Generate and Share patient data

One of the numerous functionnalities of Test Management is called "Patient Generation and Sharing". This feature, available under the "Connectathon" menu, enables testers to generate patient demographics and to share them among systems registered within Gazelle for the same testing session. In this way, systems involved in a same test can be pre-filled with the same patients, the ones will be used during the test process.

List of patients

The first tab available in the "Patient Generation and Sharing" page is entitled "Existing patients". It list all the patients registered in Test Management, you can restrain the list of patients using the filters available in the table column headers. If you need to find a patient created by yourself, select your username in the "Select creator" drop-down list. 

For some of the patients, the "test keyword" column is filled, it matches the test keyword in which you have to use this patient. For instance, if you want to pre-fill your system for testing PIX, enter "PIX" in the filter box of the "Test keyword" column, you will get the list of patients to use for this set of tests.

Update patient data

Test Management enables you to edit a patient in order to update his/her demographic data. Actually, instead of updated the information in the database, a new patient is created with the new demographics and the original patient cannot be updated anymore. For the new patient, a link to the "original patient" is made. To access this feature, use the edit button displayed on each row of the table edit (except for patients already updated once).

Share a list of patients

Using the "Export as CSV file" link, below the table, you will get a CSV file gathering all the demographics data for all the patients displayed in the page. If you need patients displayed on several pages, please, before clicking on that link, increase the number of "results per page" in a manner that you will see all the patients you want to export.

In the same way, the Share patients button button at the bottom of the page enables you to share those same patients using an ADT message. See below for explanations about how to set the sending options.

Share a patient

The tab entitled "Share patient" is available only if at least one patient is selected. The purpose of this page is to send HL7 messages to the CAT participants in order to help them with sharing the same patients demographics. You will first have to select the message to send and then to select the systems to which send those messages.

Four HL7 message types are available in this section:

  • ADT^A01^ADT_A01 (HL7v2.3.1)
  • ADT^A04^ADT_A01 (HL7v2.3.1)
  • ADT^A28^ADT_A05 (HL7v2.5)
  • PRPA_IN201301UV02 (HL7v3)

Depending if you select a message with a version equals to HL7v2.x or HL7v3, the list of available systems will gather systems registered with respectively an HL7v2 Responder or HL7v3 Responder configuration approved within Gazelle. Those systems are listed by HL7 Responder actors. Select all the systems you need (by double-clicking on a system, it will pass from a box to the other). Once the systems, for a given actor, are selected, click on the "Add selection" button. The systems and their configurations will appear in the table below.

If the system you are looking for is not available in the displayed list or if you are using this functionality out of a connectathon period, you may want to manually enter the configuration of the system (IP address, port, receiving application/facility ...). To do this, use the form available in the right hand part of the screen.

You can use at the same time Gazelle and manual configurations. When all of them are selected, click on the "Send Message" button.

A table will then appears which gathers all the logs of the event. For each selected systems, the message sent by Gazelle and the acknowledgment received are stored there; so that you can see which systems received and integrated the message.

Generate a patient

This part of the tool is available under the "Generate patient" tab. The generation of patients' demographics and addresses is done calling the webservice offered by the Gazelle tool named Demographics Data Server (DDS). The generator can be configured to return or not such or such data. For instance, you might not want your patient to have a religion or a race but you want it to be called MY_COMPANY MY_SYSTEM. You can do that. Select the "random" option for the generation of names and fill out the first name and last name; also select the gender of the patient. Then, select the other criteria you want and click on the "Generate patient" button. After a while, the patient demographics will show up. 

If you want to immediate share the just generated patient, click on the "Share patient" button, available under the patient's demographics.

Permanent link

Each patient can be accessed using a permanent link. This one is available in the page gathering the data of a particular patient.

Quick search

Using the quick search box available beside your username at the top of the tool, you can search the patient by its name, first name (criteria: Patient by name) or by id (criteria: Patient by id).


For learning more about this functionality and seeing annotated screen shots, refers to the attached pdf file.