24 Feb 2015

Model-based Analysis of HL7 CDA R2 Conformance and Requirements Coverage

Submitted by aboufahj

Gazelle team has written a scientific paper published in the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC 2015) in February 10, 2015, untitled "Model-based Analysis of HL7 CDA R2 Conformance and Requirements Coverage". The paper is an application of the tool Gazelle ObjectsChecker for the evaluation of CDA documents, based on the basic requirements of this standard. This paper contains a complete description of requirements expressed in the CDA standard and not covered by the CDA schema, and a study of the impact of such requirements in the tools of validation results and the CDA provided by national projects.

The abstract of this paper is:

Numerous national and regional projects around the world are developing specifications for sharing electronic medical records. Many of them are basing their specifications on the HL7 CDA standard, extending it in order to meet the local requirements or medical practice. Many of these projects are illustrating the specifications with sample CDA documents and provide in addition tools to check the conformance of CDA documents with their extensions. In this paper we provide the outcome of an evaluation of both the samples and the tools provided by these projects.

You can download the paper from THIS LINK.

The paper was also selected and published in the European Journal for Biomedical Informatics (EJBI), where you can find also the content of the paper.

The presentation performed in the conference can be downloaded from this link.

An other outcome of this work, is a complete description of all basic requirements expressed in the CDA standard and not expressed in the CDA schema, this document could be downloaded from this link.