--> Prior to performing ATNA tests, please read this page for guidelines that address frequently asked questions about testing expectations. <--
The ATNA requirements are in the IHE Technical Framework:
NOTE: The folloing options were retired in 2021 via CP-ITI-1247 and are no longer tested at IHE Connectathons:
Tool-based testing of TLS (node authentication) and of the format and transport of your audit messages is consolidated in one tool - the Gazelle Security Suite (GSS).
In order to ensure interoperability between systems doing interoperability (peer-to-peer) testing over TLS (e.g. XDS, XCA...) the Connectathon technical managers have selected a TLS version and ciphers to use for interoperability tests during Connectathon week. (This is analagous to a hospital mandating similar requirements at a given deployment.)
TLS POLICY for [ITI-19]:
*** For IHE Connectathons, interoperabily testing over TLS shall be done using:
Before 2020, an ATNA Audit Record Repository (ARR) was required to support receiving audit messages in both TLS syslog and UDP syslog. That meant that all Secure Node/Applications could send their audit messaes to any ARR.
Now, all actors sending and receiving audit messages may choose to support TLS Syslog, UDP Syslog, and/or FHIR Feed for transport. We expect that the Audit Record Repositories at the NA and EU Connectathons will provide good coverage of the options (TLS, UDP, FHIR), though some ARRs may support a subset. In particular, the FHIR Feed Option in ITI-20 may have less support because it was new as of 2020.
Connectathon technical managers will not select one transport for all audit records exchanged during Connectathon. Instead, Secure Node/Applications will choose ARRs for test partners that are compatible with the audit records they send in ITI-20. Gazelle Test Management will show compatible partners for ITI-20 interoperability tests: "ATNA_Logging_*.
The Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) tool is the SINGLE PROVIDER OF DIGITIAL CERTIFICATES for IHE Connectathons.
To obtain a digital certificate from the GSS tool for preparatory & Connectathon testing, follow the instructions in test 11100. That test contains instructions that apply to an IHE Connectathon, whether face-to-face or online.
Some facts about the digital certificates for Connectathon testing:
Systems testing ATNA are required to complete the ATNA Questionnaire in the GSS tool, ideally prior to Connectathon week. Embedded in the questionnaire are Audit Record tests and TLS tests customized for the profiles & actors you registered to test at Connectathon.
Read the Technical Framework documentation; you are responsible for all requirements in Record Audit Event [ITI-20] transaction. We will not repeat the requirements here.
WHICH SCHEMA???: The Record Audit Event [ITI-20] specifies use of the DICOM schema for audit messages sent using the ATX: TLS Syslog and ATX: UDP Syslog options. The DICOM schema is found in DICOM Part 15, Section A.5.1.
We expect implementations to be compliant; we have tested audit messages using the DICOM schema at IHE Connectathons since 2016.
SENDING AUDIT MESSAGES: You can send your audit records to the GSS tool simulating an Audit Record Repository. See test 11117.
Contact the Technical Project Manager for the IT Infrastructure domain. Refer to the Contact Us page.
There is no specific evaluation for this test.
Create a text file stating that you found and read the page. Upload that text file into Gazelle Test Management as the Log Return file for test 11099.