Image Displays some profiles are required to be able to calibrate a monitor according to the the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function (GSDF):
- CPI Image Display
- MAMMO Image Display
- DBT Image Display
- SMI Image Display
Connectathon-related Instructions
Ideally, the monitor calibration would be done during the Connectathon; however, we recognize that there are costs associated with shipping a monitor to the Connectathon.
(1) If you are testing an Image Display the CPI profile but not MAMMO, DBT, or SMI, as an alternative to shipping a monitor to the Connectathon you may:
- Perform the calibration in your home lab as described in test DICOMScope_ImageDisplay.
- Record a video of the calibration task as performed in your lab
- Bring the recording to Connectathon as evidence for this test in order to convince the Connectathon monitor that it was performed correctly. Then, you will not need to perform calibration on-site during the Connectathon.
- If you do not perform/record calibration in advance of Connectathon, you will be required to perform it on-site at Connectathon (with diagnostic-quality monitor and photometer provided by you) as described in (2) below.
(2) If you are an Image Display actor in the MAMMO, SMI or DBT profile:
- Perform calibration as described in (1) above. You are highly encouraged to do it in advance, as described. Otherwise, you will have to do that task during Connectathon week.
- Also, plan to bring a diagnostic-quality monitor and a photometer to the Connectathon. The test managers do not provide a photometer on-site. For these profiles, you must bring a diagnostic-quality monitor to Connectathon in order to perform the required display tests with your modality partner's images.
There is no evaluation for this informational 'test'. You will share you calibration results in the DICOMScope test.