
This test applies to Patient Demographics Suppliers in the PDQ or PDQv3 Profiles.

This test is performed with the Patient Manager simulator acting as a Patient Demographic Consumer to initiate these queries.  Note that the test steps are the same no matter the will choose the transaction(s) supported by your Supplier.

  • ITI-21 and ITI 22 - Patient Demograhics (and Visit) Query (HL7v2) 
  • ITI-47 - Patient Demographics Query (HL7v3)

Tool documentation is located at

Test Setup

  1. Before starting test steps, please configure the tool to query your Patient Demographics Supplier appliction using the SUT Configurations menu in the tool to enter your configuration parameters.

Test Steps

In these steps, you will use the Patient Manager as a Patient Demographic Consumer (PDC) Simulator to initiate a PDQ Query to your Supplier.

  1. Access the Patient Manager tool:
  2. Go to menu PDQ-->Patient Demographic Consumer
  3. Next, select ITI-21/ITI-22, or ITI-47.
  4. In the 'System under test' drop down list, select the entry for your PDQ Consumer
  5. Next, enter 'Demographic information' to build a query that will match patient(s) in your Patient Demographic Supplier database.   When you are ready to initiate the query, select the 'Send message' button.
  6. You can use menu HL7 messages to find the query & response captured by the tool.
  7. Take a screenshot of your application or your database as a proof of receipt of the query response. Retrieve the permanent link to the transaction instance, and paste that as evidence for this test.
  8. If you support more than one transaction (ITI-21, ITI-22, ITI-47), you should repeat these steps for all you support.


The permanent link captures the message exchange. The screen shots demonstrate that you have successfully processed the received message(s).