HMW Simulator : Send a new prescription

How to create and send a new Prescription Order


If you decide to simulate the Prescription Placer actor, you will be able to access, to the Prescription Placer front page, see the tab below, which group all available action for the Prescription Placer actor.

prescription placer action table


In this section, we will see how to create and send a new Prescription Order to the other actors. First, choose, in the "Request Type" list : "New Order".

You can see that the level of prescription encoding is : "Encoded Medication" by default and can't be changed at this moment (see the HMW TF Supplement part It will be possible in further version of this simulator.

At last, the "Advance Prescription Notification" option can be ticked or not. Please see the HMW TF Supplement, part 4.2 for more details about this option.


Now that you have chosen your request type, you must select a Patient to begin the creation of a new prescription. To do that, you will have to hit this button button for patient selection. You will enter to the Patient Information tab panel below :


panel to manage patient

You can either generate a new patient information or select an existing patient with the button button for patient selectionin the Action column. Some filters are available in the header of the Patient data table, to make the patient search easier.

The basic information about your selected patient will be display just below the Available Patient data table.


selected patient information


Once your patient has been selected, you must select the medication(s) that you desire put in your prescription. Hit the "Select the medication(s) to prescribe to the patient..." button to go to the Medication Information tab panel. Use the action button add a medication to add a medication to your prescription and the button delete a medication to delete it. The medication list of your selected medication(s) appear below the medication table. Use the button delete a medication next to the "Selected Medication" title to empty the entire list.

As for the Patient data table, the Medication data table allows you to use the filter, locate in the data table header, to search a specific medication.

medication information tab


To go to the next step, hit the "Go to the prescription item(s) configuration page..." button.

In this tab panel, you will be able to configure some information linked to each prescription item (if you don't remember what is a prescription item, go to the end of this part). You can come back to the previous tab panel when you want, to add or remove a medication or select an other patient for example.

When your have finish the creation of your prescription, hit the "Send Prescription" button to send the New Prescription Order to the other(s) actor(s). In order to see the HL7 messages sent, go to see the last panel named : "Messages send and received by the Prescription Placer Actor.", at the end of the page.


prescription item configuration


(Don't forget : "One Prescription Order will be related to one patient, and may refer to a particular encounter (visit). It will contain one prescription, and this prescription refers one prescriber, and contains zero or more prescription items. A prescription item contains one medication item and zero or more observations." cf HMW TF Supplement part ).