NA Connectathon 2020 Resources

IHE USA welcomes your participation in the IHE North American Connectathon, Jan 21-24, 2020 in Cleveland.  

This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration was open in Gazelle Test Management from Sep 12 - Oct 25, 2019.  Infomation for some items below will be added as we get closer to January.

If you have questions, please contact the IHE NA Connectathon sponsors:


For Participants

Gazelle Test Management

IHE manages Connectathon system registration and testing in our on-line system called "Gazelle Test Management":

Testing Tools

Tools for Connectathon week are Available Here:  NA CAT20 Testing Tools

Schedule and Logistics

Specifications to be tested

Technical resources for all

Technical resources for targeted profiles

Training Material / Webex Presentations


Contact us!

Connectathon System Registration

System registration is now closed.  Here are links to registration resources:

-- Pre-Registration Advice
-- How to Register in Gazelle and Generate a Contract
-- Thorough vs Supportive Testing Explained




For Monitors:

NA Connectathon 2020 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 20, 2020  8:00 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 20, 2020  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 20, 2020 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 21, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 22, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 23, 2020  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 24, 2020  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor. There is a curfew time TBD.

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before the end of the calendar year (2018). This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.

Network Info

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2020
    • Password:  cleveland20

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  provided on site

Gazelle Test Management

Gazelle on-site:

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same:

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 8:00-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Samantha Neiheisel at table M28.
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (Separate table, just inside the balllroom)

Tool help - see section below

Dr. Phil - (C31)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
        • If I do not know, I will find someone who does.
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • e.g. "I need to reset my password"
      • Monitor support

Steve Moore - (K31)

      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors.
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in QRPH or PCC"

Lynn Felhofer - (L28)

      • ITI and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in RAD or ITI"

Anne-Gaëlle / Malo Toudic - (C28)

      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support.

Paul Sherman - (H28)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading => support for participants and monitors
      • "I need to drop a profile/actor in PCD"

Assigned partners and assigned patients

For Document Sharing (XD*, XC*, MHD) profiles and ATNA, Connectathon Managers make some assignments to help manage testing.  First-time participants can read an overview of multiple affinity domains at Connectathons here. This section only applies to test systems in those profiles.

See Lynn Felhofer (L28) with any questions about these assignments.

Tools - configuration, location & support


Gazelle Test Management

Support Malo (C28)
Summary Overall test management during Connectathon.  
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Proxy

Proxy is accessible at

Support  Malo (C28)
Summary Captures messages exchanged between two test systems and enables message validation.  Applicable to messaging in all IHE profiles that do not require TLS communication.  When participants link proxy message in test instances, monitors can use the link to examine message content and (for some messages) call validators in EVSClient.
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe) 
Gazelle Security Suite (GSS)
Support Malo (C28) 

Source of digital certificates for ATNA/TLS.

Simulates an Audit Record Repository (syslog collector).

Validates syslog audit records.

TLS Simulators (client & server), including for new ATNA options.

Home of the ‘ATNA Questionnaire’ for systems testing ATNA.

SAML assertion provider for XUA.

Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle EVSClient
Support Malo (C28)
Summary Validators for HL7v2, v3 messages, CDA documents, & FHIR Resources. Multiple DICOM validators. Other validators: XDW, PDF/A, DSUB, HPD… When you validate a message from within the Gazelle Proxy or Gazelle Samples area, it calls validators within the EVSClient.
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe), with embedded validators provided by many organizations
Gazelle Patient Manager
Support Anne-Gaëlle (C28)
Summary Simulators for actors in PAM, PDQ*, PIX* are used by participants during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes during Connectathon.  Source of test patients during Connectathon.   
Connectathon tests *do not* call for monitors to use Patient Manager.  
Documentation User Manual
Provider Organization Kereval (IHE Europe)
Gazelle Order Manager
Support Anne-Gaëlle (C28)

Order Placer and Order Filler simulator in departmental workflow profiles; DICOM Modality Worklist provider (SCP) and HL7 order exchange.

Simulators are used by participants in RAD and LAB during pre-Connectathon testing; sometimes at Connectathon, especially as a DICOM Modality worklist SCP

Provider organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

PCD Tools  
Configuration http://pcdtool:8080/pcdtool
Support John (E7)
Summary Used in PCD profile testing to validate one to one messages passing patient and device information. New functionality validates some detailed ACM profile content.
Support Steve Moore(K31)
Summary Used to test C-CDA documents. Not for general CDA testing.
Provider Organization NIST
PIX/PDQ and Vital Records Test Tools
Support Jungyub (M26)
Summary Validators for PIXv2, PIXv2, PDQv2 and PDQv3 messages. Validation for Vital Records Death Reporting.

on-line tool documentation

Provider organization


CDA Validation Tools
Support Steve (K31)

For PCC, QRPH, and C-CDA testing


IHE CDA Testing Procedure Overview

XDS Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside:


Bill (J31)

Sunil (J32)

Summary Validates messages and simulates actors in document sharing profiles, eg XC*, XDS.  Specific tests contain instructions to use Toolkit to verify messages, or as a Doc Consumer simulator to perform queries against participants' tests systems.
Provider Organization NIST
XDS-I Tools
Configuration http://xds-imaging-tools:8080/toolkit
Support Steve (K31)
Summary For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations
Provider Organization NIST, + Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (for XDS-I & XCA-I)
FHIR Read-Write Server (HAPI)

Web GUI:

Server base URL (R4): http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseR4  

Server base URL (STU3):  http://fhir-read-write:8080/fhir/baseDstu3

Support Steve (K31)

(1) Hosts the Connectathon patients as FHIR Patient Resources. These Patient Resources will be referenced by other Resources that are created/exchanged in peer-to-peer tests .  i.e. you will not reference a copy of this resource that resides on your server or that of your test partner. 

(2) Hosts FHIR Resources that are test data for various IHE Profiles, e.g., mCDS, QEDm, MHD-SDC.

(3) Participants can upload & validate FHIR Resources created by their systems. 

-- -- Instructions are in Connectathon test '*_Resource_Check* for several profiles.

(4) Participants that are FHIR clients will upload a FHIR CapabilityStatement for their test system onto this server, making them available to all participants and monitors.  Instructions are in test '01_DoThis1st_CapabilityStatement'

Provider Organization

HAPI Server deployed at Connectathon by Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

FHIR Toolkit

See details on the homepage for XDS and FHIR toolkit:

>> On the Connectathon floor:   http://nist1:8080/

>> From outside:


Bill (J31)

Sunil (J32)


MHD profile testing

Documentation  Overview training recording
Provider Organization  NIST
DICOM Central Archive (dcm4chee)

GUI front-end: http://central-archive:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2

login/password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port:  /  11112

IP addr / port:  /  11112




Support Steve (K31)
Summary Used as a commonly-accessible repository for DICOM objects.   Participants store their objects here.  Available to other participants via DICOM C-FIND, C-MOVE, QIDO-RS, and WADO-RS.  Monitors use the web-based GUI to verify that participants have stored their objects here.
Provider organization
Mitre Canary

 GUI front-end: http://central-archive:18080

Note: This is correct. We are running the canary tool on the same host as the Central Archive.

Support Steve (K31)

Used to test VRDR/FHIR

Provider organization


Support Malo (C28)

SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

Provider Organization

Kereval (IHE Europe)

Index to IHE Test Tools:

Connectathon DNS


  1. We use a fake domain name ( for our Joint Connectathon. Particpant systems are assigned more or more host names (e.g., acme2) and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for that host would be
  2. The Gazelle Test Management System ("Gazelle") is hosted at https:
  3. Some other tools such as the Gazelle Security Suite are hosted at
  4. The server also hosts other content such as documentation.
  5. Prior to the connectathon, these two systems live outside of the Connectathon test room and have public IP addresses:
  6. During the event:
    1. The full server lives in Montreux on the private network used for testing.
    2. The tooling part of is linked at the bottom of and lives on the private network.
    3. Other content (documentation) remains on the original
  7. The Gazelle Test Management software records URL's that link to items inside the system or inside the system. The software works best if you use the fully qualified domain name in the URL rather than trying to use an IP address or just "gazelle"
  8. In previous years, we have seen evidence that DNS "stuff" from offsite locations such as your hotel might be cached in your system and interfere with your work in the testing area. We have advice below on how to manage that.

What Does This Mean for You?

Manual Network Configuration (i.e., Fixed IP Address)

  1. Make sure you set the Search Domain to:
    1. That means if someone tells you their hostname is acme2 and you try to connect to acme2, your underlying system software should try a DNS lookup on and things should just work.
  2. For DNS servers, use only the server we supply:
    1. If you use a different DNS server, you will not be able to resolve IP addresses for your partner systems.
    2. You will also get redirected to the public IP address of some of the resources listed above, and that will cause a (large) mess.

What Else Should You Do?

  1. When you return to your hotel room and decide you need to do more work, you can still connect to Your hotel DNS should give you the public IP address of those systems at home, and you will be redirected.
    1. When you are in the Convention Center and you use the public IP address for either of those resources, your connection goes out the firewal to the server at home and then gets redirected back through the firewall. The round trip traffic just puts more load on the network for no benefit.
  2. Resist the temptation to enter a fixed IP address when you browse to Gazelle Test Management or to the other tools at

What If?

  • You might have a link to documentation that starts with That should still work inside the Convention Center through redirects. If you have problems getting to such documentation, use this prefix: That URL points to the IHE Europe server back in Rennes and should not have any redirect issues.
    • Do not use this link for anything other than documentation.
    • Do not use this link for any tools

NA Connectathon 2020 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

Table of Contents


Connectathon Week Resources

  >>Schedule for the week:

Monday Jan 20

  • 11:00-11:30 - Arrive at Cleveland Convention Center, pick up your badge at the registration desk
  • 11:30 - Monitor welcome meeting in Room 26A
  • noon - Lunch!
  • 1:00 - 1:30 - Find your table, get hooked to the network
  • 1:30 - 5:30 - Test verification begins

Tueday Jan 21

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session
  • 6:30 - 9:30 - Social event

Wed & Thur Jan 22, 23

  • 9:00 - 5:30 - Connectathon testing session

Friday Jan 24


The link to Gazelle on-site & off-site is the same:

See Anne-Gaëlle or Malo (C28), Steve (K31), or Dr. Phil (C31) about any Gazelle problems, password resets, etc

  >>Seating chart:

-- Click Here

  >> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

        Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

  >>Network Info:

  • Network support staff on-site -- at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room.
  • Connectathon Network Description for testing participants
  • Wireless network for monitors:
    • SSID: NA2020
    • Password: cleveland20 

  >>Test tools 

For TOOLS CONNECTATHON LOCATION & CONFIGURATION:  See   Note: The link sends you to the Participants' page so that we all have consistent configuration information.  Most monitors will want to bookmark that link.


Contact Us:

  >>Ask questions. Get help on-site:

  • Logistics (expenses, travel...):  Sarah Bell at the Registration Desk or Help Desk
  • Network problems:  Network support staff (at a labelled table near the entry doors to the Connectathon room) 
  • Gazelle help:  Dr. Phil (C31)
  • Questions on Patient Care Devices PCD tests:  Paul Sherman (E28)
  • Questions on CDA, RFD tests:  Steve Moore (K31)
  • Questions on Radiology and IT Infrastructure tests:  Lynn Felhofer (L28)
  • Tool help:  ...varies by tool.  See links in the section above.

    >> Email Support

Technical Preparation Resources:

>> Monitors' Profile Assignments:

Monitor profile assignments are in this google spreadsheet.  

We organize IHE profiles with common characteristics or technologies into "clusters", and then we assign monitors to evaluate tests in one "cluster" (perhaps two).  The google spreadsheet contains the first draft of monitor assignments.  We try to assign you to profiles that match your expertise.  We hope that some assignments allow you to learn something new.  During the Connectathon, you will have an opportunity, if you wish, to work in areas outside of your primary assignment. In fact, each monitor has the capability to evaluate tests in almost any profile.

There are two tabs in the spreadsheet:

    • The first "Assignments" tab contains a row for each monitor.  The columns identify the profile "clusters".  The numbers in the column indicate how you will spend your time, eg a "1" indicates you will devote your time evaluating tests in that cluster.  Some monitors are asked to split time between two clusters.   During Connectathon week monitors will have the opportunity to evaluate tests in another area based on your interest or on our need for help in a certain area.
    • The second "Cluster-Profiles" tab identifies the profiles in each cluster.  Each profile listed in Column D contains a link to that profile's documentation.  If the link is to Technical Framework Volume 1, then there is one chapter per profile.  If the link is to a Trial Implementation Supplement, then the entire profile is contained within one document.  The yellow rows also point to available preparation material.

>> Technical Specifications: 

The specifications we test at the Connectathon are contained in IHE Technical Framework documentation.   IHE publishes its Technical Framework documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of

Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Volume 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section below before you read the documentation.

If you have time prior to the Connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in Technical Framework "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. 

We also test HL7 Consolidated CDA® Release 2.1.  Those specifications are here.


>> Monitor training material

While we provide material to enable monitors to do some preparation prior to the Connectathon, we understand the demands of your day job, and we have no requirement for you to do advance prep.

That said, this section contains links to available training material that falls into 4 categories.  

  • The January 8 Connectathon Monitor webinar -- if you have time for only one prep item, this is the one to choose.
  • General training topics -- probably of more interest to first-time monitors
  • Cluster-specific training material -- these trainings are organized according to the 'clusters' of profiles you are assigned to. 
Connectathon overview for all monitors: 

Connectathon Monitors - Preparation & Process Webinar:  
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Gazelle walk-through
- Q & A

Streaming Recording  


approx 60 min

General training: (primary audience is new monitors)

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

40 min

Connectathon Terminology
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

11 min

Using gazelle to review Connectathon test definitions

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

8 min

IHE 2019 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations; duration varies
Cluster-specific trainings:

Please refer to the Monitor Assignments

Then, find the Cluster-Profiles tab.   

For each cluster of profiles, you will find links to available Preparation Material, including recordings and slide presentations.

multiple presentations; duration varies





This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video:

Our Connectathon FAQ for vendor participants 

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.