NA Connectathon 2015 Resources

This is an archive page maintained for reference.

For information about the current IHE North American Connectathon, please visit the home page of this site.



IHE USA welcomes your participation in the North American Connectathon 2015.  This page points you to the resources you need to prepare and succeed!  Registration was open in gazelle from Aug 25 - Oct 3, 2014.

 Jan 2015 Connectathon Week Resources

One-stop-shopping for technical references used to support Connectathon testing.

 Schedule and Logistics

Schedule, fees, payment, badges, hotel, shipping info...

 Technical Preparation Resources

Registration, tools, network, digital certs, all stuff technical...

 Monitor Resources

Logistics, training, and resources for our wonderful volunteers!

 Training Resources

Tutorials, webinars, and how-to documentation.

 Weekly reminders

What should I be working on this week? Stay on-track with your preparation!