Manual Scrutiny tests

This section contains test cases where sample messages and objects are:

  • exchanged between test partners in advance of the Connectathon
  • manually verified in the absence of a tool


EYECARE-15 is a Patient Registration message

In this test, we ask you to provide a sample message produced by your system, and we will validate your message by manual evaluation using the requirements in the Eye Care Technical Framework.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture an ADT^A04 message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->List of samples.
  3. On the "systems" dropdown list, select your system name
  4. On the "Samples to share" tab, find the entry for "EYECARE-15"
  5. Upload the file containing your HL7 message.  If you need help managing samples, refer to this help page.

Finally, update the status of this pre-Connectathon test in gazelle to signal that your message is ready for evaluation:

  1. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing 
  2. Find the entry for this test instance, and change the status to "Verified by Vendor"
We examine your message using the same evalution defined in the Connectathon test for this message:
1. in Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Connectathon.
2. Find test "EYECARE-15_Scrutiny"
3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


EYECARE-16 is a Appointment Scheduling Management message

In this test, we ask you to provide a sample message produced by your system, and we will validate your message by manual evaluation using the requirements in the Eye Care Technical Framework.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. There are multiple SIU messages supported in the EYECARE-16 transaction.  You will capture these messages as produced by your system.  Create a files containing the contents of each message:
    1. SIU^S12 New Appointment
    2. SIU^S14 Modify Appointment
    3. SIU^S15 Cancel Appointment
    4. SIU^S17 Delete Appointment
    5. SIU^S26 Patient No Show
  2. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->List of samples.
  3. On the "systems" dropdown list, select your system name
  4. On the "Samples to share" tab, find the entry for "EYECARE-16"
  5. Upload the files containing your HL7 messages.  If you need help managing samples, refer to this help page.

Finally, update the status of this pre-Connectathon test in gazelle to signal that your message is ready for evaluation:

  1. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing 
  2. Find the entry for this test instance, and change the status to "Verified by Vendor"
We examine your message using the same evalution defined in the Connectathon test for this message:
1. in Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Connectathon.
2. Find test "EYECARE-16_Scrutiny"
3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


EYECARE-17 is a Charge Posting message

In this test, we ask you to provide a sample message produced by your system, and we will validate your message by manual evaluation using the requirements in the Eye Care Technical Framework.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture an DFT^P03 message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->List of samples
  3. On the "systems" dropdown list, select your system name
  4. On the "Samples to share" tab, find the entry for "EYECARE-17"
  5. Upload the file containing your HL7 message.  If you need help managing samples, refer to this help page.

Finally, update the status of this pre-Connectathon test in gazelle to signal that your message is ready for evaluation:

  1. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing 
  2. Find the entry for this test instance, and change the status to "Verified by Vendor"
We examine your message using the same evalution defined in the Connectathon test for this message:
1. in Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Connectathon.
2. Find test "EYECARE-17_Scrutiny"
3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


EYECARE-21 is a Procedure Scheduled message

In this test, we ask you to provide a sample message produced by your system, and we will validate your message by manual evaluation using the requirements in the Eye Care Technical Framework.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture an OMG^019 message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->List of samples
  3. On the "systems" dropdown list, select your system name
  4. On the "Samples to share" tab, find the entry for "EYECARE-21"
  5. Upload the file containing your HL7 message.  If you need help managing samples, refer to this help page.

Finally, update the status of this pre-Connectathon test in gazelle to signal that your message is ready for evaluation:

  1. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing 
  2. Find the entry for this test instance, and change the status to "Verified by Vendor"
We examine your message using the same evalution defined in the Connectathon test for this message:
1. in Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Connectathon.
2. Find test "EYECARE-21_Scrutiny"
3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


EYECARE-23 is XML for Refractive Measurement (no Pat ID)

EYECARE-24 is XML for Refrative Measurement (valid Pat ID)

In this test, we ask you to provide a sample message produced by your system, and we will validate your message by manual evaluation using the requirements in the Eye Care Technical Framework and in the JOIA 1.5 specification.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture an the XML message as produced by your system.  Create an XML file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In Gazelle,select menu Connectathon-->List of samples
  3. On the "systems" dropdown list, select your system name
  4. On the "Samples to share" tab, find the entry for "EYECARE-23" or "EYECARE-24" as applicable
  5. Upload the file containing your HL7 message.  If you need help managing samples, refer to this help page.

Finally, update the status of this pre-Connectathon test in gazelle to signal that your message is ready for evaluation:

  1. In Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon testing 
  2. Find the entry for this test instance, and change the status to "Verified by Vendor"
We examine your message using the same evalution defined in the Connectathon test for this message:
1. in Gazelle, select menu Connectathon-->Connectathon.
2. Find test "EYECARE-23-24_Scrutiny"
3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the content that we will look for in your XML.


In this test, you will examine your sample MRRT Report Template using manual evaluation according the requirements in the MRRT Profile.

This is the same evaluation that a monitor will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. First, perform  test MRRT_Sample_Exchange to ensure you have submitted a MRRT Report Template sample into Gazelle Test Management
  2. Next, find the manual evaluation criteria:  on the Test Execution page in Gazelle Test Management, find test MRRT_Report_Template_Structure.
  3. In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the content that we will look for in your template.  You should examine your template using those criteria and make repairs if necessary
There is no result file to upload into Gazelle Test Management for this test.  The evaluation will occur during the Connectathon.



In this test, we will evaluate a sample RAD-2 OMG message produced by your system.

Since CDS-OAT is a new profile, we do not yet have a tool to evaluate the specific requirements for RAD-2 in CDS-OAT, so we will validate your message using:

  • the Gazelle EVS Client tool to validate the base requirements for RAD-2
  • and, manual scrutiny of the message for requirement added for compliance to the CDS-OAT profile.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture a [RAD-2] OMG^019 message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In the EVS Client tool, select menu IHE-->HL7v2.x
  3. Paste a copy of your OMG message into the tool and run the validator for RAD-2 OMG, HL7 v2.5.1.
  4. Find the Permanent link to your validation result
  5. Paste the Permanent Link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.
Evaluation will be performed during Connectathon.
  • A monitor will examine the results from EVSClient (using the Permanent link you captured).   These are the baseline requirements for RAD-2.
  • A monitor will also do manual scrutiny of your OMG message using the requirements specific to CDS-OAT.  To see the evaluation criteria, find test "RAD-2_with_CDS_Scrutiny" on your Test Execution page in Gazelle Teste Management.  In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


In this test, we will evaluate a sample RAD-3 OMG message produced by your system.

Since CDS-OAT is a new profile, we do not yet have a tool to evaluate the specific requirements for RAD-3 in CDS-OAT, so we will validate your message using:

  • the Gazelle EVS Client tool to validate the base requirements for RAD-3
  • and, manual scrutiny of the message for requirement added for compliance to the CDS-OAT profile.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture a [RAD-3] OMG^019 message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In the EVS Client tool, select menu IHE-->HL7v2.x
  3. Paste a copy of your OMG message into the tool and run the validator for RAD-3, HL7 v2.5.1.
  4. Find the Permanent link to you validation reult
  5. Find the Permanent link to your validation result
  6. Paste the Permanent Link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.
Evaluation will be performed during Connectathon.
  • A monitor will examine the results from EVSClient (using the Permanent link you captured).   These are the baseline requirements for RAD-3.
  • A monitor will also do manual scrutiny of your OMG message using the requirements specific to CDS-OAT.  To see the evaluation criteria, find test "RAD-3_with_CDS_Scrutiny" on your Test Execution page in Gazelle Teste Management.  In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.


In this  test, we will evaluate a sample RAD-4 OMI message produced by your system.

Since CDS-OAT is a new profile, we do not yet have a tool to evaluate the specific requirements for RAD-4 in CDS-OAT, so we will validate your message using:

  • the Gazelle EVS Client tool to validate the base requirements for RAD-4
  • and, manual scrutiny of the message for requirement added for compliance to the CDS-OAT profile.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture a [RAD-4] OMI message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In the EVS Client tool, select menu IHE-->HL7v2.x
  3. Paste a copy of your OMI message into the tool and run the validator for RAD-4 OMI, HL7 v2.5.1.
  4. Find the permanent link to you validation reult
  5. Find the Permanent link to your validation result
  6. Paste the Permanent Link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.
Evaluation will be performed during Connectathon.
  • A monitor will examine the results from EVSClient (using the Permanent link you captured).   These are the baseline requirements for RAD-4.
  • A monitor will also do manual scrutiny of your OMG message using the requirements specific to CDS-OAT.  To see the evaluation criteria, find test "RAD-4_with_CDS_Scrutiny" on your Test Execution page in Gazelle Teste Management.  In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.