30001: LTW Order Placer sends notifications

This test will be performed against the Order Filler part of the OrderManager Gazelle simulator. Here, we are only checking the initiator part of the Order Placer; that means that, in this test, your system is only asked to send messages to the simulator to create and cancel orders. The receiver part of the Order Placer (used to receive notifications from the Order Filler) is tested in the test #30002.

First step to perform: retrieve the configuration of the Order Filler to which send messages: 

  1. Go to the OrderManager simulator
  2. Log onto the application using the CAS login (it uses your Gazelle -European instance- credentials)
  3. Select the Laboratory domain (bottom-right drop-down menu)
  4. Go to Order Management --> Order Filler --> Order Filler configuration
  5. Select the character set encoding you will use to send messages to the simulator and enter the given configuration within your Order Placer.


The LAB-1 (Lab Placer Order Management) transaction defines three structures of messages (OML^O21^OML_O21, OML^O33^OML_O33, OML^O35^OML_O35). As an initiator in this test, you are free to use the structure  your system under test supports. Please, add a comment into the pre-connectathon test instance you have started to tell us which structures your system uses.

Your Order Placer is assumed to be coupled with a PAM actor, that means that you should be able either to enter a new patient/encounter into your system or to receive a new patient/encounter from a PAM/PDS or PAM/PES actor. If you need to populate your system with a patient and encounter using an external system, you are free to use the PAMSimulator tool to do so.

Order creation

  1. Enter a new order within your system under test
  2. Send a message to the Order Filler part of the simulator. ORC-1 must be valued with "NW".
  3. Go to the "HL7 messages" part of the simulator and retrieve the message you have sent. Click on the message id (left-hand column) to get its permanent link and the validation result.
  4. Copy and Paste the "permanent link to the test report" into Gazelle
  5. Go to Browse Data/All orders and retrieve the order you have sent. Copy and paste its permanent link into Gazelle

Order cancellation

  1. Within your system, cancel the previous order and send the notification to the simulator. ORC-1 must be valued with "CA".
  2. Go to the "HL7 messages" part of the simulator and retrieve the message you have sent. Click on the message id (left-hand column) to get its permanent link and the validation result.
  3. Copy and Paste the "permanent link to the test report" into Gazelle