LBL Simulator : User Manual Introduction

 Click here to access the LBL Simulator. 


This simulator can be an Initiator and a Responder.

As an initiator, this simulator is aimed to send messages to a responder. So, if your system is ready to listen and accessible from the Internet, you will be able to send some messages to it.

As a Responder, this simulator is aimed to listen messages from an initiator.

By now, this simulator can act as two different actors:

  • LB (Label Broker)
  • LIP (Label Information Provider)

The table below gathers the supported affinity domains, transactions and SUT actors.


Integration ProfileActorAffinity DomainTransactionSystem Under Test


 Label Broker





 Label Information Provider


 Label Information Provider





 Label Broker


What is this simulator able to do ?

This simulator has been developed with the purpose of helping the developers of actors, such as Label Broker and Label Information Provider, to communicate with the SUT actor.  We have tried to manage most of the cases, that means that, all (or almost) message types defined in the technical framework of the various supported affinity domains and transactions are offered. For each message type, we have tried to distinguish the required parameters from the optional ones, in order to help you with building the request or the query. Formatting of each field is not checked, so that you can test the robustness of your system by feeding it some with exotic values.


LBL Simulator has two differents options depending on Label Broker or Label Information Provider Actor. For each actors, you can send messages (when actors are initiators) to your SUT Responder. To do that, you must created your configuration (See the section below) on the System Configuration menu. All details concerning the LIP and LB simulators behaviours are given below.