Uploading a new sample

Creators of samples include DICOM Modalities, Content Creators of CDA documents, and other actors.  These systems upload samples into Gazelle so that they are available to their test partners.


To upload a new sample, select Gazelle menu Connectathon-->Connectathon-->List of samples

When you select your system from the dropdown list, the "Samples to share" tab shows a list of samples for which your system is a creator.  The list is based the profiles/actors in your system registration.     

To add a new sample, for click the green "+" button next to the sample type.



Give your sample a name as follows:




Next complete the "summary" tab, and on the "file(s)" tab, upload a file containing your sample.


When you have finished uploading your file and saving your sample, the sample entry in Gazelle will look like this: