Patient Manager tests

Pre-connectathon testing for systems implementing the PAM (Patient Administration Management) integration profile are perfomed against the Patient Manager simulator available at

Before starting your tests, please set up properly your system and/or give the correct information to the simulator in order to enable it to access your system under test. We also strongly recommend to read the documentation located at

Patient Demographic Suppliers

Read the configuration parameters of the Patient Demographic Consumer part of the simulator and configure your system to send messages to this part of the simulator. You will find this information following the menu: Patient Identification Management/Patient Demographic Consumer/Configuration and messages. Be careful to select the right character encoding before checking the receiving port. 

The messages you will send to the simulator will also be available on that page.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Demographic Consumers

Register your system under test into the Gazelle simulator following the menu SUT Configurations, then click on "Create a configuration". Select the SUT actor as "PDC" and select the encoding character set expected by your SUT otherwise your system will not be able to decode the messages. Make sure your system is available from the Internet and no firewall prevents Gazelle to access your tool.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Encounter Suppliers

Read the configuration parameters of the Patient Encounter Consumer part of the simulator and configure your system to send messages to this part of the simulator. You will find this information by following the menu: Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Consumer/Configuration and messages. Be carreful to select the right character encoding before checking the receiving port.

The messages you will send to the simulator will also be available on that page.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.

Patient Encounter Consumers

Register your system under test into the Gazelle simulator following the menu SUT Configurations, then click on "Create a configuration". Select the SUT actor as "PEC" and select the right encoding character set otherwise you may receive messages your system will not be able to decode. Make sure your system is available from the Internet and no firewall prevents Gazelle to access your tool.

The pre-connectathon test dedicated to your system is located here.