PDI tests

Pre-connectathon testing for systems implementing the PDI (Protable Data for Images) Profile as a Portable Media Creator are perfomed using the PDI Media Tester tool and associated test plans originally developed by Northwestern University. 

Location of tool and test plan documentation:

Specific instructions for the Portable Media Creator actor are in the test cases at the link above..



We use the Portable Media Tester application and test plans developed by Northwestern to test PDI media created by a Portable Media Creator.

Connectathon-related Considerations

When you prepare your media for Connectathon testing, you should include on your media DICOM objects that represent the range of images, structured reports, GSPS objects, Key Image Notes, etc that can be produced by your application.   Including a full set (rather than one image) enhances the interoperability testing with your Portable Media Importer test partners.

Testing Instructions

  1. Install the Portable Media Tester application available on Google Drive in:  IHE Documents > Connectathon > tools > RAD-PDI-Media-Tester
  2. Access ihe_pdi_testplan_2019.doc and TestsCases.xls from the IHE_PDI_Document_TestCases.zip file in that directory.
  3. Follow the instructions in the test plan document to install the Portable Media Tester application.
  4. Follow the instructions in the test plan document to execute all test cases (1901, 1903...1915).
Capture and submit your results:
  1. When you complete the test, look at the bottom left hand corner of the application GUI to see the location where the log files are written. Go to that directory and retrieve two files: grade_pdi_media.txt and error_pdi_media.txt.
  2. Upload the two .txt files along with a screen capture of RSNA PDI Media Tester as your final result into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this pre-Connectathon test.
  3. Change the status of the test to Verified by vendor