XCPD Initiating Gateway - User Manual

Click here to access the XCPD Initiating Gateway Simulator


The XCPD Initiating Gateway simulator is developed in conformance with the IHE Technical Framework and especiallu the epSOS extension to the profile. The GUI of this simulator lets users to generate PRPA_IN201305UV02 messages (XCPD requests), and to send this type of messages to a responder endpoint.


  • Generation of XCPD Request

This tool allows the generation of XCPD requests from many parameters, which are : family name, given name, birthdate, patient id (id.root and id.extension), gender, address (street, city, country, zipcode), and mother maiden name. These parameters let to generate the request for a patient, and there are two others parameters which are sender homeCommunityId and receiverHomeCommunityId, which let to identify the message's actors. The homeCommunityId used by the simulator is .

XCPD Request Generator


  • Communication with Responding Gateway

This tool allows sending XCPD request to the endpoint of an XCPD responding gateway. The endpoint of the IHE XCPD Responding Gateway is http://jumbo-2.irisa.fr:8080/XCPDRESPSimulator-XCPDRESPSimulator/RespondingGatewayPortTypeImpl?wsdl. This tool lets to generate request and send it to the endpoint, or copy directly the XCPD request message, and send it.

XCPD sender

This page allows also to validate the generated or the uploaded message before sending it to the responder endpoint. The validation is done by communication with the EVSClient. The validation done is a schema validation and a schematron validation, using IHE and epSOS schematrons.

Validation with EVSClient


Messages Transaction

All messages sent via this simulator are saved on its database. This simulator can be used by two way : using gazelle driven from tests launched with this simulator, or using the GUI. On the two cases, all messages are saved, and can be viewed on http://gazelle.ihe.net/XCPDINITSimulator/transaction/messages.seam.

List messages

On this table, for each message sent, we can view it, we can validate it, we can view also the response of the responding gateway and validate its content. Also we can notice that we can choose to view web application messages or gazelle driven messages. We can also notice that for each couple of request/response, we have a permanent link, specified by a unique Id, the permanent link has this form : http://gazelle.ihe.net/XCPDINITSimulator/transaction.seam?id=ID.

permanent link

This permanent link contains the content of the request and the response, the date of the transaction, the responder endpoint, the message type, the transaction type, and the context of the transaction (GUI or gazelle driven message). We can also validate the request and the response directly from the permanent link.