Gazelle team members use various tools for different purposes, here are the links to those tools and what they stand for.
Jenkins: Continous integration systems. The trunk of each project is built every night, if changes have been committed during the last 24 hours
Jira: Bug Tracking System. Each Gazelle tool has its own Jira project (link is available in the footer of the application). The team also uses Tempo and Greenhoper (Agile methodology) plug-ins to respectively log working time and manage Agile sprints.
Nexus: Gazelle projects are built using Maven. Nexus is both a proxy for third-party dependencies and a repository for the releases and snapshots produced in the context of the Gazelle project
Crowdin: Gazelle applications are designed to be displayed in several languagues. Crowdin is an online translation management service. Users and developers work together to translate the applications into several languagues (Engligh, French, Japanese, German, Suomi...)
Sonar: Static analysis of the Java code. Analysis is run each time a job runs in Jenkins.
Testlink: Tests and Requirements management tool used by the Gazelle project
Eclipse: Prefered IDE for Java. You may also want to use the following plug-ins
Oxygen: Edit XML, XSL, XSD, perform validation using Saxon, etc...
PgAdmin III: Access your postgresQL database
plantUML: Develop sequence diagram, class diagram
jEdit: good text editor with advanced features
HL7 Inspector: Send and receive HL7 messages
SoapUI: SOAP webservice client
Virtual Box: Container for virtual machines
Execute :
wget chmod +x ./
install mvn svn
sudo apt-get install maven subversion
edit ~/.m2/settings.xml file, configure your username and password
<?xml version="1.0"?> <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <mirrors> <mirror> <id>nexus</id> <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> <url></url> </mirror> </mirrors> </settings>
You can browse project on:
It is strongly recommended to work from a tagged version of the application.
Pickup-up the tagged version of gazelle-tm you would like to build. Then select run the maven build command
mvn -Ppublic clean package
In case you would also like to compile the dependencies, find in the master pom.xml file the tagged version used for each of the dependencies. You can then pick up that version to recompile it.
Gazelle website is now running on Drupal 7. This page describes how the content is organized and how to add a new page (right content type in the right place)
Menus can be configured from Structure > Menus. Four menus are used in this web site
Switching to the new website, we have restricted the number of books, each new page you create must be part of one of the following books. Otherwise, you may want to create a blog entry.
Each time you want to create a new content which aim to be added to one of those books, use the book page (new) content type. Then, in edit mode, at the bottom of the page, go to the Book outline section and select first the book in which you want to add the page and then its parent item (it may be the root of the book).Once it's done, the fastest way to put the page where you want in the book is to go to Content and then under the Book tab. A quicker manner is to go on the parent of the new page and hit the "Add child page" link.
The blog content type must be used to publish a news in the blog section of the website. When you create a new blog entry, you can tick the Announce this post on Twitter checkbox so that a new tweet containing the link to this new blog entry will be posted by @IHE_Gazelle account
The archives section is used to stored the pages which are no more relevant but that we want to keep as an history of your work. Select the page you want to archive, edit it and, in the book outline section, select one of the [ARCHIVES] book. If the page you move has children, they will be moved also.
The home page is automatically built. All the contents of type "frontpage-block" which is set as "published" and "sticky to front page" is used to build the page, organized in two columns and sorted by ascending "order in home page" (a field available in edition mode).
This type of content is configured to be accessible only by the users which are in the group "Kereval". When you create such a page, to not forget to tick the "Provide a menu link" check box. In this way, the link to this new page will be displayed under the Kereval team menu displayed in the left-hand column
This type of content is configured to be accessible by users which are in the group "epSOS" (and others since not all epSOS staff may be registered in Gazelle and known as an epSOS user). If you tick the "Provide a menu link" check box, a link to this page will be created under the epSOS menu.
This short tutorial presents how to configure the chrome web browser in order to monitor the services deployed for the gazelle test bed.
Download the formatting file available here and add it to your Eclipse configuration. Go to Window --> Preferences. Then select Java --> Code Style --> Formatter and click on the Import... button.
To format all the sources of a given project, right-click on the src/main/java directory and select Sources --> Format
If you want Eclipse to auto-complete the tags of your XHTML files and to give you the list of available attributes for a tag, read this tutorial. In addition, to have the rich and a4j tags listed, you can create a user library and add richfaces-api, richfaces-impl et richfaces-ui. You will find those binaries in your .m2 repository in /org/richfaces/framework and /org/richfaces/ui folders.
We recommand to use sl4j for logging information in JBoss logs. Download the file available here and add it as a template in Eclipse (see the screenshot below). Then, each time you want to insert a logger in your Java class, type "logg" and ctrl-space for completion. A static field will be created and the logs will be redirected to log4j in JBoss.
Crowdin is a complete solution to make your website or software universally accessible through translation. Crowdin advanced editor helps translators to work faster and more efficiently with our innovative translation approach."
A Maven plugin allows crowdin integration into our projects ( You can use it by adding the latest gazelle-seam version (from 2.1.0) in your pom.xml.
To authenticate yourself to Crowdin, you need to configure your ~/.m2/settings.xml.
Your personal API key need to be generated from Crowdin server interface (
Once you have your API key, you can add the following in the settings.xml file :
<settings> <servers> <server> <id>crowdin-gazelle</id> <username>4960</username> <!-- The crowdin project id --> <password><!-- insert here you personal API key --></password> </server> </servers> <!-- ... --> <pluginGroups> <pluginGroup>com.googlecode.crowdin-maven</pluginGroup> </pluginGroups> </settings>
1. The pom.xml of the war module must contains the following plugin. It is provided by default by gazelle-tools or simulator-common :
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>gazelle-plugins</artifactId> </plugin>
2. Open the pom.xml of your project, under the <properties></properties> section, add
3.Keep your project updated with crowdin server :
mvn crowdin:pull
4. Edit the XHTML files with untranslated messages.
5. Build your project,
mvn clean package
And look for messages in logs such as:
[WARNING] Missing translation in list.xhtml (line:20,col:51) : New simulator
If there is parameters that must not be translated, add their name in the gazelle-plugins configuration (pom.xml)
<plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>gazelle-plugins</artifactId> <configuration> <ignoredParamNames> <ignoredParamName>displayActorFilter</ignoredParamName> </ignoredParamNames> </configuration> </plugin>
6. When you are ready to extract new messages from xhtml, run the following command. You need to add the keyPrefix argument to the maven command. As an example you might want to run :
mvn gazelle:xhtml-messages
7. A new .properties file has been added to the src/main/messages folder. This file is temporary and contains only new elements. Copy the content into the existing properties file. Then delete the temporary .properties file.
Usage of crowdin plugin
1. Push new messages on Crowdin server with :
mvn crowdin:push
2. If you pushed a new file on Crowdin server (new project), the encoding may be broken on translated file (later pull). See Jira issue MCA-27 on how to fix it.
3. Translate messages in Crowdin GUI. Messages that are not translated into another language will keep the original message value (english).
4. Then, you can retrieve the translations executing the command :
mvn crowdin:pull
If there are new translation, the server will need to rebuild the packge of translations. This can takes 1 minutes and after it will download the translations that your project need depending on the depencencies declared in your project poms.
src/main/messages contains properties that you want to be translated. Translations are used there only for initialization.
When new files/keys have been added to src/main/messages, you can push them to crowdin using mvn crowdin:push . It is Maven first, all elements in crowdin not in src/main/messages will be deleted from crowdin.
When translations are done on crowdin, it is needed to update package on crowdin. It can be done using mvn crowdin:export but it doesn't look to export it everytime (API throttle). So you can also update the package using "Build fresh package" on , "Downloads" tab.
Finally, you will have to pull new translations into your project by executing mvn crowdin:pull . It creates src/main/crowdin folder, storing used translations. Files in this folder should not be edited, it is just there for being able to build project without connecting to crowdin.
When the project is packaged, messages are aggregated and made available to the application as before (automatically done via gazelle-seam profiles).
First you have to
go to menu --> windows --> preferences
select General --> network connection
configure the proxy manally on this preference.
go to .m2/settings.xml.
Add the following:
<proxies> <proxy> <active>true</active> <protocol>http</protocol> <host></host> <port>80</port> </proxy> </proxies>
you may also, under Windows, configure the LAN network ( )
Notes: This tutorial can help you to create new HL7 Message Profile. This is not a tutorial to understand all functionalities of Messaging Workbench.
First at all, MWB runs only on Windows.
If for the IHE domain there is specific data type, you should create a specific data type file from the default data type files defined by MWB.
If not, you can use the default data type file defined by MWB.
On MWB choose on the Menu the tab:
Maint --> Datatypes --> Add/Edit datatype File
In the frame open, choose the tab:
File --> Open
Choose the data type default file chich is stored in the directory: MessagingWorkbench_Home/lib/
Open the data type file specific to your HL7 version, then choose the tab :
Datatype --> Edit
Select the specific data type you want to change, make the changes and save the new data type file with another Name (By convention, the name should indicate which domain changes is stored in the data type file: for example «LTW-DT-2.5.mdf »).
Attention, try to not modify the source data type file.
On MWB choose on the Menu the tab:
Maint --> Libraries --> Edit library File
You can choose for example « HL7 2-5.mcf » in the directory “MessagingWorkbench_Home/lib/“. You must choose an existing library to construct your own.
In the frame, change the current Data type with your own (for example « LTW-DT-2.5.mdf »). To do that, hit the “Attach DT” button and choose the corresponding DT file.
Then, press the “Compile” button and “Save as” the compile file as a new library in a file called for example «LTW-HL7 2-5.mcf ».
At least, close the library configuration window by hitting the “Done” button.
This library represents the base of the creation of your profile. If the IHE Technical Framework doesn’t define specific Data Types, you can use the IHE libraries present in the “PHARMA”, “ITI_LIB”, “LTF_LIB” or “PCD-LIB” folders in the “MessagingWorkbench_Home/lib” folder.
On MWB choose on the Menu the tab:
Maint --> Options...
On MWB choose on the Menu the tab:
Maint --> Librairies --> Select Conformance Files
If you have some segments which are defined commonly in the TF for the all domain, you may create a specific library which have this definition for the segment.
To construct your HL7 message profile :
In the “Structure” field, you must write the structure of your HL7 message. See the example below :
Then press the COMPILE MESSAGE button (represented by a yellow wheel) which is between the “save file” button and the “+F” button in MWB tool bar.
A message panel should open at the end of the compilation.
You may select all the items and select the “Not Supported” Option. Then hit the “Make Change” button.
This will change in the profile all “Backward” usage by “Not Supported”.
Close the panel.
Finally, hit the “Save” button to save your project in “MessagingWorkbench_HOME\Projects\Your_Message_Name.mwb”
Now, click on the Menu : Tools --> Select Conformance Lib
Then choose the tab : Display/Reports
At the end of the generation, on the “HL7” button (on the right). A message panel will be appear. Say “NO” and hit the “save” button (on the left). Your HL7 message profile will be saved as an XML file.
If some of the segment used are empty you should add a segment and set the previous library you create for the domain or the default one by HL7 version for example : “MessagingWorkbench_Home/lib/IHE-HL7 2.5.mcf “
The XML file generates by MWB is not correct, and it is necessary to do some transformations. Return to the unzipped folder (See the step 2 of the section "How install Messaging Workbench.") You shoud find a folder named "xslTransformTools".
First at all, you will need to download the Xalan parser at this location:
Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types.
We will use Xalan to apply the XSL style sheets to our HL7 message profile.
To copy the xmlfile to his specific profile directory in“Data/Hl7MessageProfiles”, you may:
Now check you should execute this xsl transform:
At least, replace all “Usage="B"” in the corrected HL7 message profile by “Usage="X"”.
Nexus is used to manage the Maven artifacts both the third-part ones required by our applications and the ones developed by the team. Our repository is available at and is currently installed on Sumo and owned by user nexus.
/etc/init.d/nexus stop
su nexus cd /opt/nexus rm nexus-oss-webapp ln -s nexus-2.3.1-01 nexus-oss-webapp exit /etc/init.d/nexus start
<dependency> <groupId>com.pixelmed</groupId> <artifactId>dicom</artifactId> <version>20140326</version> </dependency>
Testlink is an open source tool the purpose of which is to manage requirements, test specifications, test plans and test execution results. It is used by the Gazelle development team for quality insurance of our tools.
We are currently using TestLink 1.9.7, available here. If you do not have an account and you need one, please contact Anne-Gaëlle Bergé.
The following pages give you some tips for writing assertions, configuring the tools, specifying your tests and so on.
As we maintain a JIRA project and a Testlink project by Gazelle application, we need to configure a new Issue Tracker in Testlink for each new Testlink project. In this way, when executing the tests, we will be able to report the bugs directly from Testlink with a reference to the test case.
In the Desktop part of Testlink, click on "Issue Tracker Management" in the System panel (top-left corner). Then it the "create" button and configure the tool as shown in the screenshot below. For security reason, we have hidden the username and password parameters. Refer to another Issuer Tracker definition or ask the Gazelle administrator to get them. The JIRAKEY refers to key which uniquely identified a project in JIRA. Then, to link the Issue Tracker to your Testlink project, edit your project configuration
The screenshot below shows the basic definition of a test project in TestLink.
In accordance with the quality assurance team, we have chosen to use the same test specification design for all the projects manage within our instance of TestLink. This design matches the level of tests defined by ISTQB.
When you write your test specifications, please follow the principals enounced below:
Below is an example taken from Gazelle HL7 Validator test project.
Attached is an XML export of the basic test specifications that you can import into your project as a basis for your test specification writing. Also available here.
For the "System testing" test suite you can save time by using a feature from TestLink. In the Requirements page, for each section, you have a button named "Create Test Cases". You will be asked to select the requirements for which you want to generate test cases and then a new test suite will be created in your Test Specification. You only have to drag and drop the newly created test suite to the "System testing" test suite and complete the test cases.
By default, when you install JBoss 5.1.0, Jboss WS native 3.1.2 is embedded. Unfortunately, this version of the module contains some bugs and we have been forced to update this framework to a more recent version: jbossws-native-3.4.0.GA. This is the most recent version of this module which is compatible with JBoss 5.1.0.GA. To upgrade JBoss WS native in your JBoss, please refer to the documentation available on Jboss’s web site: The archive to download is available here:
Here is a summary of the steps to follow:
Note that this update will change the location of the SOAP endpoints deployed in your JBoss. Go to http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services to get the list of services deployed within your instance of JBoss.
Some of us have experienced troubles with having webex working fully and perfectly in our Linux environment. Thanks to several tutorials found on the Internet we managed to fix the various issues we encountered. Below is an "how to" for setting up your environment. We are using Ubuntu 14.04, 64-bit arch.
Firstly, it seems that Webex is more willing to fully work and to be stable when starting a webex session from Firefox instead of Chrome. If you were using Chrome, give a try with Firefox before going deeper in this tutorial.
We started from this point :
As a summary :
Execute the following command lines
$> sudo apt-get install libmux6:i386 $> sudo apt-get install libgcj14-awt:i386
This will fix a first set of issues. Then to check that all the required librairies are available on your computer, execute the following:
$> ldd $HOME/.webex/1324/*.so | grep 'not found'
This will give you the list of the missing libraries. Find the packages in which they are available using apt-file (if it is not yet installed, run $> sudo apt-get install apt-file)
$> apt-file search libraryName
For each library, install the i386 package, you might need libpangox-1.0-0:i386 and/or libpangoxft-1.0-0:i386. You can then try to attend a webex meeting.
Typically, if you try to use your headset you might see a message like this : "Audio device is unaccessible now". This section will help you with using your PC for voice. The solution we found is to use the 32-bits version of Firefox.
Download jre7 32-bits here
$> sudo apt-get remove firefox #uninstall the 64-bit version of firefox $> sudo apt-get install firefox:i386 #install the 32-bit version of firefox #Download java jre 32 bit, use the tar for 32-bit from the official website $> mkdir -p $HOME/opt/java32/ $> mv Download/jre-7u60-linux-i586.tar.gz $HOME/opt/java32/ $> cd $HOME/opt/java32/ $> tar -xzvf jre-7u60-linux-i586.tar.gz $> cd ~/opt/java32/jre1.7.0_60 $> mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins/ $>ln -sf $PWD/lib/i386/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
You can know try again to join a webex meeting and to use your computer for audio.
From a working copy you can directly copy the trunk to the branch and switch on it:
svn copy ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/trunk ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/branches/my-branch -m "Create my branch"
svn switch ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/branches/my-branch
If you had previous modification on your working copy they will be keeped locally during the switch. Your are now ready to commit on the branch.
svn commit -m "new feature"
It is important to give a clear log message when you create the branch to easily find its revision number.
Inria's forge does not support the auto detection of branching points, so you have to know the revision number of the branch creation for all merge commands. To do so, display the history:
svn log
You can limit the number of the history to avoid getting all the history of the project
svn log -l 20
And you can also get all the history of your branch directly with
svn log --stop-on-copy
The last line will be the branch creation revision.
All along your work on the branch, to avoid a final painful merge, it is well advise to regularly getting modification from the trunk into your branch.
First commit your work to get a clean working copy. Then merge the trunk into your local working copy of the branch:
svn merge -r 57456:HEAD ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/trunk
57456 is the branch creation revision number.
Resolve the confilcts if so, verify compilation and test your project before committing on the branch.
When your work is finally done on the branch, commited and ready to be share, you will need to reintegrate all modifications back in the trunk.
First, perform a last trunk synchronization (see above paragraph) and commit on the branch.
Then get a clean working copy of the trunk, by performing a checkout in another directory
svn checkout https://.../Maven/gazelle-tm/trunk tm-trunk
or performing an svn switch
svn switch ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/trunk
Make sure your working copy is up to date
svn update
And merge your branch into the local copy of the trunk
svn merge -r 57456:HEAD ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/my-branch
Resolve the confilcts if so, verify compilation and test your project before committing on the trunk.
svn commit -m "merge new feature"
Once the merge is finished and you have verified it is completely integrated, you can delete the old branch
svn delete ^/Maven/gazelle-tm/my-branch -m "Delete merged branch"
Perform a checkout in a new directory to get clean working copies. If you're merging two branches, do it for both branches.
Congratulation you've masterized svn branching !