IHE USA sponsors the North American Connectathon and manages the schedule and logistics for the event. Pointers to details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE USA staff at connectathon@ihe.net
Connectathon location & dates |
Cleveland Convention Center & HIMSS Innovation Center -- Cleveland, Ohio |
Email list for Connectathon announcements | All participants in the NA Connectathon must join this group. It is used for technical and logistical announcements from the NA Connectathon sponsors and technical managers. To subscribe, send an email to NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Please note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to join this group. |
Detailed Connectathon schedule | This schedule will help you stay on track from October through January! We also have the Weekly Reminder page containing technical preparation steps. |
Contracts, Fees, Payment | Four steps to register for the Connectathon. |
Policies & Guidelines | IHE USA publishes these policies for contracting, payment, and participation in the IHE North American Connectathon 2016. |
Connectathon badges | Order badges for your staff that will attend the Connectathon. Order early; badge prices increase after November 21. |
Hotel info | http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources.aspx#hotelandtravel |
Shipping & extra electrical service | Service kit for Cleveland Convention Center |
Seating assignments | Seating assignments (TBA)- There are two tabs in this spreadsheet.
Connectathon floor plan (TBA) |
NA Connectathon Conference 2016 | January 27, 2016 - a one-day educational & networking event at the HIMSS Innovation Center. |
Connectathon Technical Resources | Find details about technical preparation for connectathon: tools, network, training, and much more. |
Connecthon FAQ | Answers to questions many first-time participants ask. |
Contact Us! Get help when you need it.
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