

We use DICOM validator tools hosted in the Gazelle External Validation Service (EVS) to evaluate your DICOM objects.

In this test, Acquisition Modality, Lightweight Modality, or Evidence Creator systems evaluate samples of Composite Objects that you create using the DICOM evaluation tools available in the Gazelle External Validation Service (EVS).   This test also applies to actors such as Importers that modify objects originally created by other actors.

The number of evaluations you run depends on the types of images or SRs that you produce. We will not list specific requirements, but ask you to apply good judgment. For example, a CT scanner that produces Localizer and Axial images would evaluate samples from both of those image types. A CR device may evaluate an AP chest, a lateral chest and an image of a limb.  A Lightweight Modality might create a VL Photographic Image IOD or a Video Photographic Image IOD.

You must evaluate and provide the output for at least one DICOM Composite Object using '''one'' of the available validation tools.   If you support multiple profiles and create different DICOM IODs, you should validate each type. 

One or more of these tools may be available from within the Gazelle EVS.  (Note:  The links below are for resource pages for each tool.)

  • dcm4che
  • dicom3tools from David Clunie
  • dcmcheck from OFFIS
  • PixelMed  used for DICOM SRs, including SRs for the Evidence Documents, AI Results, REM, and REM-NM Profiles
    • NOTE:  The label for the PixelMed validator may  say "Dose SR", but it can be used for all DICOM SR oblects

Evaluating your objects using the different tools available as well as evaluating different objects can only help your implementation.

There are two ways to access the validators: (1) in the Samples area of Gazelle Test Management, or (2) directly in the EVS tool.  Either method may be used.

(1) Instructions for accessing the DICOM validators from the Samples area of Gazelle Test Management:

  1. Access Gazelle Test Management and log in.
  2. Select menu Testing-->Sample exchange
  3. Select your test system from the dropdown list
  4. On the 'Samples to share' tab, find the entry for 'DICOM_OBJECTS'
  5. Select the '+' and proceed to upload a DICOM file(s)
  6. Once the file is uploaded, you will be able to use the green triangle icon to call the DICOM validator in EVS.


(2) Instructions for accessing the DICOM validators in the Gazelle EVS Tool:

  1. Access the Gazelle EVS: https://gazelle.ihe.net/evs/home.seam
  2. Select menu IHE-->DICOM-->Validate
  3. Upload the file you want to validate.
  4. Then, select one of the DICOM validator tools from the dropdown list.  To get the best coverage, we encourage you to try multiple validators, as applicable.
  5. Click Execute.
  6. You will see your results. (to find them later, Select menu IHE-->DICOM-->Validation logs
  7. The tool identifies errors in your content.  Examine your results.
    -->You are finished with this test when you have either satisfied all of the errors detected by the tool. If you disagree with the results of the tool, you can write a short (1 or 2 line) description that describes why your object is correct and the DICOM tool software is in error.
  8. Find the Permanent link to the results

Finally, capture your results:

  1. Copy either the permanent link to your sample or the permanent link to your results in the EVS and paste the link as the result for this test in Gazelle Test Management. (This is also where you can comment on the results of the validation.)