Enable TM to access test reports in simulators

From version 1.25 of simulator-parent, a feature enables the simulator to offer a REST web service to other applications; the one returns an XML report for a given test performed between a SUT and the simulator. What we call a test here, is an exchange between the simulator and the SUT, that means a request and one (or more) response(s).

Actually, during the pre-connectathon testing period, connectathon managers need the vendor to return logs as evidence of their successful (or not) tests against tools. In order to enable the simulators to provide such a report, a REST web service has been put in place. Developers, in order to enable this feature in your simulator, you need to:

  1. extend the TestReport abstract class
  2. update the WEB-INF/web.xml file of your simulator
  3. check your database entries in app_configuration table

The report will be produced in respect with the xsd file available here.

Note that to produce such a report, your simulator must be able to perform the appropriate matching between request and responses.

1. extend the TestReport abstract class (package: net.ihe.gazelle.simulator.ws)

Your new class must extend TestReport and implement TestReportLocal. Do not forget to annotate your class with @Stateless (javax.ejb.Stateless).

Abstract methods to override are:

protected TestReport newInstance(String testId, String test);


This first method should return a TestReport object with at least all the required attributes populated. That means that this method should instanciate a new object, call the setTestResults() method and returns the newly created object. testId argument stands for the id of the test as defined by you and test is the kind of test (defined by you too) if your simulator support different kinds of test (for instance DICOM and HL7 exchanges might not be stored in the same table). Note that the "test" param is optionnal if your tool supports only one kind of test.

protected void setTestResults();

This second method is used to populate the attribute of the TestReport object using the information retrieved into the database using the testId and the test arguments given in the REST request. A Message structure is at your disposal to enter the different information retrieved for each message exchanged during the test.

 protected EntityManager createEntityManager();

 This last method is used to instanciate the EntityManager. As the REST web service is a stateless bean, you cannot use the EntityManager managed by Seam.

An example of such a class is available in the HL7Common-ejb module (see net.ihe.gazelle.HL7Common.ws.HL7v2TestReport).

2. Update the WEB-INF/web.xml file of your simulator

Add the following lines in the web.xml file of the WEB-INF directory of you WAR module:

<!-- REST web service --> 

Replace ${contextRoot} by the root context of your application (you can retrieve it in the pom.xml file of your EAR module) and replace ${RESTServiceName} by the name of the class you have created which implements TestReportLocal. If you have already a REST web service deployed, only complete the resteasy.jndi.resources  param by adding ${contextRoot}/${RESTServiceName}/local separate from the other parameterse by a coma.

3. check your database entries in app_configuration table

The methods implemented in TestReport abstract class require entries in your database. Before running the new feature, make sure the application_url and application_name values are stored in the app_configuration table of your application.

Finally, compile and deploy your application, if everything is OK you should be able to access http://localhost:8080/${contextRoot}/rest/Hello. Then you will be able to retrieve the test report using URL http://localhost:8080/${contextRoot}/rest/GetReport?id=3&test=DICOM for instance. 

Last tip, a static method from the TestReport class (buildTestReportRestUrl(Integer testId, String test)) can be used to build the URL to use to access the REST web service for a given object (identified by its id) and test (is optionnal if only one kind of test is supported by your tool). As an example see http://gazelle.ihe.net/OrderManager/message.seam?id=11 and http://gazelle.ihe.net/OrderManager/rest/GetReport?id=11