Library in SoapUI

SoapUI is is an web service testing application (SOAP and REST). A large documentation can be found on their website :

SoapUI provides options for scripting, using either Groovy or Javascript. You can find how to use it in SoapUI here :

Creation of a script library without SoapUI Pro


The goal of a script library is to store all your script in one place. It will help you organize you project, use your script in several project and share your library to other by exporting it.


To do so you need to create a project and/or a Test Suite (depending if you want to use your library only in one project or not) called “Library” and disable the Test Suite (that way it will not be launch by accident). You will put your script in it and you can organize them by creating several Test Case.


It’s important to encapsulate scripts in a class using the standard objetcs of SoapUI (log, context and testRunner) :

def MyClass{
	def log
	def context
	def testRunner

	def MyClass(logIn,contextIn,testRunnerIn)
		this.log = logIn
		this.context = contextIn
		this.testRunner = testRunnerIn

You can then add methods to the class.


The class need to be instantiate in the script :

context.setProperty( "MyClass", new MyClass(log, context, testRunner))

A script must look like this :

context.setProperty( "MyClass", new MyClass(log, context, testRunner))

def {
	def log
	def context
	def testRunner

	def MyClass(logIn,contextIn,testRunnerIn)
 		 this.log = logIn
  		this.context = contextIn
  		this.testRunner = testRunnerIn

	def ()

The script can be loaded in another Test Suite of the project like this :

scripts = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["Librairy"];
scripts.testCases["Librairy"].testSteps["MyClass"].run(log,testRunner, context);

If you want to use it in another project :

def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
def repository=currentProject.getWorkspace().getProjectByName("ProjectName")
repository.testSuites["Librairy"].testCases["Librairy"].testSteps["MyClass"].run(log, testRunner, context)

You can then call the method via a groovy script :


The same can be done with Test Step instead of scripts : you can add one in your library and you can run it via a groovy script using :

def library = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["Library"]
def step = library.testCases["MyTestSteps"].testSteps['MyStep']


Using properties in the Library


The use of properties in the library is a bit tricky :


If you use them in a script which is in you library, by default it will use the properties from the context of the test case calling the library. It’s a bit abstract so here a example :







In myMethod I want to store a propriety in the Test Case so I write :

testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( "MyProp", “someValue” )

If I called this method from “testScript” it will store “MyProp” in the test case “Test1” and not “Library”. If you want to store the properties in the Library you need to specify it :

def library = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["Library"].testCases["Library"]
library.setPropertyValue("MyProp", "someValue" )

It’s important to have that it mind because the Test Step will use the properties of the context where it’s at. So if you have a SOAP Request in your library and you access a properties using ${#TestCase#MyProp} , it will search the properties in the test case “Library” and not “Test1” unlike the groovy scripts.