NA Connectathon 2015 Monitor Resources

Welcome! We gather resources here for our extraordinary volunteer monitors.

  1. Monitor Email list
  2. Logistics: Travel, Expenses, Non-Disclosure & Confict of Interest forms 
  3. WHERE & WHEN? Schedule, Gazelle, Table Assignments
  4. WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments
  5. HOW? Training Material
  6. IHE Technical Framework Documentation
  7. Ask Questions.  Get Help.
  8. Tools at Connectathon
  9. Our FAQ for vendor participants
  10. Nice video on the benefits of being a monitor
  11. Contact us

Monitor Email list

We use this google group to communicate with monitors:!forum/ihe-na-2015-connectathon-monitors


Please carefully review the following material:

If you have questions about travel or other logistics, Derek Czaplewski is happy to help.

WHEN & WHERE? Schedule, Gazelle & Table Assignments

The 2015 North American Connectathon, IHE's week-long interoperability testing event, is held at the Cleveland Convention Center

  • Monday January 26, 8:30-9:00am: Monitors should check in at the Cleveland Convention Center and get your monitor packet and badge. If you cannot arrive by 9am, don't worry; you can get your badge at the main Connectathon registration desk.
  • Monday 9am: The Connectathon managers will meet with the monitor group for a 20-minute welcome/announcement session at TBD meeting room
  • Monday 9:30am: Monitors find their table on the Connectathon floor and get hooked up to the network. The Connectathon managers will then turn their attention to welcoming vendor participants until testing starts at 10am.
  • Monday 10am - 5:30pm: Connectathon testing begins promptly at 10am
  • Tuesday, January 27
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Wednesday, January 28
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Thursday, January 29
    + 9am - 5:30pm Connectathon testing
  • Friday, January 30
    + 8am - noon Final Connectathon testing session
    Connectathon ends promptly at noon. No showcase testing follows; all participants are done!

Off-hours access:
+ Participants in the Connectathon will have support from staff (technical managers and volunteer monitors) during the Testing Session hours above.
+ The Connectathon testing floor is staffed by hotel security 24/7.
+ The Connectathon floor will be open at 7am Tues through Friday. Entry/re-entry will be allowed until 9pm each evening. No re-entry after 9pm. If you happen to be working very late, you will be asked to leave the Connectathon floor at 11pm.


Table Assignments show where monitors & tests systems will be located in January.

  • Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization.
  • Connectathon floor plan

WHO & WHAT? Monitors' Profile Assignments

  • Monitor assignments as of 2014.12.12:  excel 
  • Steve made this
  • Please contact Steve Moore if there is a problem with your assignment.

HOW? Training Material


Date-Time / Duration
All monitors

Connectathon monitor - process overview
- Monitor responsibilities
- Connectathon process for monitors
- Q&A

Gazelle walk-through
- How monitors use gazelle during connectathon week to verify tests. 

recording | slides

Monitor training Exercises:  Gazelle hands-on exercises

Jan 16, 2015





Monitors (except XDS, XCA, Security)

Gazelle proxy - Using the gazelle proxy for non-TLS message capture, forward, and validation

.mp4  and these Notes on proxy use 

also, this proxy help page

New monitors

Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework

This covers terminology used in IHE Technical Frameworks explains the structure of IHE documentation, and describes IHE's publication cycle. If you've never read IHE documentation before, you will find this background information helpful.

(Streaming link) (.mp4)

New monitors

Connectathon Terminology:
Definitions needed to understand using Gazelle during a connectathon (known to most returning participants; highly recommended for new participants & monitors)

(Streaming link) (.mp4)


All monitors

Using gazelle to review Connectathon tests

How to use gazelle to read test definitions for IHE profiles you're assigned to. (.mp4)

CDA monitors

CDA profile verification details:

-- Overview of CDA document testing procedure

-- Validation of CDA documents

Use the next as reference; do not read cover to cover

-- PCC_CDA_Document_Tests.xls

-- Health_Story_C-CDA.xls

-- PCC_CDA_Create_Document_Tests.pdf

-- PCC_CDA_Consume_Document_Tests.pdf

-- Health_Story_C-CDA_Create_Document_Tests.pdf

 -- Health_Story_C-CDA_Consume_Document_Tests.pdf

read the docs

XDS monitors

Overview of the XDS profile - for Connectathon monitors (Majurski)   recording | .mp4 

Using the NIST XDS tools - for Connectathon monitors (Majurski)   recording | .mp4  |  slides





Security monitors

-- ATNA testing overview (.mp4 | slides)

-- ATNA, BPPC, XUA, DEN, DSG tests (slides)

-- SeR testing scenario (slides)

ITI domain monitors

.mp4 recordings below provide an overview of the Connectathon tests in these profile "clusters":

-- XDS cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XDS.b, XDR, MPQ, DSUB, NAV)
-- PIXPDQ cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- PIX, PIXv3, PDQ, PDQv3, PDQm, PAM
-- ITI-DOCS cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XDM, XDS-SD
-- ITI-ETC cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- SVS, HPD, CSD, RID
-- XC cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- XCA, XCPD, XCA-I, XCF

-- XDW (.mp4 | slides)

RAD domain monitors

.mp4 recordings below provide an overview of the Connectathon tests in these profile "clusters":

-- SWF cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- SWF.b, IOCM, MAWF
-- Visual cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- MAMMO, DBT, SMI, NMI, PERF, DIFF, IID, CPI
-- RAD-Export cluster (.mp4 | slides) -- PDI, TCE 
-- SR cluster (.mp4 | slides) --  ED, REM, KIN, SINR, MRRT
-- XDS-I (.mp4 | slides
**optional** educational material for monitors

IHE 2014 Educational Webinar Series
IHE sponsored its annual educational webinar series during summer and fall. You will find overview presentations for each IHE domain as well as 'speciality' presentations on topics like security, cross-community sharing of healthcare information, etc. These presentations *are not* connectathon-specific.

multiple presentations available; duration varies
  Some of you may be interested in the training material we compile for vendor participants, but monitors do not need to review it. We collect participants' material on our Training Page.  


IHE Technical Framework Documentation

To prepare for the connectathon, we recommend you read the chapter in "Volume 1" for the profiles you are assigned to evaluate. Each IHE domain's Technical Framework is segmented into multiple volumes; Volume 1 contains the use cases the profile addresses, the process flow and a diagram of the actors & transactions in the profiles. The technical details of the transactions are not in Vol 1, and as a monitor, you do not need to be an expert at that level. If you are reading a Trial Implementation Supplement, you will see that the contents are separated into Volume 1 and Volume 2 within the supplement.

If you are not familiar with IHE documentation, we recommend you view the "Interpreting the IHE Technical Framework" video in the training section above before you read the documentation.

IHE publishes its documents, organized by domain, on the Technical Framework page of

Our FAQ for vendor participants

We have put together this FAQ with answers to questions we frequently receive from our vendor participants. You may find it informative.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk - Row A

      • Monitor logistics support

Network staff - (J31-J33)

Tool help - see next section

Steve Moore - (H31)

      • Monitor Technical Support
      • PCC, QRPH and HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading

Paul Sherman - (J21)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Eric Poiseau - (M27)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Lynn Felhofer - (M28)

      • ITI, RAD, CARD tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support

Tools - locations & support

Tools listed below are used to support testing during Connectathon week.

Training material on various tools is here:

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

ATNA - Syslog sender / collector / msg browser

Send, receive, validate audit msgs


Ralph (K37)

ATNA - TLS Tools

TLS client / server simulator


CDA validation




Andrew (H34)

C-CDA validation - Lantana Group

C-CDA HealthStory docs

Steve (H31)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end: 

IP addr / port:


Steve (H31)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page

Eric (M27)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)

Eric (M27)

DSUB validator

Abderrazek (G36)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator


PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)

Eric (M27)

WADO validator (XDS-I.b)

Abderrazek (G36) 

XDW validator

Abderrazek (G36)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)


Eric (M27)

Gazelle XDStarClient

Eric (M27) 

HPD tools

HPD validator

Abderrazek (G36) 

HPD Provider Directory Test Tool - Federation option testing


Order Manager simulator

Send HL7v2 orders


Patient Generation & Sharing simulator

Send HL7v2/v3 Patient Registration messages

Gazelle menu:  Connectathon--> Connectathon--> Patient Generation & Sharing


PCD tools

PCD profile testing


John (J25)

PIX/PDQ tools

Validate HL7v2/v3 PIX/PDQ msgs 

Rob (J36)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

under development


XDS Tools

 XD* profile testing


 Bill (G31)


This is a great welcome to new monitors captured on video. While it is was done by a SIIM board member at the beginning of Connectathon monitor training in 2009, his points about the benefits of your volunteer service stand true today. We invite you to watch this 5 minute video:

Contact Us

For help with logistics (travel, hotel, expenses), please contact Derek Czaplewski (
For questions about Connectathon processes & tools, or your assignment, contact Steve Moore.