03 - Reporting

Report Test Session Process


  • The objective of the test session reporting are double :
    • provide the test session participant with a report of the outcome of the participation of the SUT in the test session. 
    • provide the certification body with a report of the test session.


  • The test session is closed and neither the participants nor the monitors can update or change any information on the tests performed during the session. All required test were graded by the monitors was performed during the test session and grading of the SUT was performed by the Test Session Manager


  • Inputs are the elements of testing (logs, reports, annotation, bug reports) that were recorded during the test session
  • Survey filled out by testers


  • The Test Session Manager generates and signs the SUT test report using the Gazelle Test Management application
  • The Test Session Manager writes a report to the certification body. The reports includes KPI about the test session


  • Test session report covered under accreditation send to the certification body
  • SUT test reports, signed by Lab Manager send to each SUT operators and to the certification body

All outputs are distributed under their electronic version (signed PDF). The electronic version of the document prevails