EXPANDathon - Lisbon, December 2015

Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from EXPAND available at the following URL: http://www.expandproject.eu/expand-final-event-lisbon-ehealth-week/

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed EXPANDathon event! 

Registration is already opened in gazelle to November, 15th 2015. Registration link : http://gazelle.ihe.net/EU-CAT/home.seam

Thank you to join the google group Thank you to join the group expandathon-2015 for more details.




Technical Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, deadlines, training ...

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

Tools overview

Tools used during EXPANDathon testing session (and pre testing)

 Contact Us!

Get help when you need it.


EXPANDathon 2015 Monitor Resources


Training Material :

Date-Time / Duration
All monitors

Monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

Gazelle walk-through
- How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. slides

Monitor training Exercises:  Gazelle hands-on exercises





New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors

Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)


All monitors

Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

Security monitors

-- ATNA testing overview (.mp4 | slides)

-- ATNA, BPPC, XUA, DEN, DSG tests (slides)







EXPANDathon 2015 Network Info

EXPANDathon 2015 Schedule & Logistics

  Pointers to scheduling details are gathered here. If you have questions or need help, please contact the IHE Europe staff at project-manager@ihe-europe.net 

EXPANDathon location & dates

Official information (about Hotel, Transportation, Location) from EXPAND available at the following URL: http://www.expandproject.eu/expand-final-event-lisbon-ehealth-week/

Important dates :

Event Begining End Training Session
Registration 01/11/2015 15/11/2015 02/11/2015
Pre-Test 16/11/2015 04/12/2015 16/11/2015
EXPANDathon 09/12/2015 11/12/2015 04/12/2015


The training session are :

  •  Registration training : the 02/11/2015 at 03 pm : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/j.php?MTID=m09ccf5042f24b80e42e76648834ff707
  • Pre-Test training : the 16/11/2015
  • EXPANDathon preparation training : the 04/12/2015
First training infos JOIN WEBEX MEETING
Meeting number: 707 044 085
Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015

0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
+44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
Access code: 707 044 085

Global call-in numbers:
First Training materials

Registration presentation :  http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/EXPANDathon-Registration.pdf

Documentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER1-BAS-EXPAND-EXPAND-1_00.pdf

Link to recorded presentation :

  • for streaming : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/ldr.php?RCID=383e6f95cbfbde98e0e43dd0a243c67f
  • for download : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/lsr.php?RCID=9f7ed5008ef0d80e12ebd8c96d165bf8
Second training info

16/11/2015 - 3 pm - pre-EXPANDathon testing

Meeting number: 709 813 582
Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015

0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
+44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
Access code: 709 813 582

Second Training materials

Slides presentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/pre-EXPANDathon-1116-updated.pdf

documentation related to pre-EXPANDathon testing : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER4-BAS-IHE-PRE_EXPAND-0_01.pdf

Links to the record of the training session : http://gazelle.ihe.net/epSOS/pre-EXPANDathon.ogv

Third training info

Date : December4 th at 3 pm
Link to webex : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/j.php?MTID=me01cf12006ff56ea38b4d84208e36bb6
Meeting number: 704 021 657
Meeting password: EXPANDathon2015
Subject : EXPANDathon testing session preparation

Third training materials

Slides presentation : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/EXPANDathon-preparation.pdf

documentation related to pre-EXPANDathon testing : http://gazelle.ihe.net/files/KER4-BAS-IHE-EXPAND-GAZELLE-USERGUIDE-0_01.pdf

Links to the record of the training session : https://kereval.webex.com/kereval-en/ldr.php?RCID=3fb03829d91d7c543d6963a4543081ba

Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

EXPANDathon 2015 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the EXPANDathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Lisbon. During the second half of November, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. Begining of December, participants pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the EXPANDathon. The links below contain details for your EXPANDathon preparation activities.

Email for contact
If you need help or question, you can contact the testing session manager of the EXPANDathon session, or the technical manager of IHE-Europe.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Testing & EXPANDathon testing.
Detailed EXPANDathon timeline

Please see the detailed calandar

Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
EXPAND Specifications

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final EXPAND specifications are : 

D3 A 3_epSOS_EED_Design-v1.1.docx
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Algorithms-and-Key-Length_v1.0-2.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_AuditTrail-v1.2.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_BPPC-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCA_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCPD_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XDR_Binding-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Messaging_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_SAML_Binding-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_TSL_Binding-v1 0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED-X.509-Profiles_v1.0.doc
D3.C.1 - Proof of Concept Testing Strategy v1.5.docx
D3.C.2 - epSOS Phase 2 Test Infrastructure with All Tools_v3.docx
Tool resources  
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate. It is recommended that the NCP provide their own digital certificates !
Training resources

Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes.

In addition to these materials, three training session are prepared :

- one for registration

- one for pre-CAT testing preparation

- one for EXPANDathon preparation

Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
Connectathon logistics IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.

EXPANDathon 2015 Tools overview


Training material on various tools is here: http://gazelle.ihe.net/training#ToolTraining

Tool Used for Location / Config info

Gazelle Tests Management

Manage the testing session


epSOS Documentation

Documentation of tools

Documentation of Pre-CAT tests


ATNA - TLS Tools

Generation of certifications

Validation of certifications


CDA validation

PS, eP, eD, MRO, HCER validation


XDS Validation

XDS metadata validation


Gazelle EVS Client

Home page


CDA validation


SAML Validation

XCPD Validation http://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient/hl7v3/validator.seam?extension=epSOS

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)


XDS Validation


Certificate Validation


AuditMessages Validation


Gazelle XDStarClient

Pre-CAT testing to simulate XDR initators, XCA initiators, and XCPD initiators


XDS Tools

 Pre-CAT testing, to simulate XDR responder and XCA responder




XCPD responder

Pre-CAT testing to simulate XCPD responder



EXPANDathon 2015 Weekly Reminders

What should I be working on this week??

AfterEXPANDathon  registration closes in November 15, until we're all together in December 9th, the IHE-Europe support staff will here to guide your technical and logistical preparation. For easy reference, we gather a summary of weekly reminders on this page.


Week of Nov 01:

- Attend the Nov 02 webinar "EXPANDathon Registration Steps" to learn about registration of systems and participant.

- register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

Week of Nov 08:

- register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

Week of Nov 15:

- Attend the Nov 16 webinar "EXPANDathon Pre-Testing", to learn about test tools, pre-Connectathon tests & other technical preparation resources.

- Execute Pre-CAT tests

Week of Noc 22: - Execute Pre-CAT tests
Week of Nov 29:

- Execute Pre-CAT tests

- Attend the Dec 04 webinar "EXPANDathon Preparation", to learn about tests execution, tools used during the EXPANDathon testing session, samples management, etc.

Week of Dec 04:

- Review your Network configuration (OIDs, ports, configurations)

- Participation in the EXPANDathon testing session from 09/12 to 11/12