pre-PPT Tests

epsos-1 : CDA Content Creator

The purpose of this test is to gather valid sample CDA documents from participating systems. The list of CDA samples which are validated in epSOS domain are ePrescription, eDispensation, Patient Summary, HCER, MRO, eConsent, Scanned Documents.
Each actor CONTENT CREATOR shall provide samples of the CDA documents it can creates. The list of samples to return is provided in the sample sharing section of the Gazelle Test Management software ( then click on Connectathon -> List of Samples).

  1. In a first step, tester are expected to tests the validity of the CDA samples using the EVSClient tool.

  2. Once the sample is valid, then the tester is expected to load the CDA in the Sample Sharing Section of Gazelle : then click on Connectathon -> List of Samples

  3. Then in order to inform that the tester has completed the test successfully, the tester is requested to return the requested information in the “Comments” section of the log return page. DO NOT RETURN THE INFORMATION IN A FILE. Processing files is time consuming:

    1. The link to the validation of the  CDA document by the EVS Client tool :

    2. The permanent link to the sample in Gazelle :

    3. eventually some text explanation that explains the encountered problems (link to jira bugs, textual explanations…).

The tester will make sure that the links provided are valid links.

Validation will check that the CDA is valid and that the sample was provided in the sample section.


epsos-2 : NCP-A Identification Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-A to respond to identification service request.

NCP-A use the gazelle simulator XDSStarClient to query the identification service and show evidence that the service returns valid responses.

To access to this simulator, go through the menu to Simulators > epSOS > epSOS-2 > Patient Identification and Authentication Service

Before using the XDSStarClient please make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet (be carefull of firewall protection inside your institution).

Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or the you have provide the certificate of your Certificate Authority to the IHE Project Manager.

Use the simulator to query the NCP-A for some patient :

Tester should perform the following queries and return the permanent link to the logs in the simulator for each steps:

FindEntityByTrait (Section 3.2.1 of D3.4.2) :

  1. perform query by livingSubjectName and livingSubjectId : there should be some responses
  2. perform query by livingSubjectName : there should be some responses
  3. perform query by livingSubjectName and livingSubjectBirthTime: there should be some responses
  4. perform query by livingSubjectName, livingSubjectBirthTime and livingSubjectGender : there should be some responses
  5. perform query by livingSubjectName, livingSubjectBirthTime and patientAddress (country, city) : there should be some responses
  6. perform query by livingSubjectName , livingSubjectBirthTime and motherMaidenName : there should be an error response  with the code “AnswerNotAvailable

For each step 1 to 6 please return the permanent link to the message logs as provided by the simulator tool. The link to the logs need to be returned in the Comment section of the log return page. Please make sure that the links are identified with the steps given above.


epsos-3: NCP-A Patient Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-A to respond to patient service request. We are testing here the XCA query.

NCP-A use the gazelle simulator XDStarClient to query the patient service and show evidence that the service returns valid responses. The simulator allows you to query for any patientId on the  NCP-A under test. In order to perform the test, it is necessary to know the patientId of the patients that will be used for the test. Note that patientId need to be provided to the simulator in the following form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&

The following steps need to be performed in order to pass the test :

    Pre-requisite :
        identify the patientId of the patient that will be used for the test.
        Make sure that the NCP-A has some PatientSummary document available for that patient.
        Make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet.
        Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-A under test.
    PatientService: List . Use the simulator to get the list of documents for the patient. The value of the field
    $XDSDocumentEntryClassCode shall be set to 60591-5^^2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
    PatientService: Retrieve. Use the simulator to retrive on of the document in the list of returned documents for the patient at step 2

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

    patientId of the patient of interest in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&
    permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange to the List query.
    permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange corresponding to the retrieve document query.

epsos-4 : NCP-A Order Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-A to respond to order service request. We are testing here the XCA query.

NCP-A use the gazelle simulator XDStarClient to query the order service and show evidence that the service returns valid responses. The simulator allows you to query for any patientId on the  NCP-A under test. In order to perform the test, it is necessary to know the patientId of the patients that will be used for the test. Note that patientId need to be provided to the simulator in the following form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&

The following steps need to be performed in order to pass the test :

  1. Pre-requisite : OrderService: List . Use the simulator to get the list of documents for the patient. The value of the field$XDSDocumentEntryClassCode shall be set to 57833-6^^2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
    1. identify the patientId of the patient that will be used for the test.
    2. Make sure that the NCP-A has some Order document available for that patient.
    3. Make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet.
    4. Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-A under test.
  2. OrderService: Retrieve. Use the simulator to retrive on of the document in the list of returned documents for the patient at step 2

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. patientId of the patient of interest in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&
  2. permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange to the List query.
  3. permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange corresponding to the retrieve document query.

Note this test is very similar to epsos-3.


epsos-5 : NCP-A Dispensation Service

The purpose of this test is evaluate the ability of the NCP-A to receive eDispensation document from the NCP-B.

Currently we do not have a simulator that is capable of generating a eDispensation document that matches a ePrescription document. Therefore we request the tester  to generate the eDispensation document that matches the ePrescription to be used for the test.

NCP-A use the gazelle simulator  XDStarClient (XDRSRCSimulator is deprecated) to send eDispensation document to NCP-A dispensation service and show evidence that the service accepts the document. The simulator allows you to submit data for any patientId on your NCP-A. You just need to provide the patientId in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&

The following steps need to be performed in order to pass the test :

  1. Pre-requisite : Dispensation Service: Use the simulator to send the eDispensation document generated in step 1.3 to the NCP-A under test. Do not forget to fill out the metadata fields in the simulator (author and patientId).
    1. identify the patientId of the patient that will be used for the test.
    2. Make sure that the NCP-A has some Order document available for that patient.
    3. Generate a eDispensation document matching the ePrescription document.
    4. Make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet.
    5. Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-A under test.

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. patientId of the patient of interest in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&
  2. permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange to the Order Service message.

epsos-6: NCP-A Consent Service

The purpose of this test is evaluate the ability of the NCP-A to receive eConsent document from the NCP-B.

NCP-A use the gazelle simulator XDStarClient (XDRSRCSimulator old link to deprecated tool) to send eConsent document to NCP-A consent service and show evidence that the service accepts the document. The simulator allows you to submit data for any patientId on your NCP-A. You just need to provide the patientId in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&

The following steps need to be performed in order to pass the test :

  1. Pre-requisite : Dispensation Service  : Use the simulator to send an eDispensation document generated in step 1.3 to the NCP-A under test. Do not forget to fill out the metadata fields in the simulator (author and patientId).Patient Service : Use the simulator to query the NCP-A under test for the patient.
    1. identify the patientId of the patient that will be used for the test.
    2. Make sure that the NCP-A has some document (Order or Patient Summary) available for that patient.
    3. Generate a eConsent document or chose to have the simulator to generate one for you. Choose opt-out.
    4. Make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet.
    5. Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-A under test.

Perform either step 2 or 3 according to what your system supports.

Redo Step 1 to 3 but this time using the opt-in consent.

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. patientId of the patient of interest in the form : ca9cfc15acfe49^^^&

  2. permanent link into the simulator to the message exchange to the Consent Service message.

epsos-7: NCP-B Identification Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-B to initiate valid identification service request.

NCP-B send identification service request to the gazelle simulator XCPDRESPSimulator and show evidence that the service send valid requests.

The end point of the XCPD Responding Gateway Simulator is :

The corresponding secure end point (VPN) is located at :

The list of patients that exist in our database can be found there :

The following steps need to be performed in order to pass the test (for each step we provide some sample entries, be we understand you may choose a different patient, so the fields values are only indicative):

  1. Pre-requisite :
    1. identify the patientId of the patient that will be used for the test.
    2. Make sure that the NCP-A has some Order document available for that patient.
    3. Generate a eDispensation document matching the ePrescription document.
    4. Make sure that your test system can be accessed from the internet.
    5. Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-A under test.
  2. perform query by livingSubjectName and livingSubjectId : there should be one response
    1. LastName (family name)= “SCHWARZ”
    2. Given Name = “LISBETH”
    3. id.root = “″
    4. id.extension = “2469774″
  3. perform query by livingSubjectName and livingSubjectBirthTime: there should be some responses
    1. LastName (family name)= “SCHNEIDER”
    2. Given Name = “GUILLAUME”
    3. Birth Date (YYYYMMDD)= “19881008″
  4. perform query by livingSubjectName and livingSubjectBirthTime: there should be one responses
    1. LastName (family name) = “MERKEL”
    2. Given Name = “YVO”
    3. Birth Date (YYYYMMDD)= “19881008″
  5. perform query by livingSubjectName, livingSubjectBirthTime and livingSubjectGender : there should be one response
    1. LastName (family name) = “SCHUETZ”
    2. Given Name = “MARION”
    3. Gender = “F”
    4. Birth Date (YYYYMMDD)= “19881008″
  6. perform query by livingSubjectName, livingSubjectBirthTime and patientAddress (country, city) : there should be some responses
    1. LastName (family name) = “HENDRICKX”
    2. Given Name = “CHIARA”
    3. Country = “IH”
    4. City = “Wavre”
    5. Birth Date (YYYYMMDD)= “19881008″

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. For each of the step 1-6 please return the permanent link to the message exchange in the XCPD

  2. If this is the case problems encountered and links to jira bug reports if necessary.


epsos-8 : NCP-B Patient Service

 The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-B to send patient service request to the NCP-A. We are testing here the XCA queries from the NCP-B to the NCP-A.

For this purpose we have set up an XCA Responding Gateway. The end point to the gateway is : This end point is secured.

Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-B under test.

Use port 9090 for unsecure connection to the simulator :

Please note that you can use the nist toolkit to access the logs on that server :

And for all the nist handy tools.

The list of patients that exist in our database and that can be queries for can be found there:

One patient of them has a patient summary documents : 2469772^^^& , you may use it for testing.

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. Please return the permanent link to the message corresponding to the query in the LogReader (the link should be of the form

  2. Click on the link next to “Download EVS” and return the downloaded file as the log file.

  3. In of case problems encountered please report  to jira.


epsos-9 : NCP-B Order Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-B to send order service request to the NCP-A. We are testing here the XCA queries.

For this purpose we have set up an XCA Responding Gateway. The end point to the gateway is : This end point is secured.

Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-B under test.

Use port 9090 for unsecure connection to the simulator :

Please note that you can use the nist toolkit to access the logs on that server :

And for all the nist handy tools.

 The list of patients that exist in our database and that can be queries for can be found there:

You may use this patient 2469772^^^& : which has some ePrescription registered in the Document Recipient.

Information to return in the comment section of the log return page for the test :

  1. Please return the permanent link to the message corresponding to the query in the LogReader (the link should be of the form

  2. Click on the link next to “Download EVS” and return the downloaded file as the log file.

  3. In of case problems encountered please report  to jira.


epsos-10: NCP-B Dispensation Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-B to send an Dispensation Service Initialize() request to the NCP-A. We are testing here the XDR document submission by the NCP-B

For this purpose we have set up an XCA Responding Gateway. The end point to the gateway is : This end point is secured.

Please make sure also that you have configured your application with certificates issued by the IHE Certificate Authority or if you are using other certificates that you send to the project manager the Certificate of the CA that has issued the certificate used by the NCP-B under test.

Use port 9090 for unsecure connection to the simulator :

Please note that you can use the nist toolkit to access the logs on that server :

And for all the nist handy tools.

For the list of existing patient available in the NCP-A please visit : and click on Manage Patients -> List Patients.

If the patient Id in the list of patient is 2469772 then the full Id in the Registry is :


Return a zip file containing the request message send by your application and the response provide by the simulator. Please note that the simulator provides access to the messages through a web interface.


epsos-11 : NCP-B Consent Service

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the capability of the NCP-B to send consent service request to the NCP-A. We are testing here the XDR responses.

For this purpose we have set up and XDR Responding Gateway. The end point to the gateway is:

This end point is secured.  Use the webservice : for the unsecure connection.

Please note that you can use the nist toolkit to access the logs on that server :

And for all the nist handy tools.

For the list of existing patient available in the NCP-A please visit : and click on Manage Patients -> List Patients.

If the patient Id in the list of patient is 2469772 then the full Id in the Registry is :


Return a zip file containing the request message send by your application and the response provide by the simulator. Please note that the simulator provides access to the messages through a web interface.