
In this  test, we will evaluate a sample RAD-4 OMI message produced by your system.

Since CDS-OAT is a new profile, we do not yet have a tool to evaluate the specific requirements for RAD-4 in CDS-OAT, so we will validate your message using:

  • the Gazelle EVS Client tool to validate the base requirements for RAD-4
  • and, manual scrutiny of the message for requirement added for compliance to the CDS-OAT profile.

This is the same evaluation we will perform during the Connectathon.  This test enables you to prepare in advance.

  1. Capture a [RAD-4] OMI message as produced by your system.  Create a file containing the contents of that message.
  2. In the EVS Client tool, select menu IHE-->HL7v2.x
  3. Paste a copy of your OMI message into the tool and run the validator for RAD-4 OMI, HL7 v2.5.1.
  4. Find the permanent link to you validation reult
  5. Find the Permanent link to your validation result
  6. Paste the Permanent Link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.
Evaluation will be performed during Connectathon.
  • A monitor will examine the results from EVSClient (using the Permanent link you captured).   These are the baseline requirements for RAD-4.
  • A monitor will also do manual scrutiny of your OMG message using the requirements specific to CDS-OAT.  To see the evaluation criteria, find test "RAD-4_with_CDS_Scrutiny" on your Test Execution page in Gazelle Teste Management.  In the Evaluation section of that test, you will find the message segments and fields that we will look for in your message.