If there is this warning message when a Gazelle application is launching :
Warn :[IdentityManager] no identity store available - please configure an identityStore if identity management is required
You need to add in components.xml file of the WEB-INF directory of your main WAR, the following lines
<security:jpa-identity-store user-class="net.ihe.gazelle.users.model.User" role-class="net.ihe.gazelle.users.model.Role"/>
In user class, add annotations :
Make sure that you have the following setter methods: setUsername, setLastname, setFirstname, setPassword and setRoles.
In role class, add annotation :
Now the warning messageĀ disappeared.
If you also get a warning concerning <security:identity/> and the authenticate method, add the following in your components.xml
<security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}"/>