INRIA HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository (Now integrated in Gazelle HL7 Validator)

Important news

The InriaHL7MessageProfileRepository application is no more maintained and the service has been dropped at the end of August 2012. The HL7 Message Profiles database has been merged with the HL7 v2.x validation tool and is now available in Gazelle HL7 Validator tool. For more informations about this new Gazelle project, read documentation at

Inria HL7 Message Profile Repository

Project Overview

The HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository is the part of the HL7v2.x external validation service which contains all the message profiles and tables needed to validate messages.

Actually, when you use the External Validation Service (EVS Client) to validate your message, you are asked to provide the context in which this message is sent, it means domain, actor, transaction, and the trigger event. This context enables the validator to retrieve the profile your message must be validated against.

Profiles and resources (data tables containing the codes for Sex, Religion and so on) are XML files referenced by an OID.

The HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository provides a Web Service interface to retrieve and submit message profiles and resources.

The Javadoc is available online [Deprecated]


Users can browse the content of the HL7 Message Profile Repository using the web interface available here. Each message profile is referenced in the Gazelle Master Model so that a profile OID is related to a tuple (domain, actor, transaction, trigger event and HL7 version) and the search is made easier. By going to "Browse all message profiles" section, you will get the list of all profiles, each one is available for display and dowload. You may prefer download rather than the display which may takes a long time for big profiles.

The repository could be enriched by new profiles in the future, that's why a section (with access restricted to authorized users) has been added in version 1.1-SR1. To create a new profile, the user will have to :

  1. Upload the XML file, the one will be stored in the InriaHL7MessageProfileRepository database with an OID (generated by the application or given by the user)
  2. Select the tuple (domain, actor, transaction, trigger event and HL7 version). Available domains, actors, and transactions lists are retrieved from the Gazelle Master Model thanks to a web service entitled IHEConcepts. Those information will be then sent to the Gazelle Master Model which will create a new reference for this profile.


The WSDL file describing the web service is here [Deprecated] . You can also download an example of a soapUI project that uses these methods at here [Deprecated].


HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository implements various web service methods to retrieve and submit profiles and resources. Most of them can be used by anybody but some methods are reserved only to authorized users in order to ensure the integrity of the database.

Those one can be use freely:

  • getListOfAllProfiles : returns the list of all profiles stored in database
  • getListOfAllResources : returns the list of all resources stored in database
  • getProfilesForGivenResource : lists all the profiles linked to the specified resource
  • getResourcesForGivenProfile : list all resources linked to the provided profile
  • getProfile : returns the profile selected by its OID. Be careful, the returned content is Base 64 encoded
  • getResource : returns the resource selected by its OID. Be careful, the returned content is Base 64 encoded
  • aboutThisApplication : returns the information about current application release running on server

Usage of the following methods is restricted to authorized users. You will be asked to provide your UUID as first parameter of the method. If you think your are allowed to submit profiles and/or resources, ask the administrator (Eric Poiseau) who will send you a valid UUID.

  • getNewOIDForResource : generates and returns a new OID for resource using the IHE root for HL7v2.x resources, the one you can use to submit a resource using setResourceWithOID.
  • setResourceWithOID : stores the given resource in database with the provided OID (resource content must be base 64 encoded)
  • setResource : stores the given resource in database with a generated OID (resource content must be base 64 encoded)
  • getNewOIDForProfile : generates and returns a new OID for profile using the IHE root for HL7v2.x profile, the one you can use to submit a profile using setProfileWithOID.
  • setProfileWithOID : stores the given profile in database with the provided OID (profile content must be base 64 encoded)
  • setProfile : stores the given profile in database with a generated OID (profile content must be base 64 encoded)
  • setProfileResources : links the given profile to the list of given resources

Static WS Client for HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository

We have implemented a Static WSClient for HL7v2.x Message Profile Repository. The related jar is easy to use. You have only to add the jar file to the project, and use it.

The jar file is downloadable here. The documentation of classes on this jar is there [Deprecated].


Release Notes

The application release notes are available here.