To prepare for testing workflow profiles in RAD, CARD, LAB, and EYECARE domains, and also for the ITI PAM Profile, it is helpful for systems that send HL7 messages (eg patient registration and orders) and/or DICOM messages (modality worklist, storage) to work with a common set of codes.
We ask ADT, Order Placer, Order Filler and Acquisistion Modality actors and PAM and PLT actors to load codes relevant to their system in advance of the Connectathon
These codes include, for example:
The codes that you need depend on the profile/actors you support. HL7 and DICOM codes used for Connectathon testing are the same set that is used in the Gazelle OrderManager tool. OrderManager contains simulators for some actors in workflow profiles.
** HL7 codes ** - are documented here:
Some of these codes are also mapped into DICOM messages. Use the spy-glass icon in the right column to view the value set for each code. (Note that the format of these files is compliant with the IHE SVS Sharing Value Sets profile.)
** DICOM codes ** - Order Filler and Acquisition Modality actors need a mapping between Requested Procedure codes, Scheduled Procedure codes, and Protocol Codes.
For RAD and CARD, that hierarchy is here:
For EYECARE, that hierarchy is here: (Note that this is documented in excel form here.)
There is no result file to upload to Gazelle Test Management for this preparatory test. If you do not load the codes you need on your test system prior to the Connectathon, you may find yourself wasting valuable time on the first day of Connectathon syncing your codes with those of your test partners.