[Deprecated] Patient Manager - PIX/PIXV3 Identity Cross-Reference Manager
Warning: This documentation is out-dated, newest version of the documentation is available at https://gazelle.ihe.net/gazelle-documentation
The Patient Manager tool integrates the Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager actor as defined in the PIX (Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing) and PIXV3 (Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing HL7V3) integration profiles.
That means that the tool is able to act
- as a receiver in the context of the Patient Identity Feed (ITI-8), Patient identity Feed HL7V (ITI-44), and Patient Identity Management (ITI-30) transactions
- as a responder of the PIX Query (ITI-9) and PIXV3 Query (ITI-45) transactions.
- as a sender of PIX Update Notification (ITI-10) and PIXV3 Update Notification messages
HL7v2 and HL7v3 endpoints
The configuration of the HL7V2 endpoint of the tool is available from menu PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager --> HL7v2 Configuration
The configuration of the HL7V2 endpoint of the tool is available from menu PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager --> HL7v3 Configuration
Patient Identity Feed / Patient Identity Management
If your system under test is a Patient Identity Source, it can send messages to our Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager. For each new patient received, the tool computes the double metaphone for its first name, last name and mother's maiden name. Then, it looks for similar patients. In our cases patients are similar if
- levenstein distance between first names is strictly lower than 2
- levenstein distance between last names is strictly lower than 2
- levenstein distance between mother's maiden names is strictly lower than 2
- Patients are of the same gender
- Patients are born the same month in the same year
If all those criteria are met, then, the two patients are cross-referenced.
PIX Manager
On ADT message reception, the tool will perform the following actions:
- Parse message and extract patient's demographics data
- Create, update, merge ... the patient according to the received event
- If necessary, automatically references (or unreferences) patients
- Send the acknowledgement
PIXV3 Manager
Currently, the manager only acknowledges the messages received in the context of the ITI-44 transaction. They are not yet integrated, this will come with a future version.
The Patient Identifier Cross-Reference manager actor integrated into the PatientManager implements the responder part of the PIX Query and PIXV3 Query transactions.
That means that it is able to answer to
- QBP^Q23^QBP_Q21
- PRPA_IN201309UV02
You can consult the list of available patients here (go to PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager --> Cross-References Management)
PIX/PIXV3 Update Notification
If your Patient Identifier Cross-Reference consumer supports the PIX/PIXV3 Update Notification option, you can send ADT^A31^ADT_A05 or PRPA_IN201302UV02 messages from the PatientManager.
Enter your system's configuration
If this is your first time in the application, you need to register your system under test in the tool.
Go to
- SUT Configurations --> HL7 responders, for PIX Update Notification (HL7V2)
- SUT Configurations --> HL7V3 Responders, for PIXV3 Update Notification (HL7V3)
and register your system as a Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Consumer actor.
Starting points
For PIX profile
Go to PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager --> [ITI-10] PIX Update notification
For PIXV3 profile
Go to PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager --> [ITI-46] PIXV3 Update notification
Configure the update notification
First, select your system under test in the drop-down list and check the configuration (at the right of the sequence diagram)
Then, select the list of domains you want to be sent by the tool.
Finally, select the patient you want to receive and hit the button. The message will be automatically sent to your system, including all the cross-referenced identifiers which match the set of domains you have selected.
Manually cross-reference patients
Although the tool automatically performs a cross-referencing of patients received from the patient identity sources, you may want to complete or correct the cross-references made to a patient. The tool offers a section to manage those referencies manually.
Starting point
Go to PIX/PIXV3 --> Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager --> Cross-references management.
Send notifications to a system under test
At the top of the page, you can choose to send PIX/PIXV3 update notifications to a system under test, each time you change the list of identifiers of a patient.
Each time you will add create/remove a cross-reference, the sending of a message will be triggered if the domains you have selected are concerned. At the bottom of the page will be displayed the messages exchanged with your system so that you can call the validation service to check the conformance of your acknowledgements with the specifications.
Cross-Reference patients
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon on a patient row will display that patient's information. The table at right lists all the patients which are referenced together with that patients.
To cross-reference other patients with the selected one, drag and drop their identifiers to the panel "selected patient".
To remove the reference between two patients hit the red minus icon.