download the last release of the tool, available in our Nexus repository

Note that 

  • if you use the CAS service provided by Gazelle, you will have access to the administration tasks only if you have the admin priviledges in Gazelle
  • if you do not use a CAS service, users will not be able to authenticate theirselves and any user can access the administration tasks (see the Configuration section for an overview of those tasks)

If you have your own CAS service, you need to package your own version of the tool. Proceed according the following steps:

  1. Checkout the last tagged version available in Gazelle sources repository ($versionName will depend of the release you want to checkout)
    svn co https://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/gazelle/Maven/simulators/PAMSimulator/tags/PAMSimulator-$versionName
  2. Edit PAMSimulator/pom.xml file and in the public profile section, update the cas.url properties to match your CAS service URL
  3. Package the project
    mvn -P public clean package
  4. The binary will be available in PAMSimulator/PAMSimulator-ear/target folder

Database configuration

The PDQ part of the simulator uses fuzzystrmatch extension of postgreSQL. Follow the instructions below to enable this module in your database:

  1. Install the contrib module of postgreSQL
     sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib 
  2. Restart postgreSQL (if an application is using it, first close it)
     sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 
  3. Login as postgres user
     sudo su postgres 
  4. Enable the fuzzystrmatch module
# for psql 9.1 and above
postgres# CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
# for psql 8.4
psql -U postgres -d pam-simulator -f fuzzystrmatch.sql


  1. Check the General considerations page, it will inform you about the prerequisites for installing Gazelle tools.
  2. Create a new database named pam-simulator, using encoding UTF-8 and owned by gazelle
    createdb -U gazelle -E UTF8 pam-simulator
  3. Copy the EAR in your JBoss server and start it.
  4. Connect to the database and execute the initialization script. If you have checkout a copy of a tagged version, this file is available at PAMSimulator/PAMSimulator-ear/src/main/sql/import.sql
  5. If you do not intent to use any CAS service, execute the following SQL command
    update app_configuration set value = 'true' where variable = 'application_works_without_cas';
  6. Finally, open your favorite browser (please avoid usage of IE), and go to http://yourJbossInstance/PatientManager 


Application preferences

User the Administration menu, you will find a sub-menu entitied "Configure application preferences". The following preferneces must be updated according to the configuration of your system. The table below summarizes the variables used by the PatientManager tool.

Variable Description Default value


 The URL used by any user to access the tool. The application needs it to build permanent links inside the tool 



 Defines the namespaceID of the issuer of the identifiers generated by the tool 



 Defines the universal ID of the issuer of the identifiers generated by the tool. It's formatted as an OID and shall be unique across all instances of PatientManager tool

 a uniquely defined OID


 Defines the type of universal id



URL of the SSO service



 The URL of the OrderManager instance you may use to create DICOM worklists

 OrderManager on Gazelle


For PDQv3, defines if we use SeHE or ITI rules



OID of the organization issuing/receiving HL7v3 messages

a uniquely defined OID


Identifies the PDQv3/PDC actor of the tool

a uniquely defined OID


Identifies the PDQv3/PDS actor of the tool

a uniquely defined OID


Stylesheet for displaying HL7v3 validation service reports



URL of the web service exposed by Gazelle HL7 Validator for validating HL7v3 messages



Endpoint of the PDQv3/PDS embedded in the tool (for display to the user)




 Used to populate MSH-3 and MSH-4 fields of the HL7 messages produced by the tool




 Defines which time zone to use to display dates and timestamps



 Tells the application how users are authenticated

 True: all users are granted as admin

 False: uses a CAS service to authenticate users


whether to enable or not the authentication by IP address



if ip_login = true, a regex to grant users with admin role according to their IP addresses



 Location of the Demographic Data server WSDL

 DDS WS on Gazelle


 URL of the Gazelle HL7 Validator tool



 URL of the Sharing Value Set Repository actor of the SVSSimulator



 How long must the HL7 initiator wait for a response (in ms)



 URL of the Gazelle HL7 Validator wsdl (the one for HL7v2.x validation)

 GazelleHL7Validator WS on Gazelle


 DDS generates patient identifiers, the PatientManager can use them or generate its own using the application_namespace_id and application_universal_id. This value is used as the default choice on patient generation panel



 URL to access the XML stylesheet used to display HL7v2.x validation results

 XSL location

HL7v2.x responders

From the Administration/HL7 Responders configuration page, you will be able to configure each actor of the tool playing the role of a responder in a HL7-based transaction. A configure consists in the receiving application and facility and the port on which it listens to incoming messages. The IP address is not used by the server but must be set properly so that the users can configure their systems under test to communicate with the tool. DO NOT update the other parameters, it would prevent the tool from working correctly.

Note: When you update a configuration, do not forget to restart it.

Home page

The first time you access the application, you may notice that the home page of the tool is not configured. To set a title and a welcome message, log into the application with admin rights (every user can update this if you are not using CAS). 

Note that you will have to set up this page for all the languages supported by the application.