10 Connectathon Preparation Tips from the Pros

  This page shares 10 Connectathon Tips from vendors that have participated in the IHE Connectathon for many years


  1. SHED EXCESS BAGGAGE:  During Connectathon preparation, you may realize that you're signed up to test too much, or that you didn't finish development on the profile that was a stretch goal.  Send your Connectathon Manager a note requesting to drop that profile/actor so you can focus your efforts where you're sure to succeed. You can drop actors anytime from close of registration through connectathon week itself.

  2. SHARE:  Approve your system's configs in Gazelle Test Management.  Find your partners' approved configs and enter them into your system.

  3. STUDY FOR THE TEST: Read through the tests before you arrive on-site at the Connectathon.  Here are some tips on how best to do this.

  4. USE Rocket.chat (or other messaging tool):  Unless corporate policy prohibits the use of skype on your computer, get a skype account.  On the top of the gazelle home page under 'User Preferences', identify your skypeID.  While you are running a test with a partner that is 3 aisles away, you will find it efficient to use skype to communicate.

  5. GET TRAINED: View our training on connectathon process and use of Gazelle Test Management and other tools during connectathon week. Review the Training page.

  6. CHECK THE CHECKLIST:  In the weeks prior to the Connectaton, finish your preparatory tests.   Have you completed the items for your profiles?

  7. IDENTIFY TEST PARTNERS: Use gazelle to examine the list of systems registered for each profile that you are testing (menu Connectathon-->Registration Overview or menu Connectathon/Find systems). Identify a few potential partners for the first day or two of testing. This will enable you to hit the ground running at the beginning of the week.

  8. MAKE A CHEAT SHEET:  Write your configuration information on a business-card-sized piece of paper; include your system name, table #, your name & skypeID.  Make 50 copies.  During the Connectathon, when test partners approach you with a config question, it's very easy to hand them a copy...not all of your partners will have completed #2.

  9. IDENTIFY YOUR PRIORITIES / MAKE A PLAN. This item applies to companies testing many profiles.  You should decide which are most important to you.  Make a plan to ensure you complete 100% of tests for your top priority profiles, rather than 80% of tests for all profiles.

  10. ASK QUESTIONS:  If you're puzzled about some aspect of the connectathon process, ask questions now. Contact us!