XCPD Responding Gateway - Developer Guide

Click here to enter the XCPD Responding Gateway Simulator

The web service responder of this simulator is http://gazelle.ihe.net/XCPDRESPSimulator-XCPDRESPSimulator/RespondingGatewayPortTypeImpl?wsdl.

Configuration of the simulator

You can configure the XCPD Responding Gateway Simulator if you connect as admin, then you can see a new menu, administration, that contains two others sub-menus, XCPD-RESP Configuration and Users Management. The menu Users Management lets you to configure users and roles. The menu Users Management lets you to configure parameters of the simulator. The homeCommunityID is very important to be specified, because the responding XCPD webservice  uses this value to filter messages which are not destinated to it. This page lets you also to configure the XUA behavior.

How to write tests involving XCPD Responding Gateway actor

When a test instance is created with the XCPD Responding Gateway Simulator as one of the test instance participants, Gazelle needs some additional information to be able to communicate with the tool. 

When you edit a test definition, for each step in which the XCPD Responding Gateway actor acts as the initiator of the transaction, you are expected to give the following information:

  • Transaction must be ITI-55
  • If the communications have to be secured, make sure you have checked the TLS option.

Communication with gazelle

This simulator can communicate with gazelle using webservices. This web service is http://jumbo-2.irisa.fr:8080/XCPDRESPSimulator-XCPDRESPSimulator/XCPDRESPSimulatorWS?wsdl. Each time a new testInstance began with this simulator, a webmethod from this simulator is called : startTestInstance, so the simulator can initiate a new TestInstance. The an other webMethod is called:  setTestPartnerConfigurations, the simulator can so know which system is communicating with it, and for what actor integration profile. At the end of the testInstance, an other webmethod is called : stopTestInstance. This allows the simulator to close the testInstance in its database, and set its status to completed.

Installation and Documentation

You can download sources of the XCPDRESPSimulator project from the INRIA Forge. This project required two additional modules: GSCommon-ejb and GSCommon-ui. Links to those sources are:





You can download these project using svn tool, as described here. The svn link to these projects are :




Javadoc relative to the XCPDRESPSimulator will be soon available.