Actors in the REM profile are required to create DICOM-compliant Radiation Dose SR objects. This applies to Acquisition Modalities and also to Dose Information Reporters that perform de-identification for transaction [RAD-63] Submit Dose Information
In this test, we validate your sample SRs using PixelMed's DoseUtility tool, one of the DICOM validators hosted in the Gazelle EVS tool.
- Access the EVS: https://gazelle.ihe.net/evs/home.seam
- Select menu IHE-->DICOM-->Validate
- Upload the Dose SR file you want to validate.
- Then, select Pixelmed from the dropdown list of DICOM validator tools
- Click Execute
Capture your results:
- Select menu IHE / DICOM / Validation logs
- Examine your results and find the Permanent link to the results
- Finally, paste the Permanent Link into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this test.
- You are finished with this test when you have either satisfied all of the errors detected by the tool. If you disagree with the results of the tool, you can write a short (1 or 2 line) description that describes why your object is correct and the DICOM tool software is in error.