This section contains test cases performed with the the Order Manager tool.
Tool user manual:
This test will be performed against the Order Filler part of the OrderManager Gazelle simulator. Here, we are only checking the initiator part of the Order Placer; that means that, in this test, your system is only asked to send messages to the simulator to create and cancel orders. The receiver part of the Order Placer (used to receive notifications from the Order Filler) is tested in the test #30002.
First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Order Filler to which send messages:
The LAB-1 (Lab Placer Order Management) transaction defines three structures of messages (OML^O21^OML_O21, OML^O33^OML_O33, OML^O35^OML_O35). As an initiator in this test, you are free to use the structure your system under test supports. Please, add a comment into the pre-connectathon test instance you have started to tell us which structures your system uses.
Your Order Placer is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so.
The purpose of this test is checking that the Order Placer is able to integrate messages received from the Order Filler in the context of the LAB-2 (creation of new orders) and LAB-1 (cancellation and status updates) transactions. We will also check that the acknowledgements are properly built.
Before beginning this test, do not forgot to check that the configuration (IP address, port, application/facility names) of your system under test is enter within the simulator.
Your Order Placer is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so. The Order Manager must also know this patient/encounter, to share the patient between the PAMSimulator and the Order Manager tools, read the tutorial available here. If you have already performed the test #30001, you can use the same patient.
We strongly recommend to read the tutorial available here.
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to accept the creation of orders by the laboratory (ORC-1 = "SN") and to assign placer order numbers to these orders. The acknowledgement message (ORL of the corresponding message structure, with ORC-1="NA") must carry the placer order number (ORC-2).
As a receiver in this test, your Order Placer shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform this step three times.
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to intefration te cancellation of orders by the laboratory (ORC-1="OC") and to acknowledge it (ORL of the corresponding message structure, with ORC-1 = "OK")
In this step, you show the ability of your Order Placer to integrate a change of status of an order (OBR-25 must change of calue, this must be visible in your application screenshot), notified by the Order Filler (ORC-1="SC") and to acknowledge it (ORL of the corresponding message structure, witch ORC-1 = "OK")
This test is dedicated to the LAB-1 transaction from the point of view of the Order Filler. In this test, we will check that the Order Filler is able to integrate the notifications of creation and cancellation of orders received from the Order Placer. In this test, you are asked to use the Order Manager tool as an Order Placer to send messages to your system under test.
Before beginning this test, do not forget to check that the configuration (IP address, port, application/facility names) of your system under test is enter within the simulator.
Your Order Filler is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so. The Order Manager must also know this patient/encounter, to share the patient between the PAMSimulator and the Order Manager tools, read the tutorial available here. If you have already performed the test #30004, you can use the same patient.
We strongly recommend to read the tutorial available here.
As a receiver in this test, your Order Filler shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform this step three times.
In this step, your Order Filler shall prove its ability to accept and integrate an order cancellation sent by the Order Placer (ORC-1="CA") and to acknowledge it (ORC-1="CR").
This test will be performed against the OrderPlacer part of the OrderManager Gazelle simulator. Here, we are only checking the initiator part of the Order Filler; that means that, in this test, your system is only asked to send messages to the simulator to create and cancel orders and to update the status of orders. The receiver part of the Order Filler (used to receive notifications from the Order Placer) is tested in the test #30003.
First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Order Placer to which send messages:
The LAB-1 (Lab Placer Order Management) and LAB-2 (Lab Filler Order Management) transactions define three structures of messages (OML^O21^OML_O21, OML^O33^OML_O33, OML^O35^OML_O35). As an initiator in this test, you are free to use the structure your system under test supports. Please, add a comment into the pre-connectathon test instance you have started to tell us which structures your system uses.
As described in the Technical Framework (TF-LAB volume 1), your system under test is assumed to implement actors from the PAM or PDQ profile in addition of the Order Filler actor from the LTW integration profile. That means that your system is able either to create a new patient and encounter or to receive those information from an external system. If your system under test implements PEC and/or PDC actors from the PAM profile, feel free to use the PAMSimulator tool to receive new patient and encounter for initializing this test.
As a first step for this test, you will have to create two new orders (the status of the first one will be updated in step 2 and the second one will be cancelled in step 3).
In this second step, the status of the fist placed order will be updated to "A" (Some but not all results available).
This third test is dedicated to the cancellation of the second order you have sent.
This test is used to test the capability of the Order Filler and Automation Manager actors to manage work orders. For both actors, the test will be performed against the Order Manager Gazelle tool.
First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Automation Manager to which send messages:
The LAB-4 (Work Order Management) transaction defines three structures of messages (OML^O21^OML_O21, OML^O33^OML_O33, OML^O35^OML_O35). As an initiator in this test, you are free to use the structure your system under test supports. Please, add a comment into the pre-connectathon test instance you have started to tell us which structures your system uses.
Your Order Filler is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so.
In this test, you will use the Order Manager tool to create a work order to send to your system under test. Before starting this test, make sure you have properly registered your system in the "SUT Configurations" section of the tool and that your system under test is reachable from the Internet (no firewall prevents it from receiving messages from our tools).
We strongly recommend to read the tutorial available here.
As a receiver in this test, your Automation Manager shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform this step three times (if your system does not support all of the three messages, please leave a comment in Gazelle to explain which one it supports, and why it does not support all of them).
In this step, you will cancel the first work order received by your Automation Manager.
The aim of this test is to prove the capability of the Order Filler, Automation Manager and Order Result Tracker to manage laboratory test results. In other words, we check that your system is able to send, receive and/or integrate the messages defined in Order Result Management (LAB-3) and Test Result Management (LAB-5).
Those tests have to be performed against the Order Manager Gazelle tool, which will play the role of Order Result Tracker, Order Filler or Automation Manager according to the cases.
The Order Filler actor is involved in both LAB-3 (as initiator) and LAB-5 (as receiver) transactions. In this test, we check that your system is able to integrate the test results sent by the Automation Manager (role played by the Order Manager Gazelle tool) and to send order results to the Order Result Tracker (role played by the Order Manager tool).
This part of the test will use the Order Manager as an Order Result Tracker. First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Order Result Tracker to which send messages:
The LAB-3 (Order Result Management) transaction defines two structures of messages (OUL^R22^OUL_R22 and ORU^R01^ORU_R01). As an initiator in this transaction, you are free to use the structure your system under test supports.
You are assumed to perform this test after working on test #30004 so that you can reuse the order previously placed in the Order Placer. If you have followed the instruction of the test #30004 you shall have the values: ORC-5="A" and OBR-25="P".
This part of the test will use the Order Manager part as an Automation Manager. If you have already performed tests #30003 and #30004, your system under test is already registered within the tool.
The LAB-5 (Test Results Management) transaction defines two structures of messages (OUL^R22^OUL_R22 and OUL^R23^OUL_R23). As a responder in this transaction, your system under test must be able to integrate both. Go to Results management --> Automation Manager.
The Automation Manager is involved in LAB-5 transaction as an initiator. In this test, we check the capability of your system to send messages to the Order Filler part of the Order Manager Gazelle tool. LAB-5 transaction defines two message structures (OUL^R22^OUL_R22 and OUL^R23^OUL_R23); as an initiator for this transaction, your system under test must support one out of these two structures. If your system supports both, please repeat this test twice so that we can check the conformance of the messages produced by your system.
This part of the test will use the Order Manager as an Order Filler. First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Order Filler to which send messages:
The Order Result Tracker is involved in LAB-3 transaction as a responder. In this test, we check the capability of your system to integrate the messages received from an Order Filler (role played by the Order Manager Gazelle tool). This transaction defines two message structures (OUL^R22^OUL_R22 and ORU^R01^ORU_R01); as a responder your system must support both of them.
This test used the Order Manager tool as an Order Filler. In order to tell the simulator to which system send messages, your first action will be to create a new configuration for your system under test within the Order Manager. Go to the "SUT configurations" section to do so.
Then, go to Results management --> Order Filler --> Send test results to your SUT to start the test.
This test concerns the Analyzer Manager actor. You will need to validate with EVSClient tool the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages.
As your system implements the Analyzer Manager actor, you will need to test the HL7 messages used in the LAB-27, LAB-28 and LAB-29 transactions.
Your system must be able to send HL7 messages (to the Analyzer actor) of types :
To test the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages, go to the EVSCLient tool at this location : EVSClient
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : EVSClient User Manual
In the EVSClient tool, go to the HL7 menu entry and choose "HL7v2" then click on "Message Validation".
Paste your message to validate in the box. (You can hit the "Guess" button to preset the Message Profile OID.)
For example, for the RSP^K11^RSP_K11 message :
Do this for all messages and don't forget to copy/paste the "Permanent link" of the validation result to Gazelle.
This test concerns the bi-directional Analyzer actor. You will need to validate with EVSClient tool the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages.
As your system implements the Analyzer actor and supports the bi-directional communication option, you will need to test the HL7 messages used in the LAB-27, LAB-28 and LAB-29 transactions.
Your system must be able to send HL7 messages (to the Analyzer Manager actor) of types :
To test the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages, go to the EVSCLient tool at this location : EVSClient
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : EVSClient User Manual
In the EVSClient tool, go to the HL7 menu entry and choose "HL7v2" then click on "Message Validation".
Paste your message to validate in the box, and hit the "Guess" button to preset the Profile OID.
For example, for the QBP^Q11^QBP_Q11 message :
Do this for all messages and don't forget to copy/paste the "Permanent link" of the validation result to Gazelle.
This test concerns the Analyzer actor. You will need to validate with EVSClient tool the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages.
As your system implements the Analyzer actor and supports the bi-directional communication option, you will need to test the HL7 message used in the LAB-29 transaction.
Your system must be able to send HL7 messages (to the Analyzer Manager actor) of type :
OUL^R22^OUL_R22, for the LAB-29 transaction (AWOS Status Change)
To test the IHE conformance of your HL7 messages, go to the EVSCLient tool at this location : EVSClient
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : EVSClient User Manual
In the EVSClient tool, go to the HL7 menu entry and choose "HL7v2" then click on "Message Validation".
Paste your message to validate in the box, and hit the "Guess" button to preset the Profile OID.
For example :
This test concerns only the Analyzer Manager actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-27 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
Please be reminded that if you are logged in your configurations will be private, otherwise it will be public.
In this test, the LAW Simulator plays the role of the "Analyzer". It is used to query the SUT (System Under Test) for an AWOS related to the specimen.
The SUT implements the Analyzer Manager (Analyzer Manager acts as a responder in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to the test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in Gazelle as the result of this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
This test concerns only the Analyzer actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-27 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
In this test, the LAW Simulator will be used to respond to the SUT (System Under Test) query.
As the SUT implements the Analyzer (Analyzer acts as an initiator in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in the comment section of the pre-connectathon log return page as the result for this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
This test concerns only the Analyzer Manager actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-28 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
In this test, the LAW Simulator will receive the AWOS from the SUT, saves all information and responds with an acknowledgment.
As the SUT implements the Analyzer Manager (Analyzer Manager acts as an initiator in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in the comment section of the pre-connectathon log return page as the result for this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
This test concerns only the Analyzer actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (wich is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-28 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
Please be reminded that if you are logged in your configurations will be private, otherwise it will be public.
In this test, the LAW Simulator will be used to send to the SUT (System Under Test) an AWOS related to a specimen.
As the SUT implements the Analyzer (Analyzer acts as a responder in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page (see the "Test report" panel) or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to the test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in Gazelle as the result of this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
This test concerns only the Analyzer Manager actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-29 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
Please be reminded that if you are logged in your configurations will be private, otherwise it will be public.
In this test, the LAW Simulator will be used to send to the SUT (System Under Test) the test results.
As the SUT implements the Analyzer Manager (Analyzer Manager acts as a responder in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to the test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in Gazelle as the result of this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
This test concerns only the Analyzer actor. You will need to communicate with the LAW Simulator (which is included in the Order Manager Simulator), in order to simulate the LAB-29 transaction of the LAW Profile.
Access the LAW Simulator tool at this location : Order Manager
If it is your first time with this tool, please read the user manual : Order Manager User Manual
In this test, the LAW Simulator will be used to respond to the SUT (System Under Test) query.
As the SUT implements the Analyzer Manager (Analyzer Manager acts as an initiator in this test) :
The messages exchanged between the simulator and the SUT can be found in the message table on the very same page or from the HL7 Message menu entry.
Hit the link on the left side of the raw (first column of the table), to display the Permanent Link to test report for the corresponding HL7 message. (You can access to the hl7v2 report tutorial for more details.)
If the validation report status is passed for the message and the response, copy the "test result link" and paste it in the comment section of the pre-connectathon log return page as the result for this test.
For further details, see this tutorial : How enter your pre-connectathon test result in Gazelle (only for the LAW, LCSD and LBL Profiles of the Laboratory Domain which send HL7v2 messages)?
In this test, the OrderManager tool is a DICOM Modality Worklist SCP, and your application (most commonly an Acquisition Modality actor) is the MWL SCU.
The test is a sanity check of your worklist query capabilities for pre-Connectathon testing. In some cases, the Order Manager is used as a MWL SCP during a Connectathon, and this test helps prepare you for that.
Refer to the OrderManager User Manual for instructions.
As a MWL SCU in this test, your application will query the OrderManager (MWL SCP) for a worklist.
The link to the worklist entry & the screen shot demonstrate that you have successfully received worklist.
This tests the RAD-2 transaction from the point of view of the Order Filler as system under test.
In this test, we will check that your Order Filler is able to integrate the creation and cancellation of orders received from the OrderManager tool playing the role of the Order Placer actor.
Refer to the OrderManager user manual and these details about sending RAD-2.
As a receiver in this test, your Order Filler shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform three steps.
In this step, your Order Filler proves its ability to accept and integrate an order creation sent by the Order Placer (ORC-1="NW")
In this step, your Order Filler proves its ability to accept and integrate an order cancellation sent by the Order Placer (ORC-1="CA") and to acknowledge it (with an ACK message).
In this step, your Order Filler proves its ability to accept the discontinue of an ongoing order sent by the Order Placer (ORC-1="DC") and to acknowledge it (with an ACK message).
The permanent links to the test report & the screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully handled the received order messages.
This tests the RAD-3 transaction from the point of view of the Order Placer as system under test.
In this test, we will check that your Order Placer is able to integrate the creation and cancellation of orders received from the Order Manager tool playing the role of the Order Filler actor.
Refer to the Order Manager user manual.
As a receiver in this test, your Order Placer shall be able to integrate all of the three message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform three steps.
In this test, your Order Placer receives an ORM (v2.3.1) or OMG (v2.5.1) from the Order Manager acting as Order Filler. You respond with an ORR (v2.3.1) or ORG (v2.5.1)
In this test, your Order Placer receives an ORM-Cancel (v2.3.1) or OMG-Cancel (v2.5.1) from the Order Manager acting as Order Filler. You respond with an ACK.
In this test, your Order Placer receives an ORM-Status update (v2.3.1) or OMG-Status update (v2.5.1) from the Order Manager acting as Order Filler. You respond with an ACK.
The permanent links to the test report & the screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully handled the received order messages.
This tests the RAD-4 (Procedure Scheduled) and RAD-13 (Procedure Updated) transactions from the point of view of the Image Manager as system under test.
In this test, we will check that your Image Manager is able to integrate the scheduling and cancelllation of procedures received from the Order Manager tool playing the role of the Order Filler actor.
You may use the Order Manager to send
Refer to the Order Manager user manual.
As a receiver in this test, your Image Manager shall be able to integrate all of the message structures defined in the technical framework. As a consequence, you are asked to perform these four steps.
In this step, your Image Manager proves its ability to accept and integrate a new scheduled procedure sent by the Order Filler.
In this step, your Order Image Manager proves its ability to accept and integrate an order cancellation sent by the Order Filler (ORC-1="CA") and to acknowledge it.
In this step, your Image Manager proves its ability to accept the discontinue of an ongoing order sent by the Order Filler (ORC-1="DC") and to acknowledge it.
In this step, your Image Manager proves its ability to accept the procedure update/change order request (order still scheduled or in progress) sent by the Order Filler (ORC-1="XO") and to acknowledge it.
In this step, your Image Manager proves its ability to accept the procedure update/order completed sent by the Order Filler (ORC-1="XO") and to acknowledge it.
The permanent links to the test report & the screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully handled the received order messages.