Testing before IHE Connectathons is a requirement and is achieved using software written by several different organizations
An index to all available tools for testing IHE profiles is provided at the following URL: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=IHE_Test_Tool_Information
Gazelle helps Connectathon participants manage the pre-connectathon test.
This screen capture presents the Pre-connectathon test overview page in gazelle. The page is accessed through the menu : Connectathon->Pre-Connectathon Testing.
It shows the list of systems registered by the Organization, and for each system :
Click on the link in the: "Number of tests to do" column in order to view the detailled list of test to be executed for each system:
If you have a long list of tests, use the filters at the top.
Each row in the table represents one pre-Connectathon test and contains:
To learn how to submit results for a pre-Connectathon test, click on "Return logs for performed tests" below.
The general process for performing a pre-Connectathon test instance is:
This screen capture presents an example pre-Connectathon test instance in gazelle: