TM Functional Checking

This list of modules allows the admin to verify and to check the well functioning of the Test Management tool.

TF Model Consistency Check List

This module allows the admin to check the consistency between the different profiles/actors/domain defined in the database.

To access to this page, from the menu -> administration -> check -> TF Model Consistency Check List

This page allows to do the checking about the following objects:

- domains

- actors

- Integration profiles

- actors

-Integration profile options

- Documents and Documents sections


Tests Definition CheckList

This module allows the admin to verify the consistency of the information in the test plan module. We could so verify if there are RoleInTest with no participant, or some test step instances with no test instances. Multiple check could be performed in this page.

To access to this page, you should go from the menu -> administration -> check -> Tests Definition CheckList

To access a check, you have to select the information looked for from the tree.

Sessions Dashboard

The session dashboard allows to access information about the current selected session.

The information provided are : 

- Companies without participants

- Tests overview for systems/companies

- Test Instances Overview

To access to this page, you have to go to menu -> Administration -> Check -> Sessions Dashboard

Companies without participants

This describe the companies that do not have a participants in the current testing session, and which are registred by a system.

Tests overview for systems/companies

This panel describes the list of systems registred in the testing session, and for each system we provide : the organization, the status of the system, the number of tests executed by the system during the CAT and the details about the results of these tests.

Test Instances Overview

This panel allows to have information about the use of the monitor app tool.