TestLink - Requirements management
Requirements quality criterias
Quality of requirement
- A requirement must be :
- Valid,correct
- Feasible, realizable
- Useful, necessary
- Prioritized
- Not ambiguous
- Verifiable, testable
- Atomic, unique
- Independent from the implementation
Quality of requirements specification
- A requirement specification must be
- Complete
- Coherent
- Editable
- Traceable
- In compliance with standards
How to write requirements
Requirement workflow
Requirement writing guideline
- IDs
- The id of the requirement is the prefix of the project followed by 4 digits.
- The id of the requirement must be coded independently of the section it belongs to.
- Roles
- The roles concerned by the requirement shall be defined in a specific field.
- If the requirement is concerned only by one role, it can appear in the scope and the title.
- If the requirement is concerned by several roles, they must not appear in the title and the scope.
- Priority
- The priority must be defined in a specific field accordingly to the following 4 levels :
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Optional
- The priority must be reflected in the scope and the title of the requirement using the muscow verb method :
- Tests
- The number of required test must be 1 at least.
- If the requirement does not need at least 1 test, it means the requirement is unusefull or poorly draft.
Requirements specification building guideline
- Nesting
- Requirements must be grouped by sections.
- A requirement must NOT have child requirements. Only sections can have child requirements.
- Sections can have child sections.
- More than three level of nested sections should be avoided.
- ID
- The ID of the section must reflect its hierarchical location.
- Obsolete section
- As a requirement must not be deleted, the specification must have an section dedicated to receive obsolete requirements.
- Other attributes
- Priority and Roles must NOT be defined for sections.