This version of the documentation is deprecated. Up-to-date version can be found at
This application is part of the External Validation Service provides by the Gazelle project. This project is made of two parties:
By now, schematrons have been writen for the following kinds of documents:
The list of available schematrons is likely to become richer in the future. One can access the webservice using the EVS Client Front-end, access to the schematrons used for the validation of documents is available from this same application.
Unless a user would like to perform mass document validation using the webservice functionality of that tool, the Schematron validation should be performed using the GUI provided by the EVS Client Front-end. The rest of this page is mainly for the users interested in learning more about the validation process and the methodology to call the webservice.
The validation based on schematron can be performed for any kind of XML files (CDA, HL7v3 messages, SAML Assertions and so on). The XML document is processed three times before the tool can give the validation result.
Web Service
The wsdl describing the service is available here. ( You can also download a soapui sample project to have an example of how to use each offered method, see the attachment section of this post or download it from here.
Schematron-based Validator implements various web service methods which are:
Validation results are format as an XML document, the XSLT stylesheeet which can be used to pretty display the results is available here, the associated CSS file is available here.
The javadoc documenting all these methods will be soon available.
We have generated a Static Web Service client using Axis 2. This related jar is stored in our maven repository and is easy to use. You only have to make a dependency to the artifact as shown below.
<dependency> <groupId>net.ihe.gazelle.maven</groupId> <artifactId>SchematronValidatorWSClient</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> </dependency>
GITB Web Service
The wsdl describing the GITB service is available here. ( You can also download a soapui sample project to have an example of how to use each offered method, see the attachment section of this post or download it from here.
Schematron-based Validator implements various web service methods which are: